At this moment, the princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, Wolf Ji, is confessing to the female emperor of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Such a scene was watched by an unknown number of passers-by.

However, this is just the beginning.

I have to say that Wolf Ji's words caused a lot of impact on the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

What kind of realm the god was, she didn't know anything at all.

Not to mention the god of transformation, it is the golden pill above the god of transformation, and she doesn't know at all.

However, what shocked her the most was not what was a god...

It was what she heard, from Ye Liang's heart.

In Ye Liang's heart, she knew that above the god of transformation, there was also the return to the void, and above the return to the void, there was also the realm.

Because, even if he returns to the Void Realm, in front of Ye Liang, he is still only worthy of being an ant.

The realm of Transformation God was not at all visible in Ye Liang's eyes——!!!

It turned out that the fairy road was actually so long and so far.

I used to think that I was already a golden pill, maybe after the golden pill, you can touch the end of the fairy road.

However, this is the case?!!!

At this moment, she only felt that her concept of cultivating immortals had received a huge impact——!!!

She looked shocked.

The Female Emperor of the Red Moon listened to Ye Liang's heart, and also secretly gasped.

It turns out that the realm above the god of transformation is a return to the void?

Moreover, even if he returned to the void, in front of Ye Liang, he could only barely be regarded as an ant.

Fairy Road... It is really a mystery with no end in sight.

[Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? 】

[If my Seven Xuan Immortal Venerable is called the person closest to the end of the immortal path, then no one in this world can be called the Dao——!]

At this moment, the Female Emperor of Chiyue heard Ye Liang's heart again.

"Could it be that Ye Liang is really the one who stands at the end of the Immortal Road?"

At this moment, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but gasp again.

Even, she no longer had the calm smile on her face at the beginning.

Originally, she also pretended at first, but now she really can't pretend.

No way, Ye Liang is too strong——!!!

And Ye Liang heard the sound of his voice pack, but he was used to it.

In fact, this kind of simple pretense is okay...

At least, there's no plain harm to others, right?

Therefore, although listening to the words of pretense makes people feel embarrassed and numb, it is still bearable.

At least, he doesn't have to apologize to people in his heart, feel guilty and so on.

"Purple Heart Female Emperor, you should have understood what kind of person I am. "

Holding a bouquet of roses in her hand, Wolf Ji knelt down on one knee again in front of the Purple Heart Emperor and said to her:

"I know you like the earth, so I propose to you with the specifications of the earth, and I hope you promise to ——!"


Hearing that Wolf Ji proposed to her again, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but have her forehead jump again.

She said speechlessly:

"Sorry, I already have someone I like. "

Saying that, she came directly to Ye Liang's side and held Ye Liang's arm with both hands.

"Moreover, my orientation is normal, so, I will not accept yours. "


At this moment, the scene here has attracted the attention of unknown many people.

Even, someone directly picked up their mobile phone and started the live broadcast.

The titles of the live broadcast room are all taken.

"The fairy goes down to the fan and proposes to the school flower, but the school flower already has a boyfriend, and the boyfriend is a scumbag——!!!"

"Groove, anchor, what are you broadcasting live?"

"It's a bit informative. "

How are these girls more beautiful than the other, anchor you opened several layers of beauty?!!!"

Many people entered the live broadcast room at once, and the originally empty live broadcast room instantly attracted more than a dozen people to enter.

The person who was broadcasting naturally opened his mouth to introduce the situation to the people watching the live broadcast.

"You don't believe it, that beautiful woman in a cyan dress, she is a fairy, just now she fell from the sky and suddenly confessed to our new school flower Zhao Ziyan. "

"And our school flower Zhao Ziyan's boyfriend is by her side. "

"Ye Liang, the boyfriend of our school flower, is a scumbag, and he is not only a girlfriend of Zhao Ziyan..."

“...... Uh..."

"Groove, is it so exciting?!!!"

"In my life, I have seen people who dig corners in front of people, but I have never seen Lily in front of others——!!!

"Isn't she afraid of being beaten?"

"I said, she is a fairy, she will be afraid of being beaten?!"

