"The fierce and evil big devil?"

At this moment, Tang Yuning looked at the little girl in a red loli dress who was being held by Ye Liang in her arms, and couldn't help but secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Even Ye Qixuan wants to say that he is a fierce and evil big devil, then, it must be a really powerful big devil, right?

Such a powerful big devil, but with such a cute little girl's face, it is really unseemly.

You'll have to be careful in the future...

“...... Hmm..."

Just as Tang Yuning was thinking so, the little girl who had just been put on the sofa in Ye Liang's arms slowly opened her eyes.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

The first words that come to mind are three consecutive lives.

Looking at the man and woman in front of him, looking at the surrounding environment, feeling his empty memory.

Her eyes were a little confused.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?"

Just when the little girl was still trying to remember something, the man, Ye Liang, and Ye Qixuan opened his mouth and asked her.

"Remember who I am?"

He asked the little girl.


The little girl opened a pair of big eyes and looked towards Ye Liang.

I saw Ye Liang looking at her with a smile, and his eyes were very gentle.

But she somehow instinctively felt a pang of disgust.

But I don't know what's going on, obviously she is very disgusted, but she didn't show it on her face at all, just shook her head and said:

"Who are you, who are you, who am I, why am I here?"

She asked with a puzzled look.

Looking at the little loli in front of him with a puzzled look, Ye Liang smiled and said:

I'm your dad, it's your mom." "

I don't know if this little girl is too likable, it seems to be according to the superb appearance of the Akatsuki Female Emperor, so that Ye Liang can't help but want to joke with her and take advantage of her.

"Daddy? Mom?"

The Female Emperor of Chiyue looked towards Ye Liang and Tang Yuning.

I saw Ye Liangzheng with a gentle smile, and Tang Yuning on the side also squeezed out a smile, looking at her eyes were clearly a little strange.

She instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the disgust that came out of her heart also made him feel that the two people in front of him did not seem to be good people.

However, she did not open her mouth indiscriminately, but continued to ask:

"So who am I, why can't I remember anything?"


Looking at the puzzled look of the little girl in front of him, Ye Liang was secretly amused, but sighed on his face and said:

"You... You have an excessive fever and amnesia because of a cold, and you are our daughter, named Yan Qing. "


Somehow, she felt a little suspicious, and always felt that what the man in front of her said did not seem to be true.

"I don't believe ——!!!"

She affirmed:

"You are not my mom and dad at all, you are lying to me——!!!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel weak for a while.

Good fellow, this woman is really good enough.

Just now, she gave Sanlian in vain and let herself seal her move, obviously because she was too careless.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for him to seal her.

Cold sweat on his forehead...

The next moment, Tang Yuning next to him suddenly cried out.

"Woo hoo... Qixuan, look, I told you a long time ago, this girl is a white-eyed wolf, we adopted her for so many years, took care of her in every way, and treated her as her own daughter, but she didn't treat us as her parents at all... She doesn't treat us as a family now, maybe she still thinks that we kidnapped her and still hates us... I...... I'm so sad——!!!"

Saying that, he also shook a lot of tears.


Looking at Tang Yuning like this, Ye Liang couldn't help but froze.

I'm tender.

This woman, what are you doing, suddenly acting like this, I can't get rid of it.

And the little girl was looking at Tang Yuning's sad and crying look, listening to her words, this can be regarded as understanding.

It turns out that she is not their biological daughter, and it turns out that she did not regard them as parents before, so she would hate them?

No, not them.

Is he ——!

She felt her disgust come to the man in front of her.

She didn't have any disgust for that woman.

Apparently, this is the truth.


As for why he thought so much and why his thinking was so mature, Yan Qing did not have much doubt.

Now she is just confirming her identity.

Tang Yuning didn't know that she was just improvising just now, but it just dispelled Yan Qing's doubts.

Her original purpose was that as long as she cried fast enough, Yan Qing would be embarrassed to ask more...

Either way, the result is the same.

Now Yan Qing has almost determined the situation.

Looking at the two people in front of her, she hesitated, and finally spoke:

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you... I just forgot. "


Hearing this, Tang Yuning, who had already followed Ye Liang and practiced superb acting skills, couldn't help but brighten his eyes, looked at Yan Qing, and said happily:

"Great, great, finally willing to call me mother, Yan Qing, mother is so happy——!!!"

Saying that, she also squeezed Ye Liang away.

Ye Liang: "..."

Looking at this sudden scene of mother-daughter love in front of him, he couldn't help but be a little speechless.

No, what drama Tang Yuning suddenly added, he couldn't put himself in order.

However, looking at the loli version of Yan Qing who was being held by Tang Yuning in his arms, he couldn't help but smile.

No matter what, Yan Qing can be regarded as settling down.

Before the future comes, let her call herself daddy for a while.

Moreover, he had sealed her memory, and it should be impossible for her to remember it again.

About the fact that he once sealed her...

If only she knew that she had fallen to Earth because she had been sealed by herself.

I don't know if I will turn my face with myself.

That scene, thinking about it, is too exciting.

At that time, she may be desperate with herself...

[Hey, Yuning seems to really believe the words of the Buddha-figure, and is too close to Yan Qing, what if she is not careful, she is killed by Yan Qing? ]

[Do you want to remind her? 】

At this moment, Tang Yuning heard Ye Liang's heart again.


Hearing this voice, Tang Yuning couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Tang Yuning: Quickly remind the old lady, bastard——!!!

She didn't know just now, it turned out that Yan Qing was so dangerous, she would kill herself if she wasn't careful?

Moreover, listening to Ye Qixuan's tone, it seemed that she would be very easy to kill herself, and if she didn't remind her in advance, he might not be able to save it?!!!

Gan ——!!!

