At this moment, countless people on the earth are in fear.

Although some people have raised their heads and raised their stomachs to the point of soreness, no one is worth looking away in the face of this scene that seems to be the final judgment of human beings on earth.

After hearing Ye Liang's words, there was no doubt that the mood of the earthlings was very complicated.

What counts as a provocation?

Is it considered a provocation to say a bad word?

I just said that I want to let Ye Liang leave the earth, it shouldn't be considered provoking him, right?

I was also deceived by that wolf, and I don't know the truth.

I thought Ye Liang was a despicable and shameless person, that's why he did that kind of thing.

I'm for justice, Ye Liang is an immortal cultivator, an immortal, can he be considerate of me?!"

At this moment, many people selectively believed in their hearts that they had not offended Ye Liang.

Of course, it's not that no one really sees the current conscience.

It's just that all kinds of people have it.

And so on.

Obviously, many people still have a fluke mentality at the moment, and they feel that if they did not offend him in front of Ye Liang, they should be fine.

However, Ye Liang would not take care of these people's pitiful and weak feelings.

He...... Never a generous person.

At least, he was not so generous when offended.

So, he went on to say:

"Human beings have always regarded themselves as the elders of all things, thinking that they are high and in charge of the natural rules of heaven and earth, but since the beginning of the natural rules of heaven and earth, there has only been one, that is... The strong can control the rules.

Immortal cultivators, for human beings, are strong.

Earth can protect ordinary people from being slaughtered by immortal cultivators, but...

The dignity of immortal cultivators is also not allowed to be violated by ordinary people.

No matter which immortal cultivator you actively provoked, the laws of the earth no longer protect you.

I know that there are many people who have offended me today.

But don't worry, I won't seek revenge on you. "


Hearing this, those people couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Great, Ye Liang doesn't seek revenge on them, they have a way to live——!!!

However, Ye Liang said:

"However, you don't have to be happy too early, it's not that the Buddha-figure is benevolent and doesn't think about you.

It's just that you are too weak for Buddha-figures, like ants...

The Buddha-figures don't have to seek revenge on you at all, just like now, the Buddha-figures only release some breath slightly...

Those who have offended Buddha-figures are probably already cracked, right?

The Buddha-figure also does not know when he will fight with people again...

At that time, if the Buddha-figure releases this breath again, I am afraid that it will be the death period of these people, so...

In the spirit of humanitarianism, the Buddha-figures are here to remind those people that if there is any aftermath, arrange it early.

I hope you don't blame the Buddha-figures, who did not intend to kill you.

After all, when it comes time to fight, there is no guarantee that the Buddha-figure can control his breath and will not affect the earth.

In fact.

If it weren't for the Buddha-figures controlling the breath during the battle just now and not allowing the breath to spread to the earth, you would have died a long time ago.

For this alone, you should thank the Buddha-figures.

The restraint of the Buddha-figures has allowed you to live so long, haven't you?"

This is Ye Liang's real purpose.

Let those who have offended him live forever in fear of death.

This is much more relieving than directly slashing across the earth with a sword and completely annihilating those who have offended him.

He's this kind of boring guy.


Hearing Ye Liang's words, all the people on the earth couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Lying groove, it turns out that the terrifying aura just now is lethal to people.

No wonder some people suddenly fell to their knees.

At this moment, the faces of those who had previously felt the horror of the sword intent and screamed on their knees suddenly became ugly again.

What does that mean?

It means that he is the one who offended Ye Liang?!!!

He just sprayed a sentence on the Internet.

It's just a march with people and shouting a few slogans.

Wouldn't it, as for it?!!!

As for it?!!!

"This is the end of this deity's words, and I would like to remind all the earthlings that the earth is about to enter the era of the great outbreak of immortal cultivators.

At that time, countless immortal cultivators will likely appear on the earth...

Don't easily provoke the people around you, otherwise, no one knows if you will one day die from the unconscious attack methods of some immortal cultivator.

And immortal cultivators generally seem to be very bullied, because in this way they can lure you to provoke him and grasp the right to kill you...

