But said that Ye Ziqian, pointed his hand into the air, and the ceiling of the company seemed to disappear in an instant.

Not only that, everyone present saw with their own eyes that a black and white light swirled in the air, forming a fairy Taijitu.

In the Taijitu, a clear fairy light fell, and Ye Ziqian's whole person was wrapped in fairy light, and others could no longer see through her shape.

At the moment when Ye Ziqian was wrapped in immortal light, his eyes looked at the person of immortal light, but he only felt as if he had entered another world.

In this world, I saw that there was an empty space all around, but an endless Wang Yang.

Skyline, bright sun.

Clear skies and cloudless.

In that Wang Yang sea, a huge wave suddenly set off.

Burst, burst, and another.

In the middle of the sea, the waves are rough and the waves are flying.

But I saw that in the waves, one after another cyan lotus leaves broke out of the water.

These lotus blades are huge, tens of thousands of meters in size.

However, as ordinary people, everyone has the illusion that they can see all this clearly.

I saw that among the endless lotus leaves, a huge green pillar broke out of the water and rose up into the sky.

Above that green pillar, stands a green lotus with buds.

However, in the blink of an eye, all the green lotuses opened in an instant, and the entire tens of thousands of meters of green lotus opened in an instant.

For a moment, the heavens and the earth were filled with the fragrance of lotus flowers.

What follows is the melodious sound of ancient flutes in the space, gentle and affectionate, teaching people to indulge in it.

Above that green lotus, endless immortal light gathered in one place and turned into a silhouette.

His appearance is the same as Ye Ziqian, but his appearance is completely different.

A long silver-white hair, like a fairy in ancient costume, coiled up with a turquoise green lotus jade hairpin, silver hair like snow, pouring down.

Ice muscle wins snow, jade bone Tiancheng.

With the gentle sound of the flute, accompanied by a long piano, it is leisurely in the ears.

The fairy volleyed and lightly opened Zhu's lips:

"A Dao costume is blue and white, and the ice posture is cleverly red. Reflect the sun and practice the fragrance of the wind.

Originally Luo Tian fairy, poor Biluo, Xiahua Palace, Nian World, thousands of purples and thousands of reds, who can compete. "

With an elegant and somewhat proud appearance poem, the volley fairy slowly fell from the air.

At this moment, the people who looked at the visions around them had already been stunned by the fairies that landed in the sky.

If it is an ordinary person, it is the fairy who should be shocked at this moment.

It is the fragrance of lotus flowers in the sky, and it is the magnificent scenery of immortal qi.

However, when they saw the Daoist fairy with long silver-white hair, they had already been completely attracted by the fairy jade appearance and the outstanding fairy posture.

And where is there time to think about something else?

Her beauty is not enchanting, but peerless purity, dusty fairy posture.

It only takes one to look at her face to immediately think ... Fairy under fan.

Ye Ziqian was already very beautiful, but she really didn't expect that when she wore this immortal dress, she had silver-white snow hair, and she was so thrillingly beautiful.

At this moment, if someone said that she was mortal, she was just an ordinary person, it would definitely make people feel...

This is a joke.

Such a dusty fairy, if she is not a fairy, it will hit ordinary people too hard.

Ordinary people, can they have such a jade appearance?!

Whether it was the male and female employees in the company present, the women watching the live broadcast on the rooftop, or Ye Liang himself, they were all amazed by Ye Ziqian's stunning fairy posture at this moment.

It's so beautiful, it's breathtakingly beautiful, and it's so immortal that people are ashamed of themselves.


This was the first time that Ye Ziqian showed her immortal appearance in front of people.

Looking at Ye Liang's expression and the shocked looks of the employees around her, she raised the corners of her lips slightly proudly.

Add a little more to her beauty.

"How about it, smelly boy, Ben Xian told you, Ben Immortal is a god, why don't you believe it?

She said to Ye Liang, and she couldn't hide her pride in her heart.

Waiting to see Ye Liang's shocked look, waiting for him to say shocked words.

And at this moment, Ye Liang really looked at Ye Ziqian with a shocked expression.

