Time flies and leaves no one behind.

Soon after Ye Liang and Tang Yuning took Yan Qing in, they decided to send Yan Qing to a nearby primary school for the sixth grade.

I have to say that a beautiful girl like Yan Qing, even if she was in elementary school, caused a lot of sensations.

For a while, there were really many people chasing her.

However, although Yan Qing has the appearance of a child, her heart is much more mature than that of an adult.

So, for those little fart children who pursue her, she doesn't even look at it.

For her, everything around her is so boring and not challenging at all.

Study, science are full marks.

Sports, full marks.

What she wants to do, there is almost nothing she can't do.

It's easy to learn what you want to learn.

For her, her life is very boring and too smooth sailing.

However, over time, she gradually adapted to this kind of life.

At first, she was still a little wary of her adoptive father and mother, thinking that she might be the child they abducted.

Because they have a strange attitude towards themselves.

But whether it was Ye Qixuan or Tang Yuning, looking at her eyes, it didn't look like she was looking at a child.

However, they were indeed good to her.

Gradually, she also accepted her identity in this setting.

Just when she thought her whole life would pass like this.

An accident happened suddenly.

The accident came so suddenly, she lost her adoptive parents and became an orphan.

That day, she felt it for the first time, sad.

She cried for a long time.

Her adoptive father and adoptive mother were the only relatives she remembered, and she suddenly lost her parents, and she no longer knew what to do in the future.

She had forgotten how she got out of that time...

Although her adoptive father and adoptive mother had a rich family property, she could not inherit their family property because of incomplete procedures, and was sent to a welfare home.

Until later, a woman named Ye Ziqian found her.

Life after that is hard to say.

Suddenly looking back, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon looked calm at the moment, but the scene of the past was still flashing in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, in a flash, it was like a world away.

Looking back, she grew from a little girl to a big beauty later, and was known as the most beautiful school flower.

Later, he was ruthlessly treated as an errand runner by Ye Ziqian's woman, and was instructed like a cow as a horse...

She couldn't help but sigh too.

"Who is the one who sealed me?"

She thought hard, but had no clue.

She also didn't know why she was sealed, nor did she know who the person who sealed her was.

The seal imposed on her by the other party was too strong, and she had not completely lifted her memory seal so far.

Especially about the memory of the person who sealed her, she couldn't recall it at all.

It's not that I didn't think about it completely...

In her impression, there seemed to be a faint figure, related to the person who sealed her.

That person was under the moonlight, but his figure was pitch black, and the only thing she could remember was the other party's terrifying eyes, as well as the heavenly sword intent.

She couldn't recall anything except that she could remember such a black figure.

Sitting quietly on the top floor of the rooftop, looking at the scenery in the distance, the Akatsuki Female Emperor had many doubts in her heart.

For her past, she doesn't think it's something she can think about.

If she didn't figure it out, she wouldn't be willing.

Why was she sealed on Earth by the Akatsuki Female Emperor?

"I don't know if Ye Liang can explain my confusion. "

She thought so.

But I don't think it's possible.

After all, Ye Liang was not a real immortal, where could he know so many things.

It's almost the same to let him help him unlock the seal.

At that time, I will naturally remember those things...

At this moment, she saw a figure turn into a phantom light and come to the sky tower.


That figure, isn't Ye Liang who?

The Female Emperor of Chiyue looked at Ye Liang and was about to speak, but after thinking about it, she still didn't.

Because she found out that Ye Liang did not come to find her.

He seemed to have something else.

Curious for a moment, she didn't care if Ye Liang had found her, so she sat there quietly, wanting to see what Ye Liang was going to do.

The next moment, I saw Ye Liang transform into a magic weapon flying sword, and a sword slashed forward.

Then, Ye Liang disappeared out of thin air.


At this moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but be stunned.

What is this means?

How did he disappear?

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she was watching it with her own eyes now, but even if she saw it with her own eyes, she didn't see how Ye Liang disappeared.

On the other timeline, Ye Liang's mind moved, and in his hands, the wheel of time slowly emerged.

I saw that the hands on the time wheel were trembling and rotating clockwise.

It seems that a force is dragging the pointer of the wheel of time to rotate clockwise, but there is another force that is preventing the wheel of time from spinning.

That stopping force is getting weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker.

It's like a bouncing rope, which has been pulled to the extreme, the next moment.


That power was directly broken.

At this moment, the original time lost the restraint of that force, and rioted in an instant.


The time wheel hands rotate rapidly, following the direction of the hour hand, turning round and round.

Ye Liang was also bound by the power of time and disappeared into this timeline.

I saw that Ye Liang's whole person seemed to have entered the time node, and everything in the world quickly crossed in his eyes.

When the scene around him was determined again, he had already returned to the roof of the Qingcai Academy.

Everything that passed before, in this time, did not even have a moment...


Thinking of the absurd experience that happened in the past, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh.

The next moment, he turned around and saw that the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki was looking at him with a surprised expression.


At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but freeze.

Emperor Akatsuki, when was she here?

Why didn't I find her before?

By the way, her previous cultivation was just a small innate period, if she had the intention to hide in front of her, how could she find her?

When I was still congenital, I didn't feel it yet.

Now that he is already a Yuan baby, he found that the power of the gods is really terrifying.

And she was deliberately sealed by herself for so many years, and she lost her body to her current self...

Cough, no, you can't let her find out, otherwise, she can't turn her face with herself.

It is useless to swear an oath——!!!

And the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon looked at Ye Liang, who suddenly disappeared and reappeared in an instant, and couldn't help but look back from surprise.

What happened at that moment just now?

How did he suddenly disappear and how did he suddenly appear?

Moreover, why did he give himself the feeling that several years had passed?

Is it an illusion?

