"Ye Qixuan, you said... If we have children in the future, what will it be called?"

At this time, Ye Liang was frowning and thinking about how to find out the real Tang Pinru.

Suddenly hearing the words of this 'fake Tang Pinru' in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned.


His gaze looked towards her, only to see her flushed.

"Uh... What do you mean?"

At this moment, Ye Liang felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"That's what it means. "

The fake Tang Pinru, or rather, the current Tang Yuning said so, took out a checklist and handed it to Ye Liang.

"Look. "

Ye Liang took a look, and suddenly couldn't help but look strange.

What Tang Yuning gave him was a pregnancy test report.

Tang Yuning is pregnant...

He looked towards Tang Yuning, only to see her blushing slightly, looking away to the side, seemingly a little embarrassed.

The next moment, Ye Liang's eyes revealed a burst of light.

It was the Dao Pattern Aura of the Art of Seeing Illness.

The mysterious Dao patterns flowed in Ye Liang's eyes.

Through the technique of looking at the disease, Ye Liang's gaze quickly determined that in Tang Yuning's lower abdomen, there was a breath of life pregnant.

She was indeed pregnant.

Moreover, with the light of the Holy Daughter, she has no one to touch except herself.

Naturally, it goes without saying who this kid is.

The higher the biological level, the more difficult it is to produce offspring.

This is the law of the entire universe, because if higher creatures are easy to produce offspring, then this universe has long been occupied by higher creatures.

Is there even a chance of humans or bugs or something like that?

Not long after he broke through the Yuan Baby.

Even if it is Jindan, if you want to have offspring, I am afraid that the cultivation that does not sleep, without thousands of years, the chances are very low.

However, now Tang Yuning is pregnant with his child.

This really shouldn't be said to be luck or misfortune.

Luckily, naturally, it was because he actually had a child so soon.

But if you say unfortunate, it is not hypocrisy...

Because he is not a person at this time, leaving children at this time, he does not know what kind of effect it will cause.

You know, he just wants to change Tang Pinru's fate, and he has already caused such a big change.

In short, it will definitely cause huge trouble.

"Why, I have children, aren't you happy?"

Seeing Ye Liang staring at her, Tang Yuning couldn't help but frown.

If three years ago, she might still be afraid of Ye Liang.

But now that the two have lived together for three years, she is not afraid of Ye Liang.

She knew that Ye Liang this guy just liked to think in his heart.

Although he is an immortal and acts a little unscrupulously, Ye Liang is really not a bad person.

Therefore, now that she faces Ye Liang, she should also be coquettish, and she should be pleased...

"Hehe, what are you thinking, of course not. "

Seeing Tang Yuning frowning, Ye Liang returned the report sheet to her and explained:

"Of course I am very happy that you have my child, but I don't know what will happen to mortals who are pregnant with the child of an immortal cultivator. "

Seeing your expression so serious, I won't die, right?"

Hearing Ye Liang's words, Tang Yuning couldn't help but get a little worried.

This guy looked heartless and lungless all day, and even he frowned.

Can't mortals conceive the child of an immortal cultivator?

"Honestly... I don't know. "

Ye Liang said: "However, you don't have to be afraid, even if you die, I will resurrect you when my strength is enough in the future, don't worry." "


Hearing this, Tang Yuning couldn't help but look at Ye Liang with a depressed expression.

I'm a hammer——!!!

Are you saying this to reassure me?!!!

"Don't worry, it'll be fine... Probably. "

Looking at Tang Yuning's scared look, Ye Liang comforted her and said.


Tang Yuning gave him a blank look.


Is this your attitude meant to comfort people?


Who do you think made the child I am carrying is not yours?!!

Can't you say something nice to comfort the old lady?!!

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that. "

Seeing Tang Yuning's resentful look, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh:

"By the way, do you want to take wedding photos, or else, I'll take wedding photos with you, which can be regarded as making up for the debt that I haven't given you a name over the years." "

Seeing that Tang Yuning was really angry and rolled his eyes, Ye Liang took her into his arms and proposed to her.


