"What is your expression?"

Seeing Jiang Yurou's appearance, Tang Pinru couldn't help frowning:

"Why, isn't Ye Liang single-minded to you?"


Jiang Yurou didn't expect that she was just a change in her expression, and she was actually seen by her mother.

She thought about it, but she still thought it was better to tell her situation.

After all, this is something that will have to be faced sooner or later.

"yes. "

She said.


At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at Jiang Yurou in disbelief:

Tell me, besides you, is he also involved with other girls?"


Jiang Yurou muttered.

What is not clear, people are very clearly involved.

All lived in a bunch.

"Ye Liang... He's not just one girlfriend, he's got another girlfriend. "

She said truthfully.


At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but gasp.

Good guy, I thought Ye Liang was just involved with other girls.

She was still wondering if there was some misunderstanding or something.

As a result, she really underestimated Ye Liang.

Her daughter actually directly said that he had other girlfriends?

"You... What do you say?"

She looked at her daughter in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

Facing her mother's shocked look, Jiang Yurou secretly spat out her tongue, but still said:

"I said, Ye Liang has not only one girlfriend of mine, in fact, he also has other girlfriends... That Zhao Ziyan is also his girlfriend. "


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

Of course, she knew that Zhao Ziyan was the fairy who was called the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

It turns out that she is also Ye Liang's girlfriend?

Wait, too?

Suddenly, she discovered that there was something wrong with her daughter's rhetoric.

Staring towards Jiang Yurou, she asked:

"You... Do you know he has another girlfriend?"

"yes. "

Jiang Yurou said:

"Ye Liang is not just our two girlfriends. "


At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but froze:

"Not just the two of you? This... Isn't this a scumbag?!!!"

She looked at her daughter and couldn't believe what she heard.

"He has so many girlfriends, why should he make friends with you?!!!"

At this moment, Tang Pinru was a little doubtful of his life.

I have long heard that my daughter will find a superb scumbag in the future, and I have long been wary of this matter.

Therefore, all along, what he taught his daughter was to let her look at people only by character, and nothing else.

For Ye Liang's child, he was also very satisfied.

However, she never expected that Ye Liang was actually a scumbag.

She looked away——!!!

Hearing Tang Pinru's words, Jiang Yurou was suddenly unhappy.

She corrected:

"Mom, you're wrong, Ye Liangcai is not a scumbag, Ye Liang... In short, he is not a scumbag, I know that he has other girlfriends, and I take the initiative to chase him, and he also looks at your face to give me a chance, otherwise I can't become one of his side. "


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but froze.

She looked at Jiang Yurou stunned, feeling that she might be dreaming.

If it wasn't for a dream, how could she have heard such bizarre words?

Did his daughter take the initiative to chase him?

It was for his own sake that he gave his daughter a chance?!!

“...... Yurou, you, do you know what you're talking about?"

She was stunned and asked Jiang Yurou.

At this moment, she felt that her daughter had not been subjected to some kind of de-intelligence spell.

Otherwise, how could he say such unwise words.

"You obviously know that he is not only your girlfriend, but also took the initiative to chase her? Are you fancying his status as an immortal cultivator?!"

In the end, Tang Pinru thought of such a possibility.

So, she asked.

"Mom, why do you say that——!!?"

Hearing Tang Pinru's words, Jiang Yurou was suddenly upset:

"I'm pursuing true love, how, in your eyes, am I such a snobbish woman, I will like Ye Liang because he is an immortal cultivator, what I like is him as a person, not his identity as an immortal cultivator——!!!

Damn, Ye Liang, that guy thinks so much about me, I didn't expect your mother to say the same.

It seems that Ye Liang's guy would think so.

Indeed, knowing his identity as an immortal cultivator, the average girl really didn't dislike him, right?

It is not incomprehensible that he will be misunderstood.


Hearing Jiang Yurou say that she was pursuing true love, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Not sure what to say.

Good fellow, I just haven't paid attention to my daughter's affairs for a few days, what has she and Ye Liang developed into?!

Tang Pinru's gaze stared at Jiang Yurou tightly and asked her:

"Yurou, is what you said true? Love is not a joke, and I don't want you to joke with love, regardless of what happened to Ye Liang, but you... It should be understood that a boy has several girlfriends, what kind of behavior you still get together, you are giving for nothing, you are not responsible for yourself. "


Jiang Yurou said:

"I know, but I just like him. "

Hehe, if I don't let him obediently kneel down and admit my mistake in this life, then my life is meaningless.

"I won't regret it——!"

Although it sounded like a joke, Jiang Yurou was sure that she was not joking.


At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but cover his face with his hand, looking speechless.

No, I thought Ye Liang was an honest child.

But how did he become a scumbag in the blink of an eye?!!!

His own daughter is also true, knowing that he has other girlfriends, and he is just brain-dead behavior.

"Yurou, tell me, do you think that you can change Ye Liang and make him single-minded for you for the rest of his life?"

At this moment, Tang Pinru felt a great sense of crisis.

She felt that she must correct her daughter's wrong thinking.

She knows that many girls now have no self-awareness and are always unable to accurately position themselves.

When facing those men who are shiny on the surface, she always feels that she is special, thinking that she can get his love and make him concentrate on himself.

His daughter knew that Ye Liang already had a girlfriend, but she still threw herself at his side, and she must have such thoughts.

And Ye Liang already has a girlfriend, but he is still willing to accept his daughter, and he is obviously a scumbag.

Her daughter faced a scumbag, but she was so self-righteous, it was strange that she could end well.

Therefore, she wanted to let Jiang Yurou know that no one in this world was special, and if she thought she could change Ye Liang, then she would definitely regret it.

Girls with this idea, the final result is nothing, abandoned by scumbags after having enough, and have no other choice.


