Innate hit Jindan?

Isn't this a mortal fighting a fairy?

Can this win too?

It can't be——!!!

At this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but look shocked.

He couldn't believe that someone might have defeated Jin Dan Xiuwei with his innate early cultivation.

This can't be——!!!

Even if the gap in practice is large, one is a god-like existence, and the other is like a mortal.

How else does this compare?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

What the hell is the origin of that guy who defeated his own daughter with such contemptuous means?!

At this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor just wanted to figure out this matter.

There must be a conspiracy in this.

Could it be that someone is deliberately calculating that he will not succeed?

If this is the case, he must make those who calculate him regret coming into this world——!

"Emperor, forgive the end of the incompetence. "

Seeing that the Heavenly Wolf Emperor was shocked and angry again, the wolf general said:

"There is a special law on that earth, and after I arrived on the earth, I was constrained by the law, and I couldn't find out the way called Ye Liang. "

That guy named Ye Liang is so lucky?!"

Hearing this, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch glanced at the wolf general with disdain.

A small law of the earth, all of which restrain you?

Huan Yuan baby, he~tui——!!!

If the Buddha-figures do not believe, then the laws of the earth can still restrain the Buddha-figures.

Never allow anyone to calculate their own daughter, the one named Ye Liang, the Buddha-figure wants to see how much you can do——!!!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor slowly stood up, his figure constantly shrinking in the void, and finally turned into the size of an ordinary person.

He came to the wolf general and said:

"Wolf take, go, let's go to Earth——!"

"Yes, Emperor ——!!!"

The wolf general couldn't help but look surprised.

It seems that the emperor is really angry this time.

I actually want to go out in person and drive my own conquest...

But yes, after all, that's a princess.

To be reasonable, watching the princess swear to become someone else's slave, he also has an unforgivable guilt.

The emperor has not punished himself yet, I am afraid that he just wants to see the situation first, and then settle the account later.


Ye Liang was in the past time at the moment.

Originally, he was immersed in cultivation in the lake, preparing to break through the golden pill, but he heard a cry for help from the shore of the lake.

It was a woman who was being chased by several hooligans.

Although the woman is desperately trying to escape, how can she run past the man?

Soon she was surrounded by the men.

For a moment, several people kept talking obscenities, and they were about to pounce on the woman.

However, just as Ye Liang was about to make a move, a voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Stop, what are you going to do? I have called the police, and the law enforcement team will come immediately——!!!


Hearing this, those hooligans couldn't help but change their expressions, and quickly fled.

"Stinky boy, you wait for us, we know where you work——!!!"

"Come on, I'm afraid you won't make it——!!!"

Hearing the threat of several hooligans, the man was not afraid at all, but shouted loudly, looking righteous and solemn.

"Are you all right?"

After the hooligans ran away, the man who heroically saved the beauty asked the woman again.

"I... It's okay, thank you. "

The woman's voice looked a little frightened.

Seeing that the woman had been rescued, Ye Liang was preparing to continue cultivating.

However, the next moment, he heard a voice from the shore in his ears.

"No thanks, my name is Jiang Shixian, Miss, what's your name?"

The man asked the woman.

In an instant, Ye Liang opened his eyes, and a silver light that could not be seen by mortals with the naked eye was released in the water.

"My name is Tang Pinru. "

The woman replied:

"Thank you really today, if it weren't for you, I... I might..."

Her tone revealed endless gratitude.

Frightened, and rescued by others, can you not be grateful?!

If it fell into the hands of those hooligans, she really didn't know what would happen to her.

"No thanks. "

Jiang Shixian's voice said:

"Manly husband, when encountering this kind of thing, it is naturally incumbent upon him——!

It's good that you're okay, but this road is very unsafe, why do you walk here alone in the middle of the night?"

"It was my boss who had to work overtime alone today. "

Tang Pinru said: "Otherwise, I wouldn't have delayed until now." "

"Oh, yes. "

Jiang Shixian said: "This road is really not safe, Miss Tang, otherwise, let me give you a ride, what do you think?"