Hearing this, Tang Yuning couldn't help but raise his head excitedly:

"That's what you said——!!!

"Of course. "

Ye Liang said, "We'll go tomorrow." "

Hearing this, Tang Yuning said happily:

"Great, love you to death——!"

She hugged Ye Liang's neck, thought about it, and asked Ye Liang again:

"So, what is the name of our child?"


Hearing this, Ye Liang thought about it and said to her:

"Just let it be, but you can't be called Ye Liang. "

[Woman, if you listen well, it's called Ye Liang, so it's exciting. ] 】

Ye Liang: ... I stimulate your sister.

Is this TM stimulus that can be explained by two words?

Anyway, it's too much, right——!!!

Tang Yuning: ???!!!

After not hearing Ye Liang's heart voice for so long, she almost didn't react when she suddenly heard Ye Liang's heart.

Ye Liang?

This name is also good, why does Ye Qixuan say that he can't be called Ye Liang?

However, what he thinks in his heart is what he should hear.

It turned out that he liked to call his child Ye Liang.


A big man, when he talks, what is he twisting?

Thinking of this, Tang Yuning laughed happily:

"Well, if you don't call Ye Liang, you won't be called Ye Liang. "

You say whatever you say, I prefer to call him Ye Liang.

Anyway, you guy only cares about his own affairs all day and doesn't care about me.

The old lady will name the child whatever she wants, hum——!!!


The next day, Ye Liang drove Tang Yuning to a famous wedding photo studio in the city.


The owner of the photo studio and the eyes of the migrant workers looked towards the door, and saw a car that was super luxurious in this era parked there, and couldn't help but exclaim.

This, this car is also too awesome, the driver does not know what kind of big person it is.

"Welcome welcome. "

The photo studio owner happily greeted the car door.

When he saw the men and women getting out of the car, he couldn't help but stay there.

That man, with a brilliant immortal posture, eyebrows like a sword, starry eyebrows and sword eyes, was so handsome that people suspected that this was not a person, but a god in the sky.

Although he was wearing normal human clothes, he had long silver-white hair, like a young immortal in ancient legends...

In contrast, although the woman beside him is also beautiful and bubbling and impeccable, she always feels a lot worse beside him.

It's not that she's really bad, it's just... The man's appearance was so good.

After Ye Liang parked his car in the parking space on the side and the two entered the photo studio, the owner of the photo studio said to Ye Liang and Tang Yuning:

"Sir, miss, what do you want to do?"

"Whether it's a wedding dress or a couple photo, our store is the most professional. "

“...... Yo, Mr. Jiang, you're here——!!!

At this moment, the voice of the migrant worker sounded outside the door again.

"Two inside please. "

With a burst of footsteps, I saw a man and a woman walk in under the courtesy of the migrant worker.


Ye Liang's gaze also looked towards the door, and when he looked at the people who walked in at the door, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel strange.

The person who came in actually happened to be Jiang Shixian, and the female companion who followed him looked exactly like Tang Pin...

That woman is the real Tang Pinru now.

And the original Tang Pinru beside him has become a woman named 'Tang Yuning' very reasonably.

Not only that, the appearance of the two women is now completely different.

"Boss Jin, we are here to take wedding photos. "

After coming to the front desk, Jiang Shixian's gaze did not look at Ye Liang and Tang Yuning, but said to the owner of the photo studio.

"Uh... Okay Mr. Jiang, can you please wait a moment, these two came first. "

Hearing this, Boss Najin said to Jiang Shixian.

"Isn't that right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Shixian raised his eyebrows and said:

"Boss Jin, have you forgotten, I already made an appointment by phone last night. "

"Uh... Oh...... I remembered, I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, it's my fault, you did make an appointment. "

Hearing this, Boss Na Jin was stunned at first, and then replied loudly as if he had reacted to something.

