
At this moment, Tang Pinru was really angry by Jiang Shixian's words.

In contrast, Jiang Yurou's reaction was more flat.

Although what Jiang Shixian said was really too scum, if it was angry, it was really Ye Liang, the bastard, who was more angry.

After following Ye Liang for so many days, Jiang Yurou now feels that even if she encounters something that is angry, she will not be angry.

Who can imagine the feeling of blowing up once or twice every day?

Jiang Yurou even suspected that her lungs had been forged into iron lungs.

Although his father is shameless and disgusting, he wants to be angry with himself, and he is almost angry.

However, she naturally had to help her mother speak.

At this time, who is right and who is wrong, the blind can see it.

So she said directly:

"Dad, can you please say it again? You just said that you have been single-minded to my mother in your life, saying that my mother is cheating... Is it serious? "

At this time, she had already squeezed the mobile phone in her hand.

"Of course it's true——!"

Jiang Shixian affirmed:

"I, Jiang Shixian, have acted rightly and sat up straight in this life, not like some women, hmph, tui——! Don't ——!!! "


Seeing that Jiang Shixian was still biting himself madly at this time, at this moment, Tang Pinru was really angry.

She didn't believe it yet.

A person can really, really not face to this extent.

He was obviously abnormal just now, and he must have been harmed by Jiang Shixian.

But now, he could actually say such slander words in such a serious way.

"Jiang Shixian, do you still want to face? Those things just now, obviously you slandered me, I was not mentally normal just now, any derailment, all made up by you, there is no actual evidence at all——!! "

Tang Pinru said angrily to Jiang Shixian.

"Hahaha... Listen to a few of you. "

Jiang Shixian's gaze looked towards the few lawyers behind him:

"Just now, you saw her admit it with your own eyes, and you also saw her throw herself into Ye Liang's arms, and now, she said that I slandered her.

Is this what people say?

Isn't this bullying honest people?

You say, right?!!! "

Hearing this, several lawyers couldn't help but look strange.

Indeed, this is a bit too bullying for honest people.

If you want to divorce and leave, you have already admitted it, why say that he slandered you?

Is it interesting?

With Ye Liang there, although several lawyers did not dare to say what they thought in their hearts, they already meant this when they looked at Tang Pinru's eyes.

And noticing the strange eyes of these people, Tang Pinru was also speechless.

Depressed to death.

Even if she says that she was controlled just now, who will believe it?

If they can believe that they are controlled, then they can also believe that Jiang Shixian is controlled.

The appearance of immortals has turned many things in this world into unsolvable problems.

Unless, Ye Liang opened his mouth and proved that he was controlled just now.

Ye Liang should know the truth...

Just now he didn't know what he had done, and he suddenly came to his senses.

But, even if Ye Liang spoke, what could he do?

If he is an immortal, it is unknown whether what he says is believed or feared by others.

However, at this time, there was no need for Ye Liang to speak.

Jiang Yurou had already said:

"Okay, good, Dad, I originally wanted to turn my face with you, but I didn't expect that you could be so shameless, white you can say black, black hard say white... This is the last time I will call you dad, you shameless dad, don't do it——!!! "


When Jiang Shixian heard this, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Yurou angrily:

"What do you say? The evidence is conclusive, the facts are there, do you have to help your mother?!!!

For the sake of this shameless woman, you don't even recognize your father?!!! "

"Poof... Hahahaha..."

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou laughed like a person on TV.

Feeling that this laughter seemed to be a little embarrassing, she put away her smile, turned to Tang Pinru and said:

"Mom, I support you, not just because you are my mother, but because I have evidence... I'm sorry, I haven't brought out the evidence before, because I thought I could still give Jiang Shixian a chance to correct... I also wanted to take it out at a suitable time to make you less uncomfortable, but I didn't expect it, but I made you feel wronged..."


Listening to Jiang Yurou's voice, Tang Pinru immediately grasped the point:

"What evidence?"

