"I don't know what's going on, but it suddenly hurts, which is really weird. "

At this time, Tang Pinru had already eased up.

She clutched her chest and looked palpitating.

The pain just now was terrible.

She didn't even know what was going on, and suddenly she had a heart attack.


Hearing this, Ye Liang frowned secretly.

"Maybe I was mistaken... You may really have some disease in your body, but rest assured, I have cured your disease. "

Saying that, he was about to turn around and say a few words to Jiang Yurou, so that Jiang Yurou could take good care of her mother.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but change his expression and looked towards Tang Pinru.

I saw that Tang Pinru's body suddenly bloomed with a light blue light that ordinary people could not see with their naked eyes.


Without waiting for Ye Liang to be puzzled, the next moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but cover his chest and hissed in pain.


The intense pain made her unable to scream.

This feeling of myocardial infarction is like someone pumping her heart muscle hard, and it hurts so much that she can't make a sound.


At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Tang Pinru's originally healthy body suddenly erupted with a burst of sickness.

This is not an ordinary disease, but ... Only immortal cultivators may be sick.

However, how could the disease born of an immortal cultivator appear in mortals?

If a mortal suffers from an immortal cultivator's disease, with his mortal physical fitness, he may not live more than a second.

"This... What is this?!!!?"

Ye Liang couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at Tang Pinru deadly.

I saw that in his eyes, a light blue aura was being released from Tang Pinru's body.

"Ye Liang, what's wrong with my mother, didn't you say that you have cured her?!!?"

At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

She shouted to Ye Liang.

Although she wanted to create a chance for Ye Liang to really cure her mother.

However, she is not really worried about her mother.

Looking at her mother's painful appearance, she can only hope for Ye Liang first.

Because she didn't know how she suddenly had the ability to do what she wanted, and she didn't know how to cancel this ability.

"I have cured her illness just now, and her current illness is new. "

Ye Liang frowned and said:

"You go out, I'm going to concentrate on treating her. "


Seeing Ye Liang's serious look, Jiang Yurou didn't pretend anymore, she quickly nodded and left the room.

"No matter what, you must cure my mother——!!!

At the moment of closing the door, she also shouted to Ye Liang.


Ye Liang nodded slightly.

After closing the door, Jiang Yurou's originally worried face suddenly became proud.

Hahaha, although I don't know what's going on, I seem to have the ability to make things happen.

I wanted my mother to show signs of illness, and she was really sick.

Now, Ye Liang, that bastard, finally has a chance to really make a move against my mother, right?!

Hee-hee ——!!!

Unfortunately, I don't know what is going on with this ability.

"Mom, my daughter is also for your own good, you can't blame me for this." "

Thinking like this, Jiang Yurou became more and more proud.

She decided to find a time after that to ask Ye Liang what was going on.

Why can I make my dreams come true, want to make my mother sick, she is really sick.

And Ye Liang stared so tightly at Tang Pinru, who was in pain that he couldn't even make a sound, and could only look pale and sweat coldly, and said to her:

"Aunt Tang, although I don't know what's going on, you seem to be infected with a disease that only immortal cultivators can get, next, I want to use the means of treating immortal cultivators against you, and have some physical contact with you, forgive me." "


Tang Pinru was so painful now that his whole body was about to crack.

How did she know that all this was done by Jiang Yurou's big filial daughter?

However, looking at Ye Liang in front of her, she couldn't help but feel pain, and she smiled bitterly.

Physical contact?


Because as long as the man who has bad intentions towards her, he can't touch her at all.

She had already encountered this scene countless times.

Once, her husband wanted to touch her, but he snubbed the chair all night.

Once, someone wanted to mistreat her, but they turned out to be inexplicably a mess.

In the business field, she has not been targeted by others.

However, someone wanted to get drunk and touch her twice, and inexplicably took out a knife and chopped off his own hands.

In short, as long as you are not an honest person, if you want to meet her, it is simply impossible.

This is also the reason why she has not really been touched for so many years.

Don't talk about men, it's just... Something special, no.

She is also a woman, and it is not that she did not think about that.

However, it cannot be done at all.

