To be honest, Tang Pinru was really worried about Jiang Yurou's future.

Because she heard Ye Qixuan say before that her daughter will find a superb scumbag in the future.

She was wary and worried, but she didn't expect that in the end, she let her daughter find a superb scumbag - Ye Liang!

Not only do they maintain relationships with several girls at the same time, but they also let them know each other and get along harmoniously.

Seriously, the average scumbag really can't do this kind of thing.

However, considering his status as an immortal cultivator, it didn't seem to be a great thing to do this kind of thing.

However, among his girlfriend, there seem to be other immortal cultivators, who are even more powerful than him... This is outrageous.

Counting up, his daughter is between them, it seems like a person who lost money for nothing.

If it was before, Tang Pinru really wouldn't agree to let his daughter be with Ye Liang.

Although it was through her, Jiang Yurou met Ye Liang.

However, for her daughter to be a scumbag, she has zero tolerance as a mother.

If Ye Liang was really a scumbag, she would definitely prevent her daughter from continuing to contact him.

But, that was before.


Tang Pinru had already begun to doubt his outlook on life.

Even she has taken a fancy to the scum Jiang Yurou, so what qualifications does she have to persuade her daughter Jiang Yurou?

The failure of oneself is enough to prove that it is wrong to look at people from one's own set of views on people.

Now, I can only let my daughter go.


She still had to ask clearly what Jiang Yurou had said to Ye Liang before.

She stared at Jiang Yurou, waiting for her answer.

And when Jiang Yurou heard her mother's question, she was naturally panicked.

"Mom, you... You heard it all?!!!

"How else?!"

Tang Pin glanced at Jiang Yurou and said:

What disease do I have, and why should he touch me to cure my disease?!"


Jiang Yurou's gaze looked in front of Tang Pinru, and she spoke:

"Ye Liang has already seen that you are sick before, but if you want to cure your disease, you can't do it without RUA coming to you..."

"Bastard ——!"

Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but blush for a while, and scolded:

"Do you believe this, this stinky boy, actually hit me with the idea?!"


Seeing Tang Pinru's look of disbelief, Jiang Yurou couldn't help sighing and said:

"Mom, this is true, you must believe Ye Liang, if you don't let him treat you, something will definitely happen to you, have you forgotten——!!!?

"What's wrong with the immortal cultivator, the immortal cultivator is amazing?"

Tang Pinru said:

"Are you still some kind of fairy reincarnation..."


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but look puzzled.

I'm a fairy reincarnated?!

"Ahem. "

Tang Pinru didn't plan to tell Jiang Yurou about Ye Qixuan for the time being, so he had to say:

"I said, you are as beautiful as a fairy reincarnated, even if you are an immortal cultivator, you are not much older, don't take what he said as the truth because he is an immortal cultivator... I asked you, did he still say that my disease cannot be detected even with any modern medical equipment?!"


Jiang Yurou looked strange.

He didn't say it, not only did he not say it, but he kept saying that you are not sick.

If I hadn't been calculating him and getting him to admit that you are sick, I'm afraid he wouldn't have admitted it.

Mom, don't be stupid, obediently let him RUA a few times, just cure your disease.

"Well, I didn't say anything wrong, did I? Oh, silly girl, do you know, he said that.

It's because I'm not sick, and if I go for a check-up, then his purpose is exposed.

This is him lying to you, boys cheat girls with a lot of rhetoric..."

Tang Pinru said seriously:

"You never know what he's thinking, so you never know what he's really saying, and you can't just look at what he's saying on the surface."

Girls, even in love, must retain their IQ. "

She almost said that the current Jiang Yurou is mentally retarded.

Jiang Yurou: It was because I knew what he was thinking that I didn't believe what he said.

Although he said that you are not sick, his heart has already condemned you to death.

However, now Jiang Yurou is difficult to say.

Before the critical moment, she didn't want to expose the secret that she knew Ye Liangxinsheng.

