“...... Just now, he called me little brother, and he called me brother when he turned his face. "

At this time, Ye Liang had already made up his mind.

For the sake of his little life, he must leave the Akatsuki Female Emperor behind today.

Although the gap in cultivation is huge, it is not without a chance for him to face the Akatsuki Female Emperor now.

Because the Akatsuki Female Emperor lost the power to attack him.

Now Ye Liang's output exploded, and if he didn't consider defense, his combat effectiveness would increase countless times.

"The fairy just wanted to do something to me, right? If you want to do something to me, you naturally have to have the consciousness to be respected by me. "

Saying that, Ye Liang condensed his hand in the air, and a qi sword turned into an entity.

The sword body of the wheel of time emerged in his hand.

And in the face of Ye Liang's words, of course, the Female Emperor of Chiyue would not take it to heart.

Although the laws of the earth are somewhat special, she suffered a loss here, and she could not take the initiative to attack Ye Liang.

Moreover, now that she has failed the challenge, she does not even have the power to attack.

But, no matter what, she is also the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki.

The power of the realm of the god of transformation, the alliance master of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance.

Compared with her, Ye Liang's cultivation was a whole big realm worse, how could she be afraid of Ye Liang?!

Thinking of this, her eyes stared at the time wheel in Ye Liang's hand, and she saw that the pointer on the time wheel was slowly turning, and every time she turned, she brought a burst of mysterious power of time:

"Oh, it's really a beautiful sword, the slave family really likes this sword, it's better like this, the slave family exchanges this sword with his younger brother, how?"

Saying that, she also took out a crimson long sword.

Unlike Ye Liang's slender sword body, her sword appeared a little thin, but the blade looked extremely sharp, and the sword body was like a red moon in the sky, cold and red.

"This sword is the favorite sword of the slave family, and its name is the same as that of the slave family, called Red Moon. "


Looking at the flying sword taken out by the Female Emperor of Chiyue, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Are you being funny?

I'm serious about doing something to you now.


Seeing that Ye Liang didn't answer her, and still looked at her with idiot-like eyes, the Akatsuki Female Emperor suddenly couldn't hold back.

It's embarrassing.

However, she is the alliance master of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance and the female emperor of the Akatsuki Immortal Star.

But a small embarrassment did not affect her elegance.

She coughed lightly and said:

"I said brother, although the slave family wanted to do something to you just now, the slave family has no malice, the slave family just wants to invite you to the Akatsuki Immortal Domain as a guest...

There is absolutely no malice.

Why are you so angry?

However, since you are so angry, then this is good.

The slave family stands still and lets you make a move.



Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He looked at the Akatsuki Female Emperor in front of him with a shocked expression, and couldn't believe what he heard.

He originally thought that he would have a big battle with the other party, and it was hard to seal the other party successfully according to the original historical line.

But now, the other party actually told himself to let himself make a move?

I've never heard of such a request in my life——!!!

"However, if you just let you make a move, the slave family will also suffer a bit of a loss. "

At this moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor spoke again.

Hearing this, Ye Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, let me do it, where in the world is there such a good thing.

She definitely had something to say.

Just as Ye Liang thought, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon said:

"It's better to limit it to an hour, if you can't let me shake half a step within an hour, then you have to tell me truthfully, do you know what the treasure that fell to the earth before is, how?!"

"Okay. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang directly agreed.

What a joke, I have never encountered such a good thing in my life.

I've never heard of such a request.

He proposed:

"Well, let's swear——!

Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but feel a pang of disdain in her heart.

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?

Wouldn't he really think that he could make people in the Avatar Stage move half a step, right?


If you think about it, it's not impossible.

A cultivator in the Yuan infancy stage may have never heard of the Avatar God Realm in his entire life.

For the Yuan baby, the god of transformation is like a myth and legend.

Perhaps, in his eyes, he is just a stronger baby.

Hahaha, die laughing——!!!

See the shallow country baby.

"Well, how do you want to swear?"

While secretly amused, she asked Ye Liang again.

"Simple, you just stand still, let me attack for an hour, if you move, then..."

After thinking about it, Ye Liang raised his lips and said:

"You'll just..."

"The slave family can say whatever you want. "

The Emperor of the Red Moon spoke:

"However, if after an hour, you can't let the slave family move half a step, then you have to tell the slave family whether you know the news of the treasure that just fell from the sky." "

For the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, Ye Liang in front of her was just a child who had not yet grown up.

She's just teasing a child who hasn't grown up now.

She didn't think she was going to lose.

The gap in cultivation is too big, and it is impossible to lose.

If she can lose, then she simply settles with this Ye Qixuan surname in front of her, and what kind of Chiyue female emperor?!!

"How? okay?!"

She asked Ye Liang.


Ye Liang responded, and the two swore at the same time, and the next moment, a thunder sounded in the sky.

The thunder sounded, and both understood that the oath had been fulfilled.

"Then, brother, come on, don't pity the slave family just because it is a petite flower. "

After swearing an oath, the Akatsuki Female Emperor said this while taking the Red Moon Sword in her hand and putting it away.

"Don't you use weapons?"

Looking at the appearance of the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, Ye Liang asked her.

"Hey. "

Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor shook her head with a smile and said to Ye Liang:

"Presumably younger brother, you may not know, what is the realm above the Yuan Baby, right?"


Hearing this, Ye Liang was a little puzzled.

Why did you suddenly come to this, above the Yuan Infant is the god of transformation, and the general immortal cultivation novels are set up like this, right?

Otherwise, it's distraction, or something out of the ordinary.

In short, the meaning is the same.

Anyway, it is a higher realm than the Yuan baby.

Seeing Ye Liang's puzzled look, the Emperor of the Red Moon then said to him:

"It seems that you really don't know, let the slave family tell you, above the Yuan Baby, there is also a realm of Avatar God.

Avatar, do you understand?"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

I know.

But before he could speak, the Akatsuki Female Emperor had already spoken:

"Although the Yuan Infant is powerful, in front of the Avatar God, it is just an ant.

It's not that the slave family looks down on you, it's just that against a Yuan baby, if the slave family still needs to use weapons, the slave family will be ridiculed. "

Ye Liang: "..."

"Well... Just be happy. "

To be honest, Ye Liang was also the first time to face the Shanghua God.

If the other party is so confident, then what else does he have to say?

When he was still thinking about how to seal the other party, the other party actually cooperated with him so desperately.

Is there such a good thing in this world?

He wished that the other party would directly take off his armor and wait for him to attack.

It's just that seeing the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki so generous, he was a little embarrassed to seal her.

The first time he faced the Transformation God Realm, Ye Liang did not dare to be careless.

I saw that his expression was grim, and he instantly became serious.

The next moment, I saw a sword intent rising from Ye Liang's body.

He was already a Yuan baby, and in the face of a person who was a whole realm higher than him, he did not dare to have the slightest reservation, and as soon as he made a move, it was an absolute ——!!!

Two fingers and swords, condensed between the eyebrows, Ye Liang tiptoed a little, and the whole person flew tens of thousands of meters into the air with the sword intent that soared into the sky.

Under the moonlight, I saw his fairy robe flying, and the whole person was like the immortal under the moon, ethereal into the red dust, dusty and unclean.

In an instant, tens of thousands of flying swords formed around him and began to spiral wildly.

Between tens of thousands of meters of heaven and earth, everywhere, all under Ye Liang's air sword, they were madly divided.

The sword qi was fierce and overwhelming.


Originally, the Female Emperor of Chiyue still looked down on Ye Liang as an ignorant Yuan Infant cultivator.

In her opinion, even if she allowed Ye Liang to attack, Ye Liang would have no way to take her.

However, when she saw the flying sword tornado that was constantly rotating wildly in the sky, sweeping tens of thousands of meters in radius, she couldn't help but gasp.

This, what is this——!!!

What kind of spell is this?

Where did he get so many swords?!!!

Every sword seems to be exactly the same, and the quality is definitely not low——!!!

However, even if he really had so many swords, how did he drive so many swords alone?

Wait, are these swords... Is it also formed by spells?!!!

Impossible, right?

With spells, can it already form this kind of effect that is more realistic than the sword entity?!!!

This sword is indeed powerful——!!!

Among the Yuan Infants, this one named Ye Qixuan can be called invincible.

Even, even if it was an ordinary Avatar God, in the face of his sword, I was afraid that he didn't know how to deal with it.

No wonder, no wonder he was so arrogant, obviously the cultivation aura he released was already much stronger than him, but he still had to compete with himself.

It seems that he underestimated him.

However, it is a pity that his arrogance was used in the wrong object.

I, the Akatsuki Female Emperor, was an ordinary person?!!

Thinking of this, she also raised her hand slightly and began to condense her defense.

As her power gathered, a huge crescent-like shield appeared in the sky in front of her.

With this hand, she felt that she could completely block the countless flying swords within tens of thousands of meters in this sky.

I saw that the sky was densely packed, and tens of thousands of flying swords were rotating at a speed almost like light.

Every flying sword formed by sword qi has the power to destroy the stars.

However, these tens of thousands of air swords were constantly rotating around the heaven and earth around Ye Liang.

With Ye Liang's sword intent triggering, the swords in the sky were loud, piercing and shocking.

"Ten thousand swords without regrets——!!!"

The next moment, I saw Ye Liang's figure change for a while, and the sword technique danced in his hand.

The ten thousand swords in the sky, which were originally spinning around him wildly, instantly shot towards the boundless sky.

In the sky, a huge sword pattern suddenly appeared.

That sword pattern instantly absorbed all the air swords, but it burst out in an instant, sending out the power of the ten thousand swords towards the Akatsuki Female Emperor below.

The ten thousand swords, which were already close to the speed of light, were launched from that sword diagram at an incredible speed.

The Lady Emperor of the Red Moon looked calm, and unconsciously raised another hand.

I thought that one hand could block his attack, but I didn't expect that this younger brother could surprise me.


He himself is more precious than that treasure?!!!

The moment he saw Ye Liang use this move, the Female Emperor of the Red Moon had already changed her mind.

The man in front of him is the real treasure.

I didn't recognize it just now, and I almost missed it.


Just now, I actually looked down on him, hey, it was really a slap in the face.

Although he didn't know about the Avatar God, his strength was already above the Avatar God.

Thinking of this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki sighed slightly, fortunately...

He didn't know the realm of the gods.

If he knew, then what he said just now would be too embarrassing.

Thinking of this, her hands were a little harder.

Since he said that the Yuan Baby is like an ant in front of the Avatar God, then he has to let him take a good look at what kind of unknowable realm the so-called Avatar God is.

The crescent moon shield in the sky, which originally protected the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon, shone a thousand times brighter at this moment.

Thousands of sharp swords broke through the air, like rain hitting banana leaves, and clanged and fell on the crescent moon shield formed by the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon.

Each sword has the power to destroy the sky and the earth, thousands of flying swords rush at the same time, and the torrent of flying swords seems to have the ability to destroy the star field.

However, the moment this endless flying sword shot at the crescent-shaped shield, it was like an iron arrow hitting a steel wall, and it was bounced off one after another, scattered all over the place.

The entire remote village, everywhere in the mountains, fell air swords.

If it were not for the earth, but for other planets, I am afraid that the aftermath of this confrontation between the two would have opened the earth to the Mediterranean.

"Little brother, you are good. "

After easily blocking Ye Liang's attack with both hands, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon looked at Ye Liang, who was standing in the air and looking down at her, and said with an appreciative expression.

"You can make the slave family exert one-tenth of the strength, you are already very good. "

If you have strength, how can you not pretend to be forced?

After the opponent tries his best, let the opponent know that he has only used one-tenth of his strength, which is also a kind of fun for immortal cultivators.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor liked it very much.

Hearing this, Ye Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly.

That's one tenth of the power?!!

The so-called avatar god is just that.

I haven't used the power of the Time Wheel yet, if I add... What will happen to the words of the Qinglian Sword Technique?!!!

"The next blow, can't let you admit defeat, I Ye Qixuan committed suicide on the spot——!!!"

With the extreme pretense, Ye Liang's figure shook and disappeared.


Seeing Ye Liang disappear in an instant, the Female Emperor of Chiyue couldn't help but show a little surprise.

A meta-baby, can disappear in front of her?

However, the next moment, she realized that something was wrong.

It was not that Ye Liang disappeared, but, she didn't know when, as if she had entered another world.

A world controlled by Ye Liang in the sky.

Suddenly, a pleasant sound sounded in the sky, as if many people were playing a moving ensemble.

In a short time, the vocal music quickly became intense.

With the intense symphony of music, there was a burst of floral fragrance in this realm that belonged to Ye Liang.

That is, the fragrance of lotus flowers.


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