"What school flower, where in the world is there a school flower, why haven't I seen it?"

"These girls are also too beautiful, they are all tired of playing for a lifetime——!!!"

"You said they were all his girlfriends?"

People in the live broadcast room are talking about it, and the people on the scene are even more exciting.

"Fairy Xia Fan, actually proposed to Zhao Ziyan?"

"This... I didn't even know what to shock first. "

"God, this is a fairy, does the fairy play with lilies?"

"I TM... Think about it, fairy, what man in this world is worthy of a fairy besides women?!!!

"If I let me know that the person the fairy chooses in the end is a man, then I must not be able to stand it——!!!"

"However, Zhao Ziyan actually refused?"

If I were Zhao Ziyan, I would definitely not want Ye Liang, I wanted a fairy." "

"Nonsense, you are a man, of course you won't want Ye Liang to ask for a fairy——!!!"

"I don't know if you have noticed that just now, this fairy seems to be called Zhao Ziyan what purple heart female emperor?"

"I noticed, and what she just said seemed to be very powerful. "

"What Jindan, what Avatar..."

“...... Unfortunately, her confession failed. "


Wolf Ji looked incredulous, and her eyes looked towards the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Seeing the Purple Heart Female Emperor holding Ye Liang's arm and refusing her without hesitation, she couldn't help but look ugly.

The next moment, she threw the bouquet of roses in her hand towards the sky, and the roses scattered in the air into a rain of flowers.

And she was in the rain of flowers, and said:

"Purple Heart Female Emperor, maybe you don't know what place the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain is, perhaps, you don't know at all, what is Immortal Cultivation?

Let me tell you.

The so-called immortal cultivation has a total of five realms, refining qi, innate, golden pill, yuan baby, and transformation god.

The five realms, except that the difference between refining qi and innate strength is not too big, each difference in the latter realm is a world apart.

Just like you can become the master of a realm with a golden pill, a yuan baby can already control a Heng galaxy.

A god of transformation is not something that the Yuan Infant can imagine.

And I, although I am only a golden pill, I am the princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain.

Do you understand?!!!

In the future, I will be the power of God——!!!

As long as you are willing to become my woman, with your talent, it is not a dream for me to make you a god in the future——!

"Groove, this... It's also too handsome. "

"Romantic, domineering confession. "

"A woman's confession to a woman can actually be so domineering?!!"


Looking at the beautiful Qingyi woman in the rain of flowers in front of her, whether it was the people around her or those netizens who watched the mobile phone live broadcast, they couldn't help but froze.

It's so beautiful——!!!

At this moment, Ye Liang felt that it was time for him to stand up.

He didn't speak just now, not because he was really afraid of the other party.

In the end, he is not the type who does not dare to protect his woman because the other party is stronger than him.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor's personality is arrogant and cold, and being confessed by a woman must not be a happy thing in her opinion.

However, she remained polite.

It is enough to prove that the strength of the other party has indeed made her scruples.

Especially the background of the other party, it is not simple.

Even the Purple Heart Female Emperor could only politely refuse, and did not directly make a move...

At this time, as a man, it is time for him to speak.

However, without waiting for him to speak, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said again:

"I said, I already have a sweetheart, what are you saying in front of me that you Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain is doing, do you think I will want to be attached to you, or do you think that you can scare my Purple Heart Female Emperor by relying on this?!!

At this moment, her face suddenly became cold.

Looking at the Heavenly Wolf Princess in front of her, she let go of Ye Liang's arm, her heart moved, and she instantly turned into a purple heart female emperor fairy appearance, and in an instant, her momentum soared.

A purple coercion instantly rose up into the sky, suppressing Wolf Ji's cyan aura that had been hovering in the air.

For a moment, the sky was encircled by two different auras, purple and cyan.

Two different auras intersected in the air, and for a moment, the wind was raging, and the clouds were dancing.


In the sky, in an instant, green thunder sounded.


At this moment, Wolf Ji couldn't help but froze——!!!

She looked at the Purple Heart Female Emperor stunned, feeling that her aura was pressing against her aura, and her face was full of disbelief.


