After last night's incident, Tang Pinru not only knew about Ye Liang having several girlfriends.

I also know that the relationship between Ye Liang and these girlfriends is indeed a bit complicated.

You can't use worldly eyes to determine whether Ye Liang is a scumbag.

Plus Jiang Yurou herself has already made her attitude clear, what else does she have to say?

Originally, she still had a lot of words to remind Ye Liang, but now, she also pressed these words to the bottom of her heart.

It's just that when she thought of Ye Liang pointing at her with her hand last night, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Because she had a special spell on her body, she may not be touched by other members of the opposite sex in her life.

But Ye Liang could touch her...

How could this give her control over her thoughts?

Originally, she was a very conservative person and did not have much contact with people before she got married.

After getting married, he was cast a spell by that hateful Ye Qixuan.

Now she is forty years old as a woman.

At her age, she has never been touched by any member of the opposite sex, and now someone who can meet her has finally appeared.

But it was her daughter's boyfriend, and she was such a young child...

This made her a little depressed.

If Ye Liang was a little older and not her daughter's boyfriend, she would definitely not be able to resist the impulse in her heart.

"Come, Xiaoliang, eat more, you were quite tired last night to treat your aunt's illness." "

"Thank you Aunt Tang. "

At this time, the three of them were eating breakfast, and Tang Pinru peeled an egg and handed it to Ye Liang's porridge bowl.

And of course Ye Liang will also thank you.

"Mom, why don't you peel me." "

Seeing Tang Pinru like this, Jiang Yurou said to her a little jealously.

"Hehe, you won't peel it yourself?!"

Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, Tang Pinru asked with a look of course.


At this moment, Jiang Yurou was even more depressed.

She looked towards Ye Liang, and the next moment, she put away her envious look and said with a smile:

"Ye Liang, I'll peel you too. "

Without waiting for Ye Liang to answer, she picked up an egg, peeled it, and handed it to Ye Liang:

"Come, ah, I'll feed you. "


Looking at Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang's loving look, Tang Pinru couldn't help sighing.

She never thought that if one day, she could have a beloved person and spread dog food in front of others.

It's a pity that Ye Qixuan is to blame.

Although he helped himself confirm that Jiang Shixian was indeed a scumbag, let himself see Jiang Shixian's true face, and did not have any real connection with him, he gave himself a daughter.

However, the spell he cast on himself was too powerful.

Even Ye Liang couldn't see what spells were on him.

Ye Liang must also be unextricable.

Perhaps, you can let the person called the Purple Heart Female Emperor help?

Thinking of this, Tang Pinru asked Ye Liang:

"That... Ye Liang, can I ask you something?"

"Aunt Tang, you ask. "

Ye Liang grabbed Jiang Yurou's white tender little hand that fed her, turned her head, and said to Tang Pinru.

"Do you have a good relationship with the female emperor called Purple Heart?"

Tang Pinru asked.


At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be stunned.

She quickly gave Tang Pinru a look, as if asking her, 'Mom, what's going on with you, didn't you ask you not to ask these things?'.

And in the face of Jiang Yurou's inquiry, Tang Pinru gave her a blank look.

This smelly girl, the old lady raised you so big, it really hurts you in vain.

Can't the old lady even ask a few words?

Moreover, the old lady just wants to ask Ye Liang about the Purple Heart Female Emperor, what are you in a hurry?

"Ahem. "

Hearing Tang Pinru's inquiry, Ye Liang was also a little embarrassed.

Although he made up his mind and wanted to open a harem ...

However, now I was asked by my mother-in-law.

For a moment, he really didn't bother to speak.

But looking at Jiang Yurou's reaction, he also guessed that Jiang Yurou must have told Tang Pinru about herself and the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

Therefore, he did not hide it, and said truthfully:

"Aunt Tang, it's not a secret, the Purple Heart Female Emperor is also my girlfriend. "

“...... Belch. "

Hearing Ye Liang's words, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Good fellow, are you embarrassed to say it in front of me?

I introduced my daughter to you, and you pedaled a few boats so upright.

It's embarrassing to me——!

But well.

She had already figured it out in her heart, and she didn't care about Jiang Yurou's affairs.

Now listening to Ye Liang's undisguised answer, she had to sigh and said:

"I've heard Yurou say this... Your affairs, I, the elder, don't care much, but you can't bully Yurou... Otherwise, no matter how much kindness you have for me, no matter how powerful you are, I won't agree to Yurou being with you, do you hear that?!"

"That's nature. "

Ye Liang said affirmatively.

