At this moment, everyone in the company was looking at Ye Liang.

"Ye Shao, shouldn't he really be the immortal cultivator that the immortal in the sky said?"

"Moreover, what despicable and shameless means did he use to deceive other princesses into becoming slaves?"

"Lie down, it's too daring. "

"Is it true?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible..."

"How can a person on earth, even if it is an immortal, provoke such a powerful alien immortal, don't you see, how big is he?"

"He's still looking at Earth outside the universe——!!!


At this moment, everyone couldn't help but be quiet.

Horrible, really terrible.

Now they only need to glance outside the earth to see that there is a huge face staring at the entire earth outside the universe.

That powerful oppressive force is simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

In particular, the look in the eyes of that face carries an indifference that ordinary people do not have.

In his eyes, human life really seems to be just ants.

The whole earth, to him, may really be just a piece of dust.

In this case, he can also show compassion for the earth, and he can give grace and power.

Everyone on the earth, after reacting, almost instantaneously, sided with the wolf.

Although they don't know who that guy named Ye Liang is, where can they manage so much now?

At the moment of life and death, they listened to the words of the wolf general without hesitation, and as for whether what the wolf general said was true, there was no point at all.

Anyway, he is the strongest, and he is whatever he says.

The people inside Ye Ziqian's company were obviously incomparably shocked at the moment.

Just now, they were still swearing that Ye Liang was definitely not an immortal.

But now, immediately, there was such a huge divine shouting to the earth outside the universe.

Although the earthlings can't see what he is doing in the universe, his face occupies the entire sky, and his huge figure is visible.

So huge sacred, it only takes a fist to come over, and the earth can be hammered away.

If Ye Liang was really an immortal, where did he have the ability to provoke that level of divine?!!!

With the imagination of the earthlings, no matter how powerful the immortals are, they are similar to people.

However, the huge existence outside the earth universe is too exaggerated.

"Ye... Ye Shao, that huge divine person in the sky, isn't it you?!!!?"

In the company, both men and women are talking about it at the moment.

They looked at Ye Liang's gaze and became strange.

Again surprise, again fear.

Although there are many people with the same name and surname in this world, it happened to happen on this occasion.

It was hard for them not to believe that this Ye Liang was that Ye Liang.

The one who was challenged by divine name.

If they were outsiders, I am afraid that they would have already cursed Ye Liang to die quickly.

If it weren't for Ye Liang, how could the earth fall into such a crisis?



They are not outsiders, not that they will shield Ye Liang.

It's just that when they think of Ye Liang being so powerful, they are beside them.

Where did they dare to curse Ye Liang?

Although with the imagination of ordinary people, he really couldn't imagine how Ye Liang could offend that he could grab a Jupiter-sized divine with his hands.

However, since Ye Liang offended him, he must have the corresponding ability.

Of course, they didn't dare to scold Ye Liang.

If you think about it in your heart, you don't dare to show it.

And they don't dare, but it doesn't mean that this year's netizens don't dare.

"Lying groove, that divine one in the sky, what the hell? It's too big, isn't it——!!!?"

"I see the moon around him, and I can't even compare to a ping-pong ball. "

"Brother, you misunderstood, the moon is still very close to the earth, he is much farther away from the earth, the earth is compared to him, let alone table tennis, even a finger can not compare ah." "

"Who the hell provoked that great god?!!?"

"Didn't he just say that it was an immortal cultivator on our earth, named Ye Liang. "

"Lying groove, do we really have immortal cultivators on earth?"

"He said it all, then it must be. "

"God, there are immortal cultivators on the earth, why is this kind of thing known to the whole world, I only know?"

"There are some secrets, where ordinary people like you and me can know. "

"That immortal cultivator named Ye Liang is still a scholar of the academy. "

"What to do, Ye Liang offended this great divine, if he does something to the earth, will we die?"

"Didn't you listen to the Wolf General?

As long as the people on our earth support him and let Ye Liang go out to die, then he will spare hundreds of millions of lives on the earth. "

"Yes. "

"So how are we going to support him?"

"How about we march in the streets and pull up banners——!!!

"Okay, let's go march in protest. "

In the face of the crisis of death, I don't know how many people suddenly have the ability to act like never before.

For a while, on the Internet, in reality, overwhelming, I don't know how many people were cursing Ye Liang, wanting Ye Liang to fight with the immortal called Wolf General and send him to death.

Among them, some gringos in particular are the most radical.

Because in their opinion, this matter has nothing to do with them, why should they suffer death?

So, after a while, on many lively streets in foreign countries, people have begun to pull up banners.

"Ye Liang is the scum of the earth, he used despicable means to calculate the Lord Immortal Princess, and now he has attracted the earth crisis, and he must be responsible for this matter. "

"Let him die——!"

"We earthlings are innocent, and we can't give him a burial. "

"Ye Liang is from Huang Yanguo, and Huang Yanguo must give an explanation to the earthlings——!"