Because through today's events, she has understood that her position in Ye Liang's heart is still far from what she imagined.

He also needs to work hard to change Ye Liang's impression of himself.

And this moment is an opportunity for your own performance.

The old mother actually didn't believe Ye Liang, so he had to find a way to make his mother believe him.

Hey, Mom, you're so stupid, I'm telling the truth, why don't you listen?

Always look like you're smart, but you don't know that you're really stupid.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was also looking at Tang Pinru with eyes like an idiot.

She just overheard outside, can't she still hear it?

Ye Liang didn't want to say it, but I forced Ye Liang to say it.

If I didn't force him, he wouldn't want to say it at all.

The old mother actually felt that in that case, Ye Liang's words were still rhetoric, was Ye Liang trying to deliberately take advantage of her?

Please, although my mother is beautiful, there are fairies next to Ye Liang.

How could he use such despicable means to deliberately take advantage of his mother.

You know, you know?!!!

Hey, keep me intellectual, and I don't know how you were embarrassed to say this.

Mom, are you the stupid fool who thinks you're smart——!

However, what does it take to convince my mother that she is really sick?

Diseases that cannot be detected with modern technology...

Even if she said it to heaven, she didn't believe it.

Is there any way to make my mother think that she is sick?

Hahaha, I'm so smart——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was so excited that she almost jumped.

In the face of Tang Pinru's lesson, she showed a well-behaved and obedient look on her face and replied:

"Mom, I know, I listen, but I can remind you, now you don't believe me, think I'm stupid, as long as you're smart, there will always be times when you regret it." "

"Yo, you have a long skill, don't you, dare to talk to your mother like this, well, I'll wait for the time to regret it." "

Seeing that Jiang Yurou actually talked to her like this, Tang Pinru also had a temper.

Hmph, smelly girl, do not listen to the old man, suffer a loss in front of you.

"Okay, okay, Mom, don't say anything, go to bed first, sleep." "

Jiang Yurou naturally won't really quarrel with her mother at this time.

She wasn't that stupid yet.

"Well, let me warn you, smelly girl, I'm your mother. "

Tang Pinru reminded Jiang Yurou:

"You yourself have to talk to Ye Liang, don't be afraid that he is a scumbag, don't implicate me, don't think about what to do to me while I sleep, otherwise be careful that I tear your face, hear no ——!"

"Briefly, got it. "

Jiang Yurou grimaced at Tang Pinru.

Hmph, I must have a way to convince you that you are sick.

Mom, you have to believe in your daughter, your daughter is for your good——!

"Young. "

Just as Jiang Yurou was thinking so, suddenly, a voice sounded in her mind.


What's going on with the voice that suddenly appeared?!

After all, Jiang Yurou was also a person who had seen the world, and she did not feel that this was an illusion, nor was she too shocked.

Instead, I thought about it carefully.

This voice is different from Ye Liang's heart, Ye Liang's heart voice comes from his own heart.

And this voice seems to come from his own head.

Moreover, this voice seems to remind himself that as long as he is younger than his mother, he can make her feel sick?

But what's going on?

When did I have this ability?

No matter, give it a try.

Anyway, I am indeed younger than my mother...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou's heart moved.


As if the sound of something being broken, suddenly, Tang Pinru, who was about to sleep, changed his expression.


She covered her chest with her hands, looking pained.


Seeing Tang Pin like this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but look surprised.

She was a little excited again.

This...... It really became ?!!

She couldn't help but feel a burst of dark joy, and quickly stepped forward and asked her mother with concern:

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"No... I don't know, suddenly there is a feeling of myocardial infarction. "

Tang Pinru covered his chest, his face was pale, and he gasped in pain.

"Ah, are you sick, I'll let Ye Liang show you." "

Saying this, Jiang Yurou quickly helped Tang Pinru to the bed, then turned around and went out towards the door of the room, knocking on Ye Liang's door.

"Ye Liang, it's not good, it's not good, my mother is sick——!!!"

