"Wolf Emperor Dao, come ——!!!"

With just a glance, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor understood that he had no way to take this law of the earth.

However, if you pretend to be forced, you have to finish crying.

At this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor drank violently, and saw a long knife appear in his hand.

The blade is slender and sharp, like a wolf's tooth, and above the knife grid, a wolf-shaped ornament clenches the blade, as if it spits out this slender blade from the wolf's mouth.

The cyan wolf hair wrapped around the hilt of the knife released an aura that was not close to people.

As the Heavenly Wolf Emperor shook his hand, the Wolf Emperor Knife fell into his hand.

The next moment, he held the Wolf Emperor Knife and slashed in the direction of one of the four pillars of the Earth Law.

This knife is extremely powerful, even if it destroys the entire solar system-sized star system in an instant, it is enough.


This is the solar system, this is the Earth.

The power to destroy small galaxies the size of the solar system, facing one of the powerful and mysterious four-pillar laws of the earth.

But it was like slashing a steel knife on the top of the glass pillar, only scraping a terrifying spark on it.

And this spark overflowed, turned into endless law fluctuations, and instantly covered the entire world.

These law fluctuations turned into flames visible to the naked eye in the sky, burning the entire sky of the earth.

A powerful force rebounded from the chain pillar of the law, directly shocking the hands of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

At this moment, he only felt that his hands were shaking.

Although he knew that this law was very powerful, it was also too powerful.

He turned into a divine period and shot with all his strength, only attacking the law of the least defensive pillar among the four pillars he thought was the lowest, and actually shocked his hands numb.

Not only was his hands numb, but he felt that his whole person was about to be dispersed.


However, this blow is not ineffective.

He scraped a layer of on the law of this column...

I saw that between the four shots of Mars, the surface of the pillar of earth law attacked by the Heavenly Wolf Emperor emitted a piercing and sharp sound.

This is a sharp roar that only the Avatar God level can hear.

In the midst of the click, the skin of that pillar of law actually began to crack.

The traces of the crack grew larger and larger, and immediately, only a loud bang was heard.

The skin of that pillar law chain was completely broken.

Countless law fragments fell from the air and fell into the East China Sea, turning into pieces of nothingness.

At this moment, the law of the earth seemed to emit a comfortable whistle...

It's the feeling of comfort when you're scraped.

However, there is no then.

Although it was only scraped, the law of the earth was also damaged at this moment.

The law that the law is not visible before people is broken.

That is to say, from now on, ordinary people on Earth can also see spell fluctuations.

This law itself does not mean much to immortal cultivators, because ordinary people cannot see the spells of immortal cultivators, and it is not important to immortal cultivators.

The opponent of an immortal cultivator is always just an immortal cultivator.

The existence of this law, logically speaking, is also part of the protection of ordinary people from being injured by the spells of immortal cultivators.

The so-called invisible, can be regarded as non-existent.

Ordinary people cannot see the existence of spells and will not be confused by them.

But the effect of this law is still too small.

It is precisely because the effect of this law is not strong, and the power attached to it is not large, that it is so easy to be broken by the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

But that's all he can do.

He just broke the skin of the weakest of the four pillars of the law chain pillar, and almost broke himself apart.

If he wanted to break this law chain pillar, I am afraid that he would not be able to do it without his whole person.

The laws of the earth are indeed terrifying.

Looking at the pillar of law that was still standing proudly in front of him, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor secretly sighed.

No wonder the wolf general came here before, and he didn't even have the qualifications to do it.

With these laws, many things on the earth are restricted by immortal cultivators.

I don't know who put these four earth law chain pillars here.

However, this knife has such an effect, and it is not bad.

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor's gaze looked towards the entire earth and said to the Wolf General:

"The next thing is left to you, don't let Bendi down. "

The slash just now slashed at one of the Four Pillar Laws, and the Heavenly Wolf Emperor felt that his whole person was about to be shaken apart.

So, at this moment, he needs to take a break.

"Uh... Yes——!"

Although the wolf general did not know what his emperor had done, he could know by looking at the turmoil caused by the sword he cut.

Just now, he must have fought a vicious battle with the laws of the earth.

And then...... Also defeated.

At this time, as a capable general, he would not be stupid to ask the Heavenly Wolf Emperor what the result was.

