Hearing the Purple Heart Female Emperor say that she couldn't make a move, Ye Liang was speechless for a while.

: I thought that with a female emperor of the Golden Pill period with me, I would be invincible.

As a result, I still have to make a move.

Thinking so, he still said to the Purple Heart Female Emperor in his mouth:

"In that case, then I'll make a move, fortunately, he is only a congenital mid-term, if I try my best, I should still be able to deal with it."

Purple Heart Emperor: Uh...

God is trying his best to deal with a congenital mid-term, is it necessary for you to be so low-key?

Do you really think that I will believe one word of what you say?

In terms of your strength, you have to do your best to deal with the innate mid-stage?

I'm afraid you're going to laugh me to death——!!

What you think in your heart is true——!

At this time, she was listening to Ye Liang's heart.

[But the laws of the earth actually trapped you? 】

Purple Heart Emperor: ...

"Hey, you guys are so dish. 】

Purple Heart Emperor: I'm so dish, I'm really sorry.

[I wanted to give you the qualifications of the Buddha-figure to strike at Mirage. 】

[But anyway, the laws of this earth have no effect on the Buddha-figures at all. 】

[When the Buddha-figure wants to make a move, he can naturally make a move... What qualifications do I need? 】

[If the Buddha-figure wants to make a move, why does he need the earth to allow it?! ] 】

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Ye Liang Boss 66666——!!!

[Does the law of the earth dare to allow Buddha-figures?!! 】

Ye Liang: ... Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, I'll ask you, if you don't pretend to be forced for a day, will you die?!

If you don't pretend to be forced, will you die?!!!

Will it die?!!

Believe it or not, if the Purple Heart Female Emperor hears your voice now, she will tear me apart.

It seems that I can break through this law of the earth...

If I want to be able to break through, what will come early, long ago?

No matter, in short, it's very powerful.

This is a law that even Jindan can trap, and no one knows where the upper limit is.

I am just a priori now.

Day by day, I only know how to load, and I don't know how to brush more rewards out.

And the Purple Heart Female Emperor didn't know Ye Liang's true thoughts.

Listening to the mockery in Ye Liang's heart, the Purple Heart Female Emperor was also a little embarrassed.

Is this law of the earth really good to break through?

Or are you really too dishful?

In front of Ye Liang, is he really worthy of the title of female emperor?

He won't listen to himself being called a female emperor every day, and he is actually secretly laughing in his heart.

It's embarrassing——!

Such a terrifying law of the earth, he can't have the slightest violation, in front of him, it is actually just a small law.

Oh my God——!!!

How strong is Ye Liang?

His real cultivation is to pinch Jin Dan as an ant.

No, perhaps, he didn't bother to pinch Jindan.

He guards the earth every day, but he has no sense of where the crisis on the earth is.

The gap between himself and him is no longer a gap in the realm, it is simply a gap between levels, right?!

Just like ants never know what a person is doing, no matter how high he is in the Purple Pole Immortal Star, he is just an ant in front of him.

He said that his own food should be done.

In front of him, who dares to say no?

Ye Liang didn't know what kind of terrifying and powerful existence the Purple Heart Female Emperor imagined him at this moment.

But in front of him, the congenital middle stage is really not good.

As long as it is a congenital period, in front of him, he is a rookie waiting to be anti-dead——!!!

That's right, it's so ruthless.

When he was still in the refining period, he had already ruled the innate period.

Hearing that the Purple Heart Female Emperor said that there was no way to make a move against this mirage, Ye Liang had to stand up.

In fact, it is not impossible for him to give the qualification to attack the Hyder Emperor and let the Purple Heart Emperor deal with the Mirage.

But, if you think about it, is there a rookie chicken that can let yourself be abused?

Why give it to someone else, huh?!!

It's rare to have a few opportunities in life to abuse vegetables.

Looking at Mirage who was still kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

He said with some pretense:

"You can also see that your female emperor has handed over the power to dispose of you... Cut yourself, don't let me do it, you will regret it. "



Originally, Mirage was shocked that the Purple Heart Female Emperor would actually give Ye Liang a salute, but now when he heard Ye Liang's words, he suddenly became frightened.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor is unparalleled in the world, with her cultivation, why do she need to salute anyone?

