"Let me explain it to Liu Yan. "

After Ye Liang brought Yang Liuyan into the house, Jiang Yurou discussed with Ye Liang.

"Okay. "

Ye Liang said:

"You explain. "

[With your intelligence, can you explain it clearly? 】

Jiang Yurou: What do you call my IQ?!

What happened to my IQ?

Did my IQ mess with you?

Do you think you're humorous?

Are you polite?


Jiang Yurou was depressed in her heart, but she smiled at Yang Liuyan on her face:

"Liu Yan, let me introduce you to everyone first..."

Saying that, she pointed to the women around her and introduced Yang Liuyan.

And looking at his daughter's appearance, Tang Pinru on the side couldn't help but cry and laugh.

She couldn't help but press her hand on her forehead, only feeling a little headache.


She has accepted the assumption that her daughter is looking for someone who will not be attentive to her daughter.

After all, his daughter likes it, and it's not good to express too many opinions herself.

What's more, his own vision does not seem to be very good, otherwise he would not have found a scum like Jiang Shixian.

After all, I really don't have the right to express my opinion on my daughter's object.


One two, three is enough...

There seem to be too many people here.

She is not stupid, these girls are as beautiful as flowers.

That female emperor of Chiyue named Yan Qing had already admitted her relationship with Ye Liang... It's not so much an acknowledgment as a show-off.

Then, there was the Purple Heart Female Emperor, who had also admitted that she was Ye Liang's girlfriend.

As for Na Lu Yao'er and Wolf Ji, it was even more excessive, and directly became Ye Liang's slave.

What slave master... Really can play.

Next, it was the last person who was brought by Ye Liang.

Her name is Yang Liuyan and she is a friend of her daughter.

Good girlfriend...

Although it was her daughter who took the initiative to ask Ye Liang to bring her here just now, with her conditions, seeing Ye Liang so powerful, it would be strange if she didn't have an idea.

After all, not everyone is as realistic as their own ideas, men, as long as they can love each other with themselves.

Most women, demanding of men, are not satisfied.

Seeing Ye Liang's fairy-like means, it was really difficult for ordinary women to resist.

Therefore, whether Yang Liuyan and Ye Liang are innocent, it's really hard to say...

In short, with so many women present, none of them can be underestimated.

Before I actually said that Ye Liang was honest, hahaha...

Slapped in the face again——!!!

It's a pity, if it was my previous self, I still had the face to say a few words about Ye Liang.

Then my current self, even if I have that face, I don't have that guts.

He has already agreed that Ye Liang is with his daughter, and he will force him at this time.

Don't forget that the other party is a fairy.

If he wants to do something, it won't be easy?!

If it is not necessary, when it is time to accept the fate, it is better to accept the fate.

It's really not possible, and she can only let her good friend Ye Ziqian take care of her son.

It's good to let Ye Liang control it, don't provoke too many women, right?

Under Jiang Yurou's introduction, Yang Liuyan can also be regarded as knowing each other with all the women.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion, she always feels that Jiang Yurou seems to have some things that have not been introduced.

Just introduce the names of these women, don't introduce them, their relationship with Ye Liang?

No matter how you look at it, so many people at the scene, if they are caught by the people of the law enforcement team, they can be hammered into multi-person sports.

To say that you are innocent, I really don't believe it.

But Jiang Yurou didn't explain clearly, and she was naturally embarrassed to ask directly.

But she had a feeling that these women were definitely not just Jiang Yurou's friends.

It's not just Ye Liang's friends...

"Anyway, that's it, they are all friends with Ye Liang, and this time Ye Liang wants to go back to his hometown to see his mother, so everyone went together." "

Jiang Yurou said to Yang Liuyan:

"By the way, I believe you also know, Ye Liang is not an ordinary person's thing... Except for me and my mother, and you, none of you are ordinary people. "


Hearing this, Yang Liuyan's gaze looked at the women behind Jiang Yurou.


I thought I was just an ordinary person, pitiful, weak, and helpless.

Fortunately, there are still ordinary people present.

She breathed a slight sigh of relief.

People are like this, when they cook their own food, they also want someone around them to cook the same as themselves.

