"Tang Pin Ru ——!!!"

At this moment, Jiang Shixian was really angry.

As a man, he couldn't believe that his wife was really cheating in marriage.

She can accuse her of cheating in marriage, but she can't give herself the truth——!

Slander is a slander, after all, but he didn't think about lifting the helmet of tolerance on his head.

Therefore, he stood up angrily and pointed at Tang Pinru and said:

"You actually have something to do with this stinky boy? Do you still want to be faceless——!!! "

At this moment, where did Tang Pinru know what she was doing?

Now she is under mind control, and she has no idea what she has done.

And those lawyers looked at this scene, and they couldn't help but be stunned at the moment.

Lying groove, the things in the family of this Jiang Vice City Cardinal Committee are too bloody, right?

Even if Tang Pinru really cheated, she really liked this young man named Ye Liang, there was no need to say it at this time, right?

Shouldn't she be suffering from loss of heart and madness?

Or is she really in love with this young man to this extent?!

For him, willing to give up everything ?!

But this young man is obviously not alone with the young man in the previous photo.


Seeing that the Purple Heart Female Emperor had not yet made a move, Ye Liang was a little anxious.

If Tang Pinru holds him again, he will not be able to suppress it.

Looking at the aura that controlled Tang Pinru in front of him, he moved his heart and grabbed his hand towards the aura above Tang Pinru's head.

"Guiyuan ——!"

The purple spiritual power that was originally attached to the top of Tang Pinru's head was grabbed by Ye Liang's hand, and it instantly decomposed and turned into the most original spiritual spiritual power.


The spell was broken, and Mirage couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

"What's wrong with you? You okay?!! "

Suddenly someone vomited blood, which startled several lawyers around.

Even Jiang Shixian, who was still angry, couldn't help but be a little alarmed when he saw that the immortal master he invited actually vomited blood.

At this moment, he couldn't even care to express his anger to Tang Pinru.

After all, his affairs are not comparable to the things of this powerful immortal master.

"Master Mirage, what's wrong with you?!!"

He asked Mirage.

Mirage didn't have time to care about him, he just cast his gaze tightly towards Ye Liang:

"You... Are you an immortal cultivator——!!! "

He pointed at Ye Liang and said angrily.

"Immortal cultivator?"

Jiang Shixian's gaze looked towards Ye Liang, and his expression couldn't help but change greatly:

"Master Mirage, you, you're not joking, are you? This kid is just a hairy boy, how can he be an immortal cultivator? "

"Did you make a mistake?!"

He couldn't possibly believe that Ye Liang would be an immortal cultivator.

Ye Liang was just a child of a poor family from a single-parent family.

He had already asked about this.

He couldn't be an immortal cultivator——!!!

He couldn't be an immortal cultivator——!!!

And hearing Mirage's shout, Jiang Yurou understood even if she was stupid, combined with the current situation.

Just now, it was not his father who was casting a spell on his mother, but this guy named Mirage.

It must have been Ye Liang who broke his spell just now to make him vomit blood.

It is said in the novel that if a spell is broken, it will make people be eaten back.

Moreover, his father could not see that Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator.

But this mirage shouted out...

What the hell is going on here?

Where did his father meet the immortal cultivator?

Why would he use an immortal cultivator against his mother?!!

"You are an immortal cultivator, Ye Liang, right——!!! right?"

Mirage stared at Ye Liang at the moment and glared at him angrily:

"You dare to spoil me for good deeds? Do you know who I am——!!! "

There are not many people who defect from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and there are not a few who do not know each other.

Therefore, he suspected that Ye Liang was also the one who defected from the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

However, Ye Liang did not know what his identity was.

They were all defectors, but he was also not something that ordinary defectors could afford to mess with——!


Ye Liang ignored him.

Because naturally someone will teach him a lesson next...

At this time, he only cared about Tang Pinru.

His own method of returning to the yuan is to turn all spells or substances into the most original energy particles, and I don't know if this has any effect on Tang Pinru.

"Aunt Tang, are you all right?"

He asked Tang Pinru.


By the time Ye Liang broke the mind control method, Tang Pinru had already returned to his normal state.

At this moment, she recalled what she had done before, and she couldn't help but look ugly.

