

Tang Pinru's gaze stared at Ye Liang tightly, and she couldn't stop swallowing her saliva.


I didn't think about it before, fairies, handsome, handsome, very normal.

Even if this guy is a little narcissistic.

Surely the appearance will not be bad——!

But, but... However, this Nima is also too handsome, right?!!!

She is not a flower idiot.

However, his appearance is too perfect.

Of course, I won't fall in love with him or anything just because he is handsome.

However, his appearance is too perfect.

He will not forget that his nature is actually a big devil, not some kind of immortal who helps others because his appearance is too against the sky.

But his appearance was so perfect.

What handsome, what handsome, what temperament, these things, in front of this person, are meaningless.

No matter how to describe it, it feels a little bit less styled.

This, what does this make you do?

Steady ——!!!

Looking at the man in front of him who seemed to be under the gods, the long silver-white hair was as beautiful as silk made of snow, and it was smooth to the extreme just by looking at it.

His skin was as white as ice and snow, and even if you looked at him closely, you couldn't see even the slightest pore on his face...

At this time, computer technology was not yet developed.

The kind of extremely perfect skin effects that only computers can make will only be available in the next ten years.

And now, that kind of skin has appeared on real people, exquisite to impeccable facial features, a man like snow and water, how attractive is it to women in reality?

Not to mention...

This man is different from ordinary little white faces.

Although his skin looks as white as ice and snow, his body does not feel thin at all.

Even if he was wearing a flowing Taoist robe, even if his waist was so thin that women drooled.

However, the sense of strength that only a man had released from him was still not hidden by his ice and snow fairy face at all.

Even, even more.

Men, it is not necessary to be five big and three thick to make people feel a sense of strength.

A look, an action, and the release of an aura can make people feel the masculinity that belongs to a man.

It is precisely because of the existence of this aura, with such a appearance, that it has caused a more deadly charm to women.

Ye Liangxiang's ability is to speed up his cultivation...

And his immortal image is a fairy route.

The fairy face of the Purple Heart Female Emperor took the domineering route of the king.

Yan Qing's demon appearance takes the gorgeous and charming route.

Everyone's immortal image is different, and the image effect is also different.

Looking at the immortal man in front of him, it seemed that the next moment would dissipate.

Tang Pinru finally let his bottom line and reason overwhelm his impulses.

She looked at Ye Liang in front of her, and finally asked:

"You... You are Ye Qixuan?"

"Exactly. "

Ye Liang said:

"I didn't disappoint you like this, did I?"

"Uh, no..."

Tang Pinru quickly shook her head.

Just kidding, what's so disappointing about this?

It's simply... It's so unexpected.

Even if it is a god, it is... It's too handsome.

"Huh. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang smiled out loud.

Unexpectedly, he just showed his face, and actually directly let Tang Pinru, the future mother-in-law who would be more than ten years later, speak unfavorably.

It seems that his charm value has really increased a little high.

He said very politely:

"It seems that my appearance is not bad. "

While the two were talking, the sky had returned to normal.

The gloomy sky turned into morning again, and the sun was rising.


Tang Pinru watched the sky gradually release light, and couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Your appearance, where is it good.

It's just handsome, okay?

The sky has changed color, and you still bring your own BGM——!!!

Appear with lightning, walk with a strong wind, and there is no one in this world who pulls the wind more than you.

It's just like a fairy——!!!

No, no, you seem to be a god in the first place.

No...... You are not an immortal, you are a big devil——!

At this moment, Tang Pinru suddenly felt a little lucky.

If it weren't for the fact that I didn't know why I could hear this guy's heart, I might really be deceived by his appearance.

At that time, I thought he was very talkative, and even fell in love with him and wanted to pester him.

As a result, one day he was upset, and he was GG.

Maybe I won't know how many people I don't know.

No, no, you must not be deceived by his appearance.

He is not an immortal, he is a big devil, the kind who kills himself without saying a word.

Be careful——!!!

By the way, he just said that the people who were not obsessed with him are gone.

No, no, I have to act myself.

Otherwise, death is certain——!!!

"You... You are what I have seen... The most attractive man ——!"

She looked at Ye Liang with a look of admiration and said.

