
At this moment, Tang Pinru looked at his daughter with some surprise.

Although his daughter likes Ye Liang very much, she knows it, and she is happy to see this.


Jiang Yurou, you can't spread dog food in front of your mother when she was just divorced——!!!

You're too filial too, aren't you?!!!

And Jiang Yurou didn't feel Tang Pinru's mood at the moment, because now she just wanted to see what Ye Liang thought of her in her heart.

Is it still very disgusted with her.

[Unexpectedly, she actually loves me so deeply...]

[It's incredible. 】


At the moment when she heard Ye Liang's heart, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but get excited, and her eyes lit up.

[However, in the end, it is because I have performed too well in this life, a hundreds of millions of Maserati has been driven, otherwise, how could she possibly look at me, hey, in the end, Jiang Yurou is still a superficial woman. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: Gan ——!!!

You TM, do you dare to say something blunt?

Believe it or not, you speak out from your heart, the old lady washes you on the spot, and no one can save you——!!!

Jiang Yurou, who was looking forward to it, couldn't help but suddenly become depressed.

Jiang Yurou: I'm stupid, really.

I only knew that if I exposed the fact that I already knew that he was an immortal cultivator, it would make him misunderstand that I was pestering him because he was an immortal cultivator.

But I don't know that even his usual performance is enough to make many girls not mind how many girlfriends he wants to pester him.

In this way, even if he is not an immortal cultivator and pesters him himself, he must feel in his heart that he is because his performance is too good.

I'm stupid, really.

If you had confessed to him before he had revealed the fact that he had money——!!!

And so on——!!!

Suddenly, Jiang Yurou reacted.

It seems that he had confessed to Ye Liang before this guy revealed the fact that he was rich.

However, it is clear that this guy does not believe me, and now he relies on me to love him because he has money?!!!

Am I superficial?

I'm superficial your sister——!!!

He scolded Ye Liang viciously in his heart, but Jiang Yurou still had a smile on his face, staring at Ye Liang, waiting for his answer.

And of course Ye Liang will not be like Xiu Immortal Voice Bao said, he looked at Jiang Yurou in front of him, smiled and said:

"Yurou, thank you for your love."

【Vomiting——! 】

Jiang Yurou: "No thanks, it's my luck to fall in love with you, heehee." "


Gag your sister, tmmed, I'm going to vomit——!!!

Tang Pinru: ... Can I say something?!!!

She really didn't know that her daughter and Ye Liang were so sticky before.

This carelessly, the two eyed again.

The temperature of the atmosphere between them rose so fast that the people next to them were a little unable to interject.

Is it necessary to say it?!!!

You two, is it necessary?

I've never seen dog food spilled, I've never seen dog food like this——!!!

Will you die if you don't spread dog food for a while?

Will it die?!!!

In Tang Pin, who did not know Jiang Yurou's mood, it seemed that Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou were frantically spreading dog food.

How did she know that the moods of the two people in front of her at this moment were different.

Jiang Yurou was about to explode.

And Ye Liang is quite guilty.


Tang Pinru coughed heavily, and said to Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou:

"What, Xiaoliang, I'm sorry, I let you see my aunt's joke today."

If you don't remind the two of them again, these two guys are afraid that they will ignore themselves all the time, right?

Really, I don't know what it's like to take care of elderly divorcees, right?!!!

"Auntie, this kind of thing, there is nothing funny, life, it is inevitable that some things will not go well."

Ye Liang turned his head and said to Tang Pinru.

[Who is not blind, although you are thousands of times better than your daughter, but your vision and your daughter is also a crouching dragon phoenix chick, comparable to each other, in terms of looking at people, are blind. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: You are blind, where this girl is blind, this girl sees you, is the biggest blindness in this life.

Stupid Ye Liang, bastard Ye Liang——!!!

Also, what the hell is the Crouching Dragon Phoenix and why do I feel that I have been greatly hurt?!!!

Mom, don't be deceived by the hypocritical appearance of this hateful guy.

His heart hurt you to nothing, hey——!!!