But it's not just because Ye Ziqian's appearance at the moment is too immortal.

Rather, it's because...

Ye Ziqian's immortal appearance, as well as his appearance style, is exactly the same as his immortal appearance.

If there is a difference, it is the difference between men and women and the sun and the moon.

If you let the uninformed people see it, I am afraid that you will think that this is a couple pretending——!

How can Ye Ziqian's immortal appearance be exactly the same as her own?!

The so-called immortal phase is just a means of dressing up for immortal cultivators.

In the final analysis, it is to change some external conditions to stimulate inner charm.

Immortal phase, for immortal cultivators, resembles the skin of a role-playing gamer.

Maybe there are special effects, maybe not, and even some excessive immortal phases, which also have a bonus effect on strength.

Everyone's immortal dress is different according to personal preferences, but it is not impossible to be the same.

Because, the definition of immortal phase is similar to the existence of magic weapons.

And here and now.

Ye Ziqian wore the same style of clothes as herself, except that she was a male Taoist robe, and she was a female Taoist costume.

Her sleeves are dressed, and she wears independent blue and white floating sleeves on her snow arms, flying in the wind.

Although there are differences between men and women, the two types of clothes are generally the same in terms of design styles.

What a coincidence.

I actually collided with my mother, and I have the same style of fairy appearance?

"How's it going, boy, are you so shocked that you can't speak?"

Seeing that Ye Liang did not speak, Ye Ziqian thought that he was shocking her immortal appearance, and was shocked by her current appearance.

Hahahaha, how's it going, stinky boy?

Usually let you read Xiuxian novels too much, and see the second middle disease.

You thought you were a fairy?

The old lady is called a fairy like this.

Fairies, fairies, you understand?

You don't understand at all.

When Ye Ziqian was proud, all the employees in the company came back from their stunned state.

The next moment, they fell into an even greater shock.

Beauty, after all, is just beauty, even if a person is beautiful, suffocatingly beautiful, it is not a bizarre thing.

However, if a person is an immortal, it is different.

It's completely different from the education they've received since they were born.

Doesn't it mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become fine?

No one can become a refinement, you are good, and you have become an immortal?!!

"Groove, I... Am I blinded? I just saw ... I entered another world, and I saw Ye Zong descend from the sky, she, she turned into a fairy——!!!"

"I don't think you're dazzled, because the Ye in front of me now is still like a fairy. "

"This... This can't be, how can this be ?!!"

"How can there be immortals in this world, is this magic?"

"Are we hypnotized?"

"Hehe, if magic and hypnosis are so powerful, then this world has long been the world of magicians and hypnotists——!!!

"Admit it. "

"Even with the most powerful technology, it is impossible to create a picture like the one just now. "

"I felt as if I had been forcibly pulled into another world. "

"Me too, just now I could even feel that I was stepping on the sea, that feeling, too real. "

"Ye... President Ye, you, are you really an immortal?!!!"

This must be a fairy, and President Ye is really a fairy. "

"Hehe, I'm really stupid, how can a big person like President Ye joke in such a place, saying that he is a fairy under the mortal? "

"Lying groove, I feel that there is a problem with my understanding of this world?"

"I also think I have a wrong perception of the world... Who said that there are no immortals in this world, I am anxious with him. "

"God, President Ye's appearance is really beautiful. "

"Ice clear jade lotus, not out of the mud, but still not stained red dust, fairy posture moving. "

"I feel that just standing in front of President Ye now, I already have low self-esteem. "

"What face do I have standing in front of her, what face do I have to look at her?"

"I feel that way too. "

"Speaking of which, just now Ye Shao also said that he was an immortal... Shouldn't Ye Shao be an immortal?"

"Hehe, how is this possible, have you forgotten? Just now, President Ye said it, Ye Shao didn't believe her words, so he said it on purpose. "

"yes, I heard that too. "

A male employee said:

Ye Shao should have said that deliberately to cooperate with his mother, but I didn't expect that President Ye was really an immortal. "

"Seriously, who wants it?"

"That's it, immortal, this, this is too exaggerated, I still thought I was dreaming——!!!"

