At the end of the battle, although the imaginary outcome of one side dying is different, the process is more exciting than expected.

Ye Liang once again protected the earth...

Just kidding.

He is not protecting the earth, he is simply doing his own thing.

It's just that no matter what Ye Liang's purpose is, at this moment, everyone on the earth is looking at the sky, stunned.

Because no one expected that the final result would be like this.

Now, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor has already knelt for Ye Liang, what will Ye Liang do next?

Those who had offended Ye Liang before all felt boundless fear at this moment.

They have offended the gods——!

And those who did not stand in line before are also not easy at this time.

Because Ye Liang's strength is too terrifying for mortals.

If he was angry and wanted to slap those who had offended him before...

Will that shoot them too?

Will the earth still be there?

Thinking of this, all people on the earth are not in a relaxed mood.

It's just that while they are not relaxed in their hearts, they are also curious.

Ye Liang, what does he look like?

Even some people who knew Ye Liang originally looked at Ye Liang's back at this moment, and they were very puzzled.

Is this person really Ye Liang?

How does it not feel like it looks like it?!!

"Ye Liang, ——!!! awesome"

"Ye Liang, awesome ——!!!!"

At this time, a person suddenly shouted out on the earth.

The people around him were taken aback by his voice.

Everyone looked at him in shock.

Then, they also reacted and shouted into the sky.

"Ye Liang, ——!!! awesome"

"Ye Liang, awesome ——!!!!"

Almost unanimously, such voices resounded everywhere in the world.

Countless people were praising Ye Liang to the sky.

"Ye Liang, Ye Liang, good. "

"Ye Liang, long live ——!!!"

"Ye Liang, you are a god——!!!"

"Ye Liang is from my Great Cold Country——!!"

The strong desire for survival made many people on the earth frantically cheer for Ye Liang at this moment.

It's like... Those who wanted to drive Ye Liang out of the earth just now were not the same as them.

Fear ——!

This kind of emotion is innate in life.

Under the oppression of fear, some people have long forgotten what they were doing before.

They looked at the sky and frantically offered their adoration.

It seems that only in this way will their hearts be at ease.

It seems that if they do this, Ye Liang will not trouble them later.

And for the back in the sky, at this moment, some people are naturally more curious.

What does he look like?!!

Ye Liang originally didn't care about the earth's reaction.

However, when countless people were chanting his name, he naturally sensed everything on the earth.



He couldn't help but sneer.

These guys, if they didn't shout Ye Liang's name, Ye Liang might not notice them.

But now, with their shout, Ye Liang instantly understood what those people had done.

After sneering, he put away his smile and looked towards the Akatsuki Female Emperor on the side.

He said:

"Akatsuki, let's go. "

"Hmm. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor nodded, waved her hand, and the illusion mirror in the sky disappeared.

Naturally, people on Earth can no longer see the situation in the universe...

Those who were worried that Ye Liang would go on a killing spree could not help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

It seems that Ye Liang will not embarrass them, right?

Speaking of which, Ye Liang is an immortal on the earth after all, and as an immortal on the earth, he must still care about the relationship with the earth...

He certainly wouldn't do it to himself.

As for those who were killed by air swords, it must be because of bad luck.

Well, yes, that's right, it definitely is.

Thinking of this, those who had cursed Ye Liang on the earth before and wanted to drive Ye Liang out of the earth secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and they had a feeling of the rest of their lives.


The next moment.


I only listened to a violent shaking sound that shook the heavens and the earth, and the sky was instantly covered with rolling dark clouds.

The sky, which was still clear, suddenly became dark.

The entire earth, east and west, was plunged into darkness.

Endless darkness gives birth to endless terror.

The whole earth is shrouded in a dark cloud.

The next moment——!!!

I only listened to the sound of a sword in the sky, and a sharp qi sword broke through the air.

The sword qi buzzed, one point ten, ten into a hundred, a hundred turns, a thousand thousands.

In an instant, the sky was overwhelming, and the sword air flowed.

The entire earth blew a storm of sword blades in that sword qi cold light.

The terrifying sword pressure spread towards the earth.


The next moment, on the earth, I don't know how many people sensed the terrifying coercion coming from the sword qi.

At this moment, they felt as if they were pointed at by that sharp sword in their hearts, and their whole people were like falling into a valley of cold ice.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"What happened?"

