Ye Liang really didn't expect that he would hear such a powerful thing from Ye Ziqian one day.

If Ye Ziqian said that his father was his adoptive father, he could still accept it.

In the big world, there are no wonders, and the same style of immortal appearance may not be absent.

Therefore, Ye Ziqian learned some immortal phases from a certain scumbag immortal cultivator, which was normal.

However, now, Ye Ziqian actually said that his adoptive father was also his own father...

Ah this.

What's the situation?!!

If it is just the setting coincide, forget it, but Ye Qixuan's three words, can't fool people, right?

Ye Qixuan is his adoptive father?

Well, this, he is not unacceptable.

Everyone has everyone's moral code of conduct...

Some people feel that affectionate people are not suitable for intimate relationships.

So there are always people who say, 'I treat you as a sister, I treat you as a brother', and no matter how bad it is, someone comes to say, 'I treat you as my own mother'.

There are also people who are weaker in their so-called moral identification, such as Yang Guo who likes Xiaolongnu, and the two are master-apprentice relationships in the true sense.

Perhaps, Ye Qixuan really has something to do with Ye Ziqian.

Ye Qixuan is the scumbag in Ye Ziqian's mouth...

However, Ye Qixuan is his own father?

How to solve this setting?!!!

At this moment, Ye Liang was stunned.

Am I my own daddy?

Some things can be bizarre, but they can't——!!!

He looked at the Akatsuki Female Emperor beside him, and seeing that the Akatsuki Female Emperor was looking at him with some strange eyes, he asked in a voice:

"Akatsuki, what are you thinking?"

"I... I was thinking, maybe you are my righteous brother, and the righteous father who adopted me before is also called Ye Qixuan. "

The Lady Emperor of the Red Moon replied truthfully.


Hearing this, Ye Liang looked strange.

He seemed to have missed something very important.

That is, before the Akatsuki Female Emperor had a showdown with him about her righteous father's bottom line, she had already heard him say that his name was Ye Qixuan.

Although it was used to pretend, at that time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor did not seem to react to his name at all.

Later, she suddenly said that her adoptive father was Ye Qixuan.

This means that... In the memory of the Lady Emperor of Chiyue before that, there should not be the name Ye Qixuan.

But after that, she returned from traveling through time, but she had a memory of the name Ye Qixuan.


Does it prove that by traveling through time and space, he is indeed changing the past, rather than contributing to history?

Can history actually be changed?!!

At this moment, Ye Liang's mind suddenly turned to this topic again.

Judging from the attitude towards herself before and after the Lady Akatsuki Emperor, it seems...

History has really been changed.

In her mind, she lost some unimportant memories.

That is, he once said that he was Ye Qixuan.

It is precisely because of this that she did not put Ye Qixuan's identity on herself in the first place?!!

Although it was only a little unimportant memory, it brought a huge hint to Ye Liang.

That is, history can be changed——!!!

Even if it's just a little.

If history cannot be changed, then what you did before was to complete the original history.

If the Akatsuki Female Emperor was in the original history, how could she not react to the name Ye Qixuan at all?

From the moment I crossed it, history has actually been divided into two parts, right——!!!

After all, what you have done in the past has affected the present.

But it has no effect on the time before he crosses it.

If that's the case, that's interesting.

Wait, don't think about this first, or think about how you became your own father.

This is the theme, don't digress.

Ye Liang fell into deep thought again.

After thinking about it, he asked the Purple Heart Female Emperor, Lu Yao'er, and Wolf Ji again.

"Do you have any impressions of the name Ye Qixuan?"

Because they had also heard Ye Liang expose Ye Qixuan's name.

"Nope. "

The answer was no.

Ye Liang also confirmed his guess at this moment.

Or, is history really changed ...

If, in order to cater to the rationality of history, the things in the minds of the women that they had said that they were Ye Qixuan had disappeared.

Therefore, for them, the matter of being Ye Qixuan should not exist.

It also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

It's risky, if people know that I'm my own father, then I don't know how to explain it.

"Is it really him?"

At this moment, looking at the scene inside the Xuanguang mirror, on the rooftop in the distance, Tang Pinru also confirmed his guess.

Ye Qixuan, Ye Liang is really his son——!!!

