The battle that takes place in the universe is only over in an instant for ordinary people.

However, for Ye Liang, he also made several moves.

The two of them have also passed a round.

If it weren't for the Lady Emperor Akatsuki reproducing the process she saw with a magic mirror, with the eyes of the earthlings, she would naturally not be able to see the battle that took place in the sky.

However, the kindness of the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki scared the current earthlings half to death.

No one expected that Ye Liang's move would be so clean.

That wolf general looked bullish, and said to let Ye Liang go out and die.

Let them think that Ye Liang is really weaker than the wolf.

But now when I fight, the result is not like that at all——!

Ye Liang was much stronger than everyone expected.

In three or two strokes, he shot the wolf general with a sword.

Such a scene is very terrifying for the people of the entire earth.

Even those who had not taken sides before could not help but swallow their saliva at this time.

They didn't know anything about Ye Liang.

No one knows if Ye Liang will be angry and make a move on the earth.

With Ye Liang's current size, he only needs to use his hand to gently pinch the earth into powder.

For mortals, the infinite expanse of the earth, to Ye Liang, is just a small ant.

And they are parasites on the bodies of ants.

But as parasites, they actually disrespected Ye Liang just now...

Now that Ye Liang has solved the wolf general, will he cast his eyes in the direction of the earth?

At this moment, the people of the earth are in fear.

Whether or not it was someone who had offended Ye Liang before, they were all in fear at this time.

Some people are hiding in the ashes, and some people are deleting posts on the Internet.

Of course, some people think that Ye Liang is no matter how powerful he is, he just said hi on the Internet, Ye Liang can't really take him, right?

For what they said, these people not only did not regret it, but also died to save face and forcibly took Hei Yeliang there.

And while all this is happening, the picture in the sky continues.

In the picture, Ye Liang's sword directly exploded for the wolf.

"Leave people under the sword——!!!"

At this moment, a loud shout spread throughout the solar system.

The people on the earth heard the loud shout, and once again looked into the picture in the sky.

I saw that in the picture, a blue light burst out.

Cyan streamers flew from afar, as if they wanted to save the wolf general from Ye Liang's hands.

But after all, it was still one step late.

Ye Liang's sword qi had already exploded the wolf general.

"Dare to hurt my Celestial Wolf soldier, kid is so daring——!!!"

Seeing that Ye Liang had killed the wolf, the figure in the blue light was furious.

The next moment, the blue light rushed towards Ye Liang.

That blue light was none other than the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

He couldn't have imagined that Ye Liang actually had such strength, he was just a careless, and the wolf general had already been killed by Ye Liang.

The entire solar system bloomed with the flame light of the death of the Yuan Infant cultivator, and in this flame light, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch's figure flew up, instantly came to Ye Liang, and rescued the Wolf Infant from under Ye Liang's sword.

The next moment, he attacked Ye Liang again.

In his opinion, Ye Liang is just a baby after all, and if he makes a move, it will only be a matter of one or two moves to defeat Ye Liang.

I saw that he turned into a blue light and rushed straight towards Ye Liang's forehead.

At this moment, he was just the size of an ordinary person, and in front of Ye Liang's huge body as huge as the sun, he was as small as an ant.

However, he was confident that he could defeat Ye Liang with one blow.

Because, he is the god of transformation, Ye Liang is the yuan baby, it's as simple as that.

As the figure of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor rushed forward, a blue light shot straight at Ye Liang's eyebrows.

And where did Ye Liang dare to be careless?

Immediately raised his sword and blocked in front of him.


The blue light hit Ye Liang's sword, and at this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor only felt that his whole body was numb.

"What, this can't be ——!!!"

Crashing headlong on the gigantic time wheel, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but look shocked.

After the immortal cultivator uses the magic phase to become larger, the power will become stronger, that's for sure.

However, what increases in the Dharma phase is basically only strength.

After becoming larger, the agility of the immortal cultivator will be reduced by hundreds of millions of times.

Just now, the speed of his attack, if the ordinary Yuan Infant became so large, he couldn't react at all.

He only needed one blow to break Ye Liang's magic phase.

However, this is only the picture he imagined.

The truth is...

Ye Liang blocked his attack.

This shocked him.

After being shocked, he turned into a blue light and constantly began to attack around Ye Liang.

However, no matter how fast his attack was, Ye Liang's sword could always perfectly block the direction of his attack.

This shocked him even more.

Impossible, this kid, has become so big, actually has this kind of reaction?

What are you kidding——!!!

