
Tang Pinru still didn't believe it, she really didn't have a chance to see this Ye Qixuan's face.

This guy is so ruthless, maybe when he accidentally provoked him, the person is gone.

Before that, I want to see what he looks like first.

In this way, even if she dies, go to the palace of the king of Yan to file a complaint, she can tell Lord Yan what the person who killed her looks like——!!!

This domineering Immortal Venerable was too murderous.

If he just wants to refuse his help, he may take his own life, and he may even float thousands of miles...

It's scary to think about.

Before you really offend him and be killed by him, can you be willing if you don't see his face?

Would you be willing?!!

Definitely unwillingly.

At this moment, she really wanted to see what this Ye Qixuan looked like.

Is it really so handsome, what three million male immortals are so handsome by him that they lower their eyebrows.

What female emperor saint adored his countless ...

It is so difficult to see his face, if this is the case, then it is not a loss for a mortal to see his face——!!!

At this time, she can only forcibly not lose.

Therefore, after saying that sentence, she wanted to see how this Ye Qixuan answered.


Hearing Tang Pinru's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

Fall in love with me?

Auntie, can you fall in love with me, if you fall in love with me, then you will have it?

What about Yurou?

This kind of thing that hurts nature and reason, and is very contrary to the truth... It's too exciting, isn't it——!!!

Moreover, I can't do anything to Jiang Shixian now.

If you want to do something to Jiang Shixian, you must have more favorability in Tang Pinru's heart than she has for Jiang Shixian.

For the future of Tang Pinru, but also for the future of Jiang Yurou.

He couldn't let Tang Pinru marry Jiang Shixian again...

As for whether history will change or something because of this, he doesn't know anyway.

Just do it boldly.

Just do it——!!!

Thinking of this, Ye Liang decided to change his original plan.

Since he has already intervened in the plot of this time, it doesn't matter if Tang Pinru sees his face.

Anyway, the face he uses now is the face of the fairy ...

Although it looks similar to what he came, it doesn't make people feel the same if you look closely.

"Of course we don't have any rules, and no one has come to give me rules, and I said that my face can't be seen by you, which is really inconvenient. "

In the light of Xuanguang, Ye Liang said:

"However, since you are so curious, then I will reveal my true body and let you see it." "

[Hahaha, woman, your luck is really good, the Buddha-figure has changed his mind, and the Buddha-figure really wants to see what kind of adoring eyes a mortal like you will show to the Buddha-figure after seeing the face of the Buddha-figure. 】

[So far, the women who have not fallen in love with the Buddha-figure after seeing the face of the Buddha-figure are not absent, but they are all dead. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Pinru: Uh...


Can I stop watching?!!!

How can there be such a truth, if you don't love your face, you will die.

No wonder you say that anyone who looks at your face will fall in love with you——!!!

Do they dare not fall in love with you?

Damn it——!!!

However, I think so, but what else can Tang Pinru do now?

This guy is so domineering, just now he had to say that he wanted to see him, and he didn't agree.

Now he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to let himself see his true face.

If he wants to say that he doesn't look, will he directly slap himself in the face?

At this moment, Tang Pinru's mind had already seen the picture of a black and white ball of light suddenly stretching out and slapped her to the point of bleeding.

That picture was so cruel that she couldn't imagine it.


At this moment, Tang Pinru was so frightened that he shivered.

However, she had to pretend to be excited and said to Ye Liang:

"Great, I haven't seen the immortals, what do the immortals look like?!"

Hearing this, Ye Liang spoke:

"As you wish——!"

[Woman, open your eyes and look carefully, this will be a superb scene that you will never forget——!

Tang Pinruo's eyes widened, for fear of being misunderstood by Ye Liang, she didn't look seriously.

After all, for Tang Pinru, Ye Liang was too terrible.

And the first time he appeared as an immortal, Ye Liang naturally would not let his performance be too low.

When the Purple Heart Female Emperor appeared, the purple qi turned into a dragon and swirled into the air.

Purple qi came thousands of miles east, and wind, rain, thunder and lightning came to greet each other.

The sky shook.

