
Seeing that the front desk nurses were all stunned to look at Ye Liang standing beside him, Tang Pinru couldn't help sighing.

Hey, along the way, I don't know how many of these things happen.

No wonder......

No wonder this guy had to hide in the ball of light all the time before.

He doesn't hide inside the ball of light, just standing here like this will cause traffic jams.

From the little girl who has not grown up, to the mature woman, there is no one who is not fascinated by him at a glance.

This attraction is also too exaggerated——!!!

Although this guy looks handsome, he seems to be a fairy.

However, he is a big demon in his heart.

He is the kind that does not allow anyone to refuse.

Now being watched by these people like this, he won't be angry, right?!

If he gets angry, he won't kill people, right?

[Hahahaha, Er and other mortals, it is really your life's honor to have the honor of seeing the Immortal Face of the Buddha today, today the Buddha-figure is allowed to meet with you, let's see enough——!

[Buddha-figures and others see the true face of Buddha-figures, the grace of immortality——!!!]

Ye Liang: ...

If it weren't for the fact that the reward of the Immortal Cultivation Voice Pack was so fragrant, I would be embarrassed to use this thing.

It's so embarrassing.

If this is heard, I feel that I can find a hole in the ground.

Even if it is a good look, it can't resist the lines of the second in this sand sculpture.

Fortunately, this voice is not heard by others.

At this moment, I just need to stand here quietly.

Not only will it not make people feel like middle two, but it will even be very handsome.

Jiang Yurou: ...


It's scary, this guy, sure enough, terrible.

If you are in a good mood, lest everyone see that he really does not die, what will happen if he is in a bad mood?

There is this guy on the earth, it is too dangerous for the earthlings, hey——!!!

"Miss Nurse, may I ask, which ward is Jiang Shixian in?"

At this time, Tang Pinru felt that it was better for her to speed up the process.

She really wanted to remind those around her not to look at this guy who was handsome, in fact, he was dangerous.

Don't you come up and provoke him——!!!


The front desk nurse heard Jiang Yurou's inquiry and cast her gaze towards her.


"Uh... I asked, Jiang Shixian's ward, in. "

Tang Pinru was secretly speechless.

Although the people are very handsome, don't forget to get down to business.

Also, those few, can you walk and look at the road, don't look at people?

You've all hit the pillar, why don't you know to walk to see the way?!!!

Looking at the dot road, I bumped into the ——!!! again


At this time, a woman was walking in Ye Liang's direction and hit the pillar in the front hall again.

Although her nose was blue and her face was swollen, her eyes were still fixed on Ye Liang.

Tang Pinru glanced at those guys speechlessly.

His gaze cast towards Ye Liang beside him.

Hee-hee... How handsome——!!!

Except for immortals, mortals really can't have such a good look——!

Slightly ...

Lick your face quietly.

Although I know that he is a big devil, but this appearance, the little woman can't resist ah.

Lick first.

"Ahem. "

Coughing lightly, Tang Pinru's gaze turned to the front desk nurse again.

And then......

She saw that the front desk nurse looked at Ye Liang stunned again.


Tang Pinru's hand shook in front of her eyes:

"I said, where is Jiang Shixian's ward. "

"Ahem. "

The nurse was suddenly stunned, came back to her senses, and began to check Jiang Shixian's records.

"He was in ward 444. "


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

That's an auspicious number.

She turned to Ye Liang and said:

"Ye Qixuan, let's go. "

"Hmm. "

Ye Liang nodded.

Tang Pinru led the way and walked in front, and she was naturally in awe of the one who followed her.

However, she couldn't help but ask:

"Ye Qixuan, you... Why would you want to help me?

You are a high immortal cultivator.

I'm just a little mortal..."

Ye Liang thought for a while and said:

"My reason is too bizarre, even if you say it, you won't believe it, so don't say it." "

He can't always say, 'You're my future mother-in-law, are you?'

Can Tang Pin believe this kind of words?!

[As a result of this honorific pleasure, you can do whatever you want, woman, do you have an opinion?!]

Tang Pinru: Don't dare.

She didn't dare to have an opinion, she just wanted to deal with the big devil around her quickly.

Although his appearance made her quietly lick several times, the other party's heart was a murderous big devil.

Reason told Tang Pinru that this Immortal Venerable was too dangerous to beside him.

It is better to have as little contact with him as possible.

After quickly satisfying his interest, don't dwell with him anymore.

Thinking of this, she said with a smile:

"Even the immortals have appeared, what else is not credible. "

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"That's not necessarily, a lot of things, but it's so bizarre that even the immortals don't believe it." "

[Woman, the Buddha-figure can help you if he wants to, why, don't you have an opinion?]

