"Oh, it's probably going to rain this day..."

Seeing the clouds in the sky, Jiang Shixian opened his mouth and said to Tang Pinru.


Following Jiang Shixian's gaze, Tang Pinru's gaze also looked into the sky.

I saw that the sky was cloudy, and I could even see a huge white light streaking across the sky, forming a terrifying thunderbolt.

She hesitated for a moment, and was about to open her mouth to ask Jiang Shixian to stay.

Although it is inconvenient to be alone and widowed, others saved their lives and sent themselves back.

If I let others go back in such a rain, it would be too unkind.


Just as she was about to speak, suddenly, her gaze noticed that in the sky, the clouds instantly scattered, and a bright moonlight shot down from the sky.

The sky, which was still very dark, suddenly became cloudless, and the moon was as bright as day.

"Groove ——!!"

At this moment, Jiang Shixian's gaze was also dumbfounded.

He couldn't help but secretly exploded his foul language, and he ——!!!

What's going on, just now looking at the sky was still gloomy, why is it so bright again all of a sudden?!!!


Tang Pinru watched the sky light up, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She hasn't had a boyfriend yet, so she's still a little concerned about asking the opposite sex to spend the night at her house.

Now she doesn't have to keep Jiang Shixian.

"Then, you go slowly, pay attention to safety on the road. "

She said to Jiang Shixian.

"Uh... All right. "

Jiang Shixian was secretly depressed.

Just now he said God help me.

But I didn't expect that this God said that change will change.

Of course, he didn't know at this moment, in the sky, a pair of eyes were watching him.

"Want me to help you, I'm afraid I'm thinking about fart eating..."

At this moment, Ye Liang was in the sky, staring at Jiang Shixian below.

Obviously, these clouds were forcibly dispersed by him just now.

The ability of the Jindan realm is really completely different from the innate stage.

The innate period is just one with heaven and earth, but the golden pill period has become heaven and earth in its own.

Wanting to change the celestial phenomena is just a matter of thought for the Jin Dan period.

Ye Liang has decided to change the future——!!!

He would never let Jiang Shixian have a good time.

Maybe he has no grudge with Jiang Shixian, but Jiang Yurou is also his girlfriend now.

He didn't want his girlfriend to have such a rubbish father.

Since Jiang Yurou had appeared, he believed that no matter what he did, Jiang Yurou would not disappear.

Even if it is to break up Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru, who could have been married.

Originally, he didn't have this idea, but now, he saw Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru appear in front of him when he was young...

Can he resist not doing some sabotage?

Even if he can endure it, the wheel of time in his hand can't bear it.

Under Ye Liang's gaze, Jiang Shixian really quickly revealed his horse's feet.

I saw that after he left Tang Pinru's house, he went straight to a street corner.

There were several people waiting for him.

And those few people are the guys who wanted to be bad at Tang Pin before.

"Mr. Jiang, how is it, how did we just act?"

After Jiang Shixian came here, those guys quickly walked out and asked him.

"You guys acted well, Tang Pinru was scared enough, and now he must have a lot of good feelings for me." "

Jiang Shixian said: "This is a thank you gift. "

With that, he withdrew the prepared money and handed it to the guys.

After getting the money, these guys all showed excited looks:

"Haha, thank you Mr. Jiang, it's worthy of being the person that Sister Wang fancy, really generous." "

Jiang Shixian said politely:

"Where, I still need a few brothers to take care of me so that I can mix around here." "

"Mr. Jiang, make such a generous move, what are the orders in the future, although it is enough to call us brothers, even if Mr. Jiang wants to..."

Saying that, the leader made a gesture of wiping his neck, and then, with a smile:

"We also have people who can do it. "


Hearing the words of the person at the head, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but feel a pang of fear.

Although he had long known that these guys were not good people, he just asked them to put on a play for himself.

If you really want them to do that kind of thing that wipes people's necks, he can't do it.

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang, then we wish you an early hug and a beautiful return." "

"Thank you, thank you. "

"The brothers went first. "

"Okay, goodbye. "

After seeing those guys leave far away, Jiang Shixian breathed a sigh of relief.

