At this moment, the earth, on a certain rooftop, all the women are here, looking at the sky with a shocked face.

Compared to ordinary unsuspecting earthlings, obviously, they are not so shocked.


It's just not that shocking.

Jiang Yurou, Xu Yingbing, Yang Liuyan, Tang Pinru, and the four women were all ordinary people, and when they suddenly saw Ye Liang become so big, their shock was not small compared to ordinary people.

You know, Ye Liang has now become a huge magic phase that can hold Jupiter in his hands.

It is not an exaggeration to say that his current body size is comparable to the sun.

It's not that they don't know that Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator, an immortal, and has some powerful abilities.

However, this is also too powerful——!!!

This is beyond their understanding of the abilities of the immortals.

Too big——!!!

Some people may say that immortal cultivators must be calmer than ordinary people.

For immortal cultivators, it should be expected that someone can do this kind of thing, right?

However, in fact...

There is a saying that the ignorant are fearless.

Ordinary people can only see that immortal cultivators can do this kind of thing, and they are shocked.

However, they didn't know how the immortal cultivators did it and how powerful they were.

For example, the above four women all feel that although Ye Liang is very powerful, since he is already so powerful, it is a very reasonable thing, immortal cultivators, immortals, can do it is able to do it, no reason is needed.

However, for Lu Yaoer, this is more terrifying and terrifying than not understanding it at all.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor can open the passage of the two realms, is it powerful?

However, this kind of thing, Lu Yaoer can still imagine the principle.

However, how the Purple Heart Female Emperor carried the Purple Pole Immortal Star (misunderstanding), she didn't understand at all, this kind of understanding is more shocking than ordinary people's excitement.

But now, Ye Liang showed this terrifying method in front of her.

It can be said that the shock that Lu Yaoer felt was much greater than that of the fourth daughter.

At this moment, she even had a feeling that she was about to suffocate.

In contrast, the Purple Heart Female Emperor was much calmer.

Jin Dan naturally can't do this kind of thing, but he can touch this threshold.

She couldn't make her so big, but if it was as big as the Earth, she could still do it.

It's just getting bigger... For immortal cultivators, there is no meaning at all, it is purely used to pretend.

However, she is only relatively calm.

At this moment, what was sputtering in her heart was another question.

Ye Liang, this guy, seemed to say that he was born before.

Now, what period is he going to say again?

You have become such a giant god, and you have the ability to say that you are only congenital——!!!

Even if it is a powerful person, it is impossible to change from the congenital stage to the meta-infancy stage in such a short time, right?

We all know you like to keep a low profile, but you're a little too low-key——!!!

Moreover, even the Female Emperor of Akatsuki said that you are stronger than her, and it is definitely not your limit, right?!!!

Akatsuki Emperor: That's right.

She was not shocked by Ye Liang's performance.

However, she also had shocking things.

Because, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that Ye Liang's immortal appearance at the moment was very similar to her adoptive father when she was still Yan Qingshi.

If you don't say exactly the same, you can only say exactly the same.

Others can't see Ye Liang's face, she can naturally see it.

At this moment, she seems to be standing on a heavenly tower of the earth, but in fact, her eyes have come to the universe.

From the perspective of the universe, she could easily see Ye Liang's appearance.

This appearance is really exactly the same as her adoptive father.

It's just that her adoptive father Ye Qixuan doesn't have the immortal aura and charm of an immortal cultivator.

This is strange, why does Ye Liang look exactly like his adoptive father?

Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

The same white hair, the same face, figure, and eyes?

Could it be that Ye Liang was actually the reincarnation of his adoptive father Ye Qixuan?

But this is also not right, his adoptive father is just an ordinary person.

If this was the case, how could Ye Liang be so powerful.

Could it be that he was the illegitimate son of his adoptive father and Ye Ziqian, a woman?


Thinking of this, the expression of the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon suddenly became strange.

She had always known that Ye Liang was not Ye Ziqian's biological son, but was adopted by her.

There is no special similarity between the two in terms of appearance.

However, now it seems that these two people do not look like mother and son?

Whether it is personality, or fairy appearance, it is simply not too similar.

Complete mother-child phase.

Ah this...

When she thought of this possibility, Akatsuki Lady Diton froze.

If Ye Liang was the illegitimate son of Ye Ziqian and his adoptive father Ye Qixuan, it would explain everything.

Why did Ye Ziqian, a woman, suddenly appear after her adoptive father was born.

And she is obviously taking care of herself and growing up, but she never gives herself a good face.

Totally understood.

At this moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor felt as if she knew a big secret.