"This... It won't bother you, will it?"

Tang Pinru seemed to be a little moved.

After all, walking this road alone is really a little scary.

"No, it's a bit troublesome, but I can't watch you get into danger——!

Jiang Shixian said with a smile:

"Where is your home, you lead the way." "

"Well, please follow me. "

Saying that, Tang Pinru took Jiang Shixian towards the direction of his home.

In the lake, a figure slowly surfaced.

He stepped on the surface of the water, his eyes towards the distant Tang Pinru and Jiang Shixian, thoughtful.

At this moment, the people who appeared on the lake, except Ye Liang, naturally would not be anyone else.

Unexpectedly, he would actually meet the young Tang Pinru and Jiang Shixian.

Aunt Tang was originally very beautiful, and when she was young, she looked more youthful and beautiful, and in terms of beauty, she was not under Jiang Yurou's colonel flower.

“...... Jiang Shixian, would he do this kind of heroic thing to save beauty?"

For this kind of thing, Ye Liang expressed doubts.

After all, no matter what, in Ye Liang's impression, Jiang Shixian is a person who pursues fame and profit, greedy for life and fears death.

The first reaction of this kind of person in the face of danger is definitely not to save people with great righteousness.

Moreover, where are the hooligans at this time so easy to fool, you shout the police, and they really believe your nonsense?

With such doubts, Ye Liang decided not to practice for the time being.

Although cultivation is important, it is not something that can be raised in a moment.

If he didn't figure out what was going on, he might have to die.

At that time, he was still practicing a hammer.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang slowly took off in the night and chased after Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru.

Along the way, although Jiang Shixian took the initiative to speak to Tang Pinru, he did not deliberately curry favor.

The demeanor he showed made Tang Pinru show a little appreciation for him.

At first, the two were still a little different, but after walking down one way and sending Tang Pinru home, Jiang Shixian could already talk and laugh with Tang Pinru.

Ye Liang watched this scene in the air, but he couldn't help frowning secretly.

Seriously, he knows who Jiang Shixian is in the future, looking at Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru just met at this moment, there is a look of talking and laughing, and his heart must be refreshed, which is strange.

It's just, one is out of curiosity, trying to figure out what's going on.

The second is also because he is hesitating whether to make a move.

In theory, what has happened in the past has no changing meaning.

If everything that had happened in the past could be changed, he wouldn't be here.

Because the past has been changed, there is no future him, and how can the future him appear in the present?


The past cannot be changed, but it can be created——!

The fact that it has already happened, of course, cannot be changed.

But what if the facts that have already happened are different from what the parties think?

For the paradox of time and space, Ye Liang has also studied.

If you change the past, many possibilities will arise.

The first is an infinite loop, where the past affects the present, the present affects the past, and an infinite loop.

The second is the division of time and space, although the past has been changed, but because the forcibly changed past and the unchanged present exist at the same time, so two different past space-time are formed.

The third is the creation of the past——!

That is, you think you have changed the past, when in reality all your actions are just a part of the past.

What you do is already predestined.

There is also a pseudo-past.

You think the past is real, but in fact, the past that you changed is real.

In short, changing the past will produce countless variables.

What Ye Liang is hesitating now is what kind of changes will be caused after he intervenes.

Seriously, knowing the future, Ye Liang really didn't want to let Tang Pinru be with Jiang Shixian anymore.

But...... What if Tang Pinru and Jiang Shixian are not together, and Jiang Yurou disappears?

She is Jiang Shixian's biological daughter.

However, let him watch Tang Pinru being deceived by Jiang Shixian, a hypocrite.

How could he be willing?

If he doesn't do something between them, he agrees, and the wheel of time in his hand doesn't agree——!

In the end, Ye Liang still decided to fuck him——!!!

What has already happened cannot be changed.

However, this is only the cognition of the present self, but for the future self, what has happened may not be the same as what the current self thinks.

Therefore, what I have not yet intervened in may not be what should really happen...

Afraid of a yarn, just do it.

If something really happens, big deal, do it again——!!!