Listening to Jiang Yurou's anxious voice outside, Ye Liang naturally flashed to the door instantly, opened the door, and walked towards Tang Pinru's room.

Jiang Yurou followed behind Ye Liang with a strange look.

At this moment, although she wanted to achieve it, she felt a little wrong.

Because she still hasn't understood how she wants to do it.

Why did he suddenly have that feeling after the voice appeared in his mind just now, as long as he was younger than his mother, he could make her feel sick?

At this moment, Tang Pinru was already in pain.

She didn't understand how she was fine, and suddenly it hurt.

This pain has exceeded his own perception of physical discomfort.

Special, it hurts——!!!

Could it be that what her daughter said to Ye Liang was true?

Am I really sick?

Is there a disease that cannot be detected with modern technology?

At this moment, Tang Pinru also had some doubts about whether he was really sick.

Did I make a mistake?

Looking at Ye Liang, who came to her room in an instant, although she was in pain, she fell into thought.

And after Ye Liang came to Tang Pinru, he instantly opened his eyes of looking at Wang, and looking at Tang Pinru in front of him, he couldn't help but look strange.

Because he saw that Tang Pinru was fine during the day just now, why did he suddenly get sick at this moment?

This is a violent myocardial infarction, a bad one, will directly kill people.

"Ye Liang, what to do, my mother will be fine, right?!!!

Jiang Yurou didn't know what was the situation of Tang Pin now, she just pretended to be nervous.

Although she doesn't know what's going on, in her opinion, her mother just has the illusion of being sick.

After that, I will ask Ye Liang alone what is the situation.

Now it is important to cure my mother's real illness first.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. "

Saying that, Ye Liang raised his hand and waved a spiritual energy in the direction of Tang Pinru.

The next moment, I saw Tang Pinru's body, a Tai Chi pattern rotated and expanded.

As the Taijitu expanded and rotated, Tang Pinru only felt that her pain was all of a sudden.

"Harvest ——!"

After Tang Pinru's illness recovered, Ye Liang just drank lightly and took the spell back.

"How is it, Aunt Tang, are you all right?"

After taking back the spell, Ye Liang asked Tang Pinru.

One moment there was a feeling that the whole person was going to die of pain, but I didn't expect that the next moment I would be all right at once.

At this moment, Tang Pinru also felt a burst of comfort.

She said to Ye Liang:

"Thank you, Ye Liang, I feel like I'm already well. "

"Aunt Tang, what is there to thank, but I'm a little strange, obviously when I saw you during the day just now, you weren't sick." "

Ye Liang said:

"Why did you suddenly have this severe myocardial infarction?"


Hearing Ye Liang's words, Jiang Yurou on the side looked a little weak.

She secretly sweated coldly behind her back, looking at Tang Pinru, who had been cured by Ye Liang, and was a little unhappy.

What's going on?

Why did Ye Liang cure his mother so easily?

By the way, he is an immortal cultivator, isn't it easy to cure my mother?

What a fool, the opportunity is in front of you, you don't know to take the opportunity to propose, you have to get RUA to be cured?

Why, don't you want to be a fairy king?!

You're too honest, aren't you——!!!

My mother doesn't know how to be so stupid and actually think of you as a scumbag.

If you are a scumbag, there are no honest people in this world——!!!

It's a pity, if only I had a way to let my mother give birth to a disease that Ye Liang could only cure when he arrived, so that Ye Liang could find an excuse to touch it.

Jiang Yurou thought so.

On the other side, Tang Pinru was curious.

How is it okay, my heart suddenly has a severe infarction?

That feeling just now was really painful than dead.

Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Tang Pinru believed that this should not be Ye Liang's doing.

Although she was persuading her daughter to be careful that Ye Liang was a scumbag, but now that she thinks about it, Ye Liang may be a little scumbag in the relationship between men and women.

However, he is an honest child, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Otherwise, if he was in pain like that just now, he could have taken the opportunity to say that he had to touch himself to cure it.


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