"Ye Liang, Immortal Venerable?"

"What kind of person is Ye Liang, is he really an earth creature?"

"I feel that Ye Liang's origin is definitely not small. "

"Do you know the big guy of the immortal named Ye Liang, come out and solve the confusion——!!"

At this moment, on the earth, everyone is looking at the sky.

They had long been shocked and opened their mouths, looking as if they were a group of people waiting for something delicious to fall from the sky, which looked particularly funny.

However, their hearts have long been fried.

Originally, they all thought that Ye Liang was certain to lose.

After all, that guy called the Heavenly Wolf Emperor had fought back and forth with Ye Liang, and moreover, his cultivation was still higher than Ye Liang.

Ye Liang just acted a little unexpectedly.

If you really fight, it must be that the person who cultivates high is stronger, right?

The Wolf Emperor would definitely win that day.

And that's all, and then a woman as beautiful as a vixen appeared.

Even that Heavenly Wolf Emperor had to salute her.

At that time, some people on Earth were excited, some were afraid, and some were desperate.

Because in their opinion, Ye Liang must have lost.

Just a Heavenly Wolf Emperor, he is no longer an opponent.

What's more, another woman who even the Heavenly Wolf Emperor has to salute?

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is not a little stronger than the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor would not be so respectful when he saw her.


After she came out, she turned around and saluted Ye Liang?

Ah this...

The earthlings were stunned.

Who is Ye Liang?

How can such a powerful person be born on a small earth?

Are they wrong about the world?

In fact, there are countless Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and immortal cultivators on the earth?!

They are actually all immortal cultivators, and only they are ordinary people?

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?!

At this moment, the people on the earth who were originally in a mood began to be shocked and fearful.

And the people who were originally afraid and desperate are excited at this moment.

It's really feng shui turns, until the last moment, no one knows if they can have the last laugh.

Compared to the earthlings, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor at this moment is the most shocked.

"Groove, what is the situation?!!"

The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki actually ... Saluting Ye Liang?

That's too speechless, isn't it——!!!

What kind of divine is Ye Liang?

Could it be that he has reached the late stage of Avatar?

According to legend, the period of transformation is not the end of practice, after the early stage of transformation of gods, there are three stages of middle stage of transformation, late stage, and peak, that is, great consummation.

Avatar, like the Yuan Baby, has a total of four stages.

Above the gods of incarnation there is also the realm.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor is already in the middle stage of the Avatar God, and she can be allowed to salute like this, this Ye Liang is the legendary late Avatar Stage, a realm that no one has ever reached?!!

In short, no matter how you think about it, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor at this moment is really frightened.

Even a figure like the Akatsuki Female Emperor has to salute, how can he have the courage to fight him?

Although he fought with Ye Liang back and forth just now.

But now, naturally, he had figured it out.

The so-called back and forth, but the other party is just teasing himself.

If the other party really wants to make a move, he will definitely lose.

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

Immortal cultivators all have their own backbone, and they are all Tianjiao somewhere.

For example, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, in the Purple Pole Immortal Star, she is the high female emperor.

No one in the Purple Pole Immortal Star dared to go against her will in the open.

For example, Lu Yao'er is also a genius in the Purple Pole Immortal Star and is sought after.

For example, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor is an emperor in the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, and he is a high-ranking and arrogant king.


If all the immortal cultivators are so spineless, if they encounter the strong and do not worship, if they do not fight to die and I live, then the immortal cultivation world will be extinguished long ago.

If before the Akatsuki Female Emperor came out, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor still wanted to fight with Ye Liang.

Now, he directly provoked.

That's right, it's instigated, it's not greed for life and fear of death, it's just that you simply don't want to make meaningless sacrifices.

After all, if a person goes forward, he will be called a hero.

But if there is a dead end ahead, and you still move forward, you will only be regarded as a retard.

When his gaze came to Ye Liang again, he saw that although Ye Liang's body exuded the aura of the early Yuan Infant, it gave him an unfathomable sense of terror.

"Daring, offended the Immortal Venerable, don't hurry up and beg for mercy, do you really want the slave family to do nothing?!"

Seeing that the Heavenly Wolf Emperor was still stunned there, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but frown.

If it weren't for the fact that you have a beautiful daughter, she might be valued by Ye Liang in the future, do you really think that the old lady cares about your life?!!

She scolded the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor hurriedly said, "Heavenly Wolf... The Heavenly Wolf didn't know how to be evil, and actually offended the senior of Immortal Venerable, and asked the senior to forgive him——!!!