That scene, that guy...

In comparison, Yan Qing's strength was obviously much stronger than that of the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

But because she was only in the room when she first appeared, the special effects could not be applied, resulting in her appearance being very unpressed and unarranged.

Ye Liang learned Yan Qing's lesson, and naturally he would not let his appearance not be forced.

But I saw that the ball of light suddenly jumped up into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

The next moment, the sky instantly turned into a dark color.

The sun was shrouded in darkness, leaving only a faint shallow mark in the sky, which looked like a giant moon ring.

"Uh... Tengu Food Day?"

Looking at this scene, Tang Pinru couldn't help but secretly spit out.

Is this an appearance of the immortal or the appearance of the big devil?

Why is it all of a sudden?

You're really a big devil, aren't you——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru felt a little like crying.

He must have met the big devil, otherwise, how could he be so ruthless, how could he appear like this?

At this moment, the sky and the earth were dark, and for a moment, it was as if a tengu food day had occurred.

Not only did the sky and the earth darken, but even the sun in the sky became dim.

The sky is overcast.

It seems that a catastrophe is about to befall the world.

The tranquility and darkness before this storm makes people feel terrified.

Moreover, the vision of heaven and earth here is not something that only Tang Pinru can see.

Within a million miles, all the passers-by also looked at the sky in amazement.

Not sure what happened here.

How early in the morning, suddenly it was dark.

The sun is all shaded.

Moreover, what made them even more incredible was that it was obviously dark all around, but their vision was not affected at all.

"Is this a solar eclipse?"

"God, seeing a solar eclipse for the first time in my life——!!!"

"This must be a solar eclipse. "

"What a horror ——!"

"Mom, the sun that just came out was eaten, I'm so afraid——!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. "

"This must be a god under the mortals. "


But in the midst of millions of clouds, stratus clouds rolled, and a fierce silver-white light turbulent the void, as if a passage had opened in the sky.

In the air, ripples rippled one after another.

Everything was silent to the extreme, and at this moment, Tang Pinru could even hear his heartbeat.

The next moment——!!!

Silver light shone through the sky, shining directly from the sky.

The silver light burst out, instantly becoming the only bright color between heaven and earth, attracting everyone's attention.

Tang Pinru, who was looking at the sky, widened his eyes.

She felt that in her mind, a very sacred and ethereal voice seemed to sound at this moment.

There seems to be a bamboo flute playing, it seems that there is a fairy sound holy singing, it seems that there is a strange fragrance attacking, it seems that there is a fish and dragon dancing, and it seems that there is a divine thunder as a drum.

This is the way Ye Liang learned from the people of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, using spells to create unique BGMs in the air.

As a fairy, how can you appear without BGM?

As the sound of BGM sounded, the next moment, the divine light broke through the darkness——!

Tang Pinru only felt that her vision seemed to be spinning around a place and moving away.

But her gaze has always been focused on the very center of that vision.

I saw endless black and white light gathering in one place in the sky, full of divine light.

The endless black and white light converged into a beam of streamers, turning into a huge black and white Tai Chi Dao pattern in the sky.

The Dao pattern rotated, sprinkling a clear holy brilliance, and under that brilliance, a figure slowly emerged and descended from the sky.

A blue-white Daoist robe slowly fell from the air with that figure, floating towards the rear.

Her long silver-white hair was tied high on her head by a blue Daoist scarf, and her long hair was draped straight behind her, moving with the wind with her Daoist robe.

A gray-black waist seal around his waist tied his waist very thinly.

That's the slender waist that will absolutely make all women drool.

Around his body, he could faintly see that there were layers of looming Dao Pattern Talisman Seals swirling in the air.

From time to time, you can see that around his body, there are some formed subtle sword qi circulating, and these sword qi converge into a formation, but they have the potential to destroy the sky and the earth.

The sword qi appeared from time to time, dancing around him, making his figure even more divine.

The holy light broke the dawn, and the man who appeared from it was like a ship of masters between heaven and earth, ethereal and outstanding.

Tang Pinru originally thought that some big devil was about to descend.