Hearing Tang Pinru's serious question, Jiang Yurou replied very seriously:

"Mom, no... I never thought so, as long as I can be one of Ye Liang's side, I am very happy. "


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Good guy, she called good guy.

She thought that her daughter was too self-righteous, too brain-dead, and had the idea that she could change the scumbag with her.

Unexpectedly, her daughter was just a simple brain dead and did not think of herself.

She actually just felt very happy to be by Ye Liang's side?!!!

It made her go all the way.

The daughter has already put the bottom line to such a humble degree, she doesn't know how to persuade ah——!!!

You're happy a hammer, you're happy——!!!

After she scolded Jiang Yurou in her heart, she couldn't help frowning.

"What do you like about Ye Liang?"

She asked Jiang Yurou.


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou said seriously:

"I like him more places, I like that he's a guy. "


Tang Pinru originally persuaded her daughter a few words, but now, her daughter actually said so, so that she suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Or not——!

They all blame themselves for the sins they did, because they didn't know anyone at the beginning, and they thought that Ye Liang would be an honest child.

Unexpectedly, he was actually a scumbag.

Even if he is an immortal cultivator, he is still a scumbag.

As long as he is a scumbag, women don't want to get sincerity from him.

"Daughter, I won't say much else, I just want to say to you, scumbags have no sincerity, you see your father..."

"Mom, you really misunderstood. "

Jiang Yurou said very firmly:

"Ye Liang, he is really not a scumbag, I took the initiative to chase him, and he was forced to agree only after your face.

You don't call him a scumbag anymore, you say it again, I'm angry. "


Tang Pinru looked at her daughter in front of her, and for a moment, she didn't know how to speak.

I've never seen a brain-dead, but I've never seen such a brain-dead——!!!

Is there really a Baba like you who sent it to people?!

Or others give face, only to give you a position, you are too humble, right——!!!

At this moment, she felt a headache.

But after all, it was her daughter's business, and she still didn't want to give up.

So she asked again:

"Mom asked you, if Ye Liang is really a scumbag, don't you really regret it?"

"Mom, Ye Liang is really not a scumbag. "

Jiang Yurou said with certainty again:

"I pestered him. "


Tang Pinru spurted out another mouthful of old blood.

She wondered if her daughter had a problem with her IQ, otherwise how could she say such a thing.

A man, and a girlfriend, is chased by another girl...

As a result, he gave the girl face, only to give her the opportunity to let her become one of his side.

If this boy is not a scumbag, then who is a scumbag?!!!

What a pig's head, this can't react.

Tang Pin glanced at Jiang Yurou and asked:

"Do you know that the real scumbag is trying his best to make you think that you are chasing him.

Moreover, he is dating several girls at the same time, and will definitely tell you that you are true love, and you are helpless to others.

You never know what's going on inside the scumbag's mind——!

If I'm not mistaken, he didn't let that fairy named Purple Heart Emperor know that you are also his girlfriend, right?

Did he implicitly hint to you that he didn't have a chance now, and he would let you turn right later?!"


(I know what he's thinking.) )

When Jiang Yurou heard this, her expression was strange again, she naturally wouldn't tell Tang Pinru that she knew what Ye Liang was thinking.

She just said:

"Mom, I said, you really misunderstood... Zhao Ziyan knows that I am Ye Liang's girlfriend, moreover, the relationship between us is also very good...

There are also Ye Liang's other girlfriends, our relationship is not bad, and everyone has nothing to hide their identities.

You don't have to worry about it. "


Tang Pinru froze again.

Groove, what the hell is this situation?

Ye Liang not only has more than one girlfriend of his daughter, but also let them get along harmoniously?

If he had his status as an immortal cultivator, it would be fine.


There is also a Purple Heart Female Emperor who is much more powerful than him beside him.

Even if so, can he step on a few boats with an upright foot?!

At this moment, she felt as if she really needed to understand the situation.

"Ahem... What, daughter, tell me about your relationship with Ye Liang. "

She didn't believe it, Ye Liang was really so powerful, he opened a harem in modern society without relying on his identity as an immortal cultivator——!


Seeing her mother so worried, although Jiang Yurou was helpless, she had to tell Jiang Yurou truthfully.

Of course, she couldn't say that she could hear Ye Liang's voice, and some places would naturally change.

Therefore, under Jiang Yurou's narration...

What Tang Pinru heard was a story of ten strangeness.

At first, Jiang Yurou was still very unhappy about going to see Ye Liang.

From the first meeting, Jiang Yurou fell madly in love with Ye Liang, and then began to pursue Ye Liang's crazy courtship.

Ye Liang really agreed to her with great difficulty...

What's more, she only learned today that Ye Liang turned out to be an immortal cultivator.

In other words, before knowing that Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator, and before knowing how powerful Ye Liang was, she had already fallen in love with Ye Liang.

Ye Liang's smelly boy, really has such a great charm?

He is really not a scumbag, he didn't do anything, naturally there were girls who pounced on him, and he had no choice but to accept it?!!

How is it possible——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru felt that his three views had been hit by a huge blow.

She felt the need to re-understand the world.

Or is she a little out of step with the times?!!

"What you said is true?!"

After hearing the bizarre story about how Jiang Yurou successfully ascended to the throne and became one of Ye Liang's side, she asked Jiang Yurou.

"It's true, Mom, I really like Ye Liang, I don't care about Ye Liang's affairs with Ye Liang." "

Jiang Yurou said to Tang Pinru.

"I... Am I special... Forget it...... I myself blindly found your father, how can I be qualified to manage your affairs..."

Tang Pinru almost burst into foul language.

After taking a deep breath, she said:

"Forget it, come and talk to me... What did you just say to Ye Liang?!!!

What disease did I commit?

Need Ye Liang to treat the disease like that?!"


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