He turned his head, shook Jiang Yurou's hand, and said seriously:

"I will be kind to Yurou for the rest of my life, and I will not let her suffer the slightest grievance. "

Jiang Yurou: "..."

She looked back at Ye Liang's pampered eyes with a look of happiness.

The two looked at each other like that.

The atmosphere is about to rise...

However, a voice sounded in Jiang Yurou's heart.

【Disgusting yue——!】

[Don't look at me like that, stinky woman, your eyes make me feel a little sick. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou's face darkened all of a sudden, and she almost didn't control her expression management.

She secretly clenched her teeth, and said viciously in her heart: "Ye Liang, you bastard, stinky man, you remember to the old lady, the old lady has a day that you regret it——!!!"

Also TM does not let the old lady suffer the slightest grievance?

Your TM has already made the old lady feel full of grief and indignation——!!!

"Ahem. "

Tang Pinru coughed lightly, reminding these two bastards who were thinking about spreading dog food all the time, telling them that she Tang Pinru was still there.

After Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou's gazes were cast towards her, she continued:

"Ye Liang, since that Purple Heart Female Emperor Zhao Ziyan is also your girlfriend, can I trouble you to call her here? "

"Uh... All right. "

Ye Liang's expression was strange, Tang Pinru let himself call the Purple Heart Female Emperor, what did he want to do?

Could it be that she wanted to seek justice for her daughter Jiang Yurou?

Probably not.

Aunt Tang doesn't look like such an unreasonable person.

If she really can't get used to her situation, she won't attack the girls next to her, and all she will do is let Jiang Yurou keep her distance.

Thinking of this, his heart moved, and he directly said to the Purple Heart Female Emperor in a transmitted voice:

"Purple Heart, you come to me. "

Saying that, he released his breath towards the Purple Heart Female Emperor again.

The next moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, who was watching TV in Ye Liang's home, couldn't help but change her expression for a while.

She was originally still looking leisurely and comfortable, but her face was pale at the moment, and the cold sweat on her forehead kept brushing.

"Your Majesty the Female Emperor, what's wrong?"

Lu Yao'er, who was standing beside her, and Wolf Ji on the other side all looked at her curiously.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor's expression changed too much, and naturally she couldn't hide their eyes.

"Didn't... Nothing..."

The Purple Heart Female Emperor shook her head slightly, stood up, and said:

"I'll go out, you don't have to come with me. "

"Uh... Did something happen? Do you want me to help you?"

Wolf Ji asked:

"Anyway, I'm Ye Liang's person now, if you have any orders, it doesn't matter if you tell me directly." "

"No, you don't have to come with you. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor put away the previous change in expression, and after shaking her head faintly, her figure flashed and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing that the Purple Heart Female Emperor did not let her go over, Wolf Ji couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

It's a pity, maybe there is a chance to be alone.

But well...

Her gaze looked towards Lu Yao'er, hehe, it's not bad to be with her.

Saying that, she asked Lu Yao'er:

"I said Lu Xiao'er, why don't you sit?"

Saying that, she also patted the position next to her.

"I dare to sit next to the Purple Heart Female Emperor, what are you afraid of, you are still my superior." "

Hearing this, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but give her a blank look.

"You think I'm as shameless as you, obviously I have lost myself, I don't even have the appearance of defeat, and I dare to sit with Her Majesty the Female Emperor, I'm afraid I forgot, although you are now the master's person, you are not a woman, just a slave." "

What era is it, and who else stipulates that slaves must stand by the master's side and wait for the master's orders?"

Lu Yaoer said with a smile:

"The so-called slave is the one who obeys his master's words and solves his problems when he really needs it, rather than simply standing by his side as a decoration... Ye Liang, he has never regarded you as a lowly slave, and in his eyes, you are the same as the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

In front of him, you don't have to be too lowly, otherwise, he will look down on you. "


Hearing this, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look surprised.

Speaking of which, Ye Liang really never treated her as a slave.

Even, Ye Liang didn't take her much to heart.

Is it really because her performance is too lowly?!

If she could, of course, she would also want to be paid more attention to by Ye Liang.

However, she knew what level she was.

Perhaps, in the Purple Pole Immortal Star, she is a genius, her cultivation speed is not bad, and it is very easy to enter the innate within a hundred years...

However, at this moment, beside Ye Liang is either the Purple Heart Female Emperor or the Wolf Princess in front of him.

What's even more terrifying is that there is also a Akatsuki Female Emperor.

That's a real big guy——!!!

