[Hey, it's a pity, the Buddha-figures have deliberately prepared everything, but I didn't expect that I still didn't prevent you from marrying Jiang Shixian, a scumbag. ] 】

Just as Tang Pinru and Tang Yuning were talking, suddenly, another voice sounded in Tang Pinru's mind.


Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel depressed in his heart.

Who is it, who is talking?!!!

You have the ability to say it to your face, hateful——!!!

Why does this voice ring in my heart?

Who the hell is talking about this?

Just when Tang Pinru was secretly depressed, the voice said again.

[Hey, it's hard to save the damn ghost with good intentions, hey, a good woman with beautiful eyes, but how did she fancy Jiang Shixian, a scumbag? ]

[It's really like your future daughter, who is blind——!

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Pinru: Gan——!!!

Who the hell is talking?

Her gaze immediately locked on Ye Liang.

[Look what I do, blind stupid woman, no amount of preparation can save you stupid pig who throws himself into the net.] 】

Ye Liang: ...

He smiled at Tang Pinru.

I was very embarrassed in my heart...

Lying groove, Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, you scolded a little fiercely.

I don't know, I thought you were scolding Jiang Yurou.

Jiang Yurou: ... Should I just be scolded? Stupid——!

Tang Pinru's eyes were strange, and she immediately understood.

The voice is from this guy, moreover, it is his heart.

However, why did he hear the voice of this silver-haired guy?

Thinking secretly, Tang Pinru said to Ye Liang:

"Hello, my name is Tang Pinru. "

Anyway, let's try him quietly first.

"Hello. "

Ye Liang stretched out his hand and said to Tang Pinru:

"My name is Ye Qixuan. "

After the two shook hands, Tang Pinru asked Ye Liang:

"Ye Qixuan, good name. "

Tang Pinru was thinking about quietly probing Ye Liang's bottom to see what he was thinking before.

But looking at the hand that the two had been holding, Jiang Shixian was unhappy on the spot.

Although this woman agreed to her marriage proposal, she never let herself touch her.

She said she was a traditional woman.

Don't get married, don't let touch...

Today, I finally got a license with her and came to take wedding photos.

But now she is holding a man's hand in front of her?

Lean, Tang Pinru, this is the tradition you are talking about?!!

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth very unpleasantly and reminded:

"Pinru, it's time for us to take wedding photos. "

"Uh... Good. "

Tang Pinru withdrew his hand.

And the moment Ye Liang touched Tang Pinru with his hand, he had already challenged Tang Pinru.

The content of the challenge is——!

"Family status. "

As long as his family status is higher than Tang Pinru, he can use the means of immortal cultivators against Tang Pinru.

Ye Liang: ...

God's special family status.

However, if it is compared to others, the Buddha-figures may be worse.

But family status...

Can Buddha-figures still lose to others?

And that's exactly what happened.

After the judgment of the law of the earth, Ye Liang's family status was higher than that of Tang Pinru.

Therefore, he could directly use the means of immortal cultivators against Tang Pinru.

The next moment, Ye Liang did not hesitate and directly hit the light of the Holy Daughter on Tang Pinru's body.

From now on, as long as people who have lust for Tang Pinru, they can no longer touch Tang Pinru.

"Okay, two, please follow me. "

At this time, the owner of the wedding dress hall took Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru to take wedding dresses.

And the migrant workers here immediately came out to greet Ye Liang and Tang Yuning, and asked the two of them to choose what kind of wedding dress was suitable.

"Come, the two of you can be close. "

Boss Jin of the wedding dress hall was taking a picture of Jiang Shixian and Tang Pinru with a camera.

Jiang Shixian has also been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Finally, I can be intimate with Tang Pinru...

At this moment, he couldn't wait to put his hand on Tang Pinru's body.


The next moment, he felt that something was wrong.

He actually didn't want to run into Tang Pinru...

Obviously he wanted to put his hand on her body and hold her in his arms.

However, as his hand got closer to Tang Pinru, the stronger the disgust in his heart became.

So much so that in the end, he just put his hand on Tang Pinru's body.


Tang Pinru was a little surprised, and looked towards Jiang Shixian beside him.

Ordinary men are fake and serious, and they will definitely not be able to help this kind of opportunity to take advantage of it openly.

