The sea, the originally calm sea, suddenly set off huge waves.

Where the waves pass, the tide is one after another, and the waves overwhelm the waves.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the depths of the mysterious sea, no one knows what happened and why such a sudden change occurred.

As the huge waves of the sea roared out again, the sea level suddenly erupted into a vortex that rushed into the sky, and this vortex rushed straight into the sky and into the white clouds in the sky.

The waves gushed up, soared into the sky, scattered in all directions, and turned into a storm falling.

A steamer happened to pass by here, looking at the huge waves rising into the sky, the terrifying waves that shot into the sky, and the people on the ship couldn't help but turn pale.

"Look, what is that——!!!

"Oh my God, it's scary, is it a tsunami?"

The cruise ship in the sea, under the power of this terrifying wave tide, is just as helpless as a small boat.

The cruise ship in the sea had to float helplessly with the power of the tide.

Everyone on board couldn't help but turn pale.

"This... It's not a tsunami, it's a sea spray ——!."

"What is a sea spray?"

"What I said nonsense... It looked as if the sea water had been sprayed into the sky by some force. "


The people on the boat only saw that the power of the sea, like a giant, rolled up hundreds of millions of tons of seawater and washed into the sky.

The entire sea seems to have dropped by several feet.

The next moment, the power of the powerful waves surged back, and the huge tanker was once again lifted up.

The giant ship rises and falls in the sea...

And the white clouds in the sky were instantly splashed heavy by the power of the sea tide, and the black pressure instantly turned into dark clouds in the sky.

The weather that was originally clear suddenly became like the end of the world.

"Oh my God——!!!"

"It's terrible, what's going on. "

"Captain, captain, how is this good?!!!"

"Don't panic, everyone——!!!"

"Although this wave looks scary, don't you feel it? "


"Jack ——!!!"

"Shredded meat ——!!!"

No matter what the captain said, the people on board were still panicked as if they had seen the end of the world.

I don't know how long it took before the wind and waves calmed down between the sky and the sea.

Everyone felt their legs go limp, lying on the deck, watching the calm sea regain its calm.

"This is the most intense and terrifying seascape I've ever seen in my life. "

"Mom, I don't want to take a boat again. "

"Why do I feel... This tsunami is a little... Something is wrong?"


"I also feel, a little strange, as if there are a pair of invisible giant hands, pushing the seawater. "


“...... Could it be that the sea god is doing something strange?"

"What age is it, still the sea god?"

At this time, under the big seabed, a submarine is slowly sailing.

The scenery that happened on the sea just now also scared the people in the submarine.

Although submarines are much safer at sea than ordinary boats, they are not completely safe.

If the sea disaster of that level just now continues, let alone a submarine, even the blue whale in the sea will not survive...

"What happened to the sudden tsunami just now?"

"I don't know, the reason is unknown..."

"It happened suddenly, suddenly disappeared again, it was like an illusion, it was incredible. "


At this time, everyone in the submarine was testing the cause of the sea disaster just now.

“...... No abnormal energy can be detected. "

"Look, what is that?!!!

Among the deep-sea submarines, suddenly, someone noticed that there was a huge blue whale in the surveillance picture.

"Isn't that a blue whale?

"There's something on that blue whale——!!! there's on it."

"It seemed like two people. "

"Impossible, this is the deep sea, how can there be anyone, what are you kidding." "

"God, it's true——!!!"

"That's really two people..."


At this time, above the blue whale, Tang Pinru was holding his knees with both hands, blushing slightly, and sitting there.

And Ye Liang lay beside her with a comfortable face.


Idle and bored, he was still spitting bubbles in the sea.

"Ye Qixuan, look quickly, what is coming over there, it's so scary——!!!"

Suddenly, Tang Pinru pointed to the submarine that was slowly approaching in the distance and asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang's gaze looked in that direction.

