"Ye Liang?"

Jiang Yurou didn't know what Ye Liang was doing just now and what he was thinking.

At this moment, she was still waiting for Ye Liang's answer.

"Do you have other arrangements?"

"I didn't arrange it. "

Ye Liang's answer soon came, and he said:

"What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you say yesterday, you want to help my mother heal, you have something to prepare, let's go and prepare together, hee-hee." "

Until this time, Jiang Yurou was still pretending that she didn't know that Ye Liang was a god.

Because, in her opinion, as long as she pretends that Ye Liang is not an immortal, then she still has a chance to turn over in front of Ye Liang.

I have to say...

She had already been overwhelmed by Ye Liang's Immortal Cultivation Voice Pack.

It seems that if she doesn't let Xiu Immortal Voice Pack change her opinion, she can't stop.

Of course, in her opinion, she wanted Ye Liang to change his opinion of her.


Hearing this, Ye Liang suddenly remembered.

In his impression, it seems that there is such a thing.

Tang Pinru's illness, for ordinary people, is indeed quite troublesome.

Even, for herself, who only has a congenital stage, she also needs to refine some pills specifically for her.

But now, he is a big guy.

If you want to treat a person, it is not a hands-on thing.

"Okay, then wait, I'll go with you." "

Ye Liang was about to walk towards Jiang Yurou's place.

However, the next moment, he was startled.

Because, he suddenly thought of something...

Now that the whole academy is spreading his affairs, then Jiang Yurou should already know about him being an immortal cultivator, right?

There is no need to hide it in front of Jiang Yurou.

Moreover, he never deliberately hid it.

Thinking of this, he said to the Akatsuki Female Emperor beside him:

"I'll go first. "

"Hmm. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor nodded and said:

"You go, I'll go find Zhao Ziyan to play." "

Ye Liang smiled slightly, stepped out, and had disappeared in front of the Akatsuki Female Emperor.


Seeing Ye Liang disappear in front of her again, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

This speed, if it were not for the Yuan baby, would not have been possible to achieve.

Good fellow, didn't you say that you are refining gas?

You are so bad to pretend a little, you are like this, it is difficult for me to cooperate with you——!!!

A casual step in the refining period, but stepped into the speed of the Yuan baby...

He said that he was in the refining period, would anyone believe it?!!!

If the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon was just spitting, then Jiang Yurou at this moment was directly startled.

As soon as she hung up the phone with Ye Liang, she felt a flash in front of her, and a figure had appeared in front of her.

As an ordinary person, can't you be frightened when you see such a scene?!!


Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, she couldn't help but exclaim.

"Ye... Ye Liang, you, you... Why did you suddenly appear?!!!"

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, she exclaimed.

Calm, calm, he is not an immortal cultivator, he is not an immortal cultivator.

As long as I am firm, he is not an immortal cultivator——!!!

"You're magic, right?"

She asked Ye Liang.

"What, don't you know, I'm an immortal cultivator, I'm not magic..."

What immortal cultivator? Haha, Ye Liang, you won't be stupid, how can I believe that you are an immortal cultivator, you must be magic. "

“...... Belch. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang looked surprised.

[Is this stinky woman mentally retarded, and the Buddha-figure used such a speed in front of her, she actually thought it was magic?]

I have to say that Ye Liangxin's voice at this moment is the same as Xiuxian's voice pack.

Even if he is mentally retarded, he should see that he didn't use magic just now, right?

Or is Jiang Yurou really such a staunch atheist?

I was still thinking about how to explain to her that I was an immortal cultivator.

Seeing Ye Liang's surprised look, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but feel secretly proud.

Stinky man, dare to say that I am mentally retarded?

You are mentally retarded, I pretended ah, you can't see it.

If I don't, you'll definitely think, 'Oh, this stinky woman must like me because she knows I'm an immortal cultivator, and wants to become an immortal through me and dream.'"

Even if I were mistaken for a retard by you, I wouldn't let you be so proud, hmph——!

[This woman is a little too mentally retarded, let such a mentally retarded woman follow the Buddha-figure, the Buddha-figure will be laughed at... Or find a chance to dump her, right?]