"Just now, what happened to me, how could I do those things? How could I say those words?! "

She looked incredulous and asked Ye Liang.

"Auntie, you take this talisman first and stand aside."

"Ye Liang... This...... What is it......? "

Tang Pinru still didn't understand the situation.

Why did you do those things just now?

As if he had fallen for some kind of evil magic?

Could it be Jiang Shixian?

What evil law did he let this man plant for himself?

Immortal cultivator?

What is an Immortal Cultivator?

Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator?

At this moment, she felt that her three views had exploded a little.

What is this talisman in your hand?!!!

"Mom, you... You come first. "

At this time, Jiang Yurou almost couldn't help but tell her secret.

Before Ye Liang exposed him as an immortal cultivator in front of her, she couldn't act too calm.

Therefore, she now pretended to be shocked and forcibly calm, not only that, but also let Tang Pinru also come to her side.

The mirage's gaze stared at Ye Liang deadly, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand.

He spoke again:

"Ye Liang, dare to take care of my affairs, so that I will be injured by the spell, how do you want to die——!"

If it was just now, he really couldn't take Ye Liang.

But now, Ye Liang helped Tang Pinru and already belonged to the person who stood on Tang Pinru's side.

And he had the qualifications to attack Tang Pinru, and now he naturally had the qualifications to attack Ye Liang.

In the face of the threat of mirage, Ye Liang naturally did not pay attention to it.

He just casually asked:

"Hehe, you want me to die, have you asked her?"


Mirage's gaze looked left and right, but he didn't see who was there, and he couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, boy, who are you trying to scare? Where are she you talking about?! "

In his opinion, Ye Liang must have broken his spell and was afraid of being retaliated by him, so he deliberately said someone who did not.

I want to bluff him.

Otherwise, if he is congenital, who can be invisible in front of him?

Can this Ye Liang still call out the Purple Heart Female Emperor?

Hahaha, no kidding——!!!

"Isn't it right here?"

Ye Liang said casually.

"Where? At...... Uh——!! "

As Ye Liang's words fell, Mirage didn't wait for another taunt.

I saw a purple light flashing...

In the aura that mortals could not see, three figures slowly emerged.

For mortals, this is the sudden appearance of three people in the house.

Three people suddenly appeared in the room, which would frighten people.

However, seeing this, the three people who appeared instantly burst out with a powerful aura.

This aura was like an invisible wind, coercing towards the surroundings, and everyone was shocked before they had time to be frightened.

The two on the left and right were both women in battle armor, one tall and thin, the other short and fat, both extremely ugly.

However, it is precisely because the two of them are so ugly that the woman standing between them looks so beautiful.

Even the most beautiful people need to be set off.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor may stand out among the beauties, but with the background of these two ugly women, she looks like the real Phoenix Dance Nine Days.

Beauty is proud, glamorous and cold——!

The Purple Heart Female Emperor appeared, and endless coercion was released in all directions.

Although they are protected by the laws of the earth as earthlings, those coercion cannot hurt them.

However, human instincts can still feel that this coercion really exists.

It is difficult to breathe, and the invisible and qualityless coercion is simply like a pitch-black storm, making it difficult to dodge——!

"Purple... Purple Heart... Female Emperor?!!! "

At this moment, Mirage couldn't help but be stunned.

He couldn't believe that the Purple Heart Female Emperor would actually appear here.

Why is the power of the golden pill, the honor of the first realm, appear here?

Was it just because he wanted to arrest the defector?!!

After the Purple Heart Female Emperor appeared, the two women beside her Shangguan Wuyan and Shen Wuyan stared at Mirage at the same time.

"Bold rebellion, see Her Majesty the Female Emperor, and quickly kneel down to die?!!!"

The powerful coercion directly pressed towards the mirage.

Mirage was so frightened that the whole person knelt directly on the ground.

"Her Majesty the Female Emperor spares her life, Her Majesty the Female Emperor spares her life——!!!"


At this moment, several lawyers in the hall felt that their heads were a little short-circuited.

This, what is the situation?

Which one is this?

Where did this female emperor come from?

What immortal cultivator?

How did they come out?

Why do they look so scary?!!!

"Mirage Immortal Master, you... What happened to you? Why are you kneeling this woman? Who is she?!!! "

At this moment, Jiang Shixian was also a little confused.