Ye Liang must be some powerful reincarnation, otherwise, he would not have the strength that others could have at the age of eighteen who could only have hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation.

His biological parents are actually Ye Ziqian and his adoptive father Ye Qixuan.

Ye Ziqian did not dare to admit this fact, it must be because, with the environment at that time, she was embarrassed to admit it.

Now he can only make a mistake and raise his own son.

And Ye Ziqian didn't have any cultivation at all, she was just an ordinary woman.

Everything she possessed was actually given to her by Ye Liang secretly.

This also explains her abnormal behavior.

Obviously very dish, but always unusually confident.

Because it was given by Ye Liang, it was beyond his own understanding, so he couldn't feel Ye Ziqian's strength.

At this moment, the Akatsuki Female Emperor felt that she was suddenly enlightened.

She is sure that even if her guess is wrong, it is definitely not much different.

Ye Ziqian, your secret is known to me.

Ye Ziqian: ...

How is this BGM, this way of appearance, possible?!!!

Is that him?!!!

At this moment, she looked at the sky tightly, only hoping that the figure in the sky could turn around and let her take a look.

There can be nothing wrong with that——!!!

Whether it is the way of appearance, clothing, aura, spell aura, or even the unique appearance BGM, it is the same.

It could only be him——!

But how could this be, this shouldn't be.

He is clear...

Compared with the different moods of all women, at this moment, people around the world are in the same mood.

That is, fear——!!!

Although it was not that there were no rational people before, they did not participate in the slanderous abuse of Ye Liang because of the wolf's words.

However, formally, many people quickly stood in line.

After these people knew that Ye Liang had brought such a terrifying threat to the earth, their first reaction was to let Ye Liang die quickly.

And what those people do, it is also overwhelming.

I am afraid that people all over the world themselves did not expect that they would one day have such a power to act.

And what these people did, in the eyes of the time, was just a loss of wisdom and a little impulsive.

But now it seems, where is the loss of wisdom and where is the impulse?

It's TMD stupid——!!!

Well, now you have offended Ye Liang, if Ye Liang backhanded a sword and cut the earth, we earthlings will be buried for you stupid people.

This is the idea of those who were calm before ...

And the people who were not calm before and stood in advance when the situation was not clear, the people who had scolded and slandered Ye Liang were naturally more afraid at this time.

In order to prevent Ye Liang from settling accounts after the autumn, now they can only pray that this wolf will be able to give a little strength.

If you can give Ye Liang a second, don't let Ye Liang have the opportunity to strike at them again.

And listening to the words of the wolf general, they naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, General Wolf came prepared, and he couldn't be Ye Liang's opponent.

In the early days of the Yuan Infant, these words had already proved how weak Ye Liang was in front of this wolf general.

As long as Ye Liang died fast enough, they would be complete.

And the wolf took the general Ye Liang really not in his eyes.

One is a border scattered cultivator, even if it is a yuan baby?

He is a late Yuan Infant general, moreover, he is still a general of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, which is not comparable to ordinary Yuan Infant.

Ye Liang used to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, deceiving his princess into giving it for nothing.

Now, he has the power of a late Yuan Infant to deal with Ye Liang's small Yuan Infant Stage Scattered Cultivation, what are he afraid of?

Therefore, seeing Ye Liang pull out his sword, he also took out his green wolf stick without hesitation.

In the universe, the two of them are so huge that they are comparable to the sun, and they instantly moved, bringing a violent cosmic storm, which seemed to involve the entire solar system.

However, the movements of the two were too fast...

The moment the two moved, the universe turned into chaos.

Ordinary people can't see anything anymore.


Everyone who was looking at the sky couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

It's like you're watching TV, you're doing something wonderful, and suddenly there's no signal.

However, the situation is much more important now than watching TV.

Ye Liang's battle with that wolf general was even related to the survival of the earth.

If Ye Liang loses, he will be embarrassed and angry for a while, and cut the earth with a backhand sword...

Then the people of the earth must also know how they died.

Otherwise, those who died in vain do not know where to go to cry out for injustice.

"I can't see it anymore. "

"What's going on?"

"Did you fight?"

"Do you have a sharp eye?"

"God TMD eyes sharp, this is the tip of the eyes can see?!

Feeling the loss of the people on the street, Akatsuki raised the corners of her lips, revealing a bit of playfulness.

"Let you take a good look, the battle of immortal cultivators is not something that ordinary people can imagine. "

While speaking, she raised her hand, squeezed a magic trick with both hands, and hit the sky above the earth.