Therefore, hearing Ye Liang's words, she smiled bitterly and nodded.

Whether what Ye Liang said was true or not, she knew that Ye Liang would definitely not be able to touch her.

She is not ugly, how can a man not have bad thoughts when he touches her.

After all, men and women are different.

Seeing that Tang Pinru was so painful that he couldn't even speak, Ye Liang didn't say much, and directly began to treat Tang Pinru.

Immortal cultivators treat immortal cultivators' diseases, and that is not something that can be done simply by transmitting spiritual power.

To be honest, Ye Liangdu had some doubts, how could Tang Pinru be a mortal and get this kind of disease of an immortal cultivator.

With the physique of a mortal, it is impossible to get this disease.

Not to mention how troublesome it is for immortal cultivators, mortals have this disease, in principle, they will kneel directly in a few seconds.

The next moment, Ye Liang directly turned his spiritual power into a needle and pointed towards Tang Pinru.

Although he knew that Ye Liang would definitely not be able to touch her, Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Until Ye Liang's fingers turned into needles and pointed at her body.


The next moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but exhale in pain.

A cold sweat brushed and flowed out like a flowing waterfall.

"Breaking the Yin and Destroying the Yuan Refers to ——!!!"

Ye Liang did not expect that his powerful fingering technique was used for the first time not to poke stars, but to cure diseases and save people.

The body of a mortal is far worse than that of an immortal cultivator.

If he didn't use this exquisite method, there would be no way to get rid of this special disease attached to Tang Pinru's heart.


As Ye Liang's fingers clicked continuously, Tang Pinru only felt as if his body suddenly turned into an empty world.

In the empty world, there are countless black holes that destroy the normal operation of the world, or the Death Star.

In that world, Ye Liang's fingers seemed to have eyes, and everywhere he passed, the black hole shattered and the death star returned.


Tang Pinru screamed, and a dark blue light bloomed in his eyes.

As Ye Liang's fingers connected, Tang Pinru felt that the symptoms on his body were like nebulae visible to the naked eye, which were directly broken by Ye Liang's fingers.

These illusions, as a mortal, she saw in her eyes, she was extremely shocked.

And what shocked her even more was...

Ye Liang's fingers actually touched her——!!!

Whether it was Jiang Shixian or some good business friends she knew later, it was inevitable that there would be dishonest thoughts in front of her.

Those people couldn't touch her.

However, Ye Liang actually ran into her?

While being treated by Ye Liang, Tang Pinru looked at Ye Liang with surprised eyes.

She couldn't believe it...

Ye Liang could really touch her.

Could it be that it was because he really didn't have any evil thoughts about himself?

Did I really misunderstand him before?

Or do you say... Actually, that spell that Ye Qixuan cast on me was useless to immortal cultivators?

People are good after all.

People who don't want to be good are always a minority...

Ye Liang was good to Tang Pinru, and Tang Pinru naturally felt that Ye Liang should indeed be a good person.

She really misunderstood him.

Although he is a scumbag, he is indeed not a scum who uses girls' feelings to deceive like Jiang Yurou.

The fact that he can touch himself is the best proof of this.

At Ye Liang's fingertips, the spiritual qi turned into needles, and as Ye Liang's fingers continued to come out, where the fingers passed, the special diseases in Tang Pinru's body, which were originally only suffered by immortal cultivators, were completely eliminated by him.

And this process lasted a whole hour.

If you treat an immortal cultivator, you don't have to bother so much, but the human body is too fragile, and if you are not careful, the consequences are terrible.

Maybe the finger force was out of control, not only did not cure Tang Pinru, but also made Tang Pinru completely gone.

Ye Liang didn't dare to be careless.

Immortal cultivators treat mortals, generally just a random qi healing technique, no more than an elixir, no more diseases.

However, he was saving the disease of an immortal cultivator, but the object was a weak mortal...

Had to be careful.

After Ye Liang stopped treatment, Tang Pinru's whole person almost collapsed.

He quickly reached out and helped her to lie down.

“...... Aunt Tang, you're already fine, don't worry. "

At this moment, Ye Liang finally understood where Tang Pinru's illness came from.

He thought while comforting Tang Pinru.