Then, he cast an apologetic gaze towards Ye Liang and Tang Yuning, and said:

"Sorry sorry, two, Mr. Jiang has made an appointment in advance last night, you see..."

"It's okay with me. "

Ye Liang said: "Since he has already made an appointment first, let him come first." "

Saying that, his gaze looked towards Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru beside him, and he couldn't help but feel strange.

I'm worried that you two are married."

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I haven't married yet.

Hehe, it seems that I still have a chance...

Tang Pinru followed Jiang Shixian's side and looked towards Ye Liang.

There was a bit of surprise in her eyes...

Unexpectedly, there are such handsome people in this world.

Before I thought, Shixian looked good.

But, in front of this man, Shixian is nothing.

However, no matter how handsome you look, that's someone else's business.

After glancing at Ye Liang and being surprised by his appearance, Tang Pinru withdrew his gaze again.

She is not an unsatisfied person, for her, as long as her man can give her a stable life, there is no need to be handsome.

Otherwise, she would not have agreed to the marriage proposal of someone as old-fashioned and serious as Jiang Shixian.

"Yo, two, it's really fate, I didn't see it was you just now." "

At this moment, Jiang Shixian's gaze also looked towards Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

There was a hint of pride in his eyes.

Tang Pinru, what if you can't see me?

I am now looking for not only someone with the same name as you, but also someone who looks no worse than you.

She's still the female boss of a company, and you don't even match her.

At the same time, his gaze looked at Ye Liang again, how handsome did he look?

Little white face, hum——!

In this society, it is still necessary to talk about face.

You see, even if you arrive before us?

With a casual word, I can shoot before you.

This wedding photo can not be taken in a while, you just wait.

People who don't have the wheel of time in their bodies can't realize that the current Tang Yuning and the previous Tang Pinru are completely different faces.

Therefore, in Jiang Shixian's eyes, although Tang Yuning is beautiful, he looks different from Tang Pinru next to him now.

The two are just the same name, and they are both beautiful.

"Shixian, is it someone you know?"

Tang Pinru's gaze once again turned towards Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

She asked Jiang Shixian beside her.

"Of course. "

Jiang Shixian raised his head slightly, and he was not afraid of your jokes when he said it:

"I once chased this Tang Pinru lady, but she refused. "

"Your name is also Tang Pinru?"

Hearing this, Tang Pinru's gaze turned towards Tang Yuning, and asked with a strange look:

My name is also Tang Pinru. "

Saying that, she couldn't help but glance at Jiang Shixian beside her with her gaze.

This guy, shouldn't he be chasing himself because he can't chase this Tang Pinru in front of him?

It's really depressing to think about——!

"Is it?!"

Hearing this, Tang Yuning looked towards Tang Pinru, and in her eyes, the face in front of her did not look familiar.

She just laughed:

"That's a coincidence, but I just recently changed my name, and my name is Tang Yuning now." "

"Okay, why did you change your name?"

Tang Pinru asked Tang Yuning.


Tang Yuning did not have a good impression of Jiang Shixian, but she still had a good impression of this woman with the same name as her before.

She still didn't say the reason for the name change...

'Because Ye Qixuan said that the name Pinru is too tumultuous'.

If this reason is said, the face of the woman named Tang Pinru in front of her must be ugly.

Although she didn't know a good name, where it was complaining, she was still very upset and quietly went to change her name.

I told Ye Liang when I changed my name.

She had to say:

"Because I prefer the name Tang Yuning. "

[Because the name Pinru is too tumultuous, it is easy to attract scumbags. ] 】

At this moment, a voice sounded in the mind of Tang Pinru beside Jiang Shixian.


Tang Pinru's expression couldn't help but feel strange...

Just now, I seemed to hear something.

That voice came from his heart?

This, this is also too real, even if I think about it now, that voice really exists in my heart.

Where does this sound come from?

It's really strange...

Also, where is the name Pinru, who is slandering me?!!!


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