"Huang Yanguo people don't want face. "

At the moment of life and death, I don't know how many people quickly pulled up banners under the fear of death, and the whole world publicized Ye Liang's crimes.

"Baga, the people of Huang Yanguo are really shameless and despicable, and they have abducted all the alien princesses of others, is this to let us earth be buried for them?!"

"Asiba, Huang Yanguo has always taken the traditional culture of our Great Cold Country as his own, and we people in the Great Cold Country are the most aware of the shamelessness of Huang Yanguo. "

"Fak, it has long been said that in this world, only white-skinned people are higher races, and the yellow-skinned monkey kidnapped the fairy princess and lost the face of the human beings on the earth——!!!."

"Let all Huang Yan people be responsible for this matter. "

"Hand over Ye Liang——!!!"

In the face of the world crisis, many people around the world have reached agreement with what can be described as terrifying.

That is, let Ye Liang die.

Only by letting Ye Liang die, they can live.

So, at this time, some people were marching, protesting, and someone was attacking Huang Yanguo on the Internet.

These are people who have lost their minds under fear.

And under this extreme fear, it is not that no one remains sane.

They have the opposite attitude to most crazy people.

Are you kidding......

Hand Ye Liang over?

Although I don't know who this guy named Ye Liang is and what kind of immortal cultivator he is.

However, he could be invited to battle by the immortal called Wolf General, so how could he be simple?

Earthling...... Where does the ability come from to hand people over?!!

What is the difference between proposing to let Ye Liang go to death and proposing to let that giant god wolf who is outside the earth take the general to die?

Do you really think that if you don't dare to offend the wolf general, you can offend Ye Liang?

It seems that no one has said that Ye Liang is not capable of treating the earthlings, right?

Offend Ye Liang... Is it really the right choice?

It's all doing the hell——!!!

The best option, or silence ...

Especially in such crazy moments, calmness is the most important thing.

When people outside the country jumped their feet madly, protested, and let Ye Liang go to die, and by the way, slandered Huang Yanguo.

Huang Yan naturally has many people jumping on his feet in China, what big V, what traffic big ga, and even some popular stars, all speak publicly.

For the safety of the earth, the man named Ye Liang must be responsible for what he has done.

And when they do this kind of thing at this time, they naturally immediately get the support of many people who are in fear.

After all, in the face of the crisis of death, many people are only willing to believe what they want to believe.

For what the truth is, they don't care at all.

However, with an official notification letter, some people forced themselves to calm down.

"Greetings to all citizens of Huang Yan, there are some things that you and I cannot participate in, don't think that who you are helping, you are with whom, when you stand on one side, think about what the other party will do." "

Huang Yanguo has always been a country that pays attention to facts.

If someone really committed a crime and abducted the princess of another country, Huang Yanguo would definitely show an attitude.

However, this time, Huang Yanguo's attitude was different.

First, now this is just the wolf's side of the word, whether Ye Liang really abducted and sold people's princesses, they don't know.

Second, this incident is not at all something that ordinary people can participate in.

Immortals fight, ordinary people actually dare to take sides?

It's a long life——!!!

Before that, Huang Yan was already studying the actions of those immortal cultivators who fled to the earth.

Coupled with Ye Liang's undisguised before, Dehuang Yan's official understanding of immortal cultivators was more.

However, it was not until just now that they finally understood.

Immortal cultivators are not something they can study at all...

A group of ants, wanting to study a divine, how could it be——!!!

No matter what the situation is now, they can't open their mouths.

Immortals fight, where does mortal have the courage to take sides?

Huang Yan's official decision is not to open his mouth and not take sides in this matter...

Now, the people who threaten the safety of the earth are definitely not the only people called wolves.

Although it is said that it is said, after all, the wolf will now be in the universe outside the earth.

He only needs one finger to stretch out and destroy the entire earth, which still scares many people to give up thinking.

In their opinion, handing over Ye Liang was the best choice.

As for whether this will offend Ye Liang.

How to say, Ye Liang has the ability to threaten them for the time being, even if Ye Liang really has the ability to threaten them, in their opinion, Ye Liang does not have this divine called wolf general to give them a more dangerous feeling.

Because, this wolf will dare to come and ask for Ye Liang's life, then he must be stronger than Ye Liang.

And Ye Liang's strength is weak, even if he is still an earthling.

Standing aside with them, even if they have something to offend Ye Liang, they just need to apologize well afterwards, it's not a big problem...

So many people support handing Ye Liang over, so it won't be, Ye Liang wants to find trouble afterwards, what will happen to so many people, right?

Based on this consideration, many people are on the side of the wolf.

Of course, their reason was naturally that Ye Liang had abducted the princess of the other family.

They are the righteous side.

Ye Liang should be responsible for what he did.

"Ye Liang is despicable and shameless, Ye Liang got out of the earth——!!!"

"Ye Liang should be responsible for his actions, why should we give him a burial and let him get out of the earth to die." "


The death crisis is imminent, and I don't know how many people are talking about it.

They didn't know Ye Liang either, anyway, now they can only do this to make themselves feel at ease.