Ye Liang: "Thank you." "

[This title is well deserved.] 】

Tang Pinru: Although you really deserve it, but, these words... Isn't it okay for you to say it yourself?

Boast yourself, your face is always a little thick.

[Hehe, woman, you can be regarded as acquaintance, the Buddha-figure did not want to show his true face on the earth, now the Buddha-figure let you see, if you do not know the face, the Buddha-figure will not let you go..."

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Pinru: God, it's so dangerous, this guy is really a big devil.

If I praise him for being a little slower, will he kill me because I don't know each other?

Hanging ——!!!

If you have the opportunity, you must get rid of this demon as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I'm afraid a few lives won't be enough.

Although he is beautiful, when I offend him, he must have been very cruel when he attacked me.

Just then...

Tang Pinru's mobile phone suddenly rang.

After she apologized to Ye Liang, she picked up her mobile phone.

"Hey, hello. "

"Hello, is it Miss Tang Pinru? Yes, there is a gentleman named Jiang Shixian, he was beaten outside and sent to our hospital... We flipped through his phone and found that the nearest contact is you... Can you come to the hospital?"


Hearing that Jiang Shixian was injured, Tang Pinru couldn't help but worry all of a sudden.

"How did he get injured?"

"I don't know, I heard that I saw righteousness and courage and was retaliated against... For specific things, you better ask him personally. "

"Okay, which hospital are you?"


After hanging up the phone, Tang Pinru's face suddenly turned a little anxious.

Ye Liang asked, "What's wrong, what happened?"


Tang Pinru was about to speak, but when she thought that the other side was a big demon, she didn't dare to lie.

If the lie is discovered, will the other party slap himself?

She had to quickly say:

"It's like this, last night I came home too late, I met hooligans on the road, it was a person who saved me, but now, he seems to have been retaliated by those hooligans and was beaten into the hospital, I want to go and see him... You...... What do you think?"

Seriously, at this moment, Tang Pinru was really worried about Jiang Shixian.

A good person was retaliated against for helping her, and she was beaten to the hospital.

How can she get by with her heart?

Therefore, even if he would offend the big demon in front of him, Tang Pinru also wanted to ask his opinion.

Of course, if Ye Liang really disagreed, she was not stupid enough to be tough.

You can't go now, and you have a chance later, right?

There is no need to rush to offend the guy in front of you and send it to death.

Hearing this, Ye Liang still didn't know where Tang Pinru was talking about Jiang Shixian.

Jiang Shixian himself arranged for someone to disrespect Tang Pinru, and he himself jumped out to heroically save the beauty.

In this way, he did get a lot of favor from Tang Pinru.

Plus he later arranged for those hooligans to beat Jiang Shixian...

Now it seems that from Tang Pinru's point of view, Jiang Shixian was retaliated against in order to save her.

In this way, she was naturally more grateful to Jiang Shixian.

I'm afraid that even if this immortal herself, personally told Tang Pinru that it was someone deliberately arranged by Jiang Shixian, she wouldn't believe it, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang couldn't help but sigh.

Time, indeed, is magical.

I didn't want to interfere too much in this time at that time, so I just thought about not coming forward to save people.

You just need to use a spell in the secret to save the person.

But later, the names of Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru appeared, and he noticed that these two people were actually his original future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Moreover, Jiang Shixian also arranged the old-fashioned heroic rescue plot by himself...

This plot is certainly not cliché in this era, on the contrary, it is very creative.

However, thinking of Jiang Shixian's character, he no longer wanted him to become Jiang Yurou's father.

I don't want such a good mother-in-law to fall into his hands.


At this time, he wanted to kill Jiang Shixian, but failed.

Not only did he fail, but he also failed to let people kill Jiang Shixian.

This is enough to prove that it is impossible to change the timeline at will.

Feel free to want to change, of course impossible.

However, after all, he is an immortal cultivator...

It is really impossible for an immortal cultivator to change the past of ordinary people?

He Ye Liang really didn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang replied:

"Well, since he is your benefactor, then you should also go and see it. "

[Hehe, what a fool, as stupid as your daughter, treat the person who harmed you as a great benefactor, the person who helps you as a great evil, saying that you are blind, and really some... I can't help but open my eyes and be blind. 】

Ye Liang: Although it is a fact, after all, Aunt Tang is just an ordinary person, she is calculated, and she can't help it.


After all, ordinary people are not omnipotent immortals.

Immortal cultivators also have things they can't do.

Xiu Xian voice bag, you said so Aunt Tang, it's a bit too much.

Tang Pinru: Ugh.

What blindness?

What great benefactor, what great evil?

He means, Jiang Shixian hurt me?

He helped me?

No, it's not right...

He didn't know that I heard his heart now, and I thought he was a big devil.

What the hell is going on in this guy's heart.

It's a little bit unclear.

She had a doubt in her heart, but she still forcibly endured the doubt and said to Ye Liang:

"Well, let's go. "

"Wait. "

Ye Liang stopped Tang Pinru and asked her:

"You, just wear this?"


Tang Pinru looked down at herself, and saw that she was still wearing a set of pajamas.

Just now, he was so frightened by this Ye Qixuan that he escaped from the house, and he hadn't even changed his pajamas.


At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Although I know that this guy in front of me is actually a big devil in his heart, but.

I have to say that he is really handsome.

In front of such a male immortal, he was wearing this body...

It's a shame.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: Breaking Yin Annihilation Yuan Fingering.

In the same way of attacking the same point in an instant, break the surface with a point, and everything can be broken. "

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Ye Liang's mind again.

Breaking the Yin Extinction Element Fingering?

Feeling the fingering technique that suddenly appeared in his mind, Ye Liang's expression was very calm.

Although it is a good fingering, but he has a time wheel, the most important thing is attack power.

Spells that simply increase attack power are of little use to themselves.

On the contrary, it is the spell that makes the attack ability change endlessly, which is the most useful for himself.

The rewards given by the system, although sometimes good, happen to be of little use to themselves.

However, there is also a fingering, and it is always useful to keep it.

After all, his finger power seems to have been improving.

The fingering method used by yourself is definitely excellent, and it is not comparable to the fingering used by ordinary people.

It's just, how does the name of this fingering feel a little weird?!

Soon, Tang Pinru changed into a set of daily clothes, and Ye Liang accompanied her to the hospital.

"Hello, excuse me, do you have a patient here, his name is Jiang Shixian. "

After coming to the front desk of the hospital, Tang Pinru asked the front desk sitting there.

"Jiang Shixian, is it..."

The little nurse at the front desk was checking the patient's information, but when she accidentally looked up, she looked at the man and woman standing in front of her.

Then, her gaze instantly fell on the boy.


She froze.

At this moment, the entire people at the entrance of the hospital were looking at this side.

A female patient was just about to be discharged from the hospital, but her eyes kept staring at the silver-haired man in a Daoist robe standing at the front desk.



She accidentally hit a pillar in the hospital vestibule.

At this moment, no one can take their eyes off the front desk.

Everyone was looking at the silver-haired man in costume.

First, his dress is indeed very eye-catching.

Second, it's him... It's outstanding.

In the case that Ye Liang did not specifically show it, ordinary people may not see the special effects on that costume, but they are not blind.

Such an immortal-like man suddenly appeared, even if he did not have immortal light on him...

And who could take their eyes off him?

This...... That's too handsome, isn't it——!!!

"What a handsome Taoist chief, this... Where did this come from?!"

"I don't know, I don't chase stars, which star is this." "

"Fart, the star on TV must be so handsome as him, I will lick it directly." "

"He is definitely not a star, if he were a star, he would have become famous a long time ago, what kind of actor, in front of him is not worth mentioning at all——!"

"The clothes he wore were so beautiful. "

"His hair seems to be real, oh my God, it's as smooth as using silky silver threads... Is he filming an advertisement?!"

Obviously, at this moment, Ye Liang, just standing there, was enough to attract everyone's attention.

The people who came and went in this hospital couldn't take their eyes off him as soon as they cast their eyes on him.

Several women even accidentally bumped into each other in order to look at him.

Some people may think that at this time, Tang Pinru will definitely be envied by many people.

After all, as a girl, following such a fairy-like boy around will definitely attract the attention of many people.

However, this is not the case.

Although Tang Pinru is also a real beauty, but now beside Ye Liang, she looks gloomy.

At this moment, everyone was paying attention to Ye Liang, he was too dazzling.

So much so that Tang Pinru, who was standing beside him, no one looked at it at all...


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