The next moment, a magic mirror unfolded above the earth.

In the illusion mirror, it was Ye Liang's battle with the wolf general.

In the past, there were laws on the earth to protect them, and the spells of immortal cultivators were basically useless to most people.

But now, spells like this kind of Xuanguang mirror are useful even for people they don't know.

Because this is what he himself sees, hears.

What reaction he will have, then I don't know.

But seeing that the female emperor of the red moon showed mercy, the people of the entire earth saw Ye Liang's battle with the wolf general again.

Of course, if you want the earthlings to see, the playback speed of the phantom mirror has naturally been adjusted countless times slower.

For a moment, people all over the earth saw the details of the battle.

I saw Ye Liang holding the time wheel and aiming at the wolf general in front of him.

And the wolf will have a proud look on his face:

"Boy, for your sake, you are a little daring, you come out to die, I will give you the opportunity to make a move, you attack me first——!"

"Never heard of such a request, meet your ——!"

Ye Liang's figure moved, and a terrifying sonic boom sounded in the sky, which was the cosmic storm caused by his actions, and the storm was also transformed into a sound that ordinary people could hear.

At this moment, Ye Liang, every movement, as if a huge star like the sun was moving at the speed of light, how terrifying the picture he caused was not something that ordinary people could imagine.

However, as an ordinary person, he could see the details of his battle at this moment, and he didn't know if he should be happy.

However, the timid person is definitely scared on the spot.

I saw that from the angle of the Akatsuki Female Emperor, Ye Liang's figure moved, and flew towards the wolf general of the universe in front of him.

The picture has slowed down to a speed that ordinary people can see, but even in such a vast space of the universe, you can still see that Ye Liang's huge figure like the sun, fast like a streamer, rushed towards the wolf.

Where did the wolf take the idea that Ye Liang's speed was actually so terrifyingly fast?

At this moment, he wanted to react.

However, his movements, in front of Ye Liang's movements, were as slow as a snail crawling.

When Ye Liang was already present, he raised the green wolf stick in his hand and wanted to defend against Ye Liang's attack.

However, Ye Liang's movements were several points faster, and he slashed down with a sword, and his body was like a streamer, and he saw that he was about to slash on the defense of the wolf general.

But the next moment, his figure spun and had already stabbed towards the missing place of the wolf general's defense.

A sword directly pierced his figure.


Wolf Tori will be pierced by a sword, a mouthful of blood will spurt out, and blood will stain the universe.

At this time, Ye Liang had already pulled out his sword, changed his sword style, and then attacked the wolf general.

This kind of attack, for the wolf general, recovery is also a momentary thing.

However, Ye Liang attacked him countless times at this moment.

He doesn't even have the power to act the wheel of time yet.

The wolf general could not have imagined that the gap between himself and Ye Liang was so outrageous.

In front of him, he was completely powerless.

As a last resort, he was trying to use his trick.

However, Ye Liang's sword was one step faster.

"Air Sword Technique——!"

A sword has the power to break the stars and cut off the power of the galaxy.

As soon as the air sword trick came out, the wolf general immediately felt the death crisis coming to him.


At this moment, the wolf general was terrified, and he wanted to retreat from Ye Liang's offensive range.

But how can you back down?

"Leave people under the sword——!!!"

Seeing that Ye Liang's sword was already about to kill the wolf general, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but be anxious.

He could never have imagined that a small Earth Yuan Baby was actually so powerful.

At this moment, he couldn't care about resting, and instantly flashed and wanted to come over to save people.

However, Ye Liang's attack was still one step faster after all.

A sword slashed down, and the sword qi turned into substance and flew out.


The wolf will be directly hit by Ye Liang's air sword technique, the sword qi enters the body, screams, and the whole person burst apart instantly.

In the universe, fireworks larger than the entire solar system instantly bloomed.


At this moment, everyone froze.

Although the war situation is very large, it extends throughout the solar system.

It can be said that it is a spectacle that ordinary people will not see in their lifetime.


No...... This battle situation seems to be a little different from what you imagined?

The one called Wolf General, you came so confidently to ask for Ye Liang's life, as a result, that's it?

You're in his hands, and you don't even have the qualifications to make a move——!!!

At this moment, many people on the earth began to panic.

Ye Liang was actually so strong, much stronger than that wolf general, it was completely cruel to kill the other party——!!!

Just now, they actually wanted to drive Ye Liang out of the earth because they were afraid that they would be taken by wolves and destroy the earth.

Even, some people have said a lot of obscenities?

This...... This Nima, what about the pit daddy——!!!


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