However, just now she saluted this Ye Liang.

If this Ye Liang were not stronger than the Purple Heart Female Emperor, there would never be such a thing.

He offended someone stronger than the Purple Heart Female Emperor, moreover, he still offended him fiercely.

Controlled in his face who he would like to call an elder?

Moreover, he was also unruly about him?!!

God, am I more than dead?

I'm afraid, I can't survive, I can't ask for death——!!!

I thought that my end would be miserable——!!!

He actually just let himself cut himself?!

This, this is simply a gift of arrogance——!!!

God, Ye Liang was actually so kind and benevolent.

No, I have to die quickly——!!!

Otherwise, it's too late to regret it later.

As an immortal cultivator, his previous pleas for mercy were not simply afraid of death.

Compared to death, he was more afraid that if he fell into the hands of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, he would be better off alive than dead.

Obviously, if it fell into Ye Liang's hands, his fate would only be worse.

Unthinkably miserable.

Extremely frightened, he quickly said:

"Yes, yes, yes, thank you senior, thank you senior, I will die, this will die——!!!"

After speaking, he did not hesitate to trigger the true yuan of his whole body, and he was about to break himself on the spot.

Looking at him, it was as if he was afraid that Ye Liang would repented of giving him death.

I saw that Mirage's whole body was swollen, and the next moment, his whole person was about to explode.


Looking at this scene, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little speechless.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor is really as ruthless as rumored.

With just a casual sentence, he scared this guy to the point of blowing himself up.

It is enough to prove that the power of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is really extraordinary.

She is willing to be so good to herself, and he can be kind to her in the future.

Being a man, knowing how bad it is.

However, let him blow himself up here, how can that work?

He quickly frowned and said:

"Go outside and don't dirty people's houses."

"Yes, yes——!!"

Mirage, who was about to self-detonate, did not dare to disobey at all, and the whole person rushed out, directly rushed to the entrance, and flew towards the sky.


Looking at Ye Liang's matter of just one sentence, it made Mirage Xiong frightened himself directly.

Moreover, he looked afraid that he would not die fast enough.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor, Shangguan Wuyan, and Shen Wuyan's three daughters couldn't help but gasp.

I don't know what terrifying killing intent Ye Liang unleashed on Mirage at that moment just now.

will have such an effect...

I don't know if they can hold on in the face of Ye Liang's killing intent.

Will it also be frightened and eager to die.

Horrible, really terrible——!!!

Compared to the shock of the three daughters of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, the shock of the surrounding mortals was also not small.


The sudden appearance of the three Purple Heart Female Emperors just now was shocking enough.

Now, several lawyers watched this man named Mirage run out of the house and fly into the sky...

All of them were dumbfounded.

At this moment, even those who don't believe it anymore will inevitably have a thought in their hearts.

This...... Is all this true?!!!

They saw everything that had just happened.

Although they couldn't see the spiritual power of the immortal family, they were not blind.

Three people suddenly appeared, and now another person suddenly flew into the sky.

If this is magic, then this magic is also too outrageous——!!!

They cast their gazes towards Ye Liang with an incredulous expression.

"This... This is...... What the?!!! "

However, Ye Liang didn't have time to pay attention to them at all.

He just looked at the sky a little apprehensively...

Just now, he was a fox fake tiger demon, he pretended to force it, and let people cut themselves.

But, what if the guy runs away?

At that time, it will be embarrassing for the Purple Heart Female Emperor to stop people back.

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor just saw her eyes looking towards Ye Liang, with an incredulous expression.

Could it be that Ye Liang could actually have perception on Earth?!

The law of the earth suppresses immortal cultivators too much.

But it's not just that the law is not visible in front of people...

On Earth, immortal cultivators can basically only act on their own instincts.

What kind of perception ability such as divine consciousness has been suppressed to the limit.

Even if she is a Jindan female emperor, what her eyes can't see, she can't perceive.

Unless the opponent is in a state of breath leakage, that is, a normal battle, or a spell casting state.

This is the privacy protection of ordinary people under the laws of the earth.