"These swords... It seems to be Ye Liang's sword ?!!!"

"It's Ye Liang, it must be Ye Liang, he's taking revenge on us, ah——!!!"

Seeing the sword qi flying in the sky and overflowing with streamers, those kneeling on the ground felt as if they were being struck by ten thousand swords, and they were in pain.

Compared to those who were screaming on the ground, those who were still standing in place had a puzzled face.

Because they couldn't feel any sword qi at all.


Just when the entire earth was panicking, a fairy sound suddenly came from the sky.

"I am not an immortal, and the eyes of the world cannot be read.

Take Ling Qingxiao, three thousand sword immortals worship me——!"


As the sound of swords sounded, a vision arose again in the sky.

A picture naturally appeared in front of the eyes of all the people on the earth.

In the sky, the earthly light reappears.

A divine light broke through the clouds and fell from the heavenly dome.

The sword lights that were flying above the earth all flew towards that light, converged in one place, and turned into a huge stream of swords.

The sword flow overwhelmed the sky, and the sword light was black and white.

Thousands of sword bodies, accompanied by black and white sword light, formed a huge green lotus in the air.

The green lotus light opened up one by one, and from the blooming green lotus, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Why do you need to ask the top of the Immortal Dao?

A thousand people are extinguished, ten thousand people are destroyed.

First there is a Buddha-figure and then there is a heaven, who is proud of the world——!"

What followed was another slaughtering immortal sound.

There is not a single person on the entire earth who does not tremble at it.

At this time, everyone saw clearly the figure in the sky.

It's Ye Liang——!!!

A head of silver like snow, dancing like the wind.

A blue and white color of the Taoist robe, delicate and clean.

The body is like a green pine standing upright, the face is like a crown jade flawless, the fingertips twist the sword technique, there is no joy or anger on the face, and the immortal is indifferent.


At this moment, the earthlings finally saw the true face of this Immortal Venerable clearly.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

What kind of peerless man is this?!

Out of the world, unparalleled in the world, immortal and outstanding, beyond the imagination of the world.

In simple words, too immortal, fairy man, this is a fairy man?

The previous Akatsuki Female Emperor was naturally peerless, and it was rare in the world.

However, although she is more than delicate and has a unique glow, she is also naturally immortal.

And Ye Liang, who appeared in front of the world at this moment, completely satisfied their imagination of male immortals.

No...... Much fairy than they thought.

How can a person become like this?

It was a look that made me feel guilty.

As if he shouldn't be in this world.

He is Ye Liang?!!!

"He's Ye Liang?!!!"

At this moment, on the rooftop, all the women couldn't help but be stunned, and their eyes widened one by one, as if they didn't believe the sky scene they saw in front of them.

The man in the sky obviously has the same appearance as Ye Liang, but he just dyed his hair...

Just a change of clothes.

It's just a matter of adding some fairy special effects.

How did he suddenly become like this?

It's like a changed person——!!!

If it weren't for what happened just now, they could be sure that the person in front of them should be Ye Liang.

Then they must not believe that this is Ye Liang.

A person, because of different dresses, can actually change so much?!!

The women looked at it, but they couldn't help but drool.


Too, too fairy.

This, this is his boyfriend/master/master?

God, did he save the earth in his last life to be seen by such an excellent person and have the opportunity to follow him?

And so on——!!!

Is the focus of his attention wrong, isn't his ability the most important?!!!

Why do you now have a feeling that his appearance is more important than his ability?

I don't blame myself for being a flower idiot, only blame this guy's current appearance, it's really drooling.

Lick ——!!!

Of all the women present, which one is not the proud daughter of heaven who is sought after by others?

However, compared to the figure in the sky, now they only felt that they were too ashamed.

What qualifications do you have to follow him?!!!

Even they think so, let alone those ordinary women.

At this moment, everyone is staring blankly at the sky.

I don't know how many ordinary women, although they were not affected by Ye Liang's sword qi and were not bound by his mana, but because they saw his face, they fainted in shock on the spot.

The fainting of these women added a bit of embarrassment to the already chaotic earth.

And Tang Pinru's gaze was a little different from that of the women.

Looking at that face in the sky, she couldn't help but be a little tangled...

Ye Qixuan?

How does Ye Liang look a little like Ye Qixuan?

