
The sky was pitch black, with only a full moon in the sky, illuminating everything below.

Under the full moon, the clouds in the sky seem to be dyed with a layer of shadow.

However, at this moment, everything below has not been affected in any way.

It is clear that it is in the dark night, but no one has the feeling that they cannot see things.

It's just that at this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the figure that fell from the sky.

The whole world was tarnished by the presence of that man.

And at this moment, the figure that was noticed by everyone was quietly suspended in front of Yang Liuyan, half a foot in the air, and stretched out his hand to her.

Yang Liuyan was stunned, looking at Ye Liang in front of him with an incredulous expression.

"You... Are you really Ye Liang?"

"Grab my hand, have any words, and I'll tell you slowly afterwards. "

Ye Liang smiled.


This voice is Ye Liang's right.


Although his appearance is also extremely similar to Ye Liang.

However, feeling the aura coming from him and looking into his eyes, it clearly made people feel that he had nothing to do with Ye Liang.

How could this person be Ye Liang?

I thought so, but Yang Liuyan's hand unconsciously stretched out forward and held Ye Liang's hand.

The next moment, she felt a force supporting her body, making her fly slowly.


When he felt that he was being pulled by Ye Liang and flying into the sky, Yang Liuyan finally came back to his senses.

Seeing her feet getting farther and farther from the ground, she couldn't help but exclaim.

But, just exclaimed.

Because, at this moment, she did not have the unstable feeling after leaving the ground.

She could clearly feel that the force was slowly supporting her body, carrying her, and flying towards the distance along with Ye Liang.

This speed is not fast, and even everyone at the scene can clearly see that the figures of the two slowly flew into the air...

Their gazes also involuntarily followed the direction the two flew away, and their necks were sore.

Until the end, the two had completely disappeared in front of everyone present.

The next moment, the sky instantly turned into a clear sky.

The darkness dissipated, and the moon became the sun in the sky.

Everything that happened before seemed like a dream, like a fantasy, as if it had never happened.



At this moment, the audience froze.

The two hosts looked at the sky and didn't know how to speak for a long time.

The orchestra that scored the singers was dumbfounded at the moment, and now they can only look at the sky, and only the word 'immortal' flashes in their minds.

The organizers froze, and the audience froze.

"I... Was it a dream just now?!!!?"

"This, what is this?!!!"

"A concert special?"

"I'm special Nima, this special is all in the sky, and there is a special program——!!!"

"What's going on?"

"Yang Liuyan, the friend she said... Is it a fairy?"

"That must be a fairy——!!!

"Oh my God, Mom, I saw the fairy ——!"

"It turns out that the appearance of the immortal is too handsome, too immortal, right?"

Ordinary people can only be called a little fairy, the immortal itself is a fairy, God, so handsome, I... I may never be able to look at anyone else again in my life. "

"My heart has been taken by him. "

"He seems to be called Ye Liang, right?"

"Ye Liang, Ye Liang, immortal..."

"Yang Liuyan actually has immortals composing songs for him, shouldn't she have anything to do with immortals?"

"No, it won't, the immortals are high, how can they have anything to do with her, it's just that she is lucky and happens to have some acquaintances with the immortals." "



For a moment, the audience was shocked.

At this moment, where else will anyone care where this is?

Everyone at the scene immediately boiled over after the shock.

One by one, it was like frying a boiling pot, and there was a lot of discussion.

"What is this Nima, not a god?"

"Don't tell me what the latest technology is, with the current technology of mankind, it is impossible to do such a thing." "

"This is the Immortal ——!!!"

"Oh my God, I actually forgot to broadcast it just now. "

"Strange, why is my phone out of signal?"

"Mine is also ——!!!"

"This must be the magic of the immortals, and the immortals do not want the world to know of his existence. "

"It must be so——!!!"



Everyone at the concert scene was talking about it, their eyes looking at the sky, and they looked incredulous.

But I have to believe it.