[If you have an opinion, just say it, and the Buddha-figure will not embarrass you.] 】

[Rest assured, the Buddha-figure will definitely not be embarrassed with you. 】

[It won't embarrass you. 】

Tang Pinru: ...

What do you do with such emphasis on three times, are you afraid that I will not understand what you really mean, bastard——!!!

It's no wonder that you won't embarrass me——!!!

I really dare to have an opinion, I am afraid that you will eat me on the spot——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru roared at Ye Liang in his heart.

However, her face was well-behaved.

This acting, there is nothing to say.

In that case, then I won't ask. "

Saying that, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the fact that he could hear this guy's heart, he really didn't know when he offended him.

I don't know how I died.

But...... He really looks ... It's so tempting.

Lick your face... Slightly ——!!!

Tang Pinru's gaze cautiously cast towards Ye Liang.

There is no denying that this is a big evil devil.

But, even so, he looks good...

All I admire is his beauty.


If only I had the opportunity to really lick his face.

You don't have to think about it in your heart.

However, this is impossible, this guy is so narcissistic, and now he is following him, but it is just a whim.

When he is out of interest, the devil knows where he will run?

In his eyes, even those high-ranking female emperor saints did not deserve to see his face.

How could he let himself lick his face?


Just think about it, don't die——!!!

At this time, in ward 444, Jiang Shixian was quietly waiting.

He deliberately arranged for the nurse of the hospital to call Tang Pinru, just to let Tang Pinru come here to see him.

At the same time, it was also to let Tang Pinru understand that in order to help her, he suffered such an injury.

When a girl is full of gratitude and guilt for you, and has no ill feelings towards you, you have even heroically saved the beauty.

Then her affection for you will be filled in an instant.

It won't be long before you get the beauty back.

How to say, this is the routine——!

Jiang Shixian originally thought that the three guys came back inexplicably last night and beat him, which was really bad luck.

However, now that he thinks about it, God is really helping him.

Before he was still worried about what follow-up this matter would have, affecting his pursuit of Tang Pinru.

But now, what can this do?

He himself was beaten by those three guys, and now even if the immortals say that he is with those three guys, I am afraid that no one will believe him.


His own heroic salvation has become a fact——!!!

Tang Pinru, you must be my ——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Shixian's eyes were full of longing.

He and Tang Pinru actually didn't know each other before.

Tang Pin is a flower in the academy, and there are countless suitors, among which are some rich families.

Compared with those rich families, he is far behind.

At that time, it was naturally impossible for him to dare to have any thoughts about Tang Pinru.

And later, he Jiang Shixian fell in love with Wang Aili.

Wang Aili was very good to him, giving money and work, which gave him confidence.

That's why he dared to make a move against Tang Pinru.

Although it was beaten and spent a little money, it was all worth it.

He would soon see Tang Pinru appear in front of him...

Just thinking of Tang Pinru's absolutely beautiful face, Jiang Shixian's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Knock knock knock——!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the ward.

"Please come in. "

As his words fell, outside the door, Tang Pinru walked over.

Today's Tang Pinru is wearing a black dress, a young and beautiful face, and simple makeup, but it is difficult to hide her extraordinary charm.

Although she is very young, her figure is very graceful, which is not comparable to ordinary young girls.

It has the purity of a girl, and it has the flavor of a mature woman.

When he saw Tang Pinru, Jiang Shixian's eyes couldn't help but light up.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was about to say hello to Tang Pinru.

However, the next moment, he froze.

Just because behind Tang Pinru, another man followed.

This is a man dressed in ancient costume robes, although he has long silver-white hair and is dressed in ancient costumes, but it is completely different from the feeling in movies and television.

The costumes in movies and television always give people a sense of cheapness, although they are not without costumes, but because the costumes are too wide, ordinary people will always wear loose and crumbling, and there is no temperament at all.

And the man in front of him, the Taoist robe on his body is also the wide appearance of ancient clothing, but his clothes give people a feeling of dust visible to the naked eye.

It was as if there was an invisible air flow on his body, holding the clothes and keeping the clothes image at any time.

When others wear this kind of clothing, they will definitely look very stretched.

But this dress seemed so suitable on him, as if it had spirituality.

A fairy-like man——!

Just the first time he saw him, Jiang Shixian's eyes produced a strong sense of unwillingness.

Why, why is he not this kind of person?!!

He was originally a person with low self-esteem.

But later, after he was fancy by Wang Aili, he swelled a little.

Therefore, seeing people who are better than him, he is no longer just inferior, on the basis of low self-esteem, he is still a little unwilling.

If only he had this temperament and demeanor.

