At this time, on the street.

Ye Ziqian was talking to Ye Liang...

"Xiaoliang, it's only been a while, and you've grown taller again." "

Ye Ziqian stood in front of Ye Liang, looking at Ye Liang in front of her, she couldn't help but raise her head.

"Obviously, I didn't see you so tall before. "

She gestured with her hand and found that Ye Hao had indeed grown taller.

Of course, she didn't know that Ye Liang had experienced several years during this time.

If Ye Liang doesn't grow taller, it's strange.

Fortunately, Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator, and he can choose to solidify his age, otherwise, Ye Liang now looks like he is already twenty-five or six years old.

"Huh, didn't I grow up?"

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"Mom, where are you going?"

"I... I'm not going to buy some food and go home to cook. "

Ye Ziqian's eyes rolled and said casually:

"You boy, how the hell did you find me here?!"

Saying that, her gaze cast towards Ye Liang.

Because of her whereabouts, she has never told Ye Liang...

Theoretically, Ye Liang couldn't find her.

Otherwise, it's too much of a coincidence.

I really thought that Jiangdu is very small, just a village, you can meet your family when you go out?!

It's a huge provincial capital.

Therefore, Ye Ziqian was still curious about why, Ye Liang suddenly appeared in front of her.

Although now she is talking to Ye Liang with a calm face.

But in fact, she was already shocked in her heart.

How did this smelly boy find her here?!!!

If he had come earlier, she wouldn't have had a chance to pretend——!!!

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"Guess what. "

[If I say I am a god, I know everything and can do everything.

I think if it is easy to calculate the position of your mother, will you be shocked to death, mother?


However, I will not tell you about the fact that I am a god.

This thing should be saved for later and slowly pretended. 】

Ye Ziqian: I guess Nima——!

She scolded secretly, but she didn't expect that her son also contracted the second middle school disease.

Also immortal, hehe...

Where in the world are there so many immortals?

Speaking of immortals, if I tell him about my knowledge of immortals, will he be shocked to death?

His own mother actually knows immortals, this kind of thing, if you let your son know, it must be more shocking than letting your son know that her mother is a billionaire.

However, this is his last resort, and this means must be saved for the last.

Let my son shock his financial resources first.

I didn't expect that Ye Liang, the bastard, actually came over without notifying himself, and I don't know if the things he arranged will be accidental.

Thinking of this, she said to Ye Liang:

"Okay, stinky boy, I'm too lazy to guess your things..."

In her opinion, it may be that Yan Qing betrayed herself and revealed her position to Ye Liang.

However, this is not important, even if Yan Qing is a betrayal, he definitely does not dare to say too much.

Otherwise, she also knows her means.

When I asked her to watch the bloody sand sculpture romance drama with her for a whole week, she almost vomited at that time.

If she dares to leak a lot of her own news, then this time, she will let her accompany her to read the deep mouth smell.

Yan Qing was what she grew up watching, and she couldn't be clearer about what Yan Qing hated the most.

She knew that what Yan Qing hated most was those disgusting love dramas with numb flesh and sand sculptures.

Instead of letting her watch that kind of brain-dead drama, she would rather run errands for herself every day without rest.

Thinking of this, Ye Ziqian said to Ye Liang:

"Well, you've come just in time, come shopping with me." "

Strange, according to Yan Qing's girl, he came back this time to pretend to force himself.

He will still bring his girlfriend, but why is he here alone?!

Did Yan Qing lie to himself again?

She's getting more and more bold——!!!

It seems that he hooked up with the son of the old woman, and he got a little carried away.

"Okay. "

Ye Liang said: "However, before this, mother, I brought you a surprise." "


Ye Ziqian asked:

"What surprise?!"

She raised the corners of her lips slightly and said to Ye Liang:

"Did you bring Yurou?"


At this time, Jiang Yurou, who was watching the live broadcast of the Xuanguang mirror on the rooftop on the side, couldn't help but show joy.

Although there are many competitors around her, it has to be said that she has an absolute advantage.

That is, she is a prospective daughter-in-law who has been recognized by Ye Ziqian.

She's not like everyone else.

"Or do you say... You brought Yan Qing back?"

In the Xuanguang mirror, Ye Ziqian asked Ye Liang again.

Hearing Ye Ziqian mention her name, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Ye Ziqian must be suspecting now that the slave family betrayed her.