The originally clear sky suddenly became thunderous, and although the people who were watching the play could not see the aura, they could see the impact of the aura.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth changed, and the people at the scene were stunned.

"Groove, this... What is this?!!!?"

"Did you see it, just now, Zhao Ziyan suddenly changed——!!!

"See, she, how did she suddenly become like this?"

"So beautiful... So domineering, I feel as if I saw the legendary Wushu female emperor——!!!"

At this moment, everyone was watching that scene in amazement.

Zhao Ziyan suddenly changed into the costume of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, and this one-click dressing picture is not comparable to ordinary magic.

Magic is a trick to deceive people's eyes.

And the Purple Heart Female Emperor instantly changed into an immortal phase, but it was definitely not magic.

Even the dozens of people who watched the live broadcast on the Internet felt that something was wrong.

This, this is definitely not a special effect——!!!

Blind people can see that this is certainly not a special effect.


At this moment, looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor looking like she was going to do it with herself, Wolf Ji couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

What she was dumbfounded by was not the attitude of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, but... Her breath.


"How is this possible——!!!"

"When did you become a ——!!! in the middle of Jindan"

She looked at the Purple Heart Female Emperor with a shocked expression.

She had already known about the Purple Pole Immortal Star before, and she knew that the Purple Pole Immortal Star was a world that had just begun to develop the Immortal Dao for tens of thousands of years.

The fairy road of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, so far in the forefront is the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Immortal cultivation, if there is no guidance from predecessors, then it will be like a blind man crossing the river, and a blind man crossing the sand...

Just relying on one's own natural comprehension, a person's achievements in a lifetime must have a limit.

And as the first person on the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the Purple Heart Female Emperor can become a golden pill, and how extraordinary her talent is, even a fool knows it.

It is precisely because after understanding that the Purple Heart Female Emperor is indeed powerful, Wolf Ji will have ideas about the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

But now, looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor, her face was incredible.

Because, before the Purple Heart Female Emperor was clearly in the early stage of Jindan.

But now, she is actually in the middle of the golden pill?!!!

Hearing Wolf Ji's shocked question, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Before, I thought I couldn't see through her cultivation, and I thought she was very powerful.

But after Ye Liang's order, her cultivation improved, and now it seems that her cultivation is just that.

In the early stage of Jindan, she actually only had the early stage of Jindan...

I couldn't see her cultivation before, I think it was because her breath gathering technique was more powerful than the immortal cultivation method handed down from ancient times by her Purple Pole Immortal Star.

However, of course, the Purple Heart Female Emperor would not tell the other party that she was ordered by Ye Liang to break through to the middle of the Golden Pill by luck.

Ye Liang's good, the less people know, the better——!!!

Now she even regretted telling Ye Liang's power to the people of Purple Pole Immortal Star.

I don't know if the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star will expose Ye Liang's true strength.


Feeling the powerful aura of the Purple Heart Female Emperor's mid-Golden Pill, hundreds of miles of cyan light in the sky were pressed back by the purple light.

Two different auras are intertwined in the sky, making the sky thunder and thunder rolling.

Powerful aura, pressed on the surface of the earth.

If it weren't for the special law on the earth, I'm afraid that at this moment, the earth had been squeezed by the aura of the two people and the pressure increased hundreds of times, and the mountains and rocks on the earth would have been squeezed out of shape.

However, at this moment, the creatures on the earth could not feel how terrifying the aura of the two golden pill periods was.


The breath of the two clashed, and the aura of the Purple Heart Female Emperor was completely victorious.

Seeing that the aura of the Purple Heart Female Emperor was about to press towards her, Wolf Ji shouted with some disbelief:

"Why, why, your talent is so good, you have a great future——!!!

Why do you fall for such a mortal?

He may not even have the talent to cultivate immortals——!!!

Where can I compare to him?!!!"

She pointed her finger at Ye Liang.


At this moment, Ye Liang, who was robbed of words, couldn't help but be a little speechless:


What's more, where are you inferior to me, do you need to say?

Do you have my specialty?!!!

Aren't you so excited that you forgot that you and the Purple Heart Female Emperor are both women?!!


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