Above the sky tower, all the women looked at the picture in the Xuanguang mirror in front of them, and they couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Ye Ziqian is actually a fairy?

Even Ye Liang doesn't know?

God, this mother and daughter are outrageous.

Really hide from each other?!!

But, no matter what, the immortal appearance that Ye Ziqian showed at this moment was really too immortal.

In terms of appearance, whether it is the Akatsuki Female Emperor or the Purple Heart Female Emperor, they are comparable to Ye Ziqian.

But when it comes to fairy qi, Ye Ziqian really dumped them a few streets.

What is the most attractive temperament for immortal cultivators?

Is it peerless charming?

Is it imperial domineering?

Of course not——!

Is it fairy——!

Whether it is a temperament such as enchanting or domineering, it is not a temperament that a normal immortal cultivator woman should have.

A real fairy is how it should be, fairy air is fluttering.

Obviously, Ye Ziqian's fairy aura at this moment has completely crushed all the women present.

In terms of fairy aura, Ye Ziqian can be said to be invincible.

Even the Akatsuki Female Emperor had to sigh in admiration.

Among the fairies she had seen in her life, Ye Ziqian's fairy qi was the most among them, and no one could match her.

The other side.

Inside the company, all the male and female employees are looking at the mother and son who can be called magical.

That's right, magical——!

Never thought that one day, they could put such words on a mother and son.

A billionaire is actually a fairy under the ordinary.

Isn't this god amazing?

And there is such a powerful mother, God is not amazing?

It is the second generation of rich, and the second generation of immortals, and Ye Liang himself is enough to deserve the word magic.

So, this is a magical mother and son.

Of course, Ye Liang himself is also an immortal, this kind of thing is obviously impossible.

After all, Ye Ziqian spoke.

There will be no fakes in the words of the gods.

Seeing that Ye Ziqian didn't believe his words at all, Ye Liang didn't know how to spit out.

He said wordlessly:

"Mom... I have to say that you actually have an immortal appearance, which surprised me, but are you too self-righteous, just allow you to be a fairy, I can't?"

"Hehe, after talking for a long time, what about the evidence?"

Ye Ziqian said to Ye Liang proudly.

Ye Liang sighed:

"My evidence, it's not convenient to show it. "

If you are an immortal, just take out the evidence, can you still turn the sky over?"

Ye Ziqian said, and said to everyone behind him:

"Are you right?"

"Haha... Ye Shao, we know that you said that just now to cooperate with President Ye. "

"Yes, it's not an immortal now, it's nothing, didn't President Ye already say, as long as you listen to her, she will find a way to make you an immortal in the future." "

"Ye Shao, when you become an immortal in the future, don't forget the people, the name is Zhang Lan. "

", where is your turn here, Ye Shao, don't listen to her, you just need to remember me, my name is Zhou Meimei." "


"Ye Shao, we all know that just now you deliberately cooperated with her for the sake of Ye Zong's face, and also said that you were a fairy, but now Ye Zong is really a fairy, you don't have to feel embarrassed." "

"Yes. "

"Ye Shao, if he is really an immortal, it's not just a lip service. "

"Yes, you have to be like President Ye and have immortal law in your body to be considered a real immortal——!


With the help of everyone, Ye Ziqian shrugged at Ye Liang:

"Smelly boy, did you hear it, the mother is a fairy, well, there is a fairy mother, she is not a fairy, there is no shame, come on, obediently hold the mother's fairy thigh, let the mother cover you in the future." "

Ye Liang: ...

Women on the rooftop: ...

At this time, the female emperor of Akatsuki was the most puzzled.

: It seems that Ye Ziqian really doesn't know how powerful Ye Liang is.

She didn't know Ye Liang's true strength, except that she was pretending, then there was only one possibility.

That is, she is really not as strong as Ye Liang.

However, she was able to completely hide her aura in front of her eyes.

Could it be that she is better than herself?

The immortal method she used just now also seems to have problems, not an ordinary immortal method.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting.

Thinking of this, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.

It seems that Ye Liang doesn't know about Ye Ziqian's immortal appearance.

Ye Ziqian also didn't know that Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator.

This mother and son really hide from each other, and they are all waiting to pretend to each other.

I just don't know, whose pretense realm is higher.

In the face of Ye Ziqian's question, Ye Liang also slowly raised the corners of his lips:

"Mom, I said, my certificate is really inconvenient to take out, you... Do you really want to see it?"

"Of course it's true——!"

Ye Ziqian said seriously:

"What's inconvenient about you? say it and let the old lady listen to it.

To say that you are an immortal must have real strength, otherwise, who will believe you?"

