At noon.

"I... I like you, please be my girlfriend——!"

Qingcai Academy, in a quiet corner, under a tree, a boy is confessing to a girl dressed up in fancy clothes.

Looking at the boy's humble look, the girl's eyes showed a look of disdain.

But she did not say it directly, but said to the boy:

"I'm sorry, you're not my type. "


Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but look lost.

He asked with some reluctance:

"That... What type do you like?"


Hearing this, the girl's face looked longing, and she seemed to think of something, and she said with a bit of fantasy:

"Of course, what I like is that the kind of guy who is handsome, cool, can play, and is a fairy boy. "


Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

"You just read Ye Liang's name directly. "

If you talk about the first few conditions, forget it.

But what the hell is the latter condition, or is it a god?

Where there are immortals in this world, even if there are, it can only be Ye Liang.

Now that the whole academy is spreading that Ye Liang is a god, there will definitely be no mistake.

"Yes, I just like Ye Liang. "

The girl said with a longing look, it seemed that at this moment, she had imagined Ye Liang's appearance.


When the boy who was originally humble heard this, he said with disdain:

"You really like him when he first transferred to a different school, and you didn't see you talking to him, you were still very disdainful at that time." "


Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but give the boy a blank look.

That's why I don't like you."

A straight man who thinks he has something to say is actually a bumble, and he doesn't know how to please girls.

At first, I thought that Ye Liang had no money, and many people in the class didn't want to talk to him more.

I'm not alone again, huh.

That is, Zhao Ziyan, the woman was lucky, and was favored by Ye Liang, so she became a fairy, right?

If he can also be favored by Ye Liang, then maybe he will also be a little fairy in the future.

At this time, on the rooftop, Ye Liang and the Lady Emperor of Chiyue were sitting in the corner of the iron mesh wall of the roof guardrail.

The Lady Emperor of Chiyue obediently lay in Ye Liang's arms and asked Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang... Can I ask you to do me a favor?"

"You say, as long as I can do it, I will help." "

Ye Liang replied.

While speaking, he gently straightened the hair of the Akatsuki Female Emperor with his hand.

A drop of fragrant sweat fell from her forehead and onto her snow-white collarbone.

The Lady Emperor of the Red Moon raised her head and said to Ye Liang:

"It seems that the seal on my body has not been completely lifted, and I still haven't remembered who the hateful guy who sealed me is... If you can, I'd like to ask you to lift the seal for me. "


Ye Liang's whole person froze.

"After lifting the seal, what do you want to do after knowing who sealed you?"

He asked the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

"Of course it's revenge——!

The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki said affirmatively:

"My Red Moon Female Emperor has never encountered this kind of thing in the countless years of traversing the Immortal Domain, if I don't ask the guy who sealed me for an explanation, how can I mess ——!!!around in the future"


Ye Liang was even more weak-hearted.

"Is it... My strength is so poor... How is it possible to unlock the seal for you, are you looking for the wrong person? You want to use my Infinite Essence Qi to break through the seal yourself, if that's the case, then we can continue..."

[Fox spirit, want the Buddha-figure to lift the seal for you? 】

[The Buddha-figure will not lift the seal for you, the Buddha-figure wants to prostitute every day——!]

Ye Liang: ...

Akatsuki Female Emperor: I prostitute your sister——!!!

Gan ——!!!

She couldn't help but scold in her heart, this hateful fellow.

I thought that I had a little place in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he actually sees himself like this?


This TM is the word of people?!!!

How can I be a white prostitute by you?!!!

You forced me, next time, I will definitely suck your infinite essence qi dry——!!!

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Liang to unlock the seal for the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

If she lifted the seal, if she really wanted to fight with herself now, then how could she be his opponent?!!

Therefore, although he is very sorry, he will not completely unseal the Akatsuki Female Emperor now.

Unless, he has enough power to protect himself.

The thought of such a person who may bring danger to him at any time is obediently leaning in his arms at this moment.

Ye Liang felt that he could come again——!

In the end, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki gave up helplessly.

She had a well-behaved smile on her face, but she was thinking viciously in her heart that one day, she would make this hateful guy look good.