Because the scene that happened in front of them just now really told them.

That's the immortals.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the immortals, how could there be such a change?

Only when the immortals appear, they have that kind of aura, that kind of pressure.

"Ahem, what... Today's concert is really ... Cough...... What's that special, isn't it?"

I don't know how long it took, the male host finally reacted.

He asked the female host beside him.

"Yes... Oh, yes...... It's very much..."

At this time, the female host was already full of stars with her eyes and staring at the sky tightly, and Ye Liang and Yang Liuyan disappeared in the direction they disappeared.

At this moment, there was only one sentence in her mind.

She lived her life in vain...

If she hadn't seen that immortal face, she would have really lived in vain in her life.

In this world, there are really immortals.

Moreover, the face of the immortal is really so outstanding, so dazzling.

Previously, she did not believe in love.

But now, she believed, if the man was willing to tell her, even if she was allowed to die, she would be willing.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but cry silently.

Why, why do you want to find a boyfriend?

I already have a boyfriend, and even looking at him is disrespectful to him.

"Whew, I... Why should I look for a boyfriend..."

"Why can't I restrain a little and keep my purity?"

At this moment, many girls were suddenly shocked and sad.

In this world, there is such a perfect man.

And they already have boyfriends.

If they had seen this peerless fairy face earlier, they would definitely not have looked for a boyfriend, let alone let other men touch themselves.

For nothing else, just for this immortal light in my heart.

Even if they just saw him, they were willing to keep themselves white for him.

The law of the earth will not let any immortal law hurt innocent ordinary people.

However, making others fall in love with themselves is not part of the scope of harm.

There is no doubt that Ye Liang's immortal appearance has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of all the women present.

It's like some girls who are attracted to those stars...

Obviously, they don't know what kind of person this star is actually like, but they are willing to become NC for the appearance of this star.

The effect of immortal phase is obviously much more powerful than the so-called star character.

The celebrity's persona is basically fake, a setting used to attract fans, while the fairy face is overly real.

The attraction of celebrities also needs personalities and network environments to increase magnitude.

And Ye Liang, just need to appear and let them see.

There was no doubt that Ye Liang was willing to let these women die and hurt the people who were originally important to them.

Ye Liang did not affect their hearts... They are such people.

Ye Liang naturally would not have thought that his immortal appearance would have such a great impact on that NC-type female fan.

He just appeared for a while, and then made these women consider breaking up with their boyfriends for the sake of what they thought of him...

If Ye Liang knew that he had actually caused such a result, he would definitely scream guilty.

Fortunately, most normal women saw Ye Liang and were only amazed by his immortal appearance, and did not do anything irrational for this.

Otherwise, Ye Liang's guilt would be even greater.

At this time, he was already flying in the air with Yang Liuyan.

After all, Yang Liuyan is not as good as Xu Yingbing.

Xu Yingbing has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and this kind of thing flying in the air, in addition to her shock at the beginning, she only had doubts after that.

Yang Liuyan, on the other hand, has been in shock, looking at everything around him, looking at the man next to him, and I don't know how long it has been.

She finally couldn't help but speak.

"Ye Liang... You...... Are you an immortal?!!!?"

She asked Ye Liang.


Ye Liang said with a smile, "Reckon, in the eyes of ordinary people, I am indeed an immortal." "

"You... You..."

At this moment, Yang Liuyan was still in shock, letting the wind blow on her face, and after a long time, she asked again:

"Why are you an immortal?"

After asking, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed again.

What an idiot question is this.

Ye Liang smiled slightly, he knew that Yang Liuyan must be shocked now.

She had too many questions in her mind.

But, now he didn't need to explain it to her.

Because there is no point in explaining, it is better to let her understand it herself.

“...... Well, these questions, ask them later, I'll take you to see Jiang Yurou and them later, you have to be mentally prepared." "

Yang Liu was puzzled:

"Ah? Mental preparation? What mental preparation?"