Hey, it's hard to be a good person.

The slave family kindly reminded her and made her ready...

How could she think so much about the slave family?

The slave family just wanted to see that she was ready to pretend to be forced, but found that what she wanted to pretend to be forced was just a farce.

When the women heard Ye Ziqian say the names of Jiang Yurou and Yan Qing, they couldn't help but be shocked, why Ye Liang's mother was so young.

After all, if Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator, then her mother must also be an immortal cultivator.

The mother of the immortal cultivator, so young, is not inexplicable.

However, hearing that Ye Ziqian only reminded Jiang Yurou and Yan Qing's names, they couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Although they also knew that they didn't know Ye Ziqian at all, and there was no intersection before, it was impossible for Ye Liang to mention them to Ye Ziqian.

But, after all, this is Ye Liang's mother.

If they curry favor with Ye Liang's mother, then they can be regarded as indirectly improving their status with Ye Liang.

Everyone is not stupid.


Seeing that Ye Ziqian was still guessing, Ye Liang had to say:

"Don't guess, you definitely can't. "

"Then tell me what kind of surprise ?!!!?"

Seeing Ye Liang's denial, Tang Pinru asked curiously.


Ye Liang looked around, thought about it, and still said:

"It's not convenient to say here, let's go to a quiet place and say, my surprise, I won't let you down." "

The surprise he wanted to talk about was naturally about how many girlfriends he had and brought back.

However, his identity as an immortal cultivator also had to be told to his mother.

After all, as an immortal cultivator, he hides ridicule from his mother, this kind of thing has no meaning at all, right?!!!

The ability not to let those who care about them know, isn't it sick?

[Mom, don't blame your son for not reminding you, if your son shows the surprise later, he will definitely shock you to the core. ]

I am for your own good, so that you can find a quiet place, lest you see your son's ability and directly faint in shock. 】

[I didn't want to pretend to be forced, but every ability of mine, casually speaking, is already pretending to be forced to the extreme. ] 】

[I can't help it. 】

Hearing this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but scold secretly.

There is no way God can do it——!!!

Have you pretended to be in front of the old lady?

Don't you know that when it comes to pretending, the old lady is the ancestor?!!!

Maybe, today the old lady will let you see what is the real pretense——!

"Quiet place?"

Thinking of this, she spoke:

"Okay, mom happens to have a very quiet place, you come with mom." "

"Hmm. "

Ye Liang nodded and said with a smile:

"Anyway, I'm not familiar with Jiangdu, it's better for you to lead the way." "

"You come with me. "

Saying that, Ye Ziqian took the lead and walked in front.

After arriving at the side of the road, she took out her mobile phone and called a car.

While waiting for the car, she chatted with Ye Liang again and asked him some questions about whether he had recently adapted to the new environment.

Academic performance is good or not...

After the taxi arrived, she got in the car with Ye Liang.

In the car, Ye Liang asked Ye Ziqian:

"Mom, where are you taking me?"

Ye Ziqian was secretly amused, aren't you an immortal?

You don't even know where the old lady is going to take you:

Thinking of this, she was secretly proud, but with a mysterious expression on her face, she said to Ye Liang:

"You'll know when you get there, it's a nice place." "

Want to pretend to be forced by the old lady?

Hehe, the old lady first let you see, the old lady's demeanor, at that time, the old lady makes you dare not say more——!!!

Thinking of Ye Liang waiting to see the scene he specially prepared, the shocked expression, Ye Ziqian's face was full of smiles.

Ye Liang could only look forward to it first.

During this time, he told the women in a voice to wait for a while.

When you get to the place, call them over again and surprise your mother.

"Beauty, wait a minute, when you get to the place, I will let you out again and surprise your mother-in-law." "

Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be speechless.

I'm a sister with her, she's your mother, you child, don't pay attention?!

Did you send your voice in a group——!

When Lu Yaoer heard this, she was naturally secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, the owner actually counted himself into the beauty?

Xu Yingbing: Master, really took what you said before seriously, right?

Oh my God, this, this... I still haven't figured out this.

In this way, I somehow socialized with the master, which is a little uncomfortable.

Well, there should be a formal confession occasion.

Wolf Ji: Hmph, he really didn't plan to let me go, hey, the defeated general, the dog who lost his family, I can only do whatever he wants.