Wait, he's already found himself——!!!

At this moment, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki couldn't help but feel a little weak, wouldn't he feel that he was deliberately hiding here and preparing to peek at his secrets?

Just when the Lady Emperor of Chiyue was weak, Ye Liang had already walked towards her.

He asked:

"Yan Qing, why are you here?"

[This fox spirit, really think, in this way, you can see the secret of the Buddha-figure? 】

[With the practice of Buddha-figures, if you don't deliberately let you see, what can you see?]

Ye Liang: Here it is, long-lost fox spirit.

However, although the god of transformation is powerful, he can even control some laws such as time.

However, the power of time that can directly reverse time and space is naturally not comparable to ordinary time.

To put it nicely, it is Ye Liang's time, above other people's time.

Akatsuki Female Emperor:

"I was just sitting here looking at the scenery, I didn't expect you to come up, just now, what did you go to do?


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but cough in embarrassment.

How to say it, do not want to explain.

If she let the Akatsuki Female Emperor know that she sealed her as Yan Qing, then even if the relationship was good, she would definitely fight with herself now.

"It's a bit complicated, so I won't explain it to you. "

[Fox spirit, don't you have to step in, the Buddha-figure let you see some little secrets, you should be grateful for the rest of your life, you actually want the Buddha-figure to explain to you what the Buddha-figure did?]

[It's not that the Buddha-figure looks down on you, even if the Buddha-figure explains it to you, do you understand?]

Do you understand?

You know a hammer, you know ——!!!]

[Since you have become a woman of Buddha-figures, there are some things, let's ask less. 】

[Curiosity kills foxes, not talk.] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Do you want to say it so much?!!!

Akatsuki Emperor: ——!!!!

TMD, if you don't explain, how do you know that the old lady doesn't understand?

If you don't want to say it, don't say it, what are you forcing so much for?

Really good temper for old ladies, right?

Believe it or not, you dare to say these words in front of the old lady, and the old lady tears your mouth on the spot——!!!

Although I think so, but the Akatsuki Female Emperor knows, this guy in front of him seems to be cultivating as if he is only in the refining period...

However, if you really believe that he only has a refining period, then he is a fool.

He was not a refining period at all, but an immortal cultivator who did not know much higher than himself.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Female Emperor of Chiyue to turn her face with Ye Liang, not to mention, she just heard Ye Liang's heart, Ye Liang did not say it, what reason did she have to turn her face with Ye Liang?

Can't, just because Ye Liang is thinking in his heart, right?

If you say this, you won't believe it.

Abominable fellow, isn't his strength stronger than the slave family?

Bully the slave family so much, be careful that the slave family's cultivation is stronger than yours, and give you a good look.

Thinking so...

The Akatsuki Female Emperor had a smile on her face:

"Oh? yes? If you don't say it, forget it. "

Saying that, the fox spirit temperament on her body inadvertently exuded a moving aura.

Looking at the Female Emperor of the Red Moon, Ye Liang couldn't help but secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva.

With a wave of his hand, the door to the rooftop automatically closed and locked.


Looking at Ye Liang's actions, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon looked at Ye Liang curiously:

"What are you doing when you close the door?"

Ye Liang did not explain, but walked in front of the Akatsuki Female Emperor, took her hand, and walked towards the rooftop iron net next to her.

The Female Emperor of Chiyue is not a child, where do you not know what Ye Liang is thinking at this time?

She couldn't help but get a little nervous, and the nine tails behind her swayed back and forth restlessly.

"Yan Qing, can tell me about you, I mean, you are an immortal cultivator. "

Ye Liang gently took the Lady Emperor of Chiyue into his arms and asked her:

"A lot of things about you. "


Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he didn't expect that he would actually start to care about his own affairs.

She said:

"My thing? Do you want to know?"

"yes. "

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"I want to know, how, don't you want to say?"

"Of course not. "

Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor shook her head, and she said:

"I come from a place called Akatsuki Immortal Star, because I am the female emperor of Akatsuki Immortal Star, so, I am also known as the female emperor of Akatsuki Fairy, and I am called so much that I forget what my original name is...

At the same time, I am also the leader of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance, a powerful Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

In the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance, even if it is a Yuan Baby, it can only be an ordinary member.

Only by becoming a god of incarnation is one who qualifies as an existence like an elder.


While introducing her situation, she wanted to hear Ye Liang's reaction.

Unfortunately, after she said the things she felt compelled to say, Ye Liang looked calm.

This made her a little depressed.

It seems that his status is really nothing in front of him, he just asks casually.

In his eyes, he seems to be completely inadequate.

I don't know Ye Liang's true identity and how powerful he is.

Just when the Akatsuki Female Emperor was a little depressed, the gap between herself and Ye Liang was too large.

Ye Liang was already stunned.

Although he knew that the origin of the Akatsuki Female Emperor was definitely not small, he really did not expect that the origin of the Akatsuki Female Emperor was so big.

Looking at her appearance, it seems that there are still a large number of avatars behind her, and as long as she gives an order, those avatars will rush up...

How much shit luck did he have to seal her in the first place?!!!

It's like a miracle——!!!

Thinking that such a woman had actually become one of his side at this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel excited.

Thinking that such a powerful and mysterious man had actually become her own man, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but be a little excited.

As long as Ye Liang is there, he will definitely be able to completely unlock his seal, right?!

Thinking of this, she looked at Ye Liang's eyes with a bit of longing.

And Ye Liang's gaze was tightly fixed on the Akatsuki Female Emperor in front of him, and he was also eager for it.

"Ye Liang... I want to..."

"You thought about it?"

Ye Liang smiled and said, "I want to too." "


The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki had some doubts on her face, how could she feel that she didn't seem to mean the same thing as him?!


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