The slave family didn't believe it, the slave family had been in his arms for so long, he could really treat the slave family as a pet.

"What, Yan Qing, about your Chiyue Female Emperor, it's too long, I won't ask first, I want to ask, you are Yan Qingshi's matter." "

Holding the Akatsuki Female Emperor in his arms, Ye Liang said to her:

"What will you look like when you get to Earth?"


Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but be stunned, a look of nostalgia appeared in her eyes, and she spoke:

"When I woke up after being sealed, I didn't remember anything, I didn't cultivate anything, it was a couple who saved me. "


Hearing this, Ye Liang looked strange for a while, and then asked:

"What kind of people are the couple who saved you?"


The Akatsuki Female Emperor said with a smile:

"The man, like you, surnamed Ye, called Ye Qixuan, he is a very gentle person.

Although somehow I was very disgusted with him at first, after a long time, I still liked him a lot.

The woman, named Tang Yuning, is also a very good person..."

"Although they are just ordinary people, they are really good... It's a pity that they all died. "


Hearing this, Ye Liang looked strange, "They are all dead?


The Akatsuki Female Emperor replied:

"On that day, I graduated from elementary school... The adoptive mother Tang Yuning sent me to school, and then, on the road, a large truck with a drunk driver out of control hit me, I sat in the back seat, nothing happened, but the adoptive mother she ... Later, the adoptive father was overly sad and seriously ill, and also accompanied the adoptive mother ... If I hadn't been sealed at that time, I would have been able to save their ——!!!."

Speaking of this, a trace of bitter hatred appeared in her eyes.

If you let her know who sealed her...

She will definitely not let the other party go.


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

What the heck?!!!

Got into a car accident, was overly sad, and became seriously ill?!!

This kind of thing, will it happen to us?

Are you afraid that you will think that Ben Immortal Venerable has read less books and is deceiving Ben Zun——!!!

He looked at Yan Qing in disbelief and asked her:

"You... What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor said:

"It's a pity, even if it is the Transformation Period, I can't understand the destiny of the reincarnation of life and death, otherwise, I will definitely find a way to save my adoptive parents." "

Speaking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she looked at Ye Liang.

Ye Liang's cultivation is stronger than her, I don't know how much, if it is him, I don't know if there is a way to save the person who has died.

It's a pity that Ye Liang has been pretending to be low-key...

With such a strong cultivation, he insisted that it was a refining period in front of him.

It's not that simple to get him to shoot.

She rolled her eyes and said:

"I just don't know if there are any strange people in this world who can understand the way of life and death, and can pull people who have completely cut off their vitality back from samsara... If there is such a person, then as long as he is willing to save my adoptive father and mother, then I will be very grateful to him. "

"How would you appreciate him?"

Ye Liang asked with a strange look.

[Hehe, it is naturally not difficult for the Buddha-figure to save the two of them, but it is not so easy to get the Buddha-figure to make a move. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, didn't you find that the person I want to save is myself?

I'm a powerful baby, will my wife have a car accident?

Will this Immortal Venerable die of excessive sadness and serious illness?

Even the most bloody screenwriter does not dare to make it up like this——!!!

"If someone saves your adoptive father and mother, are you willing to do everything?"

He asked.

"Of course not. "

The Female Emperor of Chiyue was not stupid, and she also knew that Ye Liang did not want to make a move, and was deliberately testing her.

But if she is willing to do anything in order to let Ye Liang make a move, then Ye Liang is not angry.

After all, Ye Liang didn't say that it was he who saved people.

And she is Ye Liang's woman, in front of Ye Liang, she said that as long as others save her adoptive father and adoptive mother, she is willing to do anything...

That's unless she's a fool.

She said:

"The slave family would be very grateful to him, but... Even if he does something, it can't compare to your position in the slave family's heart, Ye Liang, you are the only slave family. "

Hiss...... TMD, it's so hemp.

I didn't expect the slave family to say such words.

Although she said so, she thought so, she was still staring at Ye Liang with watery eyes.


Facing her gaze like this, Ye Liang was a little uncomfortable.