Even the Akatsuki Female Emperor is just a woman beside Ye Liang, and how terrifying Ye Liang is, you can imagine.

But she has a small refining period, and even Jindan is a legend in her eyes...

Beside Ye Liang, she really didn't dare to raise her posture too high.

When it comes to understanding current affairs, she is very similar to her father who died at the hands of Ye Liang.

The two of them naturally didn't know why the Purple Heart Female Emperor suddenly changed her face just now.

At this moment, the Purple Heart Female Emperor had turned into a purple light and came to Ye Liang's side.

"Ye Liang, what's the matter with me?"

At this moment, she couldn't help but feel a pang of fear when she looked at Ye Liang's eyes.

Of course, she didn't know that Ye Liang's cultivation was far from being comparable to Jindan.

She also witnessed the duel between Ye Liang and Wolf Ji before.

The aura released by Ye Liang had reached the late stage of Jindan.

The late Jindan period has already surpassed her Jindan mid-stage too much...

However, the terrifying degree of the aura released by Ye Liang just now had completely exceeded her understanding.

In her cognition, she didn't know what kind of realm this breath was.

All she knew was that it was terrible——!!!

In front of this terrifying aura, she didn't even dare to move.

It's horrible——!!!

That breath should be a cultivation that can only be obtained in the Yuan Infancy period, right?

Yuan baby, yuan baby.

Is that the Yuan baby?!!!

At this moment, the eyes of the Purple Heart Female Emperor flashed with infinite longing.

After desire, nature is ambition.

She is convinced that one day, she can also become a meta-infancy.

However, at this moment, in the face of the wisp of infant breath that Ye Liang released on her, she said...

It's terrible.

Fortunately, she knew Ye Liang in advance, not only did she not have a bad relationship with Ye Liang, but she also became a woman next to him.

Otherwise, now she would probably have brought the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star to Ye Liang to die.

Sometimes, whether it is friend or foe, the closest pillow person, or the sworn enemy who does not share the sky, what a thought.


The sudden appearance of the Purple Heart Female Emperor startled both Tang Pinru and Jiang Yurou.

Although I didn't see it last time, this kind of scene of suddenly appearing a person is still a little too scary for ordinary people.

For Ye Liang, the Purple Heart Female Emperor naturally flew over, and the speed was not fast.

But for two ordinary people, it was just a moment in front of them, and then people suddenly appeared around.

Can it not be scary?!

"It's not that I'm looking for you. "

Ye Liang said:

"It's my Aunt Tang who has something to tell you. "


The Purple Heart Female Emperor's gaze looked towards Tang Pinru and bowed:

"Concubine body purple heart, I have seen Aunt Tang, I don't know what advice Aunt Tang has?"


Seeing the Purple Heart Female Emperor saluting her, Tang Pinru couldn't help but stand up in fear:

"No need to be polite, no need to be polite. "

Although Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator, for Tang Pinru, after all, he is only a junior, even if Ye Liang is powerful, she already has a first impression, so she will not be frightened by Ye Liang.

But, who is the Purple Heart Emperor?

She was the female emperor of the purple planet that suddenly appeared in the sky.

The female emperor of a planet, but also the female emperor of a planet of immortal cultivators...

This is similar to the legendary Immortal Emperor.

Isn't her status nobler than the chief or president of any country on earth now?

Because of this, when Ye Liang called the Purple Heart Female Emperor over, Tang Pinru was so restrained.

Now seeing the Purple Heart Female Emperor saluting her, for Tang Pinru, wouldn't it be more exaggerated than the head of a country saluting her?

She was naturally frightened to stand up.

Unlike Jiang Yurou, she listened to all the voices in Ye Liang's heart, knowing how powerful Ye Liang's identity was, and knowing that the Purple Heart Female Emperor was just like that in front of Ye Liang.

Therefore, the appearance of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is even more exciting for Tang Pinru than seeing the number one person on TV.

And the Purple Heart Female Emperor saw Tang Pinru looking so nervous, and immediately understood...

It must be Ye Liang, and he pretended to be weak in front of Tang Pinru.

Otherwise, she has such a powerful son-in-law, how can she be so polite to herself?

Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but feel strange.

What did Ye Liang say in front of Tang Pinru?

He wouldn't say that he was just a refining period, right?!!

And Tang Pinru looked at the Purple Heart Female Emperor, but she was also shocked at the moment.

Ye Liang actually called her with a call?

Does she like Ye Liang, so that she can be so readily called by Ye Liang with such a high-ranking identity?!

Ye Liang, this stinky boy, is also too powerful?!


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