Ye Liang: ...

Xiu Xian voice bag, you are a little scum, the girlfriend who has been determined, actually dumped her because she is a little mentally retarded?

It's not in character——!

Jiang Yurou: WDNMD——!!!

Decisiveness does not fit the personality.

Didn't you say before that you are not good at rejection?

You are a dead scumbag, you are still good at dumping people now, the old lady is just pretending to be a little mentally retarded, you are going to dump the old woman, are you a person?!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou had already completed the line with Ye Liang's Immortal Cultivation Voice Pack.

Depressed in her heart, she scolded Ye Liang while only changing her strategy.

She kept smiling and said to Ye Liang:

"Hahaha, Ye Liang, you were deceived by me, I have already seen the news and videos in the academy.

Unexpectedly, you are really an immortal cultivator.

I thought before, you might be an immortal cultivator, but I just haven't told you.

I think you must have your reasons for hiding from me. "


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud, and said with a smile:

"I was really deceived by you, when did you know that I was an immortal cultivator?"


Jiang Yurou thought for a while and said:

"For the first time... When I meet you, you knock the murderer out of the car with one palm.

At that time, I thought about it, it is not something that martial arts can do at all, you must be an immortal cultivator in the novel——!

But you said that it was martial arts, and I could only cooperate with you and say that I believed you.

I didn't expect that you were really an immortal cultivator. "

Hee-hee, let you say that I am mentally retarded, so I am not mentally retarded.

"Oh, you started suspecting that I was an immortal cultivator at that time?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang was a little surprised.

Although his performance at that time was a little exaggerated, he didn't make people imagine the level of an immortal cultivator, right?

Jiang Yurou, this girl, has she read too many Xiuxian novels?

However, since she is so reasonable, she also saves herself the words to explain.

"yes. "

Jiang Yurou said:

"Hee-hee, how's it going, I'm smart, right?!!!?"

While speaking, she also squeaked her teeth proudly.

Ye Liang naturally laughed, she must have read too many novels.

It was so easy to feel that he was an immortal cultivator...

Although he is indeed an immortal cultivator, he believes that he is an immortal cultivator just by the operation of beating people out of the car with his own palm, isn't it that he has read too much in the novel and committed the second disease?

But in the face of his girlfriend's offering, he naturally smiled and said:

"Smart, smart, you're really smart. "


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou raised her head proudly.

But, the next moment...

She heard that voice again.

[Oh, this stinky woman, must be because she knows that the Buddha-figure is an immortal cultivator to like me, no wonder the Buddha-figure is so unfocused on her, she still has no opinion at all, she wants to become an immortal through me, dream, he~tui——!]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ...

Gan, your grandmother——!!!

Did the old lady turn over your family's ancestral grave in her previous life or what, is it necessary?

Is it necessary?!!!

She scolded Ye Liang to death in her heart, but she had to forcibly squeeze out a happy smile on her face, and said with a smile and a crying look:

"Thank you, Ye Liang. "

(Mrs. Thank you for the whole family——!!!)

"What is there to thank, let's go, go to your house. "

Saying that, Ye Liang took Jiang Yurou's hand.


At this moment, Jiang Yurou's face turned red all of a sudden.

Although there are many complaints in his heart, he knows that this guy is constantly destroying his character in his heart.


The moment Ye Liang's hand took hers, she felt a strong sense of happiness.

[Holding your hand, Buddha-figures are like leading a dog. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: I bite you to death, do you believe it or not——!!!

You are the dog, your whole family is the dog.

Smelly bastards——!!!

Ye Liang was a little weak and did not dare to look at Jiang Yurou, but Jiang Yurou kept staring at Ye Liang with resentful eyes.


Finally, a little unable to stand Jiang Yurou's gaze, Ye Liang turned his head and looked at Jiang Yurou.

Under Jiang Yurou's gaze, the moment Ye Liang turned his head, he changed from extreme anger to a happy face.

"What are you doing looking at me like that?"

Ye Liang asked Jiang Yurou.

"Huh. "

Jiang Yurou smiled and said:

"Probably... It's me who is so happy to be led by you like this. "

TMD, Ye Liang, the old lady swears to you, one day, the old lady will make you kneel in front of the old lady, crying and shouting that you are wrong——!!!

