"Tang Pinru, I tell you, I understand now."

At this moment, Jiang Shixian has completely given up treatment.

He pointed at Tang Pinru and said:

"You, your daughter, and Ye Liang, you are all working together to calculate me, right?

In order to divorce me, in order to be with Ye Liang, you really worked hard——!!! "

At this moment, he felt a little green on his head.

His daughter took a fancy to Ye Liang, and his wife also joined forces with Ye Liang to calculate herself.

It's so green——!!!

He just wanted to accuse Tang Pinru of cheating before, but he didn't expect that Tang Pinru actually buckled a hat on his head.

Can the things that you blame yourself be the same as what really happened?

In this world, some people are like that.

When they succeed, they look down on others.

And when they fail, they feel that they have been calculated by others ...

In short, the mistakes are someone else's.

It is impossible to reflect, and there will be no reflection in this life.

“...... Jiang Shixian, you are shameless——!!! "

Hearing that Jiang Shixian was actually so shameless and said such shameless words, Tang Pinru couldn't help but blush.

I was really blind, I would have taken a fancy to him in the first place.

It can only be said that this person hid too deeply at first.

Her gaze glanced at Ye Liang on the side, how many times had she and Ye Liang met in total?

Calculate Jiang Shixian with him?

What kind of plot is Jiang Shixian thinking——!!!

Even a novel didn't dare to write that——!!!

Jiang Yurou also looked at Jiang Shixian in disbelief.

This father has once again refreshed the lower limit of his cognition.

He really went crazy, dared to say anything, dared to do anything.

Since he knew that Ye Liang was an immortal, why did he dare to accuse Ye Liang of his mother's innocence?!!!

"No matter what you say, I won't divorce you now——!!!"

At this moment, Jiang Shixian was very proud.

He felt that he had seen through Tang Pinru's calculations because he was unwilling.

Only he looks down on Tang Pinru, how can it be Tang Pinru's turn to divorce him?

He was still calculated by her, thinking that he had the advantage, but he was applauded by her and Ye Liang.

These two people are really shameless.

"Oh? Is it? "

Seeing that Jiang Shixian did not plan to divorce, Ye Liang had finally seen enough of his ugly face.

It's time to teach him a lesson.

Saying that, he slowly raised his fingers, turned into sword fingers, pinched them, and was preparing to cast a spell.


Looking at Ye Liang's actions, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but change his expression:

"Ye Liang, what are you going to do? Do you want to use spells against me? I am Jiang Yurou's father, you want to be with Yurou, I am your elder, do you want to use spells against the elders?!! "

Ye Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly.


"What elder? Just because of you, you are also worthy of being my elder? "

"No, no, no, don't, don't ——!!!!"

Seeing that Ye Liang actually wanted to use a spell, Jiang Shixian was really panicked at this moment.

Before he dared to say so many words, did he really think he was bold?

Where can a person who pursues fame and profit be bold?

He just thought that he was Jiang Yurou's own father, and he wanted to rely on the old and sell the old in front of Ye Liang.

Liang Yeliang didn't dare to do anything to him.

However, when he saw that Ye Liang was about to cast a spell, he couldn't help but be anxious.

Where did he know what spell Ye Liang cast?

Perhaps, this is a spell that can take his life...

He doesn't want to die.

At this moment, he directly knelt.

"Ye Liang, spare your life, spare your life, do you want to be with Yurou, or with Tang Pinru, I have no opinion, no opinion, do you want me to divorce?" I'll leave now, I'll leave now. "

While kneeling down to Ye Liang, he begged for mercy.


Hearing such shameless words, Ye Liang's whole person was not good.

No, what's going on with this inexplicable feeling of intention in my heart?

Calm, calm, illusion——!

And Tang Pinru was really angry by Jiang Shixian's voice.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she really wanted Ye Liang to kill this shameless guy now.

Seeing that Ye Liang's hand had not yet been lowered, Jiang Shixian was in a hurry, and quickly said to Jiang Yurou:

"Yurou, Yurou, no matter what, I'm your father, you see, Ye Liang wants to use spells against me, he will kill me, you quickly intercede with him——!!!"