"I may be dreaming, is there any beautiful woman who comes to kiss me to prove that I am indeed dreaming?"


Everyone was talking about it, and they all looked at Ye Ziqian, who was wearing an immortal appearance, with shocked eyes.

At this moment, they were already so shocked that they didn't know what they were talking about.

Ye Ziqian, probably already a fairy, a fairy.

Only then did they finally understand why Ye Ziqian was so young.

Their boss is already in his forties in terms of setting.

She should be a, not a teenage.

But now, everything is clear.

She is a fairy, a fairy, who can explain everything.


"Although I know that this world is unfair, it is also too unfair, why is other people's mothers not only billionaires, but also fairies?"

"I TM... Envy on the spot. "


After the shock, everyone cast their eyes towards Ye Liang again.

What kind of experience is it for a person, a billionaire and a fairy under the fan?

This experience probably refers to Ye Liang now.

"You say, is it possible that Ye Shao is also an immortal?"

"Yes, didn't he just say that he was an immortal?"

"I think it's impossible, where in the world are there so many immortals, even Ye Zong doesn't believe that Ye Shao is an immortal, she is a fairy, what the immortals say, can there be a fake?"


Listening to the words of everyone around, Ye Ziqian became even more proud.

She said to Ye Liang:

"Son, I know that you must have read too many novels to think that you are an immortal cultivator, so this fairy will not laugh at you.

However, you also have to recognize the reality.

This fairy is indeed a fairy under the mortal.

And you, you can only talk about it, think in your heart, what this fairy can do, you can't do, right?

This fairy is a fairy, you are not, that's the truth.

Well, don't be unwilling.

Although you are not an immortal now, when you have the opportunity in the future, your mother will find a way to make you an immortal too. "


Can Ye always make people become immortals?"

"President Ye, do you still lack a son? "

"President Ye, I am your long-lost biological daughter——!!!

"I... I'm TM's, directly envious——!!"

Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, the people around him boiled again.

It turns out that ordinary people also have the opportunity to become immortals?

In this way, don't they also have a chance to become immortals?

At this moment, everyone looked towards Ye Liang with envious eyes.

If Ye Ziqian just now let Ye Liang have money to spend casually and extravagantly, if he wanted to find a few girlfriends, he would find a few girlfriends, it was to make them jealous to the point of numbness.

Now, Ye Ziqian said that he wanted to make Ye Liang an immortal, which had already made everyone present lose their minds.

Really, so envious.

At this moment, everyone felt that Ye Liang must have said that just now to cooperate with Ye Ziqian.

If not, how could Ye Ziqian say that Ye Liang was not an immortal?

Ye Ziqian herself is an immortal, can she recognize the immortal?

In short, a mortal, just because his mother is an immortal, has a chance to become an immortal?

Is this fair to ordinary people?


However, what can they do, they can not only watch from the side, envious?!!!

"I said Mom, where did you see that I'm not a fairy?"

Looking at Ye Ziqian's smug look, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little speechless.

[Hahaha, it's just that I learned a spell, and I want to pretend to be forced in front of this figure?!]

[Emperor Ye Tiandi, can you still be bluffed by you?]


Hearing Ye Liang's words + heart, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

She couldn't help but blush, shame and anger.

This stinky boy, I really thought that the old lady would not be angry, right?

"Okay, the old lady gives you face, if you don't take it, then don't blame the old lady for not giving you face." "

She suddenly showed her original form, and the immortal temperament before was completely absent, but stared at Ye Liang and said:

"You said that you are an immortal, today you can't come up with proof, the old lady is not finished with you, ——!"

This stinky boy really wants to lose face, and he doesn't admit it.

Just admit that the old lady is powerful, is it so difficult?

She glared at Ye Liang viciously, looking at her appearance, if Ye Liang really couldn't prove that he was an immortal, I was afraid that she would really pounce on him and bite him.

No way, she took out this kind of hole card, Ye Liang, this guy, actually didn't admit defeat at all in his heart.

Can she endure this?!!

Decisiveness can't bear it——!!!


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