These guys are social people, and working with them is also very risky.

When you have achievements in the future, you will definitely not be able to interact with them anymore.

"Tang Pinru, you must be my ——!"

At this moment, Jiang Shixian's heart couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Thinking that he would immediately support Tang Pinru's routine, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and smile evilly.

"Sure enough. "

Ye Liang, who was in the air and took everything in his eyes, smiled and shook his head.

I'm not afraid of the villain's power, I'm afraid of the villain's deep routine.

The girls of this era are the period when they like heroes to save beauty, and I have to say that Jiang Shixian's means are indeed very good.

But it's a pity that Jiang Shixian is too dish, otherwise, he could have acted better...

In fact, he could have arranged for those guys to fight him.

One person beats several people, the scene must be more exciting, more stimulating to the girl's heart.

However, that kind of thing is easy to wear, and people without strength to do it are indeed very risky.

Now that he knew the truth, Ye Liang didn't want to waste more time on Jiang Shixian.

"Challenge, Jiang Shixian——!"

At the moment when Ye Liang was about to make a move on Jiang Shixian, the voice of the law of the earth sounded in his mind.

"Tang Pinru's favor. "


He originally wanted to kill Jiang Shixian directly, but he didn't expect that the laws of the earth would not let him do anything to Jiang Shixian.

If you want to do something to Jiang Shixian, unless he gets Tang Pinru's favor more than Jiang Shixian.

Although the laws of the earth have always protected him from being dealt with by people stronger than him.

However, it has to be said that the law of the earth protects more than him.

For example, now, if he didn't get Tang Pinru's favor more than Jiang Shixian now, then his attack would not hurt Jiang Shixian.

It seems that if he wants to use spells to do something to Jiang Shixian, he has to pass the Tang Pinru level of this era first.

If she didn't get Tang Pinru's favor as much as Jiang Shixian, she couldn't hurt Jiang Shixian.

Although he really wanted to kill Jiang Shixian, there was no need to use immortal methods, and he could do it...

But think about it, let him live a little longer, not worse than this moment.

Killing with your hands is too cruel, too bloody.

He can't see blood, but it's better to use spells to blast people to ashes.

If it doesn't work, you can let others do it for you.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang's gaze turned towards those hooligans.

These guys are not good people anyway, just let them come.

After those hooligans took the benefits, they were all excited.

Looking at the money allocated to him, he can't wait to find a place to spend this money now.

A yellow hair said:

"Hahaha, big brother, I didn't expect that we could actually earn so much this time." "

Another man who dyed his hair green also said:

"Get rich. "

The scar man who was called the eldest brother said:

"Hehe, what is this, as long as everyone mixes with me, there will be many benefits in the future." "

Both yellow and green hair should be in harmony:

"Of course, big brother, we've followed you. "

"yes. "

"If you do this kind of thing, are you not afraid of being punished by heaven?"

Just as the three hooligans were excited, a voice sounded in their ears.

Hahaha, if we are afraid of heaven's punishment, will we still come out to mix society?"


As they spoke, the three suddenly reacted.

Where did that voice come from?!!

"Are you talking?"

The scarred man asked the yellow and green hairs behind him.

But the two shook their heads and denied what they had said.

"Grass, who's talking?"

The scar man was a little frightened, his eyes looked around, "Get out of here——!."

The sudden appearance of the voice startled all three.

They originally wanted to find out the location of the person who spoke up.

However, they looked around and saw no one.

"Oh my God, big brother, aren't we hell?"

"Seeing Nima's ghost, someone must be pretending to be a ghost. "

"But that voice..."

Just when the three hooligans were in fear, the voice sounded again.

Buddha-figures are ——! in heaven"

Hearing this, the eyes of the three rogues looked into the sky.

But I saw that there was nothing in the sky.

"Who the hell is joking with us, get out of here, or Laozi will kill you——!"

"Find the ——! of death"

There was a sudden whisper in the sky, and immediately, only a thunderclap was heard.

