Earth, a sacred light blue divine light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The entire space above the earth seemed to be torn apart by a terrifying force, and the starry sky could be seen when he looked up.

Such mysterious events happen every once in a while.

But because these things exceed the cognitive level of ordinary people, they can only watch and do nothing.

This mysterious and beautiful scenery, which resembles the global aurora, has excited people all over the world.

It is a pity that the network is not yet developed in this era, and if you see it, you will see it.

In addition to discussing it with the people around them, ordinary people do not have the opportunity to tear up the ownership of this mysterious phenomenon with others.

The distance of millions of billions of light years is only a moment for the light blue divine light in the sky.

In an instant, the remnant soul shattered into the void, ignoring all spatial distances, and entered the body of Tang Pinru, who was pretending not to hear Ye Liang's voice and watching TV.

Although this scene happened quickly, for Ye Liang, it happened clearly.

He remembers that when he was a child, he once watched a TV series called Nezha the Lotus Boy.

The spirit beads were directly drilled into Mrs. Yin's stomach, and used their own bodies to make up for Mrs. Yin's stillborn qi and save Mrs. Yin's life.

And he himself was born through Mrs. Yin's belly, regained his life, and became Mrs. Yin's third son, Nezha.

At this moment, he summoned a female immortal from the universe to be reborn into Tang Pinru's body, and this scene was somewhat similar.

It's just that if Tang Pinru has a daughter without having a relationship with Jiang Shixian, she will definitely doubt it, right?

If she can't figure it out and thinks that she has been quietly faked, then she must not die of depression?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang felt that he still needed to wake up Tang Pinru.

As soon as his mind moved, he conjured a spiritual light in front of Tang Pinru.

"Tang Pinru. "

The next moment, a voice sounded in Tang Pinru's mind.

Although Tang Pinru has been secretly listening to Ye Liang's heart, but she is a mortal in the flesh after all, how does she know what is happening now?

The sudden voice startled Tang Pinru, who was about to eavesdrop on his heart.

"Who is it? Who is talking——!!!

This voice is not the voice of my own eavesdropping, but a real human voice.

Although it is the voice of the heart heard by the ears, there is a kind of voice that comes from the ethereal place, far away and eternal.

Is it Ye Qixuan?

This voice is not like Ye Qixuan's voice.

This voice sounds a little old...

"You look up. "

The voice continued.

Hearing this, Tang Pinru raised her head, and saw that under the ceiling above her head, black and white light began to form light bands from all around, and these light bands converged together to form a black and white ball of light.

The ball of light swirled and suspended in the sky in front of Tang Pinru's eyes, appearing mysterious and sacred.

Looking at this scene, Tang Pinru couldn't help but widen his eyes——!!!!

If she could barely explain before, those things may not be true, everything is coincidental.

Now, the huge ball of light that appeared in front of her was clearly telling her.

Everything is true——!!!

There really are immortals in this world?!!!


Looking at the black and white Taiji light ball in the sky, Tang Pinru was stunned for a moment, and then pretended to be panicked.

She screamed out.

Although I don't know if this ball of light has a ball of light with that guy named Ye Qixuan, she better pretend to be a little more like it now.

"What are you?"


Looking at Tang Pinru like this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

[What is this woman's strange name? Have you never seen a fairy——!?

And just when Tang Pinru pretended to be panicked, she heard the voice of the guy named Ye Qixuan again.

Tang Pinru: Uh... What is rare and strange?

You think there are many immortals in this world, right?

Gan, it's a god, it's amazing, it's hateful.

Am I not doing this to behave normally?

What happened to the immortals?

Isn't the immortal still overheard by the old lady, and you haven't found it yet, slightly ~!!

Tang Pinru secretly spat at Ye Liang, and grimaced at him in his heart, before asking the ball of light in the sky:

"You... Did you make that voice? What are you?"

"The Buddha-figure is a god. "

Ye Liang deliberately pretended to be an old voice and said to Tang Pinru:

"The Buddha-figure calculates your future fate, and the specific details must not be leaked.