I hope that all my fellow citizens on earth - be good to yourself and be kind to the good.

Having said that, the believer speaks for himself. "

After the words fell, Ye Liang's figure slowly disappeared into the sky.

The next moment, the sky instantly became clear, cloudless, and the blue sky was still the same.

The other side of the earth was once again plunged into darkness, and there was no longer the scene before.


At this moment, those who had offended Ye Liang were even more panicked.

Ye Liang disappeared?

Where did he go?

If he met someone somewhere and started the battle, would it affect the earth?

Will he die because of the impact of the battle?!!!

"It's over, I... I seemed to feel Ye Liang's sword intent just now. "

"I... Me too, when the sword flew through the sky just now, I felt like my guts were going to crack. "

"You guys... What did you offend Ye Liang?"

"I... I just mouthed on the Internet that he was a shame on the planet, and I didn't expect that. "

"It's over, we're dead. "



Those who had spoken to Ye Liang were so scared at the moment that they only felt as if they were going to die in the next moment.

Those who had not offended Ye Liang before were also panicked at the moment.

No, will there really be so many immortal cultivators on Earth?

Could it be, there are already many immortal cultivators for a long time?

Could it be that he has already offended other immortal cultivators?!!!

At this moment, the whole world fell into panic.

Everyone was worried about whether he had inadvertently bullied someone who looked like a bully, and he was actually an immortal cultivator.

Of course, under extreme fear, it's not that no one has become crazier, maybe they will do things they didn't dare to do before, then they don't know.

Anyway, Ye Liang just told the truth.

The moment an immortal cultivator appeared on earth, it was already doomed to be a tragedy for ordinary people...

The laws of the earth can only protect ordinary people for a while.

Of course, Ye Liang's real purpose was to give fear to those who offended him, and to give a kind reminder to those who did not offend him.

As for how to understand, it is their own business.

"Whew... It's cool. "

After finishing his words, Ye Liang only felt comfortable all over his body.

It is undeniable that at the moment of crisis, many people will do something to protect themselves, even if it is to slander others, it is normal.

He can understand this behavior, but he cannot forgive others for slandering him.

Therefore, those who have offended him, do not think that there is still a way to live.

Let them, in fear, usher in their own end.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Liang felt that his mood was much better.

The next moment, his expression couldn't help but change.

Because of his cultivation... It's time to break through.

In the beginning of the yin and yang technique, as long as the mind is clear, the cultivation will rise and rise, and the more you do what you like, the faster the cultivation will rise.

It might be difficult for ordinary immortal cultivators to understand Ye Liang's time-wasting behavior.

What is fun with ordinary people, just slash it with a sword.

It's just to offend him, one move is destroyed and it's over, why waste so much time, just to make those people regret, fear?

Looking at the look of fear in ordinary people, can he get happiness?


Although Ye Liang is now a powerful baby, he also feels that he is having endless fun fighting with people.

He likes to see the desperate look of those who have offended him and want to regret it, but there is no way but to wait quietly and die.

It's a bad taste, right?

Or, Ye Liang instinctively didn't want to take the initiative to kill those people and let them die in the aftermath of which of his battles, perhaps, it would seem that he was not so cruel?

No matter what, Ye Liang is really happy now.

Unexpectedly, his cultivation rose so much at once.

It seems that it is time to break through.

Pity...... It's still a kick in the door.

Otherwise, he is also a powerful god, and at that time, even if he faces the all-powerful Akatsuki Female Emperor, he will definitely be able to win.

At that time, it was time to tell her the truth.

"Let's go, Akatsuki. "

He said to the Akatsuki Female Emperor beside him:

"It's also time to tell my mother the truth. "

[It's also time to pretend to be forced on my mother.] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Emperor Akatsuki: ...

Eh, big brother, just by your cultivation, where do you come from for fun and like to pretend?

You are like that, and so is your mother.

I really don't know if you inherited your own mother, or if your own mother was influenced by you.

And pretend to be forced on your mother... What a convinced.