"Hey. "

Ye Liang looked helpless and sighed:

"Mom, my son didn't want to make too much movement, but if you forced your son too much, my son had to show the evidence. "

[Hahahaha, mother, the Buddha-figure is waiting for you to not believe the words of the Buddha-figure, and you have to force the Buddha-figure to take out the evidence. 】

[If it weren't for this, the Buddha-figure wouldn't know how to pretend.] 】

[After all, pretending to be forced starts with others not believing in Buddha-figures, and Buddha-figures are really afraid that you will believe Buddha-figures' words from the beginning.] 】

[In that case, even if the Buddha-figure is forcibly pretended, it is not interesting at all.] 】

[Very good, your choice is deeply rooted in the heart of the Buddha-figure. 】

[Thank you mother for your cooperation in pretending——!]

Ye Liang: ...

Pretend to be yarn, I'm Ye Qixuan, is it the kind of person who likes to pretend?

Ye Ziqian: Uh... Stinky boy, when are you still so confident?

Where did you get the courage to pretend in front of the old lady?

Did Emperor Liang Tiandi give you courage?!!

And thank you for cooperating with you to pretend?

It's really to die to face and suffer sin, you have to say that you are a god, right?

Okay, the old lady will watch your embarrassing performance, don't blame the old lady for not giving you face——!

Think about it, you are finally ready to take out your most pretentious hole cards and show them to the people who matter most.

But not only was he not shocked at all, but he also said, 'I have this thing, and it's better than you', what is your mood?

The mood of pretending to be depressed instantly became depressed, if it was an ordinary person, he would have already remembered the object of pretense at this time.

And Ye Ziqian is not the kind of person who will remember people in their hearts.

She just... If there is something unpleasant, the scene will be said.

So, she said to Ye Liang:

"Okay, come on, take out your evidence, and let the old lady see your fairy means——!"

Although the old lady has not lived with you much over the years, what kind of boy is you, the old lady still does not know?

In just a few days, you told the old lady, you are a fairy?

Let's not mention whether there are so many immortals in this world, and whether there are so many immortal cultivators.

It's not reasonable to say this kind of thing in itself——!!!

"Well, since the mother has to watch, the son has to be respectful and obey. "

Ye Liang said.

[Mom, since you show your true face, then the Buddha-figure will also show you your true face, you have to be careful, otherwise, be careful to flash your titanium dog eyes. ] 】

Ye Liang: Uh...

Ye Ziqian: Gan Nima-!!

If you can't come up with proof, the old lady gouged your stinky boy's titanium dog's eyes, hum——!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian really wanted to pounce and bite Ye Liang twice.

Since I knew what this kid was thinking, every time I talked to this kid, I would be angry with his thoughts.

Saying that, Ye Liang slowly walked towards the company's window.


Looking at Ye Liang's actions, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.

Wouldn't Ye Shao really want to show any means to prove that he was an immortal?

A joke, it must be a joke.

Yes, a joke for sure.

Obviously, among everyone present, no one believed that Ye Liang was really some kind of immortal.

After all, there was already a god who proved herself earlier...

It's incredible, but it's true.

She is real, then Ye Liang is naturally fake as she said.

It's impossible for the immortals not to recognize the immortals, right?

Their eyes were all staring at Ye Liang tightly, wanting to see what Ye Liang was going to do.

And Ye Ziqian is also very confident, Ye Liang, this smelly boy, was raised by her.

If he were a fairy, would she not know?

Where are there so many immortals in this world, and the so-called immortals are just deceitful half-immortals——!!!

The real immortal is not lip service, but needs to show the real immortal ability.

Stinky boy, look what tricks you have.

Ye Ziqian stared at Ye Liang and raised the corners of her lips.

She had already imagined that Ye Liang really had no way, and turned to her and said:

"Mom, I was joking with you just now, how about it, pretending to be like it?"

of the scene.

And she, of course, will not really be angry with her son.

At that time, she will be very tolerant and say to him:

"Son, although you are not an immortal now, your mother will definitely help you become an immortal. "

And she will receive her son's adoring gaze, pretending to be full of pressure.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile.

And Ye Liang didn't know how beautiful the picture Ye Ziqian's imagination in his heart at the moment was...

I saw that he opened the windowsill, pointed his hand to the sky, and was about to summon a falling thunder to open everyone's eyes.

But, right now.

Ye Liang's original playful expression changed slightly, and he looked into the sky.

I saw that in the sky, a flame was slowly expanding, turning into a red cloud.

It was as if the entire sky had been burned red by that flame.

"What is that?!!!?"