I thought he had a little respect for you, but as a result, in his heart, you are also blind——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou really hoped that her mother would make her own decisions and teach Ye Liang a hard lesson.

However, what made her desperate was that her mother didn't seem to hear Ye Liang's 'heart'.

Therefore, even if she is angry to death, it is useless.

This sulk, she can only swallow herself.

"Forget it, don't say it."

Tang Pinru sighed and said:

"From now on, I have nothing to do with that shameless old guy."

Saying that, her gaze looked towards Jiang Yurou again.

"Yurou, although the things of the previous generation have nothing to do with children, but you yourself saw today what kind of person that father of yours is... I hope you can be sensible, such a father, you will not recognize it in the future——!!! "

Tang Pinru can also be regarded as a strong woman in the mall.

Even if so many things happened just now, her heart is still shocked.

But now she still had a calm look on her face.

Even, it is already planned to put aside the previous unpleasant things.

She is not the kind of personality who punishes herself because others are scumbags.

Not only that, but she also had to persuade Jiang Yurou not to recognize Jiang Shixian anymore.

Because in her opinion, Jiang Shixian is not worthy to be the father of her daughter.

"Mom, I understand."

Jiang Yurou nodded and said affirmatively:

"I just said that... Jiang Shixian, I won't recognize him anymore——!!! "

It's not that she doesn't want to give her dad a chance, but she already gives him a chance.

At that time, her father had to slander her mother, and she still remembers it clearly.

That shameless face, it's disgusting to think about.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: the sword qi technique is upgraded to the qi sword technique, and the sword is transformed with qi, the sword intent is endless, and the qi sword is endless."


Just as Jiang Yurou's mother and daughter were talking, the voice of the system sounded in Ye Liang's mind again.

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Finally, there is an Immortal Cultivator-level attack spell...

Although the power of the sword qi technique is not small, it only belongs to the scope of martial arts after all.

This Qi Sword Technique is different, this is a method that can use Qi as a substantial sword.

Those who practice martial arts are always worse than those who cultivate immortals.

Not bad, not bad——!

The needle does not poke.

According to Ye Liang's estimation, the Qi Sword Technique was more than ten times more powerful than the Sword Qi Technique.

One is to attack with qi, and the other is to condense qi into substance, and the power is naturally different.

"Xiaoliang, since you are here today, let's eat at Auntie's place."

After Tang Pinru and Jiang Yurou finished talking, seeing that Ye Liang was just listening on the side, she spoke.

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Ye Liang said with a smile.

"You're welcome at Auntie's house."

Tang Pinru said with a smile:

"You sit with Yurou for a while, and I'll cook."

At this moment, Tang Pinru felt more and more that an honest child like Ye Liang was the one who could really give her daughter happiness.

As long as her daughter follows Ye Liang for a day, she will not be wronged for a day.

Jiang Yurou: Thank you Mom, I've already exploded I don't know how many lungs.

"Mom, let me help you."

Today, after all, my mother encountered this kind of thing, and Jiang Yurou knew that Tang Pinru must be uncomfortable.

Therefore, Jiang Yurou is also rare and sensible, and wants to help her mother cook together.

"No need, you can just watch TV with Xiaoliang."

Tang Pinru refused her daughter's help.

Jiang Yurou had to sit next to Ye Liang obediently, she picked up the remote control board, and after calling up the TV, the whole person leaned towards Ye Liang's arms.

Ye Liang also naturally took her into his arms, and neither of them spoke, watching the news on TV.

"Emergency news, extraordinarily urgent news, at a certain point today, an inexplicable huge explosion suddenly appeared in the sky over Jiangzhou City.

The explosion created a huge light hole with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters, and even a black hole-like spectacle appeared in the sky.

Countless Jiangzhou citizens witnessed it with their own eyes.

Many suspect that it could be a new type of nuclear weapon.

Some even thought that the end of the world had come.

However, such a huge movement did not cause any casualties in the end, and even, I heard that a passenger plane happened to be near there, and was even wrapped in the light hole.