Does this still need to be asked?

The result is definitely not good——!!!

Next, it was his turn to perform.

His gaze also looked towards the earth, and the whole earth was in his eyes.

It's just that at this moment, the sky above the earth is covered with a layer of law fire.

Even if he looked, he couldn't see anything.

The whole earth seemed to have turned into a fireball...

At this time, Ye Liang just opened the window and looked towards the sky.

I saw the sea of fire burning in the sky, and it was extremely terrifying.

This is a sea of fire that covers the whole world.

If it weren't for the power of the four-pillar law guarding the earth now, then the earth would really instantly turn into flying ash in the universe.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the sea of fire in the sky, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because this is not a fluctuation caused by a spell or a law, the flame itself is formed by the power of the law.

Although it is a very weak force of law, the power of law is the power of law.

This should not be something that ordinary people can see.

The next moment, Ye Liang's mind received a stream of information.

Seem...... Is it the law of the earth, broken by man, one lost?

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators on the earth felt that although there was only one loss, the laws of the earth were indeed broken.

However, without waiting for all the immortal cultivators to be surprised, they saw that in the sky, the sea of fire dissipated.

A figure slowly emerged.

This is a man in battle armor, moreover, his figure seems to ...

It's huge, it's too big.

It is clear that he is in the universe outside the earth, but his body can still be seen.

The rays of the sun shone directly on his body and reflected on the earth, making people unable to see his true face, but only felt that it was a huge silver statue.

Too big, too big——!!!

In the entire sky, only the figure of this person remained.

He quietly looked at the earth below, his eyes looking at everything on the earth, as if a person was observing a blue ball, whether there was anything worth his attention.

It's already good that a person on Earth can see his face in its entirety.

Because he's so big.

His gaze seemed to occupy a large area of the sky.

The person who was stared at by his gaze only felt endless fear.

"Heavens... Oh my God——!!!"


"What is that?!!!?"

"It scares me to death, it scares me to death... Medicine, medicine..."

"Mom, come on, help, my mom is scared, asthma attack." "

"I... I also had an asthma attack. "

"What is that?!"

"I have a phobia, don't come here, don't come here——!!!"

Can you imagine the horror of a scene where the entire sky is occupied by a person's face?

This huge divine body, even if it only needs to open its mouth slightly, is as if it can swallow the earth in one bite.

At this moment, all ordinary people on the earth looked at the sky blankly.

And even some of the Purple Pole Immortal Star Immortal cultivators who fled to the earth were completely dumbfounded at the moment.

It's not that they don't know that the Purple Star Female Emperor has the ability to destroy the world, after all, it is the power of Jindan.

She also carried the Purple Pole Immortal Star (misunderstanding).

But what is the situation now?

What is the situation with this Nima?

Who will explain——!!!

Why would a brother of such a size suddenly appear outside the earth?!!!

Where does this come from——!!!

At this moment, the people who can see this sky all over the world are stupid.

The people in the sky, on the other hand, looked at the earth below with an indifferent face.

Perhaps, for the people on Earth, he is looking down on the Earth.

However, for him, he is flying in the universe, standing in one direction of the earth, quietly looking at the earth.

He is the general under the seat of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, and the wolf takes the general.

After the Celestial Wolf Emperor destroyed the Lost Law on Earth, he could already use spells to let the people on Earth see his situation.

He actually didn't like to be so big.

If it weren't for the existence of the laws of the earth, it would be easy for him to destroy the entire solar system.

Become such a big fart use?

However, for ordinary people, with their superficial gaze, they must feel that the larger the body, the more powerful they are.

Therefore, the wolf general chose the most direct means, changed such a huge demon appearance, and slowly said to the people on the earth:

"Human beings on earth, listen, I am a general under the throne of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain Heavenly Wolf Emperor, and the wolf will take the general. "

"My Emperor has a daughter under his knees, named Wolf Ji, and when Her Royal Highness Wolf Princess used to visit the solar system, she was accidentally calculated by the monks on your earth, groveled, and became one of his slaves. "

"The Heavenly Wolf Emperor is very furious, Princess Heavenly Wolf, how can you be a slave with others?!"