Say casually:

"It's just a submarine... Don't be afraid. "

"Oh. "

Tang Pinru nodded, and the next moment, as if she reacted to something, she pushed Ye Liang again and asked him:

"So, we won't be seen just now, right?"

"It won't. "

Ye Liang said:

"At that time, I had laid the enchantment for us.

Unless it is someone whose cultivation is much higher than mine, they can't see us.

On Earth, I don't think anyone has cultivated higher than me now. "

"Oh, that's fine. "

Hearing this, Tang Pinru breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to be seen...

"Oh my God, it's really two people——!!!

"How is this possible?"

"This... Could this be the legendary mermaid?"

In the monitoring of the submarine, in the image picture, only two humanoid things can be seen, sitting on the back of the blue whale.

Looking at them, it is almost like a couple who are dating.

"No, mermaids are half human and half fish, but they are obviously humanoid——!!!"

"You see, they seem to be greeting us——!!!

"It's true——!!!

"They were greeting us——!!!"

In the deep sea, even the most advanced equipment cannot see anything too far.

However, there is naturally some imaging technology inside the submarine, which allows them to see what the two humanoids have done.

"This, this is the undersea people? Do the undersea people really exist?"

"The people under the sea still use the blue whale as a mount?"


At this moment, the people inside the submarine felt that their world view had been greatly impacted.

Perhaps, in the depths of the sea, a place that human beings have not explored.

What kind of undersea human civilization is really there?!!

Just when the people inside the submarine looked at the surveillance image in shock, Ye Liang felt that he had had played enough.

He said to Tang Pinru next to him: "Pinru, do you want to go elsewhere to play? "

"Uh... Is it okay not to go?"

I don't know if the relationship has broken through the relationship, and Tang Pinru has become bolder now.

For Ye Liang's proposal, she actually dared to refuse.

Just being in this deep sea is scary enough.

She really didn't dare to imagine how scary it would be if she went into the universe.

She might be scared to death just because of the environment.

"I... I was a little scared. "

Seriously, if it weren't for Ye Liang's presence, she would have been scared to death just in this deep sea environment.

Just now, she was also too nervous, and she didn't cooperate with Ye Liang in many places.

"Well, okay. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang naturally nodded.

He is not a real domineering Immortal Venerable, and Tang Pinru is so afraid, he will not force it.

[Woman, for the sake of your rejection of the Buddha-figure for the sake of the first time, the Buddha-figure will give you face, and you cannot refuse the arrangement of the Buddha-figure next time. 】

[Otherwise, you have to look good.] 】

Tang Pinru: Hmph, stinky man... How else you can make me look good, I don't lose.

Slightly ~

The next moment, Ye Liang took Tang Pinru, and the two disappeared into the deep sea in an instant.


"Can people under the sea still disappear out of thin air?"

"This... Isn't it supposed to be, we dream collectively?"

Seeing that in the surveillance image, the two figures disappeared instantly, and the people in the submarine couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Even the most powerful creatures can't disappear out of thin air.

It's not scientific——!!!


On that day, Ye Liang appeared in this time out of thin air, and he did not hide his actions, which brought a great shock to many people in this world.

Many people began to wonder if there were immortals in this world, whether there were any undersea people and so on.

However, these incidents were eventually put to an end because there was no evidence.

Since that day, Ye Liang has been living with Tang Pinru.

During this time, Ye Liang naturally did a lot of things, brushed a lot of rewards, and his cultivation was completely unreasonable and went up.

As long as you do what you like to do, cultivation will break through on its own, and the effect of the Taichu Yin Yang Technique is really terrifying.

Even for immortal cultivators, it is a very non-mysterious exercise.

Three full years have passed.

At this time, he was already a cultivator in the early stage of the Yuan Infant.

"It's really strange..."

Although he already had the Yuan Infant cultivation, Ye Liang was not very happy at the moment.

Because he felt more and more, a sense of discord.

That very strong sense of discord.

Not on him, but on Tang Pinru ...

The time with Tang Pinru became longer and longer, but Ye Liang felt more and more that she was less and less like Tang Pinru.

