"Miss Wolf Ji, everything is ready——!"

After Ye Liang and the others finished breakfast, they were coming in the direction of Qingcai Academy.

At this time, several immortal cultivators were already preparing here.

As soon as the girl named Wolf Ji gave an order, they would start to act.

The target of the action is the Purple Heart Female Emperor——!!

"Very good, this time is a good day for my wolf Ji to officially appear, a few of you, don't hold me back, otherwise, I want you to look good——!"


These immortal cultivators were all traitors from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, but they were accidentally targeted by this girl named Wolf Ji.

Moreover, this girl named Wolf Ji had obviously set her sights on the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Her target is the Purple Heart Emperor.

"Here it comes——!

On the rooftop of Qingcai Academy, the girl Wolf Ji looked out and saw the Purple-Hearted Female Emperor who was following Ye Liang and them towards Qingcai Academy.

"Damn it——!!!

When she saw that the Purple Heart Female Emperor was actually coming with Ye Liang, Wolf Ji couldn't help but grit her teeth for a while.

"All of you, go ——!"

He said to those Purple Pole Immortal Star immortal cultivators.


With an order, those traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star poured out and rushed towards Ye Liang and the others.

At this moment, Ye Liang and his party were still receiving the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of passers-by.

The boys are envious of Ye Liang, but the girls are also envious of the women around Ye Liang.

In yesterday's physical education class, Ye Liang used an almost cruel method to dumbfounded those who played with him.

At this moment, there is no one in the academy who does not know that Ye Liang is powerful.

Not only is he handsome, but he also seems to be a low-key and invisible rich man, but he also plays basketball, and I heard that he sings very well...

And, according to legend, he seems to have some special abilities.

Such an all-round character, they were really blind before they let it go.

However, at this moment——!!!

But I saw several figures rushing over from all around.


Facing these people who rushed over, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but change her expression, and quickly hid behind Ye Liang.

Just kidding, Quan TM is a strong person in the late innate stage——!!!

The female emperor said before that there were some traitors on the Purple Pole Immortal Star on Earth.

Unexpectedly, these traitors were so daring that they dared to attack the female emperor?

Is it dead?!!!

However, no matter what, she is a small Qi refining ninefold, and she is not even qualified to shout an escort here.

She better obediently hide behind everyone——!!!

And in the face of everyone's siege, the Purple Heart Female Emperor and the Chiyue Female Emperor couldn't help but feel strange.

Because they didn't feel any killing intent from each other.

And Ye Liang also didn't feel anything...

It seems that these traitors do not seem to have a malicious appearance.

However, just in case, Ye Liang was very careful to be wary of these people who rushed over.


The scene that happened here naturally caused the students on the side of the road to exclaim.

They were afraid that this was some attack, and they quickly dodged one by one.

But after seeing that several traitor cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star who rushed out from all directions ran in front of Ye Liang and the others, they all knelt on the side of the road and shouted in unison:

"Greetings to Miss Wolf Ji——!!!"

The next moment, I saw a blue light gathering in the sky.

In an instant, the blue light exploded, forming a huge wolf pattern in the sky.

There seemed to be a cyan celestial wolf, roaring in the sky.


Everyone was attracted by the vision in the sky.

"Look, what's that?"

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful——!!!"

"That's a wolf, right? What a beautiful wolf ——!!!."

Even those academy students who were ordinary people were looking at the huge wolf pattern in the sky.

That cyan totem is very beautiful, not only as the majesty of the heavenly wolf, but also very beautiful and noble.

"Ordinary people can also see the spells?"

Ye Liang looked strange.

[Although the Buddha-figure can see that it is not a magic, but a vision deliberately caused by magic, the Buddha-figure just pretends not to see it. 】

[That's right, the Buddha-figure is such a dish, funny. 】

Ye Liang: I slipped Nima, I really didn't see it, I thought it was the aura fluctuation of the technique——!!!

The Female Emperor of Chiyue and the Female Emperor of Purple Heart heard Ye Liang's heart at the same time.

They couldn't help but be speechless.