In fact, at the moment when Ye Liang revealed his true face.

Immortal cultivator, silver-white hair, and this somewhat familiar face, she was sure that Ye Liang must be the son of that hateful guy named Ye Qixuan.

“...... Uh?!!"

To say that the most shocked person present was Jiang Yurou.

Because, the name Ye Qixuan, she is very familiar.

Ye Liang, that guy has always called himself like this in his heart.

However, now, Ye Ziqian actually said that Ye Qixuan was Ye Liang's own father or his adoptive father.


What's the situation?

Isn't Ye Liang Ye Qixuan?

His own father, the same name as he used?!

No, it should be said that Ye Liang and his father use the same name?

Ah this...

A little too weird, right?

At this time, Ye Liang got the answers from the women, and he had some new understanding of his changed past.

Or, the past can be changed.

Or, there are complex problems that I didn't expect.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang asked Ye Ziqian again:

"Mom, are you sure that my own father is my scumbag adoptive father, his name is Ye Qixuan?

"Huh. "

Hearing this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but smile:

"Of course, the old lady can't even admit the old lady's man, right, and besides, your current appearance is indeed exactly the same as your own father Ye Qixuan." "

Although he said it very easily, Ye Ziqian's gaze looking at Ye Liang was very strange.

At this moment, her heart has long been terrified.


Why would it be him?

Why would he be Ye Liang?

Groove ——!!!

Did he tease the old lady on purpose——!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian's heart had already exploded with countless foul words.

Because she couldn't have imagined that that man would actually be Ye Liang...

How could he be Ye Liang.

Damn it, isn't this teasing the old lady?!!!

How can the old lady recognize him, hateful——!!!

The old lady's own three views are about to explode.

At the same time as the waves of horror in her heart, Ye Ziqian looked at Ye Liang's gaze with gentleness and annoyance, as if there was a great grievance hidden in her eyes.

This kind of resentful look made Ye Liang feel a little strange when he saw it.

Groove, what the hell is going on.

Could it be that the Ye Qixuan that Ye Ziqian said in his mouth was really himself?

This, this, this...

It's a bit too exciting.

At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but feel a little entangled.

What happened in the past?

Seeing that Ye Liang did not speak, Ye Ziqian's eyes were naturally even more resentful.

She said faintly:

"I said Xiaoliang, do you want to know what happened to your scumbag father and me?"

Hmph, since you make the old lady feel bad, the old lady also makes you feel bad——!!!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile wickedly.

The old lady just made up some content to make your three views explode.

Who let you blow up the old lady's three views now?


Hearing this, Ye Liang's gaze turned towards Ye Ziqian, and he saw that she seemed to have an aftertaste on her face.

His face couldn't help but become even more strange.

"Ahem, what... Mom, let's talk about this later, now I'll introduce you first, my girlfriend. "

Hearing that Ye Ziqian was about to talk about her past with Ye Qixuan, Ye Liang quickly interrupted her.

What kind of joke, he can't listen to the past.

Because he is a person at the point of time, if he hears the past, it may cause the past to be stereotyped.

In the future, it will not be so easy for him to change the past.


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian was a little depressed.

Stinky boy, actually not fooled?!!!

Looking towards the Red Moon Female Emperor beside Ye Liang, she spoke:

"Yo, Yan Qing, you are finally willing to come back, it's very good, it seems that you haven't forgotten me yet." "

Since you are not fooled now, then the old lady will first get back the forced people who did not pretend in the past.

Smelly boy, you may never think that Yan Qing was sent to you by the old lady.

If you knew that Yan Qing was raised by the old woman, wouldn't you be shocked to death?

"Mr. Ye, I'm back. "

Seeing Ye Ziqian cast her gaze on her, the Chiyue Female Emperor, who was still waiting to hear Ye Ziqian say about the matter between her and Ye Qixuan, also gave her a face and said to her.

After all, whether Ye Ziqian is a real dish or a fake strong, she is Ye Liang's mother and her current mother-in-law, and this face still has to be given.


Hearing this, Ye Liang cast his gaze towards Yan Qing with some curiosity.

"Akatsuki, what did you call my mother just now?"

"She called me Mr. Ye. "

Ye Ziqian said with a smug look:

"Stinky boy, I can't think of it, in fact, