
Ye Liang was thinking about how to not change the future and seal the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

He had just arrived in front of the Akatsuki Female Emperor and was about to let the Akatsuki Female Emperor seal herself, but he heard what the Akatsuki Female Emperor said to him.

He got goosebumps all over his body on the spot.

Groove ?!!

Cultivate immortal green tea, up and a virtue with mortals.


"Don't say that you called the Buddha-figure cut, even if you called the Buddha-figure Dad, it is useless. "

With a solemn expression, he said to the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki:

"But I didn't provoke you at all, you didn't measure up yourself, you provoked me again, and you lost me.

Do you think that if you say this and cut two words, I will not clean you up?

If you listen to me, I'll keep you fine."

But if you don't listen, wait to break your oath. "

If she continues to say this, where can she stand it?

So, I still hurried and dealt with the matter.

Specially, when you return to the future, you will have fun with her.


I have to say that this beautiful vixen at his own is something that a man can't stand it.


Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki couldn't help but froze.

Although she has not met some people with strong resistance, it is really rare to be so desperate in front of her beauty.

This Ye Qixuan is really not a mortal.

If it were an ordinary person, he was so coquettish just now, plus he didn't have much trouble with him before, this matter would have passed.

But he was so flattering, he was not moved at all.

She stared at Ye Liang with a speechless expression:

"Cut, what exactly do you want to do?"

When you wanted to do something to me just now, did you ever think about what I would do? "

Ye Liang said coldly:

"Isn't it normal to want to shoot at me, kick the iron plate, and be retaliated by me?"


Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

And it's your turn to preach to the old lady?

If it weren't for this strange place on Earth, the old lady would have brought you back to Akatsuki Immortal Star.

I thought so in my heart, but there was a smile on her face:

"Ye Qixuan, Qixuan Immortal Venerable, just forgive me this time. "

I think that at the beginning, when the old lady crisscrossed the Chiyue Immortal Domain, the big scene was not unseen.

But I didn't expect that the old lady actually capsized in the gutter today.

What the hell, was he sick or what did he do just now, why did he make that kind of vow.

This is good, let anyone slaughter——!!!

"Forgiveness is impossible to forgive, and it is impossible to forgive in this life. "

Ye Liang said:

"However, don't worry, I'm not a bad person, as long as you seal all your cultivation and memories by yourself, the festival between us will pass. "


Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki couldn't help but be speechless for a while:

"You're not kidding me, are you, let me seal all cultivation and memories by myself?!!!?

As an immortal cultivator, wouldn't it be looking for death to seal all cultivation and memories by himself?

If it wasn't necessary, who would seal their cultivation and memory?

Moreover, he sealed his cultivation and memory, maybe this guy will do something to himself.

Instead of this, it is better to bear a huge price and break the oath.

"I just want to seal your cultivation and memory. "

Seeing the vigilant look of the Red Moon Female Emperor, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh:

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I just want to repay what you just wanted to do to me, as long as you seal your cultivation and memory, then I can guarantee that during this period, Ye Qixuan will not do anything to you."

You see, my strength is stronger than yours, what do I want to do to you, why let you seal cultivation and memory by yourself?

yes, I really don't have any malice. "

"I believe you're a ghost ——!"

The Akatsuki Female Emperor said speechlessly:

"You think I don't know what you are hiding in your words, Ye Qixuan won't do anything to me, so how do I know if you won't be called Ye Qixuan?!!!"

Ye Liang: "..."

"Moreover, if you really fight, your strength may not be stronger than mine. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor said:

"Your move against the Yuan Infancy is naturally invincible, but if it is against me, I will not give you the opportunity to issue that move.

If you are really better than me, then why don't you seal me yourself?

Speaking of admitting mistakes, you just got lucky and seized the opportunity that I couldn't attack you, right?

Therefore, you don't push me too much, it will not benefit you or me. "

Saying that, a sly look appeared in her eyes.

This guy, there's no denying that he's strong.

But if you want to pretend in front of yourself, it's not so easy...

Himself is not stupid.

Just now, he lost to him because he couldn't take the initiative to attack, really fighting, he is a yuan baby, is he really his opponent of the gods?


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

His strength is indeed not as strong as the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

He was able to defeat the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki, in the final analysis, because she couldn't fight back and couldn't move.

If she can fight back, if she can move...

Then I have a yarn with her, this gap is not ordinarily large.

However, at this time, he couldn't care about embarrassment.

Small lives matter.

He said:

"The Buddha-figure doesn't seal you himself, naturally because the Buddha-figure is not good at sealing, do you really want the Buddha-figure to make a move?

You can think clearly, if the Buddha-figure makes a move, the price you want to break the seal is very huge. "


Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but look stunned.

Then, she burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, you said that you are not good at sealing, so you let me seal it myself?

Because it was so funny, she forgot to call herself a slave.

"Okay, don't make trouble, Ye Qixuan, I admit, I wanted to do something to you before, but I have absolutely no malice towards you, I can swear, you are a man, don't be so petty, you change a condition, if I can do it, then I will definitely agree, but if you go too far, then even if I break the oath, I will fight with you." "

Her expression returned to calm and said to Ye Liang.

For her, Ye Liang is indeed very strong and powerful, not an ordinary Yuan baby.

But Ye Liang's move is handsome, but that scene, the ordinary Yuan baby can't be broken, and he can't break it?!!!

His terrifying move, really fighting, there is no chance to hit himself.

She felt that Ye Liang's true strength was definitely not as strong as her.

So Ye Liang wanted to control her in this way.