"It's evidence that Jiang Shixian cheated on an eighty-year-old woman——!!!"

Jiang Yurou said.

"Groove ——!!!"

At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Several lawyers couldn't help but cast their gazes towards Jiang Shixian with a shocked expression.

It was the third daughter of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, who also looked at Jiang Shixian in shock.

For the earth, the people on the Purple Pole Immortal Star have naturally known about it.

After all, the Earth was originally a place that the people on the Purple Pole Immortal Star were prepared to use as a springboard.

So, they know what an eighty-year-old woman looks like on Earth.

That's basically someone who is already about to enter the soil, right?

Eighty years old, this man can actually get his hands on it?

This, the taste is too down-to-earth, right——!!!

The three of them came to Jiang Yurou's house today, and they felt that the melons they ate here at once were more than the melons they had eaten in the Purple Pole Immortal Star for a thousand years.

And the amount is full.

It's just that this plot is a little disgusting.

Eighty years old?

"Jiang Yurou, what are you talking about——!!!"

Hearing Jiang Yurou say that he was cheating, Jiang Shixian was really a little panicked.

But hearing Jiang Yurou say that his cheating object was an eighty-year-old woman, he immediately relaxed.

Although Wang Aili is a little older, she is only almost sixty, and she has not yet reached eighty years old.

Surely not her...

His own daughter is talking nonsense.

When the surrounding lawyers heard this, they were also strange.

Eighty years old, this is impossible, no matter how heavy the taste is, it is impossible to be eighty years old, right?!

"Uh... Yurou, you..."

Jiang Yurou's words made Tang Pinru also a little crying and laughing.

I thought that my daughter really had any evidence, but I didn't expect that she was actually arranging Jiang Shixian for herself.

The daughter believes so much that she protects herself, she is naturally very moved.

But, how can others believe such words.

"Mom, see for yourself."

Jiang Yurou took out the mobile phone directly, handed it to Tang Pinru, clicked on the video that Ye Liang recorded her before, and said:

"This is Ye Liang helped me secretly record it, you can know it when you see it."


Tang Pinru picked up her mobile phone and watched the video.

I saw that in the picture, there was a woman sitting in front of her dressing table using makeup.

Her body still seems to be wearing her own clothes.

Soon, Jiang Shixian came out and looked at the woman sitting in front of the dressing table, and he said:

"Why did you wear Pinru's clothes and actually use her things?"


Jiang Yurou's mobile phone voice was not small, and this voice was heard by several curious lawyers over there.


They looked at each other.

There won't really be a cheating plot, right?

However, even if there is, but at the age of eighty, it is impossible.

That's beyond human taste, right?!

When Jiang Shixian heard this voice, his face couldn't help but change greatly.

Your own voice, of course you know.

What I said, I remember ...

This, how is this possible——!!!

Why does Jiang Yurou's mobile phone record a video of her cheating?

It's Ye Liang, it's Ye Liang——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

With a bit of fear in his gaze, he looked towards Ye Liang.

Did he do it?

Only he can secretly record the picture in his own home, right?!


Wait, I turned off the lights that day, using the kind of dim desk lamp.

He shouldn't have been able to record anything.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shixian breathed a sigh of relief again.

If only the sound is recorded, it can still be justified.

"Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end."

At this moment, another woman's voice finally came from inside the phone.

And Tang Pinru, who was holding the mobile phone, finally saw the face of the woman in the picture.

In fact, the woman was not eighty years old, she looked forty or fifty years old, and she was well maintained.

Her real age should be in her fifties and sixties.

Although it is also much bigger than Jiang Shixian...

However, this woman's face collapsed terribly, obviously looking young, but she was already wrinkled.

Moreover, her voice also has a sense of old-age kindness.

However, the words spoken are quite contradictory.


Looking at the men and women in the picture, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Several lawyers who were listening with their ears propped up could not help but look strange.

'If you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end?' How can these words be so contrary to this voice?