Tang Pinru's illness is actually related to Jiang Yurou.

Or rather, something to do with him...

Jiang Yurou's previous life was a very powerful immortal in the universe.

Or rather, she was the reincarnation of the remnant soul of that Immortal Venerable.

Under the summoning of Ye Liang's system, the remnant soul of that Lingbo Immortal Venerable reincarnated into Tang Pinru's body.

Through Tang Pinru's stomach, the current Jiang Yurou was born.

Although Jiang Yurou had been born for so many years, the power of that Lingbo Immortal Venerable would inevitably remain in Tang Pinru's body.

This power, for mortals, is not necessarily good.

It may even be endless.

For example, the current Tang Pinru was sick because he was infected by the residual power of Lingbo Immortal Venerable.

If it weren't for just a little bit of residual strength, even if she was in the Yuan infancy stage, I am afraid it would be difficult to cure her.

"Well, thank you, Xiaoliang. "

Tang Pinru lay on the bed and thanked Ye Liang, her heart was also shocked.

Ye Liang cured her, it was no big deal for her.

Because she didn't understand anything, she didn't know how powerful an immortal cultivator was, she only knew that an immortal cultivator was probably very powerful.


Ye Liang actually ran into her just now, which was what she cared about the most.

For the first time since she got married, she could be touched by the opposite sex, and Ye Liang was helping her again, which made her believe in Ye Liang's character even more.

In short, now she only thinks about her, and prefers to believe that Ye Liang is a good person who really has no bad intentions for her.

I didn't believe it either, because Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator, so he could touch himself.

Listening to what Ye Liang said, that guy named Ye Qixuan was also a very powerful immortal cultivator.

He was nothing in front of Ye Qixuan...

Therefore, it is impossible for Ye Liang not to be controlled by Ye Qixuan's spells, right?

So, he really is a good boy.


Thinking of this, Tang Pinru looked shocked.

Looking at Ye Liang's gaze, there was a bit of appreciation.

Although there are many girls around him, although he pedals the boat for a few days, although he opens a harem in an upright manner, he is a good person.

When Tang Pinru looked at Ye Liang, Ye Liang already looked calm, as if Tang Pinrusheng's illness had nothing to do with him, turned around and walked towards the door of the room, and opened the door.

And Jiang Yurou was waiting in the corridor outside, looking drowsy.

"Wake up, wake up. "

Ye Liang came to Jiang Yurou and woke her up.

While shaking, Ye Liang couldn't help but be amused.

This girl, her mother is sick inside, she can also sleep?

I don't know if I believe in myself, or because this filial daughter is not very worried about her mother.


Jiang Yurou suddenly woke up, looked at Ye Liang in front of him, and asked him:

"Ye Liang, how is my mother?"

"Don't worry, your mother is fine. "

[Stinky woman, your mother is gone. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: What?!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou, who was originally a little sleepy, instantly sobered up, she instinctively believed what Ye Liang thought in her heart, and did not listen to what Ye Liang said in her mouth.

She stood up abruptly and stumbled into her mother's room.


Before anyone could enter, tears were already coming out.

Especially when she saw Tang Pinru lying there, her face turned pale all of a sudden.

How come, how could it be?

I'm just making my mother sick, so that Ye Liang can take a chance to treat my mother's real illness.

Why, why is this?


Could it be that the illness I gave birth to my mother had already left Ye Liangdu helpless?

Thinking of this, her tears burst out at once.

"Mom, I'm sorry for you——!!!"

She was so sad that she threw herself directly towards the edge of the bed and pounced on Tang Pinru's body.

This scene is like a family member crying about the departure of a loved one in the hospital.


Looking at Jiang Yurou, who threw herself on her and cried violently, Tang Pinru couldn't help but have a black question mark on her face.

"I'm sorry for me? Why are you sorry for me?"

She asked Jiang Yurou.


Jiang Yurou, who was crying, heard Tang Pinru's words and suddenly reacted, but saw that her mother was looking at her with doubtful eyes.

Although she was weak, she didn't look like she had just died...

"Mom, you... You're not dead. "


Tang Pinru couldn't help but have a black line at the end.


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