Do you want to exaggerate so much, hateful——!!!

At this moment, although she was holding Yan Qing's small body in her hand, her back was cold, and her face was cold sweat.

I only felt that what I was holding in my arms was not a cute little girl, but a very frightened evil ghost.

In desperation, she had to forcibly calm down, turned to Ye Liang and said:

"So what... By the way, Qixuan, you come to take care of Yan Qing, I'll go get Yan Qing something to eat, she must be hungry. "

"I'm not hungry. "

As soon as her words fell, the little girl in her arms, Yan Qing, spoke.

"Uh... No, you're hungry. "

Looking at Yan Qing in his arms, Tang Yuning said seriously, and then, let her go, turned to Ye Liang and said:

"Qixuan, I'll go cook first. "

"Uh, okay. "

Ye Liang nodded.

[Whew, relieved, let Yuning and Yan Qing be together for a long time, it is really very dangerous, in case she takes advantage of the Buddha's lack of attention and kills Yuning. ] 】

[The Buddha-figure will definitely be sad for a while. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Yuning: Bastard, damn it, I'm also your child's mother, what are you doing?

You just watch me in danger and don't remind me?

And you will be very sad when I die, and sad for a while?

I was so impressed——!!!

With such a spit in his heart, Tang Yuning smiled, but his eyes were clearly filled with endless depression, came to the kitchen, and began to cook dinner.

She cursed in her heart, and at this moment, she was scolding Ye Liang so badly.

But she didn't want to expose the fact that she could hear Ye Liang's voice.

No matter how much depression and anger there is, I can only hold it.

Moreover, she did not forget that Ye Liang's heart was originally inhabited by demons.

To be honest, she didn't dare to turn her face with Ye Liang.

After Tang Yuning went to cook, Yan Qing's gaze looked towards Ye Liang beside him.

"Dad. "

She said to Ye Liang:

"I seem to have a lot of things I don't understand, can you tell me about it?"

She didn't understand where she had such a great disgust for the person in front of her who seemed to be her adoptive father.

However, now she is not particularly clear about the situation.

Therefore, now she can only make a fool of herself and clarify the situation.

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me." "

Ye Liang let Yan Qing, who was in the state of little loli, sit next to him and said to her.

"What is this? What kind of spell?"

Yan Qing pointed to the color TV placed in the living room and asked Ye Liang.

"Silly child. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang touched Yan Qing's head with his finger and said to her:

"It's called television, and there are no spells in this world. "

"Aren't there spells in this world, but Dad, why do I always feel like I can fly?" "

Yan Qing looked cute, leaned over to Ye Liang's side, and asked him.


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"That's right, you can fly, you really can fly. "

"Really? Dad, can I really fly?!"

Hearing this, Yan Qing laughed happily, "How did I fly?"

"Of course it flies. "

Saying that, Ye Liang put his hands under Yan Qing's shoulders and lifted her up.

"Lift high, fly——!!!"

"Fly ——!!!"


Although Yan Qing looks only about ten years old and is a very cute little girl, she is not a real little girl in her heart after all.

Even if she loses her memory, there are many things she needs to re-recognize.

However, at this moment, watching Ye Liang lift herself up like a little girl and lift it high, she was stunned.

The next moment, an extreme sense of shame struck, making her a little unbearable, raised her little foot, and kicked Ye Liang's face.

"Oops. "

Ye Liang pretended to scream and was kicked on the sofa by her.

"What are you kicking me for, little darling. "


Hearing this, Yan Qing couldn't help but get goosebumps and shiver, "I... I'm not a child anymore, what are you holding high——!!!"

If the people of Akatsuki Immortal Star knew that I was held up like this, I am afraid that they would all be shocked to death.

In other words, what place is Akatsuki Senxing?!

At this moment, Yan Qing felt as if a flash of light flashed in his brain, remembering something, but he didn't remember it at all.

It's just a sense of immediacy.

"Silly girl, what are you not a child? Look at you, you are so old, don't pretend to be an adult. "

Ye Liang gestured at Yan Qing with his hand, making Yan Qing realize the fact that she was just a little girl who had not grown up.


Looking down at his body, Yan Qing couldn't help but look strange.

Strange, why am I so small?

Although she has no memory, she feels that she should be bigger, and much bigger.

In every sense, I am much bigger than I am now.

However, now she is a little girl of about ten years old.

Obviously, I feel that I should be bigger, but now, it is a little girl.

This strong contrast made her have an extreme sense of discord.

"Dad, why do I feel like I'm so much older?"

She asked Ye Liang:

"Why am I so small?"


Looking at Yan Qing in front of him, and then thinking of the previous Chiyue Female Emperor, Ye Liang was secretly speechless for a while.

Although the faces are the same, the difference is indeed very large.

He laughed:

"Don't worry, silly boy, one day you'll grow up. "

"Oh. "

Hearing this, Yan Qing nodded a little blankly.

It always feels a little, something is wrong...

There is too much sense of discord.

No, there's a lot more to ask.

At this moment, Yan Qing seemed to turn into a curious doll, and began to ask Ye Liang.

Whenever she thinks of it, she will ask once.

Moreover, no matter what any question she had, she only asked it once, and after asking, she no longer cared whether it was true or false.

After asking enough things, she can naturally understand what her lost memory is.

That's what she thought...

However, she didn't know that Ye Liang was deliberately guiding her to make her feel that she was just an ordinary little girl.

Let her believe that there are no immortal cultivators in this world, spells and the like.

Although she was still a little confused at first, she felt a great sense of discord.

However, as she asked more and more things, she felt more and more that many of what Ye Liang said were false, but she herself also became more and more convinced that she was indeed just an ordinary person.

There are no immortal cultivators, spells and the like in this world at all.


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