After she secretly spat out, she was a little playful.

Wait for Ye Ziqian's expression to be wonderful.

The immortal light in the sky converged, and Ye Liang slowly descended from the air and landed on the sky tower of Ye Ziqian's company.

At this time, a silvery figure with long silver-white hair like him and dressed in a costume was quietly waiting for him there.

The long silver-white hair, like drifting snow, was gently dancing against the strong wind on the roof.

After becoming like this, Ye Ziqian's hair is different from the previous company OL-style hair tie, but similar to the fairy hairstyle in the game.

At this moment, she looked at Ye Liang in the sky, and her eyes were unprecedentedly gentle.


With the Chiyue Female Emperor slowly fell to Ye Ziqian's side, looking at the fairy mother in front of him, Ye Liang's expression was also strange.

For the source of his mother's current image, he naturally has some guesses.

These things, more on that later.

Now, it's time for him to admit it.

"Mom, I said it all, I'm an immortal, now you won't believe it anymore, right?"

[Hahahaha, how is it, mother, did your son surprise you today?!]

[Son, my identity as an immortal cultivator can be regarded as completely letting you know today. 】

[Sure enough, this kind of thing is not cool at all when told to others, or you have to tell your mother to you, so that you can have the pleasure of pretending——!!!

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: Ugh.

Do you pretend to be Nima——!!!

After she secretly vomited in her heart, she smiled again and said to Ye Liang:

"You're really frightening my mother." "

"In other words, you boy, when did you become an immortal cultivator, and such a powerful cultivator?"

She asked Ye Liang again.

"Mom, I'm just curious, how did you learn the Immortal Phase?"

Ye Liang looked at Ye Ziqian's whole body with a curious look and asked her.

According to his guess, this immortal phase method should have been taught to Ye Ziqian by himself.

Although the immortal phase is a magic weapon by definition, in fact, it is a spell that needs to be used by the user himself before it can be cast.

Ye Ziqian must have been taught by someone——!!


Ye Ziqian raised the corners of her lips, looked cunning, and said:

"Well... Of course your father taught me. "


Hearing this, Ye Liang almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.


My dad?

Could it be that my father is also an immortal cultivator?!!

Where are the others?

Come out and see if I don't kill him——!!!

Because Ye Ziqian once said that her father was a personal scumbag, dumped her, and slipped away alone to be happy.

Such scum is not worthy of being his father.

Not even a foster father.


And so on——!!!

My adoptive father, shouldn't it be...

Ye Liang's expression began to gradually become strange.


The Female Emperor of Chiyue, who was following Ye Liang, couldn't help but look at Ye Ziqian with a shocked expression.

What is this situation?

Ye Liang his father?

If he guessed correctly, Ye Liang's father should be his adoptive father Ye Qixuan.

His own adoptive father Ye Qixuan... Will spells?

If he knew magic and was an immortal cultivator, how could he let his adoptive mother die in a car accident.

There's no reason, it's not metaphysical.

Or is this really a coincidence, an accident, although he is an immortal cultivator, but he is very dish, so there was a car accident?


Because he suddenly thought of a terrible possibility just now, Ye Liang's expression suddenly became very strange, and he coughed heavily twice, before opening his mouth and asking Ye Ziqian:

"Mom, forgive me, my father, do you mean the negative adoptive father you said before, or do you mean my own father?"


Ye Ziqian had already guessed the cause and effect of everything at this moment, so, looking at Ye Liang in front of her, her face became more and more cunning.

"Didn't I tell you before, your adoptive father is your own father——!

His name is... Ye Qixuan ——!!"

Hehe, smelly boy, see if the old lady doesn't scare you to death——!!!

Ye Liang: "Hiss——!!!"

Emperor Akatsuki: ... Sure enough, Ye Qixuan is Ye Liang's adoptive father and his biological father.

In this way, Ye Liang and I are still righteous brothers and sisters?!!

She cast her gaze towards Ye Liang beside her with a strange look.


Ye Liang was still gasping for air.

Wait, this relationship seems to be a big problem.


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