Although after so many years, she had long forgotten Ye Qixuan's appearance, but this silver-white hair still made her remember it vividly.

The current Ye Liang, except for some differences in dress compared to Ye Qixuan in her memory, has a somewhat different appearance temperament, which is almost identical.

Could it be... What does he have to do with Ye Qixuan?

In contrast, Ye Ziqian at this moment was very calm.

At least, that's what her expression looked like.

Really calm...

However, in her heart, at this moment, there were already waves set off.

It's him, it's him, it's really him, hahaha——!!!

It's really him.

But...... How could it be that he ...

Could it be that what he told me before was true?!!!

I...... I was so stupid that I actually doubted his words.


I don't know if I was too happy or too excited, Ye Ziqian silently shed tears at this moment.

Finally saw him.

This time, I will definitely not give him a chance and let him run——!!!

The whole earth, everyone is looking at the sky.

After Ye Liang appeared in shape, his eyes looked down, and the entire earth, no matter from which angle, could be seen that he was looking down at the earth in the sky.

That indifferent expression, as if billions of creatures on the earth were just ants in his eyes.

Is this the majesty of an immortal cultivator?!

And Ye Liang made this kind of movement, of course, for a purpose.

Just now, those guys, the mouth is very cool.

What Ye Liang rolled out of the earth, what Ye Liang was despicable and shameless, what Ye Liang was the shame of the earth?

Is there still someone shouting to eliminate the tyranny of mankind and that the world belongs to the Sky Wolf?

Oh, that's interesting——!!!

Now, it's his turn.

As long as those who have provoked him are no longer protected by the laws of the earth.

Therefore, at this moment, he knew exactly how many people on the earth had provoked him.

There are hundreds of millions of people...

It's really enough, the action power of these guys, even his Yuan Infant power is ashamed of himself.

Heavenly Wolf Emperor, how old have they just come to Earth?

Anti-Ye Liang organizations have already been organized on Earth.

The Internet is developed, which is convenient for some people, and convenient for some fools.

"The whole earth, all people, listen to the Buddha-figures. "

With an indifferent expression, he spoke:

"I believe you must all be shocked now, shocked that there is such a god-like existence as an immortal cultivator in this world.

You must all be afraid, afraid of the power of immortal cultivators, afraid that immortal cultivators will destroy the earth.

Don't worry about that.

Ordinary immortal cultivators can't hurt the earth.

Moreover, the earth will protect you, and no immortal cultivator can harm innocent people on the earth. "


Hearing this, all the ordinary people on the earth couldn't help but recover from the shock of Ye Liang's appearance momentum and appearance, and fell into the next shock.

"The earth will protect innocent people, and immortal cultivators can't hurt the earthlings?"

"Hahahaha, great, doesn't that mean that we will be safe in the future?"

"In this way, Ye Liang can't take revenge on us?"

The people who had spoken Ye Liang breathed a sigh of relief again, and even some people selectively forgot how they knelt on the ground just now.

Also, how certain unlucky people died ...

"Hehe, I'll just say, before that Ye Liang and Wolf Tori turned the two into so big, fighting in the universe, but the earth has nothing at all, this is not scientific. "

"Yes, maybe what we are seeing now is just a big hallucination." "

"Maybe it's a secret weapon invented by some country that can hypnotize the world with satellite radiation?"

Hearing Ye Liang say that immortal cultivators can't hurt innocent people, those who had spoken before breathed a sigh of relief and began to talk again.

Some people are even now suspecting that what they have experienced is nothing more than a large-scale hypnosis.

"Yes, yes, yes... I'm just saying, there are two huge things fighting in the universe, and there is no reaction on Earth?"

"But how do these dead people on this earth explain?"

"Uh... Maybe they're our hallucinations? They're acting together?"

“...... I play Nima. "

After all, not everyone is so mentally retarded, and many people have noticed that Ye Liang has words in his words.

Sure enough, Ye Liang continued:

"The so-called innocent people are those who have never provoked immortal cultivators, as long as you have not provoked immortal cultivators, then you are basically safe on earth, and the attacks of immortal cultivators will not hurt you in any way... Unless there are immortal cultivators who take the initiative to trouble you, but there are so many earthlings. "


Those who were still talking were dumbfounded on the spot at the moment.



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