Saying that, he knelt down directly in Ye Liang's direction.

The king's kneeling seems to be endless humiliation, but in fact, for immortal cultivators, life is the most important thing.

Because people who don't even care about their lives, it is difficult to succeed in the path of cultivating immortals.

Unless all of them are the protagonist halo shrouded.

People who don't have the aura of the protagonist, who dares to say 'My life depends on me?', after saying it, he was violently killed on the spot, believe it or not——!


Seeing that the Heavenly Wolf Emperor really knelt, Ye Liang couldn't help but be surprised.

It seems that the prestige of the Akatsuki Female Emperor is indeed very strong in the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance.

It seems that the Heavenly Wolf Emperor is not a person who will easily kneel to people, but she just cooperated with the praise of herself and called herself an Immortal Venerable.

He knelt.

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor must have believed the words of the Red Moon Female Emperor, and really thought that he was an Immortal Venerable.

If he knew that he was just a baby, he would kneel to himself.

I'm afraid he'd rather die at his own hands than kneel.

For some people, life is still less important than dignity.

And where did this dignity come about?

How to say, this is a kind of cognition that belongs to immortal cultivators.

Cultivation should be high, and it is normal for those who cultivate low to see cultivation high.

Even if you kneel, you should be.

And if the cultivation is stronger than the cultivation is high, but also the kneeling of the cultivation high?

Then it is necessary to fight to the death to defend dignity.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang looked towards the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, and sure enough, he saw that his face was still a little unwilling.

Obviously, for him, the words of the Akatsuki Female Emperor were prestige.

But he knelt down and begged for mercy from himself, still a little humiliated.

After all, now his breath is only Yuan Bao...

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Liang simulated an extremely strong aura with the primordial qi.

In an instant, he who originally only had the breath of the early stage of the Yuan Infant, his breath exploded.

Avatar Period——!

The Akatsuki Female Emperor and the Heavenly Wolf Emperor both cast their surprised gazes towards Ye Liang.

The monks on Earth were all shocked.

Sure enough, this one called Ye Liang, really has this kind of cultivation?

Although they can't feel what level it is, they have the same level of breath as the Akatsuki Female Emperor and the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor and Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look at each other and smiled bitterly.

Ye Liang, you still say that you are very dish?

This Nima's, you're so strong, okay——!!!

Let's see how you still pretend to ——!!!

Such a powerful breath, fortunately not aimed at others, otherwise, this breath can crush people's Dao hearts, and it will be difficult to cultivate further.

However, Ye Liang's mind moved, and his breath continued to rise.


The red clouds in the sky were mostly suppressed by the black and white light.

Late Kaishen ——!

The entire solar system is hundreds of light-years away, dyed with a layer of black and white light.

The Pinnacle of Avatar——!!!

The breath is still rising, reaching the realm above the god of transformation.

The next moment, whether it was the Akatsuki Female Emperor or the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, they all felt the oppressive force that made them unbearable.

"You know, what realm is this?"

Looking at the Heavenly Wolf Emperor in front of him, Ye Liang asked him.

"Knock ——!!!"

The Heavenly Wolf Emperor couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

At the moment, his back brushed with a cold sweat.

And the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon finally determined that what she thought before was right, Ye Liang was really, really, and had a strength far beyond her.

All this time, she behaved respectfully in front of Ye Liang, and she was really right.

Ye Liang, it's really an immortal Venerable.

[Hey, it's really a group of ignorant hillbillies, who don't even know how to return to the void realm, isn't it common sense to turn into a god and return to the void?]

Ye Liang: ...

Akatsuki Emperor: Uh... Of course, I know that the god returns to the void, but how do I know that after the transformation of the god, it must be the return to the void realm, and I have never reached this realm.

Stinky men, so low-key on the surface, actually look down on people's nature.

I think so, but at this moment, she forcibly endured Ye Liang's breath of explosion again, and looked at Ye Liang's eyes, she was already in love with Qiubo.

Unexpectedly, the slave family will be able to become a strong man one day.

I thought that the slave family was already the peak of the Immortal Dao.

The previous slave family was really too self-righteous.

And the Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch at this moment, in addition to a look of fear and fear, is grateful to the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon.

He didn't dare to imagine that Ye Liang actually had such a cultivation.

If it wasn't for the Lady Emperor of Chiyue coming out just now, Ye Liang would have played enough and was ready to take his life, right——!!!

At this moment, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor was already kneeling and convinced.

