"Ye Qixuan..."

Hearing Ye Liang's self-reported name, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki raised her slender fingers, gently covered the corners of her lips, and said:

"What a good name, little brother Qixuan, I don't know, what benefits have you gained on this earth?"


Hearing this, Ye Liang asked puzzled:

"What benefits?"

"Little brother, Akito doesn't say secret words in front of him.

Fang Cai Nu's family is watching the song and dance to pass the time.

Suddenly, I saw a divine light piercing through the universe and coming straight towards you.

And with your cultivation, you must not miss that divine light.

No, tell the slave family. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor said with a smile:

"The so-called treasures are all shared by those who see it, the little brother, the slave family also saw the light of the god, the little brother got the treasure, but you can't hide the treasure..."

Saying that, she stepped on the moonlight barefoot and walked towards Ye Liang step by step.


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He explains:

"You misunderstood, I also just arrived and didn't see any treasures. "

He secretly thought that the so-called treasure should refer to...

Jiang Yurou.

Jiang Yurou's previous life was Lingbo Immortal Venerable.

Although I don't know what kind of cultivation level Lingbo Immortal Venerable is, if he can be called Immortal Venerable, it is definitely not a simple character.

Moreover, even her reincarnated body, Jiang Yurou, has the posture of a great emperor, which is enough to prove her extraordinary.

Ye Liang didn't think that Yan Qing would be a good person now.

Among immortal cultivators, there is nothing good or bad.

Whether she is a good person depends on her style.

And although Yan Qing will be his woman in the future, he is not now.

In the future, it was because he lifted the seal for Yan Qing, and Yan Qing was greedy for the endless essence qi in him, so he chose to become his woman.

And the current fox spirit Akatsuki does not have this causal relationship with him.

For her, she is a person who grabbed the treasure in front of her.

Therefore, even if he knew the truth, he would not tell this vixen.

"Is it, little brother, but you are worried that the slave family will rob you of your treasures? "

At this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor had already arrived in front of Ye Liang.

This earth is a magical place.

As soon as she came to Earth, she discovered that something was wrong with Earth.

On Earth, all perception abilities are suppressed to the extreme, and if you want to do something to others, it seems that you need to go through the laws of this earth.

"If you take out the treasure and show it to the slave family, the slave family satisfies his curiosity, that is. "

She smiled and said:

"Don't worry, the slave family won't ask for a single stitch from you. "

Ye Liang: ... Don't take a stitch and take the rest, right?!!!

This fox spirit in front of her doesn't look like she really has a good baby, she won't be moved.

If she really had any good treasure to take out, she would definitely be greedy, right?

Moreover, even if she is not greedy, there is no need to gamble on this hand.

Thinking of this, he said with a smile:

"The fairy really misunderstood, I really didn't get any treasures, don't believe it, I'll let you search your body." "

Saying that, he opened his arms and looked like he was allowed to be searched by the other party.

"Poof, little brother, you are really funny, since you are not willing to take out the treasure for the slave family to see, then the slave family does not look at it, petty." "

Saying this resentfully, her eyes were dripping and turning.

If it was an ordinary treasure, she was really not interested.

However, the light blue divine light that cut through the universe before seemed...

Not simple.

It was something beyond her realm, and perhaps, it was related to her breaking the realm.

Such a treasure, even if she tried her best, she had to get it.

"Little brother, there is a chance to meet, and the slave family wants to meet friends with the little brother Yishi and make friends. "

As soon as her figure turned, nine crimson tails spun up, dancing around her body, turning into a gorgeous beauty.

"I wonder what the little brother thinks?"


What do you suddenly want to do with poetry?

Ye Liang's expression changed, and he immediately understood——!!!

The woman wanted to do it to herself.

"Okay. "

The other party has already put forward a challenge, and if he refuses, then the other party will win directly.

At that time, she can do it directly to herself.

No matter how good her relationship with the other party is in the future, but now, she is just a small baby in her eyes.

Can't give her a chance to do it.

The Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but smile secretly when she saw that Ye Liang agreed to her proposal.

It seems that this little brother also seems to understand that the slave family is going to do something to him.

Although this law of the earth makes it impossible to act arbitrarily.

However, she is also the female emperor of Akatsuki.

It's just a comparison of poetry, and I won't lose to him yet.

"What poetry does the unknown fairy want to talk to me?"

Ye Liang asked the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki covered her lips and smiled:

"It is better to use each other's appearance as a poem, if the little brother can first describe the appearance of the slave family with a poem, and the slave family cannot use poetry to describe the appearance of the little brother, then the slave family will admit defeat." "

Her gaze looked at Ye Liang, and she had already made up her mind, if Ye Liang didn't hand over that treasure.

She also had to invite Ye Liang to the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance to sit down.

Her Akatsuki Female Emperor is not an evil cultivator, and of course she will not do the kind of thing that kills people and takes treasures when she sees others have treasures.

However, what she had was a way to let Ye Liang hand over the treasure.

For her own means, the Akatsuki Female Emperor is still very confident.

However, what surprised her a little was that the cultivator in front of her was obviously so much worse than her, but why did he seem to be unaffected by her charm at all?

Ordinary Yuan Infant cultivators would not be able to stand it just by seeing her demon appearance.

However, the person in front of him kept staring at her, and he didn't seem to particularly care about her beauty.

Could it be that it is because of the laws of the earth that the charm of the slave family is also regarded as a means of the immortal family?

She thought so, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Liang, waiting for his reply.

"Good. "

Ye Liang said:

"Fairy, please listen. "

His gaze glanced towards the Akatsuki Female Emperor, and his mind was quickly searching for poems about women's beauty.

The next moment, a poem was already taking shape in his mind.

"Yun wants to wear clothes and flowers, and the spring breeze blows Revlon.

If it weren't for the jade mountain, he would meet Yaotai Yue. "


Hearing Ye Liang's verse, the Lady Emperor of Chiyue couldn't help but be stunned.

This poem, it's good.

There is a level——!!!

Although he did not portray his appearance positively, he held his face like a fairy in Yaochi through a complete side depiction.

It seems that seeing his face is already the greatest luck in his life.

Can I really make better poetry than he did?

It seems that some carelessness is overwhelmed.

"Little brother really did this poem, but the slave family can't deserve such praise." "

She smiled shallowly, looked towards Ye Liang, and said:

"Then, it's my turn to write poems for my little brother.

Little brother, please listen..."

"Wait. "

Just when the Female Emperor of Chiyue was about to speak, Ye Liang stopped her.

He said:

"Since the fairies are all dressed up to meet each other in such a full costume, they can only face Hong Yan in full costume. "

Saying that, his heart moved, and the next moment, his body radiated brilliance.

After a dazzling light passed, in the light, Ye Liang once again appeared his true face.

The Lady Emperor of the Red Moon stared at Ye Liang, and she didn't care about the dazzling light that bloomed on his body.

It wasn't until she saw his appearance dressed again that she froze.


At this moment, the eyes of the Red Moon Female Emperor stared at Ye Liang tightly, and she couldn't move away for half a minute.

As the lord of a domain and the female emperor of one star, she naturally understood.

Whether it is a person or a thing, its beauty is limited.

Therefore, after being otherworldly, the immortal cultivator will have another look, making the beauty more beautiful, impeccable, ugly... Cough...... Forget it.

Such a look is for the immortal phase.

The dealings between immortal cultivators are generally based on immortals.

Immortals are either domineering, ethereal, or beautiful, each with its own characteristics.

The beauty of immortals has no limit, and men and women are generally the same.

She really didn't expect that she would see a man with such a beautiful and handsome immortal appearance on this small earth.

If you talk about appearance alone, the person in front of you is even a little better than yourself.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that there was such a handsome man in this world, with such a fairy appearance.

What a ... What about the obsessive male fairy.

It is a pity that the slave family is a person who uses beauty as a weapon, and he will not be fascinated by the appearance of others.

Thinking of this, she spoke:

"The little brother is really good-looking, good literate, if the little brother has not shown this true face, the slave family may still be ugly."

Unfortunately, as soon as the little brother's true face came out, the slave family was already faceless to speak.

The slave family threw in the towel. "

"Threw in the towel?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang's heart moved, and sure enough, the restraint of the law of the earth on him had disappeared.