However, Jiang Shixian is really so serious?

Don't dare to touch yourself?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Choosing Jiang Shixian by yourself is indeed a good choice.

This kind of real person I like...

Like the one named Ye Qixuan, he looks handsome, but his character is not very good.

The first time they met, they actually scolded themselves so much in their hearts, Jiang Shixian is a scumbag.


The character is a bit insidious.

After Tang Pinru and Jiang Yurou finished their wedding dresses, it was Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

Tang Yuning chose a set of bridal red makeup, because in her impression, when Ye Liang was the most handsome, it was when he wore ancient costume robes.

Therefore, she has long wanted to try wearing this kind of costume-like clothes.

Originally, Ye Liang thought that after Jiang Shixian took the wedding photos, he would definitely be eager to take Tang Pinru away.

Unexpectedly, after the two of them finished shooting, Jiang Shixian actually took Tang Pinru and waited outside.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Tang, it's rare to meet each other, do you want me to give you a ride?"

Seeing Ye Liang and Tang Yuning come out, Jiang Shixian said to them with a polite look.

While speaking, he also pointed to his car, and at the same time raised his eyebrows slightly at Tang Yuning.

Obviously, he failed to pursue Tang Yuning before, and now he wants Tang Yuning to see his achievements.

In this era, people who buy cars are all capable people.

He Jiang Shixian not only drove a car, but also drove a car.

Bought a car, do not pretend to be a woman who did not chase her hand before, what is the difference with salted fish?

He deliberately asked Tang Pinru to wait here with him, just to pretend to force Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

"Thank you. "

Ye Liang smiled and thanked him.

Jiang Shixian raised the corners of his lips slightly and said to him:

"Where, you're welcome, you see that you have come all the way here, it's not easy to take a taxi back, you say, Miss Tang?"

Saying that, his gaze turned towards Tang Yuning beside Ye Liang again.

The show-off in that look is very strong.


Hearing this, Ye Liang shook his head and said:

"I mean, we don't have to... We drove our own. "

Saying that, he pointed to the luxury car on the parking space and said to Jiang Shixian.

Jiang Shixian's gaze turned towards the luxury car, and suddenly the whole person was not good.

This...... I'm afraid this car will cost hundreds of thousands——!!!


Tang Pinru's gaze also looked towards the car, and was speechless for a while.

Didn't Jiang Shixian say just now that this car couldn't be theirs?

It's embarrassing, isn't it——!


At this moment, Jiang Shixian was really embarrassed.

What an embarrassment.

I still wanted to pretend to be forced in front of them, but I didn't expect that this luxury car was really theirs?!!

After embarrassment, he still said:

"Well, I'm sorry, since you have a car, then we'll go first, and we'll see you later." "

Ma Ye, what's going on, Tang Pinru, ah no, isn't this Tang Yuning a migrant worker who doesn't have much money?

She actually fell for a local tyrant?!!

"Well, there will be a fate. "

Ye Liang nodded, cast his gaze towards Tang Pinru on the side, and said:

"Miss Tang, I wish you a happy new marriage. "

[Hahaha... I can't wait to see your expression when you find out that the person Jiang Shixian likes is not you at all, but an old woman in her forties. 】

[Hey, I've done so much for you, why don't you understand? Stupid woman——!]

[You are as stupid as your future daughter, you must see the truth in front of you before you believe it.] 】

[Your daughter fancy a scumbag playboy, and you fancy a scumbag. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Ahem, that's right.

Jiang Yurou took a fancy to herself, and she was a scumbag.

Tang Pinru fancy Jiang Shixian, Jiang Shixian is a personal scum.

However, even if the Immortal Cultivator Voice Pack said it to the sky, Tang Pinru couldn't hear it.

Tang Pinru: ...

What the?

What does Jiang Shixian like is an old woman in her forties?

What did you do for me? How did I not know?!

My future daughter fancy a scumbag, a playboy?!!

That's a bit informative.

What the hell is this nasty guy thinking——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but get angry with Ye Liang.

At this moment, all she was thinking about was Ye Liang's heart.

Although she felt that Ye Liang must be thinking wildly.

However, this amount of information was a bit large, and she didn't come to her senses for a while.