Thinking of this, Ye Liang's originally tangled brows suddenly calmed down.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded:

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: open-mindedness, smooth thoughts, and the Yin and Yang Creation Technique has been upgraded to the Taichu Yin Yang Technique.

Primeval Yin Yang Tips:

There is no need to retreat and penance, cultivation is self-improvement, without resorting to the qi of heaven and earth, self-generating spiritual spring, the smoother the state of mind, the more accessible the thoughts, the faster the speed of cultivation.

On the other hand, if the more inaccessible the thought, the more cultivation will suffer from it, not only will it not be able to advance, but there is even a danger of falling into the realm. "

"Uh, even the system is encouraging me, reckless?"

The system gave a reward at this time, which Ye Liang did not expect.

This primordial yin and yang technique is completely a reckless technique.

The more accessible the state of mind, the faster the speed of practice.

The more unpleasant the thought, the more difficult it will be.

One is not good, and there is even the risk of falling realms.

The next moment, a flood of information flooded into Ye Liang's mind.

This information is much more mysterious than the original Yin and Yang Creation Technique.

If it is an ordinary person, just to comprehend the Yin and Yang Secret of the Primordial Beginning, I am afraid it will take tens of millions of years.

Ye Liang, on the other hand, didn't have to worry about comprehension at all.

The system is directly given to the ——!

However, after a while, he comprehended the primordial yin and yang technique on his own.

At the same time, the Primordial Qi Technique in his body was automatically integrated into the Primordial Yin Yang Technique, becoming a part of the Primordial Yin Yang Recipe.

At this time, Ye Liang's only felt that the true yuan in his originally liquefied body seemed to be under some huge attraction at this moment, and he frantically moved towards his dantian.

The endless spiritual energy rushed endlessly like a river, converging towards the dantian.

The surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy was also frantically sucked, converging towards Ye Liang's dantian.

What was even more terrifying was that Ye Liang's body actually created something out of nothing, self-generated spiritual spring, the spring was silent, but the spiritual energy surged out.

At this moment, Ye Liang only felt that heaven and earth were in his body.

Under the operation of his exercises, his aura rose wildly.

At this moment, with him as the center, a huge aura tornado storm formed between the entire heaven and earth.

The tornado continuously sucked the qi of heaven and earth into Ye Liang's body, and the clouds in the sky were also reversed by an unknown powerful force.

The terrifying clouds seemed to bring bursts of storms.


With a dramatic sound, I saw a terrifying thunder flash in the sky.

Countless thunderbolts fell, confirming the birth of a Golden Dan cultivator.

For other exercises, the realm of cultivation relies on the accumulation of cultivation and climbs up step by step.

However, for the Taichu Yin Yang Technique, the so-called Jindan only needs to cultivate this exercise, and Jindan is a matter of course.

If you don't reach the Jindan, it can only prove that you haven't even practiced the practice itself.

After the practice of the exercises is successful, the process of piling up cultivation can be regarded as officially beginning.

"I didn't expect to become a Jindan so easily?"

Feeling the silver radiant golden pill that was floating in his dantian purple mansion, Ye Liang was a little incredible.

It is said that cultivating immortals is a process of refining the mind, which is really true.

When your state of mind is open-minded, and you practice hard for a thousand years, maybe it is not as good as this one... Open and hang.

If they let others know that their cultivation speed is so fast and their breakthrough cultivation is so easy, I don't know if they can still be open-minded.

And just when Ye Liangzheng was on the way of Jindan, Jiang Shixian's gaze looked towards the sky.

I saw clouds rolling in the sky, as if there would be a big storm at any time.

"God help me too——!"

At this moment, he couldn't help but be very happy.

Just now, Tang Pinru politely asked him to go up and sit down before leaving, but he refused very gentlemanly.

Say what is inconvenient and so on.

Unexpectedly, Tang Pinru really stopped inviting him.

But now, it looks like it's going to rain——!

She is so bad but Tang Pinru's benefactor, she has to invite herself up for the night, right?

That's the opportunity——!!!


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