His biggest reliance is this mirage immortal master, a strange person with immortal law in his body, who can be called an immortal.

But now, this immortal master actually knelt down and begged for mercy for this young woman who suddenly appeared?

Also call her a female emperor?

What is this plot again?

I don't understand a little——!!!

"Daring, Her Majesty the Purple Pole Fairy Star Female Emperor has personally arrived, and you mortals are still kneeling down quickly?!!"

Mirage Xiong had long been frightened and crying by the Purple Heart Female Emperor who suddenly entered at this moment.

He didn't get it.

Among the defectors, he was not particularly important, how could the female emperor find him so quickly.

Saying that, he was going to forcibly use a spell to make the people around him kneel down in order to please the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

However, the next moment...

He was depressed.

If he wants to make a move against Jiang Shixian, he needs to challenge his shamelessness first.

He wanted to challenge several other lawyers to challenge their legal expertise?!!

He can't compare to any of them.

I wanted to make a move against Tang Pinru and Jiang Yurou, but with Ye Liang protecting them at this moment, he couldn't possibly make a move against them...

In particular, he was very embarrassed now.

He knelt alone?!!

How bad do you guys give some face——!

Follow me on your knees?!!!

"Ye Liang, I wonder what you plan to do with him?!"

However, just when the look of fear on Mirage's face was waiting for the Purple Heart Female Emperor to fall.

What shocked him even more happened.

He saw that the Purple Heart Female Emperor actually bowed to Ye Liang beside her:

"Ye Liang, this is my defection from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, he offended your people, I don't know what you want to do with him?!"


The Purple Heart Female Emperor has just returned to the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and with the power of one person, she has caught the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star's distant immortal domain to a peerless strongman in the solar system.

At this moment, you are actually saluting a person?

She's saluting a man?

This, how is this possible——!!!

Mirage's gaze turned towards Ye Liang, with an incredulous look on his face.

He couldn't believe that a Lord of the First Realm like the Female Emperor, the Venerable of the Purple Star, would salute Ye Liang.

What is Ye Liang's identity?!!!

Jiang Yurou: Of course, Immortal Venerable——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was the one who was the most shocked among everyone present.

She didn't expect that Zhao Ziyan was actually an immortal cultivator?!!

Moreover, listening to the guy called Mirage shouting, what kind of female emperor is she?

What female emperor of the purple polar fairy star?

Although I don't know what the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star is, she must be much stronger than what Earth Governor——!!!

Zhao Ziyan was actually so sunny?!!

Even if this is the case, she has to salute Ye Liang, then, how powerful is Ye Liang?!!!

Remember, Ye Liang said that his cultivation seemed to be an Immortal Venerable who had crossed the Tribulation Period.

The Immortal Venerable of the Tribulation Period...

I don't know how much Ye Liang's cultivation is now, and how much worse Zhao Ziyan is than the Dudu Tribulation Period.

She was actually willing to give Ye Liang one of her girlfriends, and she was still subordinate.


Ye Liang's gaze looked towards the mirage, and saw that the mirage was still looking at him in shock at the moment.

It seemed that they couldn't believe that their Purple Pole Immortal Star's female emperor Majesty would actually salute him, a little innate cultivator.

To be honest, Ye Liang was also quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Purple Heart Female Emperor actually gave herself face like this.

I'm going to float.

[What's there to ask about this kind of thing, should you... Actually, there is no way to do anything to Mirage, right?

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?! 】

Ye Liang: ...

Hearing Ye Liang's heart, the Purple Heart Female Emperor's face was embarrassed.

Because, she really can't do anything to Mirage.

She, Shangguan Wuyan, Shen Wuyan, and the three of them all failed to challenge Mirage's specialty items.

It was clear that they would come to help Ye Liang deal with things, but after the three of them came out, they pretended to force it, but they couldn't make a move.

She pretended not to know Ye Liang's heart, and said to Ye Liang:

"Apologies, Ye Liang, originally I wanted to do something to Mirage, but I failed to challenge his specialty, and Shangguan Wuyan and Shen Wuyan also failed."


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel strange.

His gaze looked towards the mirage who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

What is his specialty?

Actually let all three of them fail?!


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