Seeing Tang Pinru staring at Ye Liang again, Jiang Shixian couldn't help but feel a little green on his head.

Good guys, what are you doing staring at people?

Is your husband still with you——!!!

He said to Tang Pinru:

"Pinru, let's go. "

Tang Pinru reacted and answered: "Hmm." "

The two got into the car and left under the gaze of Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

Tang Yuning's gaze kept staring at Tang Pinru, and she always felt that Tang Pinru seemed to have something to do with her.

But if she wanted to say it, she couldn't tell what it felt like.

"Yuning, let's go too. "

Ye Liang said to Tang Yuning.

"Hmm. "

Tang Yuning nodded and got into the car with Ye Liang.

Luxury cars walking on the road naturally attracted a lot of onlookers.

At this time, Tang Pinru sat in Jiang Shixian's car, looked at Jiang Shixian beside him, and asked him:

"Shixian, who is that person named Ye Qixuan?"


Hearing this, Jiang Shixian's face turned green for a while.

Good fellow, just now you stared at people, forget it, and now you still ask me about the surname Ye?

You really have green hair, right?!!!

Although he was depressed in his heart, he still knew that today was the wedding day.

So he said anyway:

"I don't know either, but he's a neurotic... Before I saved the woman who is now renamed Tang Yuning, and lay in the hospital for a long time, but on the first day I lay down, he took Tang Yuning to the hospital, pretending to say that he cured me and let me get up, and Tang Yuning also believed his nonsense, and really went with him..."


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be speechless for a while:

"No, the two of them... It's good that you also saved Tang Yuning, even if they don't take care of you, they don't have to play you like this. "

"Not really. "

Jiang Shixian looked depressed.

Although she arranged it herself, she was also bad because Tang Yuning was beaten, and she didn't know the truth.

Actually dumping himself in the hospital is too unhuman.

"Okay, don't talk about them, Pinru, today is a good day for our wedding wedding, I have already packed a table in the hotel, invited a lot of friends, and your family and friends, let's go there first." "

"Hmm. "

Hearing this, Tang Pinru nodded slightly.

I am not too young, and today I can be considered to have married myself off...

That guy named Ye Liang, he must be thinking in his heart.

How could Jiang Shixian like be a forty-year-old old woman.

Could it be that I, Tang Pinru, am not arguous enough? Huh——!

Moreover, how does he know that I must have a daughter in the future?

I don't believe it——!

Can he still be an immortal?!!

In this way, Jiang Shixian took Tang Pinru to the wedding hotel scene of the two of them.

I have to say that in this era, Jiang Shixian can be regarded as rich in such a large hotel.

Of course, if he really talked about money, he would definitely not have as much as Tang Pin.

It's just that now that he has been promoted and married a young, beautiful and rich wife, he can be regarded as promising.

There were naturally many people who congratulated him at the banquet, and he was also triumphant, and he took Tang Pinru around to toast those people, which can be regarded as a long face.

After the banquet, the two had them driven back to their new house.

Their new house is a small detached villa.


Seriously, on the wedding night, if you want to say that Tang Pin is not nervous, it is fake.

After the two came to the room, Tang Pinru was a little uncomfortable.

She didn't even know what needed to be done.

Fortunately, at this time, as a woman, she only needs to wait for a man to dominate everything.

And Jiang Shixian's gaze was also staring at Tang Pinru tightly, originally drunk, some unsober mind, but also became sober in front of this beautiful face in front of him.

Finally waited for this day.

It was really not easy to chase this stinky woman for more than two years before she agreed to marry Lao Tzu.

Just as Jiang Shixian stared at Tang Pinru, on Tang Pinru's body, the light of the saint suddenly bloomed.

The Light of the Holy Daughter, a miraculous spell cast by Ye Liang, will protect the person who is cast the spell from being approached by anyone with lust.

There are many ways.

There are forcible refusals to approach, there are also the creation of false realities, and even more so, directly affect the cognition of others.

He looked at Tang Pinru, his gaze gradually moved to the dresser on the side, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Ellie, why did you put on Pinru's clothes?

Tang Pinru???

Her gaze looked over to the dresser, was there anyone there?

Then, her gaze turned to herself, even more puzzled.

Isn't it here yourself?

Is he drunk?

Who is Ellie?


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