Which grandmother is still so trendy?!!

However, the next moment, a voice that made everyone's eyes widen appeared.

Just listening to the picture, Jiang Shixian's voice spoke:

"You're so coquettish."


Next, there are some voices that are not very clear.

Then, it was the woman's voice that made Jiang Shixian divorce his wife, and Jiang Shixian did not refuse.

"You're so coucious..."

"Groove ——!!!"

This voice seemed to have a magical nature, and it kept ringing in everyone's ears.

And listening to this voice, Jiang Yurou's expression couldn't help but feel strange.

It doesn't seem like this voice I heard last time.

Moreover, the previous plot did not look so much, and I have not seen the previous plot myself... Odd.

Did you not pay attention before and skipped some of the tumultuous plot?

In short, no matter what, the evidence is out.

Now, let's see what else Jiang Shixian has to say.

"Jiang Shixian, it's good, it's so good, I thought why you suddenly went crazy and wanted to divorce me, it turns out that you fell in love with an old woman——!!!"

After watching the pictures in the video, I thought back to some of my previous experiences and the face of all the things Jiang Shixian did.

She only felt a pang of nausea.

I still felt a little aggrieved before, but now I think about it, where do I feel wronged, I should feel disgusting——!!!


Hearing Tang Pinru's accusations, Jiang Shixian naturally felt weak.

But he made up his mind not to admit it.

So, he spoke:

"Tang Pinru, you really don't want to be faceless, record what I told you, put it together like this and pretend to be a recording, and want to slander me?!"

The light that night was so dim that he could barely see people, so he didn't believe it, and his phone could record the situation inside.

However, he forgot that Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator——!!!

"What recording, this is video recording——!!!"

Saying that, Tang Pinru aimed the picture of the mobile phone in Jiang Shixian's direction.

Jiang Shixian and several lawyers behind him all saw the picture inside.

I saw Jiang Shixian staring at an old woman full of wrinkles, with a speechless look on his face, and then came a sentence:

"You're so loud——!"


"Groove ——!!!"

Looking at the very tumultuous scene in the picture, everyone couldn't help but burst into foul language.

And Jiang Shixian looked at the scene in the picture, but he couldn't help but be stunned——!!!

He couldn't believe that the picture would be so clear.

The disgusting pictures that the party himself did not see clearly were clearly recorded.

At this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned in place.

The next moment, everyone cast strange gazes towards him.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shixian actually played so big and had such a heavy taste——!!!

Awesome, awesome——!!!

Social death——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Shixian felt what is called social death.

He really wanted to die, he wanted to find a hole to drill into.

'You're so raucous,' he didn't know why he suddenly said that.

In other words, was this really what he said at that time?!!!

How does it not feel right——!!!

"No... It's impossible, it was so dark that night, I couldn't see clearly, how could you record this so clearly?!!! You are fake——!!! "

Suddenly, he reacted and said to Ye Liang:

"You forged it with immortal methods, you are an immortal, it's easy to do this kind of thing——!!!"

"Wouldn't you?"

Faced with Jiang Shixian's quibbles, Ye Liang smiled:

"What night did you say that night?!"


At this moment, the lawyers cast their eyes towards Jiang Shixian again.

That night?!!

Regardless of whether Ye Liang forged it with the immortal method, Jiang Shixian himself admitted it.

So, does it still make sense whether his evidence is true or false?


At this moment, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but froze.

He didn't understand why he was so stupid, and actually said what was in his heart.

But even so, so what?!!!

Since he has died socially, he does not let Tang Pinru have a good time——!!!!

In short, even if there is no divorce, Tang Pinru also wants to have any results with Ye Liang.

Now, he had determined that it was Tang Pinru and Ye Liang who were calculating him.

At this moment, Jiang Shixian regretted it very much, originally, he had a good hand.

However, he beat sparsely.

Fortunately, he believed that he was Jiang Yurou's father, and Ye Liang definitely did not dare to take anything from him.


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