"Okay, everyone also got to know each other, it's not early, we can go." "

After everyone got to know each other, Ye Liang said to the women.

"Well, let's go, hee-hee——!"

Jiang Yurou was the first to run to Ye Liang's side, hugged his arm and said:

"Ye Liang, you come and take me. "

"Then I'll take you. "

At this time, Wolf Ji came to Xu Yingbing's side with an excited look.

Xu Ying gave her a blank look.

At this time, she could see that this woman named Wolf Ji also liked women.

Let her bring herself, it is better to let others bring herself.

Seeing that Xu Yingbing did not agree to her, Wolf Ji came to the newcomer Yang Liuyan again, and was about to speak.

But Ye Liang said:

"No need, I'll just take you there. "

With that, he swiped his hand behind him.

I saw that the space was distorted for a while, and a spatial passage slowly opened in that spatial distortion.

"Through this space passage, you can go to the place where my mother rents a house, rest assured, it will not be noticed by ordinary people." "


Hearing this, Wolf Ji was a little lost, what a good opportunity, she still wanted to have more contact with these beauties.

Although it is not comparable to the feeling of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, but how to say it.

As long as it is a beauty, she likes it.

“...... Ye Liang, didn't you say that you were going to your hometown?

Jiang Yurou asked curiously.

"I made a slip of the tongue before... My mother is actually not in the county seat, she works in Jiangdu.

If you want to see my mother, you will naturally go to the place where my mother rents a house in Jiangdu. "

Ye Liang explained.


Jiang Yurou was curious:

"So how do you know where your mother is?"

Ye Liang said again:

"At such a close distance, immortal cultivators can easily sense the location of people who are closely related to themselves, everyone get ready, and come in with me when they are ready." "

"Okay. "

All the women answered in unison.

Only Yang Liuyan was a little depressed...

Closely related?

It seems that he is not a closely related person to Ye Liang.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked himself what to position just now.


At this time, on the other side, Ye Ziqian was arranging, and the Armageddon battle between her and Ye Liang was about to begin.

"Script, are you all clear?!"

At this time, Ye Ziqian received an advance notice from the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, and naturally she had already made preparations.

Her preparations have reached the final stage, and then she just needs to implement them.


Several subordinates who were called by Ye Ziqian to cooperate with her pretense all said in unison.

However, they couldn't help but smile bitterly in their hearts.

They have heard of deliberately pretending to be a girl, and even heard of deliberately pretending to fish for kaizi, but they have never heard of it, pretending to be forced for the sake of pretending.

Moreover, the object of pretending is still her son.

"Good. "

Ye Ziqian nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, she didn't want to do this kind of thing, but there was no way, Ye Liang's smelly boy had already driven her to a corner.

If you don't arrange the script, I'm afraid she really has no chance to pretend.

After all, her son is really powerful.

Pretending to be cautious and not overdone.

If you pretend to be excessive, the final result will be that you are punched in the face.

Again and again, slap after slap, on his face.

"Now that you know the script, you can go and prepare." "

She said to the crowd in front of her.


After the words fell, everyone left together.

Seeing that the subordinates had gone to prepare, Ye Ziqian was slightly relieved.

"Ye Liang, smelly boy, I still want to surprise the old lady, hmph, see the old lady give you a big surprise and make you look good." "

Saying this, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

At this moment, Ye Liang and the others had already arrived in Jiangdu through the spatial passage and appeared on the rooftop of a building behind Ye Ziqian.

"Is this a spatial passage? It's amazing. "

After coming out of the spatial passage, Jiang Yurou turned around curiously and looked towards the spatial passage.

She is obviously just an ordinary person, but she can pass through this spatial passage, step out, and reach the distant Jiangdu.

Curious, she couldn't help but want to reach out and test it.

Then, she saw her hand disappear as it passed through the plane of space where the spatial passage was.

Xu Yingbing, Tang Pinru, and Yang Liuyan were all curiously looking at the spatial passage.

They are ordinary people after all.

It is worthy of being the capital of a large province, and it is really not comparable to Jiangzhou. "

Ye Liang, on the other hand, was looking at the city.