And Ye Liang looked at the smiling expression on Jiang Yurou's face, but he couldn't help but be happy.

Why is this girl so obsessed with herself?

Hey, I really don't deserve her obsession so much.

I'm so sorry for her——!!!

The two soon came to Jiang Yurou's house.

"Mom, I'm back——!"

When she came to the entrance, Jiang Yurou had already shouted inside:

"Ye Liang is also here today. "

While speaking, the two walked in.

But I saw Tang Pinru sitting on the sofa, seemingly in a daze.


Jiang Yurou shook her hand in front of Tang Pinru and asked her:

"What's wrong? Why is it daylight, in a daze?"

She was a little worried, could it be that her mother was still thinking about her father's affairs?

She couldn't open it too much.

Although Jiang Shixian's guy is his own father, he is also a personal scumbag.

For that kind of ruthless and unrighteous scum, the mother should not be unhappy.

She should be happy, right——!!!


Tang Pinru suddenly came back from his daze, looked at his daughter in front of him, and cast his gaze towards Ye Liang behind his daughter.

She said:

"It's nothing, Xiaoliang is also here, sit quickly, Auntie has already made the meal, wait a minute." "

As she spoke, she stood up.

"Mom, I'll help you. "

Seeing that Tang Pinru was going to cook, Jiang Yurou hurriedly said.

She felt that her mother must be too lonely because she had just divorced.

Just now I was in a daze.

As a daughter, she needs to take care of her mother's mood.

"No need, you can accompany Xiaoliang here. "

Saying that, Tang Pinru walked into the kitchen alone, pressed Jiang Yurou to Ye Liang's side, and asked Jiang Yurou to sit with Ye Liang.

At this moment, all that Tang Pinru's mind recalled was some things about the past.

The past, the long past, the past that she almost forgot, but gradually emerged in her mind because of what we saw and heard.

About Jiang Yurou's real life.

She almost forgot.

What happened to her in the past is so bizarre.

She once thought that she was dreaming.

Because it was too far away, she couldn't remember exactly, but there were some things she couldn't forget.

Jiang Yurou... Not Jiang Shixian's daughter.

All the time.

Although she and Jiang Shixian are nominally husband and wife, in fact, since they got married, Jiang Shixian has never touched her.

Or rather, I haven't touched her.

Whether it is Jiang Shixian or any man around her, as long as it is someone who has lust for her, he can't touch her.

She didn't know what happened to her, but she thought it must be related to that guy named Ye Qixuan.

In short, any man who wants to touch her can't touch her.

Even, on the wedding night, her ex-husband Jiang Shixian was inexplicably grabbing a chair like he had been struck by an evil...

He couldn't walk for a few days.

And after that, as long as he has thoughts about himself, this kind of thing always happens.

Not only him, but even other men can't touch him.

What's more, they don't seem to be able to discover this fact.

Even if Jiang Shixian flicked the chair for one night and woke up the next day, he didn't find it.

It was as if he really thought the chair was himself.

Jiang Shixian couldn't touch himself at all, and Jiang Yurou was naturally not Jiang Shixian's biological daughter.

At that time, Ye Qixuan said something specifically, and he couldn't remember exactly, but he seemed to be talking about what his daughter was a powerful immortal and so on.

It was he who led that fairy into his belly and was reborn or something.

She had to forget these things for a long time, and she just thought that this life would have passed so bizarrely.

Unexpectedly, yesterday...

The existence of an immortal cultivator came into her sight, and she was sure for the first time.

There are really immortal cultivators in this world, and everything that happened before is not her imagination or dream.

Ye Liang was so familiar with the fairy named Purple Heart Emperor, perhaps, he could ask Ye Liang to see if he knew anything about himself.

These things are too bizarre, and I didn't dare to ask them before, because I was afraid that others would treat themselves as psychopaths.

But now it's different, now everyone knows that there are indeed such supernatural things in this world.

Even if he asks this kind of thing, no one will feel that he is mentally ill.


(I see that some people are saying that I am getting slower, do you want to scold me? )

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