This man really underestimated himself.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: the Primordial Sealing Technique. "

Just when the Emperor of Chiyue felt that Ye Liang must have nothing to do with her, and did not believe that Ye Liang really let her seal herself because she was not good at sealing.

In Ye Liang's mind, a voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, he also had the information of the Primordial Sealing Technique in his mind.

And he naturally mastered the Primordial Sealing Technique.

“...... System, this reward why didn't you take it out earlier, I just pretended to be a thief embarrassed. "

He spat on the system.

System: "Ding, the reward given by this system is completely random, and it will not be brushed out immediately because the host just needs it." "

Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

System, you say this, does anyone believe it?

Ye Liang didn't have time to spit on the system, at this moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor in front of him was still waiting for his answer.

He said to the Emperor of the Red Moon:

"Woman, my patience is very limited, are you sure you don't seal it yourself, if you don't seal yourself, then I have to do it, I said, if I do it, it's not so easy for you to unlock the seal..."

"Okay, then you will come, if you can seal me, I will let you seal ——!"

At this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor had already understood.

Ye Liang may be really strong, not an ordinary Yuan baby, but he is definitely a Yuan baby.

He definitely didn't know any sealing techniques, otherwise, he would have already done it himself, so why wait until now?!!!

So, she said something she regretted again.

"Uh... You said it yourself. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang still didn't know where the other party must look down on himself again.

After all, it is also true that the power of a god may capsize in the gutter in front of a Yuan baby, but she can't really be afraid of a Yuan Baby because of this.

Seriously, though, he believed in the character of the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

Because Yan Qing's character is not bad.

She and she said that she had no malice, and she had to seal her, which was a little unspeakable.

But now that she herself has said so, what psychological burden does Ye Liang have?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang did not hesitate, directly waved his hand, and hit the Red Moon Female Emperor.

The Female Emperor of Chiyue was a little disdainful at first, but the next moment, she couldn't help but change her expression.

Because with Ye Liang's movements, she felt that a very powerful force was suppressing her.

Is it a seal——!!!

Moreover, this is not a general seal.

The level of this seal was not bad at all compared to the Qinglian Sword Technique that Ye Liang had made just now.

The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki stayed there with her whole body.

It's not that she doesn't want to resist, but she has just sworn an oath.

It is certainly not impossible to forcibly break the oath with strength.

However, there is a vow, which will naturally restrain her movements.

Originally, she could react, but now she was unconsciously stunned.

And at the moment when she was stunned, Ye Liang's palm had already hit her in front of her.

I saw Ye Liang's palm power turn into a huge gossip map in an instant, pressing towards the Red Moon Female Emperor.

The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki was about to react, but suddenly felt that her True Yuan was sluggish.

At this moment, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The oath he made really shouldn't be impossible.

It seems that you can't act too proudly in the future, and it's easy to capsize in the gutter.

No, it was only a little older, and he capsized himself.

It's useless to play tricks.

It's over, he sealed his cultivation and memory, and when he awakened again, I don't know when.

I don't know if I was a pure girl at that time...

The gossip seal pattern continued to press towards the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

Although the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki instinctively wanted to resist, because of the oath, she felt that her current self did not seem to exert much power in the face of Ye Liang's seal.

However, after a while, I saw that the black and white gossip diagram rotated and completely entered the body of the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor resisted vigorously, but it was of no use.


The next moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor only felt that a great forbidden force appeared in her body.

Under the power of that prohibition, her consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

For everything in the outside world, she can no longer perceive.

And in front of Ye Liang's eyes, the body of the Red Moon Female Emperor was constantly shrinking, shrinking...

In the end, it turned into a little girl who looked to be only in her teens.

The original curvaceous body to the extreme, but now it has become such a little girl like a pink carving.

After being sealed by Ye Liang for cultivation and memory, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon would actually become like this.

This surprised Ye Liang a little.

The effect of this primordial sealing technique is really strange.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Ye Liang's expression was a little strange.

The next moment, the little girl's figure softened, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Liang came to her side and gently hugged her into his arms.

At this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor did not have a little cultivation on her, and she looked like an ordinary little girl who was too beautiful.

Lying quietly in Ye Liang's arms, this little girl didn't seem to know that her fate was already doomed for many years to come.

Holding the eleven-twelve-year-old little loli in his arms, Ye Liang stretched out his hand to the moon in the sky, tore off a piece of moonlight, and condensed the moonlight in his palm.

With a wave of her palm, a fitted red dress was already put on her body.

The next moment, Ye Liang flew up with her and flew towards the distance.

As for the matter of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, let's see it later when I have time.

Anyway, the baby girl born in this village during this time, coupled with the name Zhao Ziyan, it was still very easy for him to find the rebirth of the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Tang Yuning was watching TV at home, but saw a flash of light fly into the home, fall in front of her, and become Ye Liang.

"Qixuan, you're back——!!!"

Seeing Ye Liang, Tang Yuning couldn't help but be pleased.

However, when her gaze noticed the extremely beautiful little girl who was only in her teens who was being held in Ye Liang's arms, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Whose child is this?!"

She asked Ye Liang.


Hearing Tang Yuning's inquiry, Ye Liang thought slightly and said:

"Her name is Yan Qing, she has amnesia, her parents threw her down, I looked strange and pitiful, and brought her back. "

[Don't tell you, this little girl is a fierce and evil devil caught by the Buddha-figure, and the appearance of this cute little girl is just her trick to deceive people. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

God is a fierce and evil big devil, such a cute loli, how to look at it, it can't be a fierce and evil big devil, right?

It's really good that you have wronged someone in your voice——!


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