Pretend, you will continue to pretend, if we really believe that you are very dish, then we are dogs——!

Huh, why us?

At this moment, the inner drama of the two women was a little puzzled.

At this moment, the vision in the sky attracted all the onlookers.

Even many cars stopped on the road and looked into the sky.

But I saw that in the sky, a divine light gathered.

It was also a brilliance deliberately caused by spells so that mortals could see it, rather than a simple spiritual power fluctuation.

As an immortal cultivator, the purpose of deliberately making such an action is obvious.

It must be to pretend to ——!!!

But I saw that in the cyan divine light, a beam of light slowly converged, and a cyan silhouette appeared in the beam.

Slowly descending from the sky.

"Taiyin condenses to the fullest, Zhenyao Yunxuanyi.

Demai'e is open, and Ren Gao is open.

The heavens are enlightened, and the dream sun is rising. "

As that cyan silhouette descended from the sky, there seemed to be a clear sound in the air.

It was the sound of a girl reading a poem.

With her whereabouts, there were thousands of divine lights in the space, and the entire air was dyed with a layer of cyan.

And the place where the girl fell was the sky above Ye Liang and where they were.

Ye Liang was also fortunate enough to look up at the sky...

Again, as if you can see it, but in fact you can't see anything.

Immortal cultivators seem to like to apply spells similar to safety pants on the bottom of their skirts.

Looking at the girl landing in the sky, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

This kind of spell, you can use to prevent villains.

You can also guard against a decent gentleman like me?!!!

The girl obviously didn't know what Ye Liang was thinking.

She appeared very forcefully, and after slowly falling in front of Ye Liang and the others, she immediately caused an exclamation here.

"Fairy, fairy is under mortal ?!!!"

"Lying groove, I didn't take a picture just now——!!!"

"Quick, quick, mobile ——!!!"

"Hahaha, I shot ——!!!"

"Really, big brother, you are my own big brother, can you wait for me to share a video?"

"You're thinking about fart eating, you shot the fairy Xiafan, I don't know how much this video can be sold for——!!!"

"Look, the fairy is coming. "

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

In this ordinary world, now a fairy has appeared?

Moreover, the fairy seemed to be real, not an illusion.

Beautiful, so beautiful——!!!

It's just that it's different from the fairy who is fluttering and not stained with red dust in the imagination.

This fairy is releasing a wild beauty all over her body, as if she is not a fairy, but a beast.

"Oh my God, look, this fairy... Walked towards Ye Liang. "

This fairy won't have anything to do with Ye Liang, right?!!!

I don't wait for everyone to be surprised that there is such a setting as a fairy in this world.

The next moment, they were surprised to see that the target of that fairy seemed to be Ye Liang?!!

"Gan, won't you?!!

I admit that people are different, but this TM is too different. "

"That is, even fairies came to Ye Liang, and I think that there are not enough beautiful women around Ye Liang?!!!"

"I'm TMD, sour. "

Seeing that the girl was slowly walking towards Ye Liang's side, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

It's a pity that they are ordinary people, and they only vaguely feel the power of that girl.

So although the fairy Xiafan is magical to them, they are also thinking about other things while taking pictures with their mobile phones.

For example, why did this fairy come to Ye Liang?

How could she find Ye Liang?

Could it be that as previously rumored, Ye Liang could actually spell?

Is he also a fairy?!!

Fortunately, soon, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl who descended from the sky and was greeted by several traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star and walked towards this side like a group of stars inviting the moon, directly crossed Ye Liang and came to the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

"It turned out that I wasn't looking for Ye Liang, whew, relieved. "

"Haha, great, she came to find Zhao Ziyan?"

"Could it be that Ye Liang is not an immortal at all, and Zhao Ziyan is?"

"Yes... Zhao Ziyan must be an immortal, otherwise, how could she suddenly become so beautiful. "

"Uh... Then she is a fairy, and she is still willing to be Ye Liang's girlfriend?"


At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded again.

They refused to accept the setting.

I saw Wolf Ji come to the Purple Heart Female Emperor, just when everyone thought that this would be a scene of sisters reuniting.