Was she really going to do it to herself just now?

If it is someone else who wants to make a move on himself, then he has long remembered his hatred.

However, the woman in front of you who is her own in the future, don't think about her.

Big deal, after returning to the future, teach Yan Qing a good lesson.

Yan Qing: ...??!!!

"Little brother, although I don't know what treasure you got, since the slave family has already lost, the slave family will naturally not be embarrassed with you anymore. "

At this time, the Female Emperor of Chiyue also directly had a showdown with Ye Liang.

She said to Ye Liang:

"If his little brother has time, he can come to the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance to find the slave family, and at that time, the slave family will definitely welcome the big driver. "

She is a godly power.

In the face of a Yuan baby, she still has this kind of confidence.

Even if you provoke the other party, you don't have to worry that the other party will fight with you.

However, after all, today's challenge failed, and she still had to say something polite to maintain face.

"If there is a chance, definitely. "

Ye Liang looked strange.

If there is no mistake... She shouldn't be able to go back.

Although I don't know what happened after that, it seems that she will be sealed to stay on Earth.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the additional reward of cultivating immortals: the Green Lotus Sword Technique.

The sword intent transforms the green lotus, broken and unclean, and in one thought, the creation is endless. "

As the sound of the system sounded, a huge amount of information once again surged out of Ye Liang's mind.

The Qinglian Sword Technique, a sword technique based on infinite sword intent.

If you want to cast this set of sword techniques, you need the caster to be able to transform at least ten thousand swords in one breath.


Looking at the Qinglian Sword Technique that appeared in his mind, Ye Liang couldn't help but be surprised.

It seems that the system really does not give rewards indiscriminately.

The most basic requirement of this Qinglian sword technique is to transform ten thousand swords with one qi, and his own ten thousand swords without regret is a sword technique that materializes sword qi and divides thousands of swords.

At the same time, above Ye Liang's immortal appearance, a green lotus mark appeared between his foreheads.


Looking at Ye Liang's changes, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but change her expression slightly.

Good fellow, did he break through the realm or what?

Why did he suddenly feel that his momentum was several times sharper than before?

Is he really a little meta-infancy?

Just when the Female Emperor of the Red Moon was surprised by Ye Liang's changes, the voice of the system sounded in Ye Liang's mind again.

"Ding, ask the host to make a choice:

First, let the Akatsuki Female Emperor leave and return to the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance, and after a few years, history changes, and the host will die at the hands of the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

Second, offend this Immortal Venerable and still want to leave?

Drink, Qinglian Sword Technique——!!!

Seal the Akatsuki Female Emperor and let her stay obediently, waiting for the day when she will be a woman for you. "


The sudden sound of the system made Ye Liang speechless for a while.

What the heck?

It turns out that the person who sealed Yan Qing is himself?!!!

Please, she is a Transformation God, and she is also the Lord of the Immortal Domain, and the Transformation God powerhouses allied with her are numerous.

How could I be her opponent?!!!


If I don't do it now, I will die at her hands in a few years.

Ah this...

Sure enough, it still doesn't work.

The mind is together, and the qi machine is different.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor in front immediately sensed it.


She looked at Ye Liang in front of her, with a bit of playfulness in her eyes:

"Brother, are you angry because of the rudeness of the slave family? "

She was worried that she didn't have a chance to do anything to Ye Liang.

If Ye Liang really did something to her, she wouldn't mind luring Ye Liang out of the earth.

After leaving the earth, she could naturally take Ye Liang to the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance as a guest.

Thinking of this, she also deliberately suppressed some of her cultivation.

In her opinion, Ye Liang was just a small baby.

And she is not just a god.

The difference between the gods is also very large.

The same is the god of transformation, and some gods of transformation are no different from ants in front of her.

A little Yuan Baby wants to be angry with her, but it's still a little too young and vigorous.

"The fairy misunderstood. "

Looking at the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, Ye Liang said to her:

"I'm not angry at your rudeness just now, I just want you to stay on Earth, that's all——!"

"Poof... Whoops——!!!"

Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but hide her smile:

"Brother, are you joking with the slave family, can you leave the slave family on Earth?!"


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