"Ye Liang, Yurou..."

Seeing Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou looking at each other, the scene was a little embarrassing.

Tang Pinru opened his mouth and stopped the two...


Ye Liang coughed lightly, and said sorry to Jiang Yurou in his heart.

And Jiang Yurou also withdrew her gaze a little embarrassed, and ended the line with Xiu Immortal Voice Pack.

This time, Jiang Yurou felt that she had won, and although she exploded a lung, she did something that surprised Ye Liang, a bastard.

It's worth it.

Moreover, in the future, she could continue to pretend that she didn't know that Ye Liang's bastard was an immortal cultivator, and she didn't have to worry that he would feel that he was pestering him because of his identity as an immortal cultivator.

In general, Jiang Yurou felt that she had earned and did not lose money at all.

Ye Liang: Yes, yes, you earned, I lost, I lost all the left and right.

At this moment, Ye Liang's gaze looked towards Jiang Shixian, and asked with a strange expression:

"Jiang Shixian, you should know that although you are Yurou's father, Yurou doesn't recognize you anymore, and if I want to attack you, naturally I won't have any scruples."

[I also don't plan to give Jiang Yurou this mentally retarded face. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: You are mentally retarded, smelly Ye Liang, your whole family, ah no, mother-in-law is not, you are mentally retarded——!!!

If it had been before, Jiang Yurou would have scolded Ye Liang's whole family in her heart.

But now, she didn't bring Ye Ziqian with her...

"Yes... Yes, Ye Liang, you have a lot of adults, so spare me——!!! "

At this moment, under the domination of fear, Jiang Shixian can be described as ugly.

He didn't know exactly what Ye Liang was going to do, but he had already been taught a lesson by Mirage once before.

He knew how cruel and terrifying the methods of immortal cultivators were to deal with people.

Since Ye Liang didn't even give Jiang Yurou's face, he had to make a move against him, then it must be very cruel.

"Huh, spare you?"

Ye Liang smiled and walked in front of Jiang Shixian, "Weren't you very brave just now?" Come on, lie to me again, why are you begging for mercy now?! "

Seeing Ye Liang walking towards him step by step, Jiang Shixian felt only endless fear.

He was really scared.

Since Ye Liang was so afraid of letting that mirage hero rushed out and blew himself up...

His methods of dealing with people must be very cruel and terrifying.

Moreover, he wants to attack himself, and there is nothing he can do.

No one can save themselves——!!!

"Ye Liang, is it right, I'm sorry, I was wrong, please, for the sake of me being Yurou's father, spare my life——!!!"

Perhaps others don't know the horror of immortal cultivators, but Jiang Shixian, who has already been taught by immortal cultivators, only feels great despair at this moment.

If Ye Liang really wanted to make him live and die, he had no ability to resist at all.

He didn't know what happened to him before, the brain was the same, he had to provoke Ye Liang.

Since he wants to be with Tang Pinru, then he will decisively let it out...

It's all the so-called men's self-esteem at work——!!

“...... Since you have said it all, then I will not care about your slandering of my innocence. "

Ye Liang said casually.

[However, if people like you can live well in the world, isn't it too unfair to those normal people who really strive to live in the world?] 】


Ye Liang: That's what I thought.

However, now after all, in front of Jiang Yurou and Aunt Tang, let Jiang Shixian live for a short time.

Thinking of this, his heart moved, and he silently urged a magic trick to hit Jiang Shixian's body.


Although the spell cast by Ye Liang could not be seen by ordinary people, it was naturally very easy for the Purple Heart Female Emperor to see.

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but change her expression.

What kind of spell is this, what a clever means.

I actually couldn't see through it, it was worthy of Ye Liang's shot, it was really extraordinary.

How did Jiang Shixian know that Ye Liang had already hit him with a spell?

At this moment, he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard Ye Liang say that he didn't care about what he slandered.

However, without waiting for him to say his words of thanks, Ye Liang continued:

"However, you slandered Aunt Tang, and by the way, you also slandered Yurou, and said that we calculated you, this, I don't know what to do..."

Saying that, he made a hand pinching motion.

"Ah, don't ——!!!"