Even the gods may not be able to do such a thing——!!!

At this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor was furious.

He didn't believe it, he would have no way to take a brat in the Yuan infancy stage——!!!

He kept increasing his speed, like a cyan meteor, attacking back and forth around Ye Liang.


Ye Liang held the wheel of time, facing the impact of that blue light, the sword style changed rapidly, and in the universe, every move had the power to destroy the stars.

The sword body collided with the blue light, making a sound like gold and iron.

Although the size of the body means the strength of the body, it is inevitable that the agility will decline as the body becomes larger.

Although Ye Liang had a mysterious sword technique, his size at the moment was too big.

In comparison, although the blue light does not look large, its body is only tens of meters high.

It's like a mosquito with half the strength of an ordinary person, who has the advantage when fighting with a person?

It's obvious, it's mosquitoes.

If a mosquito has half the power of a person, I am afraid that it will kill the person and the person will not be able to touch it.

At this moment, Ye Liang faced this blue light.

It's not like a person facing a mosquito with half the power of a person, but a bacterium with more power than a person.

If he maintains this size, there is no doubt that if he continues to fight, he will become a living target for the other party.

Increasing your body size increases your strength countless times, but your agility also decreases countless times.

If he is a human body, he can change hundreds of millions of sword styles in an instant, and with his current size, he can change dozens of sword styles in an instant.

Ye Liang originally took the route of winning with skill, and at this time, he would naturally not be stupid to maintain the previous huge magic phase.

It's really looking for death——!

The next moment, Ye Liang's figure changed instantly, constantly shrinking in the universe.

In the end, it became the size of a normal person.

At the same time, his speed, agility, and explosion increased hundreds of millions of times, and Ye Liang's figure could no longer be seen in the illusion mirror of the Red Moon Female Emperor.

In the universe, only two rays of light, one silver and one blue, can be seen shuttling back and forth.

But in the blink of an eye, the two rays of light staggered back and forth around the solar system countless times.


"What happened again?"

"It seems that it was the one called Wolf General, someone came to support——!!!"

God, it's all based on the solar system and even the background plate, why can't I even see their flight trajectory?"


The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki had to slow down the speed of the illusion mirror again, so that ordinary people could see the details of the battle between the two.

And when they saw the details of the battle, ordinary people on the earth couldn't help but gasp.

It's terrifying——!!!

Is this a fairy fight?

One move and one style, one sword and one sword, the sword qi came out horizontally, and even affected several meteorites outside the solar system, smashing all the meteorites in a cross plane.

I don't know how much dust was produced in the universe at this moment, and these dusts were small meteorites that were scattered.

The Emperor of the Red Moon constantly slows down the playback speed of the battle picture, so that the people on Earth can see the battle picture clearly.

If you only look at it from the perspective of the earth, without the illusion mirror, you can't see anything now.

Because light travels so slowly, even sunlight travels to Earth in eight minutes.

Not to mention, the scope of the battle between the two has reached a distance of several light years outside the entire solar system.

If you want to see the battle between the two through observation, I am afraid that it will take years to see it.

Moreover, even if you see it, it is only a fleeting picture.

Even the most advanced scientific instruments cannot capture this level of combat speed.

What speed of light?

Just kidding, in front of these two, the speed of light is only the speed of the worm.

At this moment, people on the whole earth were shocked and afraid.

It turns out that this is the battle of the immortals?

Even the Purple Heart Female Emperor was shocked at the moment.

This is Ye Liang's so-called way of saving the world.

Because he is too strong, even if he saves the world every day, the people on the earth will not see it and will not know.

In contrast, there are so many people on the earth who will take revenge.

At this moment, suddenly, the immortal cultivators present couldn't help but change their expressions and looked towards the sky.

I saw that in the sky, an air sword broke through space and flew down, and was heavily inserted on the earth.

One handle, another handle...

Countless air swords flew towards the direction of the earth.

It turned out that the place where Ye Liang fought with the Heavenly Wolf Emperor had come to the vicinity of the earth.

I saw that in the universe, Ye Liang condensed his qi into a sword, and hundreds of flying swords followed him and attacked towards the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

The Heavenly Wolf Blade in the hands of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor quickly spun and slashed, slashing all the air swords formed by Ye Liang into pieces.


At this moment, an air sword fell on the street where the Akatsuki Female Emperor was.

It was a huge air sword that was hundreds of meters long, but after the air sword landed, it instantly turned into a weather sword and scattered in all directions.


As that air sword fell, turning into thousands of air swords, there was a sudden burst of screams on the street.