Today I specially send you a daughter, this woman will land when she is pregnant in October, her future achievements will be limitless, you must treat her well. "

After speaking, without waiting for Tang Pinru's answer, Ye Liang disappeared in front of Tang Pinru with a swoop.

[Run after pretending, the thief is stimulated. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

I just don't want to explain something unnecessary, but not to pretend.

Tang Pinru: Uh...

At this moment, where does she not understand?

This so-called immortal was also installed by the guy named Ye Qixuan.

Without his consent, he directly stuffed his daughter into his stomach.

It's just too much.


Although it is excessive, he does not seem to be harming himself, he knows his future, and even his daughter's future.

Is he trying to help him change his destiny?

I don't know what hatred he has with him, what grudges, obviously he is helping himself, but he has been looking down on himself in his heart.

It's abominable.

Wait, so do you already have a child in your belly?

But why don't you feel anything at all?

Amazing, right?

She looked down at her stomach and imagined what was going on inside.

She didn't know if Ye Liang was gone.

And Ye Liang naturally did not leave at this time...

He wanted to see Tang Pinru's reaction and see if Tang Pinru believed his words.

If Tang Pinru felt that what he said just now was a dream, then wouldn't he have acted in vain?

Fortunately, Tang Pinru seemed to believe his words.

Looking at Tang Pinru's performance, Ye Liang was a little surprised.

I have to say that Aunt Tang's heart is really big, and when she suddenly heard this kind of thing, she actually accepted it so easily, and she didn't doubt it at all.

Now that she's accepted, it's easy to do next.

After October, Jiang Yurou will naturally be born...

With the light of the Holy Daughter, Jiang Shixian couldn't touch Tang Pinru.

Next, you just need to keep it and make everything reasonable, then, I think history is really changed by yourself.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel comfortable.

So comfortable.

After being busy for so long, I finally let Tang Pinru's affairs be done.

The moment Ye Liang's mood relaxed, he only felt that his state of mind broke through instantly, and his cultivation suddenly skyrocketed a lot.

As long as you do what you like, cultivation will naturally rise.

This is the function of the Taichu Yin Yang Technique.

This is a practice that specializes in cultivating the state of mind, and the better the state of mind, the better the cultivation.

"It's about to break through to the middle of the Yuan Infant..."

Feeling the realm after his cultivation skyrocketed, Ye Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly.

After going back this time, he must surprise the Purple Heart Female Emperor and Yan Qing.

Hehe, I'm afraid that no matter what they think, they can't figure it out, but if they don't see it for a while, their cultivation will already be a yuan baby.

"The matter here has been dealt with and it's time to go back. "

Although Ye Liang didn't have ideas about the young Tang Pinru...

However, just like Tang Yuning before, the more he did, the more variables appeared.

Therefore, in this era, it is better for him not to have much contact with Tang Pinru.

It is not good to avoid the division of time and space.

After all, he just hadn't returned Tang Pinru in a long time, and Tang Pinru had already split into two.

If it is chaotic again, maybe Tang Pinru will split into some twin sisters or something, and even the division of time and space is not impossible.

That's too exciting, it's not a stimulus that his little Yuan Infant cultivator can bear.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang turned around and flew out of Tang Pinru's home and flew in the direction of his home.

At this time, the light blue glow in the sky has disappeared.

The black and white Taiji Light Ball flew in the air, and Ye Liang's gaze looked beyond the universe.

At this time, many passers-by outside were still looking at the sky.

Some of them held cameras and shot them in the sky, leaving behind images of the miracles of the era.

Of course, if these things are obtained, they will definitely be said to be forgeries by those experts.

"Look, meteor ——!!!"

At this moment, among the passers-by, someone pointed to the sky and said.

"Wow, it's really a shooting star, make a wish——!!!"

At this moment, everyone on this side of the earth saw the meteor that crossed the sky.

It was a purple shooting star.

The meteor streaked across the sky and seemed to fly straight in one direction.

Of course, Ye Liang also saw that meteor.

"Purple Heart Female Emperor?"

Looking at the sky, Ye Liang couldn't help but think to himself.

Counting the time, the Purple Heart Female Emperor also came to Earth at this time.