The next moment, Wolf Ji grabbed his hand out of thin air, grabbed a bouquet of roses, and knelt down on one knee in front of the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

"Purple Heart Female Emperor, I have a fancy for you, you go back to the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain with me, I will be good to you for the rest of my life——!"


"Groove ?!!!!"


This sudden scene shocked everyone who was already in shock again.

Whether it was Ye Liang, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, or the Chiyue Female Emperor, or Lu Yao'er, who was hiding behind Ye Liang, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

They were still guessing just now what the purpose of this woman's sudden appearance was.

Since it is not that the comer is not good, what is the intention.

But I didn't want to, this woman actually came to confess to the Purple Heart Female Emperor?!!!

At this moment, Ye Liang was stunned.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor raised the corners of her lips slightly.

Purple heart, this name, should be Zhao Ziyan's fairy number.

It's a good match for herself, she is Purple Heart, and she is Akatsuki.

And at this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and her forehead was bruised.

Of course, she knows that with her appearance, there will be no fewer people who adore her.

However, how could she not have imagined that this woman named Wolf Ji actually adored herself?

At this moment, it was the Purple Heart Female Emperor, and she couldn't help but have a little headache.

She cast her gaze towards Ye Liang with some worry, afraid that Ye Liang would be angry or something.

However, when she saw that Ye Liang was also surprised at this moment, she was even more speechless.

Ye Liang won't misunderstand that she actually likes women, right?!!!

Ye Liang: I... I never expected it.

[It turns out that... The charm of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is actually so great that even women can attract it, it seems that you have to be careful with her in the future. 】

[But, if you think about it, it's quite exciting.] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Purple Heart Female Emperor: Is it really a misunderstanding?!!

Her forehead was bruised, and she stared at the girl in front of her and asked:

"Who are you, suddenly jumping out and making such a big movement, why are you?!"

"Purple Heart Female Emperor, please allow me to introduce myself. "

The girl Wolf Ji spoke:

"I am the princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, my name is Wolf Ji, maybe you don't know what kind of place the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain is. "

The girl who was kneeling on one knee in front of the Purple Heart Female Emperor raised the corners of her lips slightly, looking very proud.

"In the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, there are countless immortal cultivators, and there are countless Golden Pill cultivators like you and me.

My father, the Celestial Wolf Emperor, is even more a powerful god——!!

A realm master like you, in the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, is actually just a... The lord of small forces.

Not even a prince.

Now, I have taken a fancy to you, as long as you are willing to accept the flowers in my hand, you will be the crown princess of my Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain——!

At that time, you and I will be immortals——! immortals."


Listening to the girl's words, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but show shock.

Seriously, she already knew since she met Ye Liang.

Or rather, yes.

It is certain that there is indeed a higher realm in this world than Jindan.

However, the god of transformation...

What kind of realm is it?!!!

Ye Liangzhi doesn't know about the gods?

Her gaze turned towards Ye Liang on the side, but she saw that Ye Liang's face was quite calm.

At this moment, Ye Liang's heart's voice: Lie in the groove——!!!?

I'm only a little innate now, hey, you're going to lift the backstage of the Avatar God level out now?

So what can I do?

Do I want to watch my woman mess with you?!!!

[Cut... I thought it was a return to the void realm. 】

[If it is to return to the void realm, it is also worth letting the Buddha-figure be an ant. 】

[Avatar, hehe... In the eyes of the Buddha-figure, I can't see the god of transformation, the realm is too small, the pattern is too small..."

Ye Liang: ...

It's not that I haven't heard of pretending in my life, but like this, I still see it for the first time.

In my small congenital period, in front of the big man of the Transformation God, I directly missed three realms.

Three realms——!!!

Even if you can blow the Immortal Voice Pack, don't blow the situation backwards.

It's me who is an ant in front of the god of transformation... No, it's not an ant.

What Ye Liang didn't know was that the voice of his immortal cultivation voice pack just now was heard by the Purple Heart Female Emperor and the Chiyue Female Emperor again.

The same voice was heard, but the two women's reactions were even more different.


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