The vision in the sky soon attracted everyone's attention, and passers-by pointed to the sky and talked about it.

That's right, it's a vision that ordinary people can see.

The flames burned into the sky, such a scene, but it was not a cloud of fire.

This is that the sky is really wrapped in flames.

This is a spell, not a spell that causes environmental fluctuations and visions.

Spells, can actually be seen?

"Lying groove, which immortal cultivator is showing off his magical powers, so pretending?!"

When Ye Liang looked at the sky, those people in the company and Ye Ziqian all looked out the window.

At this time, the sky outside had been completely dyed a fiery color.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"The sky is burning——!!!"

"Ye Shao, this, is this your magical power? You really are a fairy?!!!"

After the men and women in the company saw the flames that enveloped the entire sky, they all cast shocked eyes towards Ye Liang.


Ye Ziqian couldn't help but gasp and looked towards Ye Liang.

Just now, this kid just opened the window, and it produced such a terrifying picture.

Isn't this really his handiwork——!!!

This son of his own is really a fairy?!!

Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but say with a depressed face:

"How is this possible, I didn't do it. "

[If the Buddha-figure makes a move, where will the scene be so low, there is nothing but flames, who to show it? 】

Ye Liang: Exactly.

Ye Ziqian: Uh...

This stinky boy, the old lady almost thought you were really a fairy.

If you can cause this kind of vision, how can cultivation be ordinary, and where can a teenage devil like you do it?

On the other side, on the rooftop, all the women looked up at the sky.

This powerful flame seemed to burn the entire sky.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the earth, with the heat emanating from this flame alone, I am afraid that all the creatures on the earth would be extinct in an instant.

"Knock ——!!!"

Because Lu Yao'er was still shallow in cultivation, she felt the power of destruction coming from the flames in the sky, and she couldn't help but be a little frightened, and swallowed a deep mouthful of saliva.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor and Lu Yao'er's two daughters couldn't help but raise their eyebrows...

And as ordinary people, Tang Pinru, Jiang Yurou, and Xu Yingbing's three daughters can only watch a lively one.

They didn't even know if Ye Liang did it.

Only the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki present looked calm.

It was people's children who were bullied, and parents came to find a venue.

Not a big deal.

However, his ability is not small.


But said not so long ago.

"This is Earth?"

In the sky, a tall and burly middle-aged man with a solemn face asked lightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

Beside him, a man in armor saluted him:

"This is the earth, the earth has a unique law protection, the law is not visible in front of people, and you cannot hurt people at will, nor can you harm the environment on this planet——!"

"Well, it's just the accompanying law of a planet, and it actually makes you helpless, you really disappointed Ben Emperor too much. "

The burly middle-aged man with a solemn face nodded, damaging the wolf general a few times.

"The last general is incompetent, ask the emperor to forgive the sins ——!"

"Forget it. "

The middle-aged man said lightly.

If someone from the Sirius Domain saw his appearance, they would be shocked.

Because, he is the emperor of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain.

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor, the power of the Transformation God Period.

The person who saluted him was naturally a general of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, and the wolf took the general.

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor's gaze looked around the earth, and sure enough, he saw that there were four law powers all over the earth.

The power of these four laws, like four chains and iron pillars, firmly locked the entire earth inside.

Based on this Huangyan Country on the earth, the four iron pillars of law stand proudly on one side.

The entire earth was protected by the four laws that had turned into substance in his eyes.

“...... Your Majesty, may I ask you, do you want to break the laws of this earth?!"

Wolf Tori asked the Celestial Wolf Emperor.


The Heavenly Wolf Emperor coughed lightly, looking embarrassed.

In particular, the laws that have already materialized can not be broken by him in a period of incarnation?!!

I finally had the opportunity to go out, and I wanted to come to Earth to teach the kid who dared to bully his daughter a lesson.

Unexpectedly, this has not yet been shot, and it will be disgraced in advance.

However, the words that were pretended to be forced just now were said, if you don't do it directly, wouldn't it be a joke?

Thinking of this, he said to the wolf general:

"Ben Di has been in a good mood recently, so give this earth law a sword at will, if it can resist Ben Di's attack, then Ben Di will not be embarrassed by it. "

"After all, this law is established on the earth, so many creatures on the earth are blessed, and it is also a thing of great merit, and this emperor does not want to fight with it excessively. "

"Uh... The emperor is merciful——!"

When the Wolf Emperor heard the words of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, he couldn't help but feel excited.

The emperor is really powerful, this powerful law power, he has no way at all, can only be subject to it.

But I didn't expect that the emperor could actually strike a knife against the law?!


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