Her style, as well as her appearance, and her breath are all different from Tang Pinru in Ye Liang's impression.

Although it is said that women are forty like wolves, ah no, it is to say that women are eighteen changes, and women of each age are different.

However, the current Tang Pinru and the Aunt Tang in Ye Liang's impression are completely different people.

If it were someone else, they might not feel this change.

However, Ye Liang could feel it clearly.

Because he holds the wheel of time in his hand, as long as it is the change brought about by the change of time, it cannot be hidden from his eyes.

It is clear that Tang Pinru has always been by his side, but this Tang Pinru has gradually become less like Tang Pinru.

Yes, not like.

The original Tang Pinru is very similar to the future Aunt Tang, but she looks a little younger.

However, this Tang Pinru is now getting longer and less like Aunt Tang.

It's like becoming another woman...

How did this make Ye Liang not feel a sense of discord?

"Ye Qixuan, what are you doing?"

On this day, Ye Liang stayed at home as usual, Tang Pinru came back from work, and saw him sitting on the sofa in a daze, she asked curiously.


Ye Liang's gaze looked towards Tang Pinru beside him, and looked at her carefully, and the more he looked, the more sure he was that her future appearance was different from that of the future Aunt Tang.

If there were no accidents, more than ten years later, she would become another person who was completely different from Aunt Tang.

"Pinru, let me ask you something. "

He asked Tang Pinru:

"Do you have any twin sisters or something?"

"Nope. "

Tang Pinru shook her head:

"Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

She asked Ye Liang.

“...... So, are you really called Tang Pinru?"

Looking at the beautiful, familiar, but gradually less and less like the Aunt Tang in his memory, Ye Liang asked again.


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but glance at Ye Liang:

"People were originally called Tang Pinru, but before you suddenly said that the name Pinru was too tumultuous, I couldn't be angry for a while, so I quietly changed the name, but I didn't expect that you actually calculated it, and you also said that you immortal can't tell fortunes?!!!

Hee-hee, you see. "

Saying that, she took out her new ID card and shook it in front of Ye Liang.

Ye Liang saw at a glance that Tang Pinru's ID card said 'Tang Yuning'.


Looking at the ID card in Tang Pinru's hand, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

"Not good——!!!"

Is my new name bad?!"

Hearing this, Tang Pinru asked with some doubt.


Ye Liang stood up abruptly and looked at the new ID card in Tang Pinru's hand, and he asked Tang Pinru:

"Pinru, do you remember Jiang Shixian?"

"I remember, it was that guy who let the hooligans scare me, and he wanted to save the beauty with a hero." "

Tang Pinru said:

"If he hadn't calculated me, I wouldn't have had a chance to meet you." "

"Do you know where he has been lately?"

Ye Liang asked again.

Tang Pinru said:

"Then how do I know... , I am not a god like you, I know everything. "

Besides, I haven't been able to hear what you're thinking lately.

She muttered in her heart.

Hearing this, Ye Liang felt even more unhappy.

He thought too simply, he thought that he could change the past by faking the future.

However, the time that has passed may not really be what he wants.

Time has inertia.

Under the power of time, it is not what you really want to do.

He brought Tang Pinru with him and had already seriously interfered in the affairs on this timeline.

The end result is that before he can make a plan for the next step, everything in this timeline is automatically fixed.

The original Tang Pinru beside him has become a fake——!!!

Now, Tang Pinru in front of her has unknowingly turned into a woman named 'Tang Yuning'.

And in another place, there must be someone who doesn't know who changed his name to Tang Pinru.

Perhaps, it was not renamed Tang Pinru, but directly Tang Pinru.

It's been three years, and that Tang Pinru may have married Jiang Shixian.


Just when Ye Liang frowned, Tang Pinru, who had changed his name to Tang Yuning on the side, blushed slightly and said to Ye Liang:

"Ye Qixuan, you said... If we have children in the future, what will it be called?"


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