Jiang Yurou looked at Jiang Shixian's embarrassed look, and couldn't help but be speechless.

No, since you are so desperate and timid, what did you pretend to be in front of Ye Liang just now, you don't really think that I can intercede with Ye Liang for you, right?

Her gaze looked towards Ye Liang.

And Ye Liang's gaze also looked at her.


Jiang Yurou's face turned red all of a sudden, his performance just now was not bad, right?

I didn't really want to intercede, I just wanted to know if Ye Liang would listen to me...

If I really interceded with Ye Liang, would he let my dad go?!

Although it is said that Jiang Shixian is not recognized, this kind of thing, after all, it is impossible to really say and decide.

Therefore, she still couldn't help but call Jiang Shixian's father in her heart.

And at this moment, a sound of Xiu Immortal Voice Pack sounded.

[Jiang Yurou? Looking at your mentally retarded appearance, you must want to intercede with me to your father, right? 】

[No, no, hahaha, Jiang Yurou, you don't really think you have any status in my heart, do you? ] 】

[This kind of mentally retarded behavior, you have the courage to try it, I just took advantage of it to share with you——! 】

[Come on, say, please don't embarrass your beast-like father.] 】

Ye Liang: ...

To be honest, Ye Liang can also be regarded as a person with heavy feelings.

However, in his heart, people like Jiang Shixian are really unforgivable.

People can be unfocused, but they can't be villains and scumbags.

He has always joked that he is a scumbag, but in fact, before he contacts all girls, he will consider in advance whether he has a future with the other party.

If there was no future person, he would never have any thoughts about her.

Jiang Shixian, on the other hand, treats his wife and daughter as objects for his own future.

Fortunately, this was not in ancient times, and if it were in ancient times, he might have gone too far.

Killing his wife and selling his daughter, he may do it.

Therefore, if Jiang Yurou really begged him, he would naturally not give face.

However, Jiang Yurou's IQ will definitely be downgraded in his heart.

Perhaps, he will also feel that Jiang Yurou is indeed a little mentally retarded like Xiu Immortal Voice Pack.


Jiang Yurou listened to Ye Liang's heart, and couldn't help but look speechless.

Good guy, this guy, really doesn't want to give himself any face, right?

Damn, if you don't ask for mercy, don't ask for mercy, what are you proud of——!!!

Also said that I am mentally retarded, you are mentally retarded, hum——!!!

Obviously, in the face of her father's safety, Jiang Yurou chose Ye Liang's favor.

Indeed, at this time, if she intercedes with Ye Liang, it is definitely a very bad thing.

As for my father...

As a big filial daughter, if something really happened to him now, Jiang Yurou would definitely burn more paper for him.

In Jiang Yurou's heart, what Jiang Shixian did today is no longer disgusting and can be described.

For her, perhaps, this daddy died early, and it can still leave a good impression in her heart.

Really, even an unfocused scumbag like Ye Liang is better than a beast hypocrite like her father.

When the hypocrite's disguise is torn, he is really more evil than anyone else in this world.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yurou did not dare to die at all.

Facing Jiang Shixian, who was waiting for her to beg for mercy, Jiang Yurou said to Ye Liang:

"Brother Ye Liang, do whatever you want, I support you."

【What?】 This can't be——!! 】

[Jiang Yurou's mentally retarded appearance, how could she not beg her father for mercy? ] 】

[She must be retreating into progress, when the Buddha-figure can't see it?!! 】

Ye Liang: ...

Xiu Xian voice bag, you are still addicted to acting, right?!!!

Jiang Yurou: Laughing proudly, how is it, Ye Liang is stupid, didn't expect it?

Do you think I will beg Jiang Shixian for mercy?

I'm not stupid.

If I really begged him for mercy, wouldn't that prove that I believe you are an immortal cultivator?

When I believe that you are an immortal cultivator, you will definitely think that I believe that you are an immortal cultivator, so I am so good to you, then it will be more difficult for me to change your opinion of me.

That's why I won't let you get your wish.

Thinking of this, she leaned into Ye Liang's ear and whispered to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, Jiang Shixian seems to think that you are an immortal, and if you want to punish him, you should scare him."


Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.