Only Jin Dan cultivated, she did not have the ability to break through the Immortal Domain Enchantment of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and could only come to Earth through rebirth.

That meteor in the sky should be the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, right?!

"Do you want to go and see, whose house did the flower fall into?"

After thinking about it, Ye Liang still decided to take a look.

He didn't plan to change the past of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, but look at what happened?


I saw that in the sky, a purple fairy stone broke through the earth's space passage, rushed directly into the earth, and rushed towards a remote mountainous area.

And Ye Liang also followed and came to this small remote village.

In this era, television sets in rural areas were not yet popular, and there were very few televisions in the home.

Not to mention color TV, it is a black and white TV, which many people do not have at home.

Therefore, there is very little entertainment in the evening.

And there is nothing else to do, naturally there is only one thing that wants to be done.

In the middle of the night, Ye Liang came here, and all he heard were some old and exciting sounds.

Ignoring the lively sound in the village, Ye Liang instantly came to the place where the Purple Pole Immortal Stone fell.

Although it fell like a shooting star, the Purple Pole Immortal Stone fell to the ground without making any movement, it just lay there quietly, waiting for its owner to retrieve it.

"This place called Earth is really amazing, you say, little brother." "

Just as Ye Liang was looking at the Purple Pole Immortal Stone in his trance, suddenly, a voice sounded in his ears.

Ye Liang couldn't help but change his expression.

His gaze looked in the direction the voice came from.

I saw the sky, a red cloud instantly dyed the night sky, and the originally bright white moonlight turned into a blood moon at this moment.

Under the blood moon, a red shadow descended from the moon.

As the figure fell, a faint sigh followed, turning into a resentful poem.

"The Furutsuka fox, demon and old, turns into a good color.

The clouds are like brocade full of makeup, and the beautiful sky becomes a nine-tailed robe. "

With that faint sigh, the red silhouette in the sky slowly appeared its true face.

It's really a smile, a coquettishness.

The beauty is infinitely good, and the demon face is moving.

She was dressed in a crimson ancient dress, crimson and white-pointed fox ears, and nine large plush tails with red and white tips behind her, which were dangling in the void behind her.

On the absolutely beautiful and unparalleled face, there is a round of blood-red meniscus on the forehead, and the face is also with a few touching demon lines.

Proud figure, where the clothes are about to come out, slender waist, under the short ancient skirt, is the red white jade feet, with her fall, in the air outlined a trajectory that people can't take their eyes off.

"This little brother, be polite, slave family... Akatsuki. "

After falling in front of Ye Liang, the fox girl saluted Ye Liang.

Her name is Akatsuki, the alliance leader of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance, and the female emperor of the Akatsuki Immortal Star.


Ye Liang looked at the woman in front of him stunned, he didn't expect that so many things would happen tonight.

He actually ran into her——!!!

Yan Qing.

This woman who called herself Akatsuki actually came to Earth at this time?

What a coincidence, right?

"Little brother, why are you looking at the slave family like this?"

Facing Ye Liang's stunned expression, the Lady Emperor of Chiyue was not surprised.

In this world, what man can resist her charm?

The corners of her lips rose, revealing a hint of fox charm.

"But the slave family is too ugly, so the little brother looks at the slave family like this?"

She was not happy because she was stared at by Ye Liang, this was just her ordinary expression.

Because, she is a vixen.

Every move, every smile, all carry the ultimate beauty charm that she unintentionally exudes.

"Ahem. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but cough lightly and withdraw his gaze from her.

"The fairy is polite, in the lower leaf Qixuan. "

Ye Liang originally thought that he was already a Yuan baby, and he was already very powerful.

But he didn't expect that Yan Qing's body was so powerful.

Looking at the breath on her body, I don't know how many times stronger than her current self.

Before that, I thought that becoming a Yuan baby would make their eyes shine.


However, when I thought that the woman who called herself Akatsuki in front of me would actually be my own woman in the future.

He still couldn't help but feel a little proud.

It seems that his charm is indeed powerful——!!!

Even Xiu is a banshee who is countless times stronger than her previous self, and she is willing to become a woman by her side.

Hey, why didn't you know that your charm was so great before?

Xiuxian Voice Pack: ...


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