"My hands, my hands——!!!"

"My legs, ah——!!!"

"Come, my husband is dead——!!!

"Killed ——!!!"

At this moment, the street was in chaos.

Everyone was frantically fleeing, however, the giant swords that fell from the sky were hundreds of meters in size and were flying in all directions of the earth, how could they run?


The screams from the earth made the Akatsuki Female Emperor and the others a little puzzled.

They looked at each other.

What is this situation?

Doesn't it mean that on Earth, spells can't hurt innocent people?

And so on——!!!

Looking at the hundreds of meters of huge air sword time wheel inserted in the ground, the women suddenly reacted.

The law of the earth only protects innocent people, and those who provoke others are not protected by the law of the earth when they are attacked by others.

Earthlings, they are no longer innocent——!!!

As long as they took the initiative to provoke Ye Liang, they were no longer protected by the laws of the earth...

Therefore, Ye Liang's sword will hurt these people.

This is happening all over the planet at this moment.

After a giant sword fell to the ground, it immediately scattered, turning into a flying sword flying in the sky, and everywhere it passed, as long as it was someone who had provoked Ye Liang, they were all injured by that sword qi, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

And where does Ye Liang know the situation on earth?

At this moment, he was standing in the sky, in the universe, and his eyes looked towards the Heavenly Wolf Emperor in the distance.

Because, he has a real strong enemy.

"The power of the gods... Actually sneak up on me in a small Yuan Infancy, is this good?"

Holding the time wheel in his hand, Ye Liang stared at the Heavenly Wolf Emperor in front of him and asked him.


The Heavenly Wolf Emperor looked at Ye Liang in front of him, and his face could not hide his shock.

At first, he also thought that Ye Liang was just a meta-infancy.

Therefore, he was too contemptuous of Ye Liang.

So much so that after the Wolf General was defeated in Ye Liang's hands, he didn't even have a chance to save the Wolf General.


Even if he was angry later and wanted to give Ye Liang an explanation, he didn't do anything to Ye Liang.

Even, in an instant, he even took out his Wolf Emperor Saber.

Even so, Ye Liang did not fall into the downwind at all when facing him.

How is this possible——!!!

Is this a Yuan Infant Friar?

Looking at Ye Liang, who was hanging in the universe in front of him, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor expressed his first disbelief.

Although in the Avatar God, his cultivation was not very good.

But he is a god after all.

A yuan baby, and he has a god to fight back and forth?

What kind of joke, do you really think of him as the kind of garbage god who will be challenged by people?!!

Who is this kid in front of him?!!

He slowly stretched out his left hand, and in his hand, a golden Yuan Baby was sleeping quietly.

That's the baby of the wolf.

Ye Liang's sword just now not only took the life of the wolf general and destroyed his physical body, but also injured his Yuan Baby.

If he didn't want to hurry back to save people, I'm afraid that Wolf Tori would die.

Looking towards Ye Liang, and glancing at the wolf general in his hand, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor frowned.

Immediately, he spoke:

"Ye Liang, you are definitely not in the Yuan Infancy Period, and the Yuan Infancy Stage cannot have the strength like you, and it is absolutely impossible to ——!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while:

"Is it so hard to admit that I'm better than you? "

Why is it that every time someone is defeated by me, they always deny that my cultivation is weaker than his?

How, will it seem that he is not so bad for me?

"No, you can't be a meta-infancy ——!"

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor said affirmatively:

"Although my Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch is not a big person, he also has a place in the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance. "

"Even if it is the Akatsuki Female Emperor, the alliance master of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance, I think it is impossible for her to defeat this emperor with the cultivation of the Yuan Infant——!

Who the hell are you?!"

"Who am I? Does it matter?"

Ye Liang said:

"Why should I be whom, can't I be Ye Liang, you still can't fight, if you don't fight, don't waste my time, obediently admit defeat, I look at your daughter's face, maybe spare your life." "


Hearing this, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Good guy, you still say you're a meta-infancy?

This is your attitude towards a meta-infancy period to an incarnation period?!

If you are in infancy, then what am I?!!

"Young man, don't talk too arrogantly——!"

Holding the Wolf Emperor Sword in his hand, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch frowned and said:

"If you are not angry, can you call a young man?"

Ye Liang held the wheel of time in his hand and pointed his sword at the Heavenly Wolf Emperor:

"For the sake of you being Wolf Ji's father, I will give you a chance to beg for mercy, otherwise, against the sky, there is still a way to live, against me, there is absolutely no life——!"


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