It's terrible, Ye Liang is really terrible.

With such a powerful cultivation, but fighting him back and forth, isn't it teasing him?!!

However, hearing Ye Liang's inquiry, he could only shake his head blankly:

"Immortal Venerable God Realm, Heavenly Wolf cultivation is shallow, short-sighted, I really don't know, I also ask Immortal Venerable to inform ——!"

"Hey, above the god of transformation, naturally it is returning to the void, and the god returning to the void, this is the most basic theory of cultivating immortals, don't you know?"

Ye Liang sighed and said to the Heavenly Wolf Emperor.

"Back to the void... Return to the void, so it is, above the god of transformation is to return to the void, Immortal Venerable cultivation is actually the realm of returning to the void, thank the Immortal Venerable for teaching, the Heavenly Wolf has eyes that do not recognize the Immortal Venerable, offended the Immortal Venerable, Xie Immortal Venerable does not kill——!!!"

When the Heavenly Wolf Emperor heard this, he quickly said to Ye Liang.


Hearing this, Ye Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly:

"Since you know Akatsuki and are Wolf Ji's father, spare your life today, get out." "


Hearing this, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor was amnestied, turned into a blue light, and disappeared into the universe.

Ye Liang watched the Heavenly Wolf Emperor disappear.

I was about to say something, but in the universe, there was the voice of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor again.

"Senior Immortal Venerable, forgive the Heavenly Wolf for a reluctant request, Wolf Ji is the only daughter of the Heavenly Wolf, if she has anything to offend the Immortal Venerable, the Heavenly Wolf is willing to die on behalf of the Wolf Ji. "

After the words fell, there was no longer the breath of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor in the universe.

He didn't even dare to ask Ye Liang for an answer.

Obviously, it was because Ye Liang's aura was too strong.

Even if it is a Avatar cultivator, what happened?

Let you be arrogant, do not kneel to the sky, do not worship the ground.

In front of the more advanced cultivators, he had to obediently bow his head and admit his mistake.

Unless you have the aura of the protagonist, or, there are stronger immortal cultivators covering you.

Power or something, there is not much meaning among immortal cultivators.

The battle of immortal cultivators is often only one possibility, one side completely crushes the other, fights evenly matched, and fights for tens of thousands of years...

Is that possible?

The strength of immortal cultivators is a huge gap at every step.

It is also the Transformation God Period, it may only take a second for the Heavenly Wolf Emperor Monarch to die in the hands of the Akatsuki Female Emperor.

Because the battle speed of immortal cultivators is so fast, in one second, they may have exchanged hundreds of millions of moves...

Maybe a small galaxy has been wiped out by them.

This is the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

So cruel that you never know how many stars will fall in the next second, and how many Immortal Dao masters will fall.

In comparison, the earth is truly a promised land.

Everyone is an ordinary person, but after some people make rules, they can use the rules, hold high, enslave others, and control other people's lives.

At this time, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon finally cast her gaze towards Ye Liang and asked him:

"Ye Liang, you... What exactly is cultivation?"

She had actually heard it from Ye Liang's heart for a long time.

Even if it is the return period, it is still an ant in Ye Liang's eyes.

However, she was really curious about what kind of cultivation realm Ye Liang had reached.


Hearing this, Ye Liang said with some embarrassment:

"Actually, I'm just a baby... Don't believe that I'm the power of the Void Period because of what I just said.

If there is a big scene, maybe I still need your help. "

[Hehe, the cultivation of the Buddha-figure, how can you fox spirit listen to it——!?

Just obediently treat the Buddha-figure as a small pet. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Akatsuki Emperor: Uh... Damn, I'm just asking you what realm your cultivation is, bastard, what are you hiding so deeply.

Let me know your cultivation, is it so difficult?

Obviously, you treat people as a little pet in your heart, but you say it well.

It seems that I still need a long time to work hard to know what your cultivation is.

The battle is over.

The people on the earth looked at Ye Liang's back in the sky and fell into deep thought.

Obviously, this Immortal Venerable named Ye Liang won a big victory.

Not only did he behead that wolf general with a sword, but he also made the Heavenly Wolf Emperor who appeared later kneel to him.

Even the demon fox-like woman who the Heavenly Wolf Emperor had to kneel seemed to salute him.

His status is that the alien emperor has to bow down when he sees it.


What does Ye Liang look like?

Why is the perspective always behind Ye Liang?!!

Camera brother, are you sick, the protagonist has not shown his face——!!!


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