How could she have imagined that there would be such a huge contrast?

With a burst of fairy music, a black and white Dao pattern behind Ye Liang in the sky, pure and peerless, slowly stepping on the wind, descended from the sky.

At the same time, Ye Liang's voice came from the sky again.

"Immortals refine qi and ride the jade sound, accompanied by the sound of Kunqiu Caifeng Ming.

It was first heard that the congenital introduction of gold dew, and the return of the road Asahi Yuan baby. "

The immortal sound is full of sounds, and it has not dispersed for three weeks.

Tang Pinru looked at the sky stunned...

This contrast is too great.

This whole world, as if only Ye Liang was located, was the center of the world.

Her gaze was fixed on Ye Liang, and she couldn't take it off.


Tang Pinru couldn't help but swallow deeply.

I couldn't believe that it would be such an immortal monarch who appeared from the sky.



Aren't these things used to describe mortals?

How to use it to describe such immortal characters, gentlemen in the clouds?!!!

Her gaze stared at Ye Liang tightly.

Looking at his posture, which was no longer enough to describe the words that mortals could describe the beauty of a man, he felt that his eyes were about to fall.

Immortals, this must be immortals——!!!

Just by looking at his appearance, you can determine that this is not a fairy, what is it?

If he is not an immortal, who in this world is worthy of the word immortal?!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinrucai finally deeply understood what it means to be handsome, and you can really do whatever you want.

Because, she found that she was obviously afraid of this immortal in front of her in her heart.

However, now he has an inexplicable respect for him in his heart.

As if, even if he really wanted his own life, he could give it to him.

No, no, it can't be like this——!!!

Tang Pinru quickly shook her head and forcibly calmed herself down.

Calm down, calm down, don't be deceived by him, how can someone in this world be so handsome and exaggerated?!!!

Even if he is an immortal, he is just a human.

How can it be...... Will attract your eye so much.

Fake, must be fake.

He must have used some powerful spell to make him fall in love with him——!!!

I thought so, but Tang Pinru still couldn't help it, staring at Ye Liang with dead eyes.

It was as if just looking at him less was a loss.

When she did not graduate, she was also pursued by countless classmates.

But for those boys, she never looked at them much.

Because she has always felt that women do not have to rely on men at all, and they can break out of the world by their own efforts.

It wasn't until last night, when she almost ran into a rogue, that she understood.

After all, women still can't rely on themselves alone.

Because women can't protect themselves...

And now, seeing Ye Liang in the sky who was slowly riding the wind and the path pattern fell, Tang Pinru suddenly felt.

Women don't have to protect themselves at all.

If so... It's okay to give it for nothing.

Wrong wrong-!!!

Tang Pinru, you are calm, calm, you are not such a person——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru almost fell into the extraordinary charm that the man in front of him exuded all the time.

The difference between ordinary immortals and fox spirits is here.

No matter how strong the charm of immortals is, after all, it will not affect the hearts of others.

And the charm of the fox spirit, if not called convergence, will directly destroy the heart of others.

Ye Liang's charm exceeded the limit of Tang Pinru's acceptance, but Tang Pinru's heart was not affected.

Just like ordinary people like money, but some people will never do anything against their personality for money.

Tang Pinru would not really give it for nothing because Ye Liang's charm was too powerful.

But...... She had that thought.

How to say, too handsome, really easy to do whatever you want.

Just like rich people may not be liked, but when a person has money to a certain extent, it is easy for people to give a reason.

It's just that the attraction of immortal phase is really not comparable to money.

Money, no matter how much money it is, will only make women feel that they have lost money.

And breaking through to the extreme appearance that women can withstand will make women feel that they have earned.

How big of a difference this is, you can see it.

And when Ye Liang showed his immortal appearance in front of Tang Pinru, Tang Pinru instantly realized.

It turns out that it is not that he does not like men.

It's just that the men I met before are not good enough.

Although she clings to her bottom line, this bottom line can be kept, but...

I still can't help but like it in my heart.

That's thanks to the fact that she's not a nerd.

Otherwise, now she threw herself directly into Ye Liang's arms.


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