Jiang Shixian was so frightened that he quickly knelt in the direction of Tang Pinru and Jiang Yurou.

"Pinru, Yurou, I was wrong, forgive me——!!!"

Looking at Jiang Shixian's embarrassed look, Tang Pinru couldn't help frowning.


Jiang Yurou hesitated slightly, but still looked away.

Today, the changes in her family are too great.

However...... She wasn't actually sad, she just thought, too funny?

Even, there is a refreshing feeling of revenge.

Probably because I have been mentally prepared for a long time...

But no matter what, now that she is a daughter, looking at her father like this, she is naturally embarrassed to laugh.

If it had been on any other occasion, she would have laughed out loud and laughed strongly.

It can only be said that Jiang Shixian is really not a thing.

Even a girl with Tang Pinru's personality was cold to this father.


Looking at Jiang Shixian's appearance, Tang Pinru spoke:

"You signed the divorce agreement, the conditions will be the opposite according to what we just did, from now on, you and I will not violate the river water, you go to your eighty-year-old woman, I will live a good life with Yurou——!!!"

Although she also hates Jiang Shixian, after all, the two have not divorced yet.

Jiang Shixian is so ugly, she is not good-looking.

So, she said to Jiang Shixian.


Hearing Tang Pinru's words, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Is this to get him out of the house?

It's too much, isn't it——!!!

He didn't want to think about it, just now he also planned to let Tang Pinru go out of the house.

And...... What's more, Tang Pinru was falsely accused, and he was true.

Perhaps, in the eyes of such mercenary people, only others have always been sorry for him.

Is he sorry for others?

Huh, non-existent.

"How many barristers, still not ready to divorce the agreement?"

Ye Liang's gaze turned towards the lawyers who were at a loss.


Several lawyers quickly reacted and redrafted the divorce agreement.

Jiang Shixian also did a great job, in order to make Tang Pinru have no chance to prove his innocence, he deliberately called so many lawyers over, and also filmed the scene video.

Ye Liang's gaze looked towards the lawyers' video recorders, and in the end, he decided not to reveal his identity.

After all, it's always bad to cause turmoil.

He said directly to the lawyers:

"These videos, you'd better deal with them... Otherwise, if I have any trouble, then then... It's you who are in trouble. "

"Uh... Yes yes yes... Mr. Ye Liang was relieved that we immediately deleted these videos. "

Hearing Ye Liang talk about their video problems, several lawyers cried in fear.

Today I really poured eight lifetimes of mold, and I got into trouble with the immortals.

However, several divorce settlements were drawn up, each with the same effect, but with different lawyers testifying.

Seeing that he was going to be cleansed out of the house, Jiang Shixian was actually very unwilling.

But if you think about it, Tang Pinru's company is not big, and it doesn't have much money, and it can't compare to the benefits brought by his status.

Instead of that, it is better to break it clean.

In the future, I have been following Wang Aili, and I can get much more benefits from her.

He comforted himself so much, and in his unwilling mood, he signed the unequal divorce agreement that he had drawn up before.

Only, now he is the party who was forced to divorce.

After reluctantly signing the divorce agreement, he cast his fawning gaze towards Ye Liang.

"Ye Liang, look, I'm like this, okay?"

Ye Liang nodded and said:

"You can go, don't forget, this is not your home in the future, don't come here to disturb Aunt Tang and Yurou again."

"Yes, yes, I know, I know, I'm going ——!!!"

After getting Ye Liang's answer, Jiang Shixian quickly escaped from here.

It was as if his former home was a terrifying place.

Those lawyers were also very embarrassed to handle the divorce for Tang Pinru, and they all invited each other to leave.

At this moment, on the street, in the sky, the huge purple light hole has long disappeared.

However, people on the street are still holding mobile phones and photographing the sky.

Everyone was afraid, and the scene just now was like the end of the world.

Some people even wonder if nuclear bombs from other countries have been dropped.

If you let that explosion fall to the ground, then I don't know how many people will die...

Of course, they were worried in vain.

The earth is protected by the laws of the earth, but it's not just that ordinary people can't see spells.

Even visions, explosions, and destructive powers caused by spells will not have any effect on people.