And Ye Liang, in less than a few minutes, seemed to have become a global public enemy.

"Son... You can't really do it, do you?"

At this time, Ye Ziqian was also curiously asking Ye Liang:

"You... Is it really so despicable and shameless, what conspiracy is used to calculate the princess of the people?"

When she asked, the male and female employees in the company were also looking at Ye Liang at this time.

Even some daring people are already holding mobile phones and opening the live broadcast room.


Hearing Ye Ziqian's inquiry, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He said:

"Mom, do you think your son is the kind of person who is despicable and calculates other girls?"

He said with a clear conscience.

But the voice of Xiu Immortal's voice pack sounded with it...

[Of course, Buddha-figures are that kind of people——!

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: ...

Staring at Ye Liang tightly, Ye Ziqian couldn't help frowning.

This stinky boy, bragging again.

It's strange that you have to have this ability, how old are you?

She sighed slightly and said:

"Hey... It's a pity, the old mother still thinks that you really have the ability to kidnap all the fairy princesses of other people as slaves, if this is the case, then the old mother will have noodles in the future. "

Seriously, if Ye Liang really had this kind of ability, then she would obediently admit defeat.

In terms of pretending, it was really Ye Liangqiang.

But Ye Liang is only a few years old, this kind of thing can't happen no matter what.

Therefore, she can only regret it.


Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, the men and women of the melon-eating company next to them couldn't help but be speechless.

Mr. Ye, your heart is too big.

If Ye Liang, who abducted the princess, is really your son, then your son is now being targeted by a huge divine that can hold Jupiter in his hand.

Does he still have a chance to live?

Although you are also a god, you can tell it just by looking at it.

Your strength is too weak, compared with that heavenly immortal, it is not a setting at all.

The conversation between Ye Ziqian and Ye Liang made everyone in the company breathe an inexplicable sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it can't be.

How could Ye Shao be that Ye Liang.

People are like this, they don't believe that there will be too bizarre things around them.

Unless they see it with their own eyes, unknown mysterious events will always occur only in unknown places.

However, as soon as Ye Ziqian's words fell, her brows furrowed again.

Hey...... Wait, like, something is wrong.

Just now, the guy named Wolf General also said that the place where the guy named Ye Liang studied was Qingcai Academy?

Thinking of this, her gaze turned to Ye Liang again and asked her:

"I said son, is there anyone else named Ye Liang in your academy?"

"Nope. "

Ye Liang shook his head and said:

"What's wrong?"

There are only a few people with the surname Ye, if there are, he has heard about it a long time ago.

"Then there is no other person named Ye Liang in your academy, and you don't admit that you kidnapped the princess, who did this?"

Ye Ziqian asked.


Ye Liang was speechless:

"Mom, you misunderstood... I just don't admit that I used despicable and shameless means to kidnap people's princesses. "

Ye Ziqian looked strange: "What do you mean?"

Ye Liang continued:

"I mean, that woman named Wolf Ji came by herself and had to be my slave's ——!."


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian and everyone present froze.


Good guys, do you know what you're talking about?

When this kind of danger, such a dangerous word, can it be said nonsense?

Wolf Ji on the rooftop also couldn't help but blush, wasn't she given for nothing at that time?!!

"Ye Liang, you said, that Immortal Princess Wolf Ji is really your slave now?

Ye Ziqian frowned, looked Ye Liang up and down, and laughed:

"Hahahaha, don't joke, if you are really that Ye Liang, with such skills, the old lady has your last name——!!!


Hearing this, everyone present was speechless for a while.

Good guy, aren't you surnamed Ye with Ye Shaodu?

Speaking of which, is Ye Shao with his mother's surname?

The conversation between this mother and son is so interesting that people can't spit it out.

And Ye Liang saw that Ye Ziqian did not believe his words, so he was naturally not in a hurry.

He did it on purpose...

Who made this old lady not believe her words all the time?

In that case, then he had to joke with her.

He waited for Ye Ziqian to say something that would make him slap him in the face...

Now that he heard his mother say such words, Ye Liang naturally stopped pretending.

"Mom, if you say so, my son is embarrassed to reveal the truth to you, let you have my surname, you don't have to." "

Saying that, he lightly toed his toes, slowly floated up, and floated out of the window behind him.

Watch Ye Liang's figure take off.

Ye Ziqian...??

Men and women in the company...???

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Ye Liang slowly flew towards the sky.

At the same time, a clear holy light bloomed in the sky, and in an instant, a huge Tai Chi pattern expanded in the sky.

It was a spell light that ordinary people could see with the naked eye.

In the stunned eyes of everyone in the entire company, Ye Liang had already flown into the Tai Chi pattern, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, a pleasant consonant sounded in the entire sky.

And...... People all over the world heard it.

In the midst of the fairy music, a man's poetry suddenly sounded.

That was, Ye Liang's voice.

"Why ask the top of the immortals?

A thousand people are extinguished, ten thousand people are destroyed.

First there is a Buddha-figure and then there is a heaven, who is proud of the world——!"


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