Voice transmission is naturally different from Ye Liang's concept of heart.

Therefore, even those who have heard Ye Liang's voice will not regard Ye Liang's voice as his heart.

One comes from the ears, the other rises from the heart, but it's different.

Moreover, these two voices also give them different feelings.

As for people who don't understand what sound transmission is, such as Tang Pinru and Xu Yingbing, they can only acquiesce to Ye Liang's words.

After all, now that they want to refute, I'm afraid Ye Liang won't hear it either.

Under the attention of all the women, Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian talked without a match, and soon arrived in front of a large office building.

"It's here, get out of the car. "

After arriving at the place, Ye Ziqian smiled at Ye Liang:

"This is the company where I work. "

"Wow, such a big company. "

After getting out of the car, Ye Liang sighed in admiration, but he was puzzled:

"Mom, I just asked you to find a quiet place, what are you bringing me to your company?"

"Today our company does not go to work, it is quite quiet. "

Ye Ziqian said:

"At that time, you can take out any surprise, how about it, the place where my mother goes to work is magnificent?!"

Hearing this, Ye Liang nodded and said:

"It's quite stylish. "

[Although magnificent, it's a pity that you are just an ordinary migrant worker. 】

[And your son and I have a full net worth after so many years of hard work. ] 】

[Hidden for many years, today I can finally expose my identity to my mother. ] 】

[Don't blame your son for being desperate, in the past, my son didn't say it to his mother when he had money, but it was also for the good of his mother. ] 】

[If you let the mother know that her son has been powerful since childhood, it will definitely let the mother gnaw her son, there, the mother you don't know to work hard. ] 】

[The son is not only to pretend, but also to make the mother work hard. ] 】

[How can adults do it without trying?]

Ye Liang: Uh...

Ye Ziqian: Nima ——!

A stinky boy with beads in his eyes, this company is the old lady's.

You made money, how much money can you earn ?!

Have money and don't tell your mother, let your mother enjoy it, and worry that your mother will gnaw her son?

Good boy, you are what people say?!!!

You are clearly trying to pretend to be the old lady?!!!

It's a pity that you found the wrong person, and the old lady didn't take you seriously before, so you successfully installed a few handfuls.

But now the old lady has to be serious, feel it well, what is the real pretense——!!!

Thinking of this, Ye Ziqian endured the depression and said to Ye Liang:

"Then come with me, wait to remember, don't rush to talk first, if you have any words, wait until I take you to the place." "

After being pretended by this stinky boy for so many days, Ye Ziqian felt uncomfortable and couldn't sleep every day.

But now, she knew that it was her chance to be shamed.

Today, if she Ye Ziqian didn't shock Ye Liang to the point of not wanting it, then she would be with Ye Liang's surname——!


"Uh... Good. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang also felt a little strange.

How do you feel that the old mother mysteriously brought herself here, is there another purpose?

Under the leadership of Ye Ziqian, Ye Liang came to the front of the company building.

The two security guards guarding in front of the company building couldn't help but be secretly surprised when they saw Ye Ziqian really come over with a young man.

Although they have not been in the company for a few years, they still know some of the basic settings of the company.

They know that Ye Ziqian, the female president of the company, is very young, although she is set to be in her forties.

But in fact, she looked no different from a girl in her twenties.

For the people of the entire company, there is no doubt that Ye Ziqian is an absolute goddess.

Tomorrow is so old, but he looks as young as the little girl, and he is absolutely beautiful, which is extraordinary.

Even, other people's makeup is to apply several layers of thick powder to make the face look whiter.

But she wears some makeup every day that will make people look old and ugly, for fear of making people look young.

They even fantasized about whether Ye Ziqian was really in her forties, but she was actually less than twenty years old?

However, now, watching Ye Ziqian bring Ye Liang, they were desperate.

It turns out that the boss really has a son, he is already so old...

It's a pity.

The order they received was that the boss would immediately bring his son to the company to inspect it, so that they would not expose the identity of the boss first.

Looking at Ye Liang, they couldn't help but feel a pang of envy.

Why, they don't have a young and beautiful mother, and they have tens of billions of family assets, waiting to tell them the truth?

It is worthy of being the son of a female president, even if he is poor since childhood, this temperament is not comparable to ordinary people.


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