Ye Liang smiled badly and just glanced at her.


Yang Liuyan's face turned red all of a sudden.

God, why is there such a perfect looking man in this world?

Can a man's face be so handsome?

With just one look, he already made himself ashamed of himself.

How was he so kind to let him lead him and fly in the air?!!

She even instinctively wanted to shrink her hand, but immediately reacted again.

Now he is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, if he is not held by the hand, I am afraid that he will fall directly, and the human form will not be found.

"You... Is this how you are?"

She asked Ye Liang.

"It's not. "

Ye Liang said:

"People rely on clothes, immortals rely on fairy appearance, a person changes different clothes, it may become different, and immortals change different immortal appearance, will also give people a completely different feeling, this look, equivalent to your costume when you go on stage, understand?"

"Got it..."

Yang Liuyan nodded, glanced at Ye Liang cautiously, and his unconscious heartbeat accelerated a little.

She went on to say:

"Then, can you change back to the way you were before, you look like this, I feel a little stressed. "

"Okay. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang smiled slightly.

The next moment, Ye Liang's heart moved, and a burst of light bloomed on his body, and he had changed back to the costume of an ordinary person.

Looking at Ye Liang's appearance, Yang Liuyan secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and breathed a sigh of relief.

Good fellow, this look is not visible at all, but as soon as he changed into the costume just now, the whole person seemed to have changed into a person.

If it weren't for the fact that his voice hadn't changed, I wouldn't have recognized him.

Unlike Xu Yingbing, Yang Liuyan did not notice that the time around him seemed to stand still.

It was clear that they were talking to each other normally, but the time around them seemed to be a billion times slower.

This is not that the time around them has really slowed down, but that the speed of the immortal cultivator is too fast, and he unconsciously enters the accelerated state.

In this state, the flow of time has lost its meaning.

Maybe they did a lot of things, but for ordinary people, it was just a moment.

While talking, the two came to the place where Ye Liang rented a house.

It turned into a stream of light and entered the room.

Only then did Yang Liuyan suddenly have a feeling that many things had happened for a moment.

Everything that happened just now, her conversation with Ye Liang, and what she did, didn't even take a second.

And in this short time, she has been taken to his house by Ye Liang.

Without waiting for Yang Liuyan to ask Ye Liang, what was going on...

The next moment, she understood what preparation Ye Liang had asked her to prepare.


At a glance, it was all women.

Inside Ye Liang's house, there were actually all women, moreover, each one was more beautiful than the other, and all of them were bubbling with beauty...

These women have different appearances and each has a stunning appearance.

Among them, the Akatsuki Female Emperor and the Purple Heart Female Emperor are the most outstanding.

One, a woman in the world, but with the aura of an emperor, people dare not look directly.

One, a gorgeous woman, but with the charm of a fox spirit, people can't take their eyes off.

In them, they all have a noble aura that others do not have.

It was as if all things in the world were born to submit to them.

After them, it was Lu Xiao'er and Princess Wolf Ji.

They are naturally not bad, but their temperament is a little worse than the previous two.

After that, it was Jiang Yurou and Tang Pinru who were mother and daughter...

In other words, why is Aunt Tang also here?!!!

What is this situation?!!!

At this moment, Yang Liuyan was a little dumbfounded.

"Liu Yan, you're here. "

Seeing Ye Liang bring Yang Liuyan, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be pleased, she quickly stood up and greeted Yang Liuyan warmly.

And Yang Liuyan looked at Jiang Yurou, but she was surprised and puzzled, and asked Jiang Yurou:

"You guys... So many people, this is going to... What to do?"

Calm down, calm ...

Things happened so much at once, I don't know where to ask.

Why is Ye Liang an immortal?

Why didn't they look surprised at all when they saw the two of them coming?

Could it be that Jiang Yurou is actually an immortal?

Or are all the people present immortals?

I'm not a fairy?!!


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