At a glance, the whole city is full of traffic and high-rise buildings, which is not comparable to Jiangzhou at all.

Not to mention, the small counties that have not yet been developed.

However, although large cities are developed, the standard of living is also high.

Even if ordinary people come here to work for a lifetime, they can't save much money.

After looking at the scenery, Ye Liang's gaze went straight down.

There, there is a figure.

It was a young and beautiful figure, not to mention dressed, just looking at her face, it was hard to believe that she was a woman in her forties.

Her beauty is not at all inferior compared to the women around Ye Liang.

Looking at the figure, Ye Liang thought about it and said to the women behind him:

"I'm going to surprise my mom and trouble you to wait here." "


Hearing this, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Surprise her, are you going to pretend——!

It must be, right——!!!

She knew Ye Liang's heart, but she knew very well what kind of person Ye Liang was.

He was even more excessive than his mother, not pretending to be uncomfortable.

It must have been to pretend.

"Then there you go. "

Although he knew that Ye Liang was going to pretend to be forced, the Akatsuki Female Emperor was even more excited than Ye Liang.

If you want to say the reason, it really makes Ye Ziqian unhappy, and it will make her the coolest.

"Hmm. "

Ye Liang swiped casually, leaving a Xuanguang mirror in the air, and the mirror would show his current situation, moreover, there was also a sound...

This is a spell similar to mobile phone live streaming.

Live broadcast his picture at the moment to the women in real time, so that they will not be so bored.

Of course, Ye Liang didn't have the idea of pretending, and he wasn't as bored as he said to Xiu Immortal Voice Pack.

If you don't pretend to be forced in front of your mother, you are uncomfortable or something, how can there be such an outrageous thing?

It's boring, right?!

There will be no boring people in this world who deliberately conceal their own loved ones, there is no other purpose, just to pretend to be boring, right?!

The next moment, Ye Liang's figure flashed and he had disappeared in front of everyone.

He flashed to a street corner behind Ye Ziqian and walked out from there.


At this time, Ye Ziqian had already arranged all the personnel to cooperate with her pretend, and was preparing to go towards the somewhat dilapidated rental house she had prepared.

As soon as she turned the corner, she felt a darkness in front of her and hit a person.

"Oops. "

She covered her nose with her hands and screamed.

Then, she looked up in some surprise, but saw a handsome little man in front of her smiling at her.

“...... Xiao Liang... Why are you here?"

Calm, composure.

Don't be surprised, be calm, be calm, don't let him feel forced.

As long as you're calm enough, he can't pretend.

She shouted to herself in her heart, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Liang's face.

"Mom, I came to see you... I didn't expect to meet you on the road, what an accident. "

Looking at the familiar, but much younger face in front of him, Ye Liang said casually.

[Hahahaha, mother, are you surprised, surprised? Your son's energy is beyond your imagination. 】

"Even if I don't need you to tell me where you live, I can find it.] 】

"You kid. "

Hearing Ye Liang's words, Ye Ziqian pretended to have a touched expression:

"I don't want to inform my mother when I come here, do I want to surprise my mother?"

However, her heart was speechless for a while.

Hehe, don't think that the old lady doesn't know, you deliberately came to the old lady today to pretend to be forced.

Have the ability not to let your mother know and enjoy the blessing well, but you hide it from your mother and wait to pretend to your mother?

In this world, is there such a boring son as you?

Look at the old lady today to take out the killer tool and let your kid understand.

In terms of pretending, or the old lady is powerful——!!!

"Oh, yes. "

Ye Liang smiled, he didn't know what Ye Ziqian was thinking now.

Looking at Ye Ziqian, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart...

I couldn't see it inside the phone before.

But now, seeing Ye Ziqian with his own eyes, he found that Ye Ziqian was indeed a little too young.

This is no longer a serious youth, but like...

What means were used by immortal cultivators to become so young.

Because, Ye Ziqian's body has no traces of time.

It's completely different from Tang Pinru.

Strange, why is his mother so young?

Could it be that he traveled back in time and found his mother, and couldn't help but bless her with some immortal cultivators' means of youth and longevity?


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