Otherwise, she would have already found out all the rebellions of the Purple Pole Immortal Star one by one.

However, Ye Liang's eyes were still looking at the sky at the moment, as if he was holding back his anger.

It seemed that if that mirage dared to escape under Ye Liang, he would definitely kill him in an instant.

And where does the mirage who is flying out dare to escape?

A Purple Heart Female Emperor can already make him worse alive than dead.

A terrifying man who made the Purple Heart Female Emperor salute set his sights on him, how could he not expect to have the luxury of having a chance to survive?

Now, he only hoped that he could die quickly, and not be caught by Ye Liang, it was better to live than to die.

As soon as he flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, he directly detonated all his true yuan.

【3、2、1——! 】

At this moment, a countdown sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

Before Ye Liang could figure out what this countdown sound was, the next moment ——!


Tens of thousands of meters in the air, a terrifying explosion suddenly sounded.


This terrifying explosion was like a thunder that shook the earth.

A blazing purple light appeared in the sky, and after flashing for a moment, the next moment, the purple light began to skyrocket wildly.

The power of the cultivator's self-explosion is far stronger than the strongest attack that the cultivator's own strength can exert.

Fortunately, the range of the cultivator's self-explosion can be controlled, and the more condensed the range, the greater the power.

Even, if it is condensed to the extreme, it may cross the level and hurt people...

Therefore, the power range of the mirage's self-explosion is actually only a few kilometers.

However, the huge aura on his body was released at this moment, turning into a huge purple hole of light.

The clouds in the sky were so impacted, not only did they not disperse, but they were attracted towards the purple hole of light.

The terrifying sound did not come from inside the light hole at all, but the explosion of the air in the sky when it was suddenly sucked away by the light hole.

At this moment, the entire sky over Jiangzhou seemed to have been cast a black hole.

Of course, the power of a real black hole is not so small.

It's just similar.

After Mirage blew himself up because of his fear of Ye Liang, a huge storm appeared in the sky above, pressing down heavily towards Jiangzhou below.

At this moment, the entire sky of Jiangzhou turned into a dim color, as if it was a scene of doom.

Everyone looked at the sky with a look of horror.

Looking at the huge ball of light that was slowly shrinking...

"What is that?"

"Wouldn't it be a nuclear bomb?"

"No... No, how can there be a nuclear bomb here?!!! "

Pedestrians on the road turned pale with fright.

The movement here naturally immediately caused a world-level shock.

Satellite broadcast, news notifications, evacuation ads, speculation news.

For a while, all the previous content was covered.

Almost all over the world saw this apocalyptic scene at this moment.

In the sky, an airplane happened to be within range of that ball of light.

Faced with this terrifying apocalyptic scene, everyone on the plane thought they were dead.

However, when a huge shock hits.

The violent wind rushed into the plane, but miraculously disappeared.

As if those currents were fake, so were the apocalyptic scenes.

This is the mysterious law of the earth protecting everything on earth.

As long as it is not allowed, any attack from an immortal cultivator cannot harm all living beings on earth.


At this time, everyone in Jiang Yurou's family came outside the house, also watching everything that happened in the sky.

Everyone present witnessed ——!!!

If others don't know what happened, then as long as they have read the novel, they will associate a little, and they can probably guess what happened to the explosion in the sky.

I haven't read the novel...

As long as you are not stupid, you can think that this must have something to do with what happened before.

The one named Mirage suddenly swelled like a balloon and looked like it was about to explode.

As soon as he flew into the sky, such a scene appeared in the sky.

This scene must be related to him.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone looked at Ye Liang and the three daughters of the Purple Heart Female Emperor with shocked eyes.

"God... God...... Immortal?!!! "

A lawyer couldn't help but kneel to Ye Liang.

That mirage could actually cause such a terrifying scene like a nuclear bomb, but he, seeing the Purple Heart Female Emperor, did not dare to resist, and directly knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, the Purple Heart Female Emperor wanted to salute Ye Liang again.

In this way, how terrifying this young man is, does it still need to be said?!!!


(Thank you for your support daily, the content has been changed, start today, and ——! )

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