It is clear that the two are men and women, but how can the peerless stunner in their arms be affordable to ordinary people?

One look from her is unbearable.

He spoke:

"Don't look at me like that... When I have the ability in the future, I will definitely find a way to save your adoptive father and mother. "

[Hahaha, fox spirit, you said it very well, the Buddha-figure is very happy, since you said so, the Buddha-figure bothered, save the life of your adoptive father and mother——!

[At that time, you will have to thank the Buddha-figures and think of more new tricks for the Buddha-figures——!

Ye Liang: ...

The Emperor of Chiyue was overjoyed, she happily hugged Ye Liang and said to him:

Great, Ye Liang, you are so good to the slave family. "

Hahaha, this guy is not hard-hearted.

What else to say that I will save my adoptive father and adoptive mother when I have the ability in the future, you are really a little clever ghost.

In order to hide your strength and forcibly pretend to be low-key, you are also enough to fight.

However, no matter what, as long as you are willing to save my adoptive father and mother, I am willing to repay you sincerely.

She thought so.


Looking at the Chiyue Female Emperor in her arms, Ye Liang's old face couldn't help but turn red.

After all......

If he was not careful, he teased the Akatsuki Female Emperor again.

Her so-called adoptive father and adoptive mother are herself and Tang Yuning.

A Yuan Infant cultivator in his own hall, it is impossible to let his wife die in a car accident, right?

It is even more unlikely that he will die of a serious illness because of sadness?!!!

The so-called saving her adoptive father and adoptive mother is, in fact, just to prevent herself and his wife from having an accident.

But now, she was so moved?

It seems that she really likes Ye Qixuan and Tang Yuning, as well as her current self.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have said such silly girl-like things.

Thinking about the dignified Akatsuki Female Emperor, she was actually unintentionally tricked by herself, and I don't know if she will really be as grateful to herself as she is now when she knows the truth.

I'm afraid you don't want to fight with yourself, right?

The Emperor Akatsuki didn't know that the person she was most grateful for now was actually the person who caused her the most miserable...

Although, all of this started when she first wanted to make a move on Ye Liang.

However, if she knew the truth, then she would definitely not feel that it was her fault that was herself, right?!!

In gratitude to Ye Liang.

Throughout the day, Ye Liang was on the rooftop with the Akatsuki Female Emperor...

Until after school, Ye Liang's mobile phone rang.

It was Jiang Yurou who called.

"Ye Liang, is there any arrangement after school?"

Jiang Yurou asked Ye Liang.


Ye Liang looked at the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon beside her, and saw that she was holding one of her own fox tails, gently rubbing her face.

For her, these tails are something very cherished.

Even if it was her relationship with her, she was not very willing to let herself touch it.

Because she said that in the eyes of the fox clan, willing to let people touch their tail means obedience to each other.

And she clearly didn't intend to truly obey herself.

Because of this, Ye Liang didn't dare to tell her the truth...

Think about it, if you are experiencing a lot of difficulties and desperate, and someone comes to rescue you.

Are you touched or not?

But if... You suddenly know that all these difficulties were arranged by this person who saved you...

Isn't this the same as the heroic rescue that Jiang Shixian arranged before?

If she let the Akatsuki Female Emperor know the truth, with her status and status, it would be strange if she didn't turn her face with herself.

At this moment, Ye Liang suddenly sympathized with Jiang Shixian.

They also did despicable and shameless things, but why did they appear to be upright?!!

Perhaps, it's not because I'm really mean and shameless, I'm just forced by the situation.

If you don't do these things yourself, then history will be back on track, when the time comes...

The female emperor of Chiyue will be sealed by someone who does not know who it is, Tang Pinru will really become Jiang Shixian's woman, and Yan Qing's adoptive father and adoptive mother may really die because of things like a car accident.

He didn't want that kind of past.

Can you change the past, isn't it?!!

And Jiang Shixian, scum is scum, and no amount of explanation can change the fact that he is scum.

How could he really be the same as him?

Right, Xiuxian voice pack.

Xiuxian voice pack: he~tui——!!!


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