A thunderbolt fell in the sky and slammed heavily on the ground in front of the three.


The three hooligans only felt that their whole bodies were violently numb, and their souls were about to fly.


The three screamed and were directly knocked to the ground, trembling.

If Ye Liang hadn't planned to kill them now, I'm afraid they would have been chopped to death by now.

Ye Liang in the sky looked at the performance of these three hooligans, and couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Is the power I used still greater?

It's easy to deal with these three hooligans.

Their specialty is to dare to die, in this era, people in mixed society speak a ruthless word.

People who are not ruthless cannot be social people.

Obviously, Ye Liang still won't lose to these three guys in terms of dead hands.

So, he can do it directly to them.


The three fell to the ground screaming, numbed by electricity, and did not slow down for a long time.

From time to time, you can still see them trembling as if they are crazy.

"How is it, the taste of thunder and lightning rewarded by the Buddha-figure, can you wait for it to feel better?"

At this moment, a voice in the sky sounded again:

"If you like it, the Buddha-figure will reward you with a few more. "

"Ah, no, don't like it, immortal, immortal spare life——!!!"

"Immortals spare their lives——!!!"

Hearing Ye Liang's voice, the three finally reacted.

This Nima's, blind with black lights, actually hit the immortals——!!!

"Hehe, didn't you say that you are not afraid of heaven's punishment?"

The voice in the sky sounded again.

The teasing color in that voice seemed to stand in the air, watching a few ants below struggling in his hands.

"No, no, immortals, immortals, we are wrong, we are wrong, we will never do bad things again——!!!"

"Immortals spare their lives——!!!"

The three hooligans looked at the sky, and although they could not see anyone, they could feel that the crisis of death was above their heads.

If they say bad again and offend that immortal, then they will definitely die.

They don't understand why there are so many people who do bad things in this world, some people have a much better life than them, why they haven't met the gods.

Is it just so unlucky yourself?!!!

"Spare your life, what do you have to spare?"

Ye Liang in the sky said:

"What you did before, the Buddha-figures have seen, intending to bully the girls of good families, and the sin is unforgivable——!"

"No, no, immortal, immortal, you misunderstood——!!!"

"We don't dare, we don't dare to do that kind of thing, we're just cooperating with Jiang Shixian acting, he wants to play heroes to save beauty to pick up girls——!!!"

"Yes, it's not us, it's Jiang Shixian, he is the real evil person. "

"Spare your life——!!!"

The three hooligans were kneeling in the direction of the air at the moment.

They also don't know which immortal they offended, but at this time, it is definitely right to kneel decisively.

"You think the Buddha-figures don't know this kind of thing, and use you to explain it, but it's not difficult to get the Buddha-figures to spare you. "

Ye Liang said:

"Within half an hour, if you can kill Jiang Shixian, the chief evil, then this figure will not pursue your crimes. "

He asked these three guys to kill Jiang Shixian, but it wasn't just as simple as wanting to kill Jiang Shixian.

He also has a purpose.

That is to verify whether the past can be changed.

If even these three guys can kill Jiang Shixian, who lives to the future, it proves that the past can be easily changed.

The so-called past is unchangeable, but a joke.

If these three guys can't kill Jiang Shixian, then they can only make their own shots.

At that time, it depends on the situation.

In short, these three guys, before they die, are worth putting to good use.


The three hooligans couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the sound coming from the sky.

No, isn't it, let them go and kill Jiang Shixian?

Although they usually do a lot of things such as robbery and fighting, murder is left to other people in society.

They haven't done anything like this——!

Then go to the prefecture to atone for your sins first——!

Seeing that the three hooligans actually dared to hesitate, Ye Liang's heart moved, and another thunder and lightning converged in the clouds.

"Ah no, no, no, let's go, let's go. "

"Jiang Shixian, that guy has different appearances, extreme hypocrisy, and everyone deserves it. "

"Let's go kill him and ——!!! for Tianxing."

"Yes, go ——!!!"


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