"Ye Liang, I'm not done with you, ——!!!"

After waiting for a long distance, Jiang Shixian stood still, turned around, and looked in the direction of his former home.

Although he didn't know why that mirage was so afraid of Ye Liang, he now knew that there was more than one mirage cultivator on the earth.

Beside Wang Aili, there are several immortal cultivators.

Among them, there are people who are stronger than Mirage.

Mirage is afraid of Ye Liang, and those people may not be afraid.

The humiliation he received here today, he will definitely ask Ye Liang for it——!!!

And Ye Liang was also looking at the direction where Jiang Shixian left, and raised the corners of his lips slightly.

Let you die so easily, Jiang Shixian, you should be grateful to me——!

"Ye Liang, I suspect that Jiang Shixian still knows the rebel of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, I will first take Guan Wuyan and Shen Qianyan to follow and take a look."

At this time, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said to Ye Liang.


Ye Liang nodded and said:

"Since you have something to do, let's get busy first."

The three figures of the Purple Heart Female Emperor flashed, and they had already turned into three purple rays of light and disappeared into Jiang Yurou's home.

At this moment, the originally lively place suddenly became only three people.

"Xiaoliang, now you can tell me, what's going on, right?"

At this moment, Tang Pinru's mood was not calm at all.

Today can be said to be the most humiliating day of her life.

But again, it was her most shocking day.

She couldn't understand how Ye Liang could suddenly become an immortal.

Moreover, there are three immortals who can suddenly appear and suddenly disappear, and seem to have great respect for him.


Looking at Tang Pinru in front of him, Ye Liang thought about it and was about to explain his situation.

Anyway, as far as you are an immortal cultivator or something, just talk about some nonsense.

As for what crosser, what system and so on, he naturally will not say it.

"Mom, that's ——!!!"

At this time, Jiang Yurou rushed to speak:

"That Zhao Ziyan just now is Ye Liang's classmate, she is an immortal, she is here to help Ye Liang.

Father...... Ahhh.

I mean, Kang Se-hyun.

He thought that Ye Liang was an immortal, so he was so afraid of Ye Liang.

That guy named Mirage, he was not afraid of Ye Liang, but Zhao Ziyan, who gave Ye Liang face.

Don't get me wrong, Ye Liang is not an immortal cultivator...

There are many things he doesn't understand. "

"Well, that's the case, so to speak, it was Jiang Shixian's bastard who invited the immortals to deal with me?!!!

Hearing Jiang Yurou's explanation, Tang Pinru did not doubt it.

Although Ye Liang was indeed very majestic just now, he did not show anything strange.

But what kind of female emperor, with her two entourage, suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared.

That's the real immortal.

Although I don't know why they gave Ye Liang face, but her daughter said so, she naturally believed it.

"Yes, it is."

Ye Liang nodded, and looked at Jiang Yurou with some surprise.

Although the fact that he is an immortal cultivator is not a shameful thing, it is still a little troublesome to explain.

If you see someone to explain, it is even more troublesome.

It couldn't be better not to explain.

I'm still wondering how to explain what happened just now.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually thought of words to explain for herself.

Not bad.

Facing Ye Liang's gaze, Jiang Yurou raised the corners of his lips proudly:

Hehe, stupid Ye Liang, I know, you must want to say such things.

I said it for you.

I know you don't want me to know that you are an immortal cultivator, for fear that I will pester you for this reason.

Then I'll let you know directly, I just don't believe that you are an immortal cultivator.

What do you think?!!

You are not an immortal cultivator, I am also pestering you, what can you do with me?

I'm not like those glamorous slutty women, they may be jealous, and I will only feel sorry for my brother——!

"Ye Liang, don't worry, although I now know what kind of Immortal Cultivator Emperor Zhao Ziyan is, I will not feel inferior because of this, and I will not leave you.

No matter what, I will always love you.

Even if Zhao Ziyan is angry, I am not afraid that she will hit me.

I only feel sorry for my brother——! "

Looking at Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou was excited for a while, and couldn't help but say the words in her heart.

Hee-hee, I'm like this, I still don't move you to death?!!!


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