"This is the shame of the Heavenly Wolf royal family, so the emperor ordered me to come and punish that shameless evildoer. "

"Ben wanted to destroy the earth in one fell swoop, but he was afraid that the earth was innocent. "

"Therefore, Ben will invite the shameless man who calculated the wolf princess here, and if you dare to come to fight, this figure will spare hundreds of millions of living beings on the earth. "

"If you do not come, the Buddha-figure will bury you with the earth——!

"If any of the creatures of the earth dared to shield that evil man, they would have been severely punished. "

"If you don't believe in Ben's means, Ben can perform for you, what is called picking stars with one hand——!!!

Saying that, he reached out and grabbed the Purple Pole Immortal Star in the distance.

Purple Pole Immortal Star 100,000 cultivators: ???!!

What's the matter with us——!!!

Seeing that the giant hand was about to grab towards the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the 100,000 cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star panicked.

Fortunately, the giant's hand only touched the periphery of the Purple Pole Immortal Star and retracted.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many creatures on this planet, Ben will cough... Ben will not want to hurt the innocent, in short, Ben will not be joking with you, advise all of you earthlings, do not be ignorant of the ——!!!"

The abominable laws of the earth actually radiated to the entire solar system——!!!

The entire planet of the solar system, he can't move.

However, it is clear that the purpose of pretense has now been achieved.

He went on to say to all the people on earth:

"That despicable and shameless, conspiratorial and calculating person of Her Royal Highness Princess Wolf Ji, on your earth, named Ye Liang, is a scholar of Huang Yanguo, Jiangdu Province, Jiangzhou City Qingcai Academy, all earthlings, I want you to support Ye Liang obediently coming to fight and die within half an hour, otherwise, he would have to take the earth to be buried——!

Some people may ask, if the wolf general wants to find a place for Wolf Ji, will it be over to fight directly with Ye Liang?


In fact, he was limited by the laws of the earth, and he couldn't do anything to Ye Liang before he got the support of the vast majority of people on the earth.

As for the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, he was even more restrained.

He couldn't do anything to Ye Liang before Wolf Ji officially became Ye Liang's woman.

For this rule, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but scold:

Gan ——!!!

When her daughter officially becomes Ye Liang's woman, then he will be happy to be a father-in-law.

And a hairy hand.

If you want to do it, you can only take advantage of the present, while there is still a chance now, to rescue your daughter.

Because of this, the wolf took Ye Liang before he had no way to do anything.

But now it's different...

Now that the Heavenly Wolf Emperor has broken the law of 'the law is not revealed before the people' on the earth, the people on the earth, he only needs to be frightened casually, and he must not obediently support him?!

Therefore, even if Ye Liang did not dare to come out and fight him, he would soon have the power to attack Ye Liang.


As he expected, after his words fell, the whole earth, everyone boiled.

Fear, surprise, puzzlement...

Just now, this god called Wolf General, the amount of information in his lines is a little too large.

What immortal cultivator, what wolf Ji princess, who is that named Ye Liang?

How could he vile and shamelessly calculate their princess and make the one named Princess Wolf Ji his slave?

Most people on the planet are in a state of confusion.

At this time, on a certain rooftop, all the women looked at Wolf Ji with surprised eyes.

"They all watch what I do, and I didn't call them..."

Wolf Ji was speechless.

Although he was a little repulsed to Ye Liang as a slave at the beginning, there were so many beautiful women around Ye Liang.

Now drive her away, she doesn't even want to leave.

What was even more shocking was everyone in Ye Ziqian's company.

About Ye Liang's information, the people in this company don't know much, all of which were announced by Ye Ziqian today.

However, Ye Liang's name can't be wrong, right?!!!

Could it be that the despicable and shameless immortal cultivator who calculated what kind of princess and caused the earth to fall into the crisis of destruction at this moment is Ye Liang, Ye Shao?

They all cast their gazes towards Ye Liang.

No way?

Could it be that Ye Shao is really an immortal, and he also calculated the princess of the people, causing the people to hit the earth now?

No...... That's not right.

What about the fairy who said good?

Aren't immortals like President Ye just now, who can do some bluffing spells, but they still want to live on the earth?

How did it suddenly become a giant battle of this level?

This is different from the immortals they imagined——!!!


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