Incredibly, however, the plane wrapped in the hole of light was not affected at all.

It was as if the explosion didn't exist.

In this regard, this station specially invited Liu expert to analyze the causes of this phenomenon for everyone.

: May I ask Expert Liu, what is your opinion on this phenomenon?

An expert: This phenomenon seems to be very powerful, but in fact, it is just a special mirage.

In fact, we only need to think about it to understand that such a huge explosion cannot be without any casualties, nor can it be what virtual reality images can do.

This is a power that only magical nature has.

This must be a special mirage, don't worry. "

In the news, a so-called expert is seriously analyzing the huge light hole generated by the self-explosion of Mirage.

But obviously, his analysis is full of loopholes, and many places that do not make sense are forcibly explained.

It is not to admit that this is a supernatural phenomenon.

Many people who watched the news couldn't help but scold...

"TMD, this kind of expert can also dress decently, eat and drink on TV?!!"

"This TMD, I can analyze it casually, this must be some spell that the immortals are casting."

"I think this is an alien invasion, and the people above don't pay attention to it at all."


"You say, is this related to the sudden appearance of Planet Nine before?!!?"

"Maybe it matters."

"The end of the world is coming, I don't know who is deliberately hiding the news, is it necessary to wait for the concealment to have to say it?"

"Say you know... Upstairs, speak carefully. "

"Asiba, what else is there to say, this is my cold immortal cultivator who ran to Huang Yanguo and accidentally solved a huge crisis for Huang Yanguo."

"That's right, the people of Huang Yan should thank us for our great cold."

"I thank your mother——!

"Great Cold Nation, Welcome Immortal Cultivators Back to Great Cold ——!!!"

"Son, even if you are greeted by the whole people, our Huang Yan immortal cultivators will not look at you."

"Huang Yan's people are really shameless, they actually say that our Great Cold Immortal Cultivators are theirs, it's hateful——!!!"

"Yellow-skinned monkey, arrogant what? This is our God performing miracles, but God's eyes are spent and the miracles are thrown in the wrong place. "

“...... Then I can thank you God. "


At this moment, people all over the world are also talking.

Some sensitive people, in particular, even worry about whether this is a precursor to the start of a world-class nuclear war.

Fortunately, in the end, everyone was safe and sound.

That huge light cave really seemed to be just a mirage as the so-called expert said, and after disappearing, there was no trace of it.


At this moment, looking at the terrifying scene broadcast in the news, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

Her gaze glanced at Ye Liang and asked him:

"Ye Liang, who is Sister Zhao Ziyan? Why is she so powerful?

You just made a fox fake tiger power, and directly let such a powerful mirage kill himself in fear. "

Ye Liang thought for a while and said:

"Her identity is too big, and I'm afraid to scare you when I say it."

"I haven't seen anything before."

Jiang Yurou said:

"Tell me, how powerful is she?"

Hehe, I even know you as an Immortal Venerable now, and I'm still your girlfriend, I will be scared by her identity?

"That giant purple planet in the sky, you know."

Ye Liang asked.

Jiang Yurou nodded and said:

"Of course you know, the ninth planet, so what's the matter? Do you want to say that Zhao Ziyan actually came from that purple star? "


Ye Liang smiled and said, "She didn't just come from that purple star, she moved it alone——!!! "


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

It's not that she doesn't know how powerful the immortals are, nor does she know how high Ye Liang's heart often brags about.

However, blowing back to blowing, what she really saw was the self-explosion of the mirage just now.

Although Mirage's self-detonation looked spectacular, it didn't hurt anyone...

How powerful the immortals are, Jiang Yurou has no concept at all.

But she knew that the immortals were certainly not omnipotent.

Otherwise, she would not have heard Ye Liang's heart.

Moreover, Ye Liang actually didn't know that she eavesdropped on his heart.

But...... She really didn't know that Zhao Ziyan was so powerful, that planet was only a little smaller than Jupiter.

She actually moved here alone?

Groove ——!!!


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