He has achieved this level, so many things have happened just now, Jiang Yurou will not think that he is not an immortal cultivator, right?

[Is this woman mentally retarded?] The Buddha-figures have already shown so many things, she actually thinks that the Buddha-figures are not immortals? 】

Ye Liang: ... That's what I'd like to ask as well.

Isn't everything that happened just now enough for Jiang Yurou to understand that she is not simple?

You know, those lawyers have knelt for themselves.

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, how is it, Ye Liang, the old lady is mentally retarded, and the old lady just forcibly thinks that you are not an immortal.

What do you think?

As long as you think that you are not a fairy in the eyes of the old lady, no matter how good the old lady is to you, you will not think that the old lady is good to you because you are a fairy.

I have to say that Jiang Yurou's brain circuit is indeed strange.

However, it is very effective for Ye Liang now.

After all, Jiang Yurou didn't know that he was an immortal cultivator, but she was still willing to support him.

It is enough to prove that this woman is really very sensible.

The next moment, Jiang Yurou said again:

"Ye Liang, I know, you are not an immortal cultivator, Zhao Ziyan is, right? It is she who deliberately cooperates with you, makes you pretend to be forced, and makes you appear high. "


Hearing Jiang Yurou's heart, Ye Liang froze.

How to say, she doesn't seem to have any problem with it.

Indeed, her performance just now was very powerful, but it was just the Purple Heart Female Emperor giving herself face.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to give an order and directly let Mirage cut himself.

It is also impossible for the dignified Purple Heart Female Emperor to salute herself.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor is the Lord of the Purple Pole Immortal, and she is just a small congenital period, and she salutes herself too much.

[Ma Ya, Jiang Yurou, are you mentally retarded? I've cast spells in front of you, can't you see? 】

[God, I was still worried about whether my identity as an immortal cultivator would be entangled by you, but now it seems that with your IQ, even if I cast a spell in front of you, you are afraid that you will think that this is done by someone else. 】

Ye Liang: ...

It can't be said that although Jiang Yurou's explanation is a little forced, it is reasonable.

Even, what she thought was the real truth.

If it weren't for the Purple Heart Female Emperor giving me face, I definitely wouldn't have been as face-saving as I was just now.

Before he started, he directly opened his mouth and frightened a congenital mid-stage to commit suicide.

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, Ye Liang is stupid, I really think I don't know the identity of your immortal cultivator?

I just casually talk to you nonsense, and you believe it.

He also said that I was mentally retarded, and in my opinion, you were a fool, a big fool.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou looked at Ye Liang with gentle eyes.

Ye Liang also looked at Jiang Yurou with very caring eyes.

The two looked at each other.

This scene lasted for a while, and everyone present felt as if the air around them was about to heat up.


Looking at this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

No, two of you, don't you think that the atmosphere here is not very suitable for you two to spread dog food?

Especially the Purple Heart Female Emperor, seeing Jiang Yurou actually looking at Ye Liang so affectionately, she was a little envious in her heart.

I don't know when I can really enter Ye Liang's heart.

Although Ye Liang is not a desperate person, he wants to truly enter his heart, not a dispensable person in his eyes.

I'm afraid, it will take a long time.

He now gives himself the opportunity to be his woman, just because his character is someone who doesn't say hard to people.

To deal with such people, you have to be more proactive.


Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor secretly refueled herself and cheered up.

Next, she still has a lot of time with Ye Liang, so she doesn't have to be discouraged because Ye Liang can't look down on her for a while.

On the other side, Jiang Shixian was waiting for Jiang Yurou to beg him for mercy.

However, the next moment, he saw his daughter and Ye Liang looking at each other affectionately.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly heated up.

This look, as if the people around him have instantly become superfluous.

Groove ——!!!

At this moment, he couldn't help but burst into foul language.

What the hell is this?!!!

You two, is it necessary to show affection and spread dog food at this time?

Jiang Yurou, quickly beg Lao Tzu for mercy——!!!

Jiang Shixian was about to cry at the moment.

He originally thought that he was Jiang Yurou's father, and no matter how Ye Liang was, he would not do anything to him as an immortal cultivator.

He dared to be arrogant before.

But now, he knows the consequences of relying on the old and selling the old too early——!


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