Grass, hot day, you wear such a dress, filming?

Not too hot?

He thought sourly in his heart.

Moreover, what made him even more depressed was that Tang Pinru actually brought such a man to see him?

What do you mean?

Do you want to make him look good?


"You... Mr. Jiang, how are you?"

Tang Pinru looked at Jiang Shixian at this moment, and saw him lying on the hospital bed, his face was blue and purple, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

She believed that it must be because she helped herself that Jiang Shixian was retaliated by those hooligans.

No need to explain.


Jiang Shixian coughed heavily, looking very uncomfortable.

"I... I'm fine...... Don't worry, it's okay with you... You don't have to feel guilty... Ahem... Ahhh..."

While coughing, he couldn't help but scream.

Although the acting skills are not very passable, but with the bruises and purple blood on his face, it really makes people feel very miserable.

Although I don't know who the man who followed Tang Pinru is, he has already succeeded in his routine.

It was only a matter of time before Tang Pinru fell in love with herself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but quietly raise the corners of his lips.

Secretly a little proud——!

After all, women are still emotional, no matter how good you are, when she is sensual, she will only like the person who makes her really satisfied...


Watching Jiang Shixian acting in front of Tang Pinru, Ye Liang secretly said goodbye.

Act, continue to act...

I'll just watch you perform.

Just now, he had thought about directly rushing up and punching Jiang Shixian to death.

Save so much time.

But...... The idea was abandoned by him.

The reason was that he was afraid of scaring Tang Pinru.

However, he had time to come and kill Jiang Shixian, but why didn't he expect to come and kill Jiang Shixian before?

Even the thought of wanting to kill Jiang Shixian could not arise in his heart, was he too benevolent?

Definitely not.

Come to think of it, there is still only one reason.

That is...


What has happened in the past cannot really be changed.

Whether he wanted to kill Jiang Shixian or not, in the end, he couldn't successfully kill Jiang Shixian.

Because Jiang Shixian is indeed a person who has lived to the future.

What happened before was obviously not a coincidence for Ye Liang.

It was not so difficult for him to kill Jiang Shixian, an immortal cultivator, and even, he could directly rush up now and kill Jiang Shixian with one punch.

The law of the earth only makes immortal cultivators not casually use immortal methods to kill people, and cannot use power beyond mortals to deal with others.

But immortal cultivators don't have to use immortal methods if they want to kill someone.

However, whenever he had this idea of wanting to kill Jiang Shixian, he would always have other thoughts immediately, as if he was deliberately not killing Jiang Shixian.

This is no coincidence——!

The laws of the earth, as well as everything that happened in this time, even his own thoughts, were preventing him from killing Jiang Shixian.

You can't go against your own thoughts, right?

In other words, if he really forcibly killed Jiang Shixian, I am afraid that the consequences are indeed not something he may bear.

In the past, it really cannot be easily changed.

However, it can be created——!

At this moment, Ye Liang finally understood...

It is true that he can't kill Jiang Shixian, but he can change the details.

What has already happened is predestined.

Time is irreversible.

However, what is destined is not necessarily what you know.

For example, Tang Pinru's marriage to Jiang Shixian is irreversible.

But what if you get married?

In this world, there are more people who fake marriages——!!!

The future Tang Pinru and Jiang Shixian are married, but the result?

They seem to be a good couple on the surface, but don't they get divorced later?

Since Jiang Shixian's marriage to Tang Pinru was a doomed thing, he could only think of a way...

Let their marriage become a trick to deceive the world.

No, not to deceive the world, but to deceive yourself.

Only tricks that can fool the eyes of the future can make themselves successfully change the past.

Because he is the one who is really at the point of time.

It's yourself who really influences time.

In other words, he wants to create the past of Tang Pinru's marriage to Jiang Shixian.

However, he couldn't let Tang Pinru fall in love with Jiang Shixian, nor could he have any actual relationship with him.

I also had to create the illusion that they had a daughter.

Only in this way can the past be truly changed.

Otherwise, even if he really forcibly slaughtered Jiang Shixian now.

The future in which you live will not change, and the end result may be that time is forcibly divided into two parallel worlds.

Jiang Shixian in one world was killed by himself in advance, while in the other world, Jiang Shixian was still married to Tang Pinru.

The future world he is in must be the world where Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru are married.

This is not possible, it is equivalent to successfully preventing them from getting married, but it is completely unsuccessful.

As a result, you just create a future that doesn't happen, and it doesn't mean anything.

Only by changing the past without affecting the future can it be considered a real change in the future——!

Think about it... It's like, a little bit of a thrill.

Buddha-figures, to create, that future——!!!


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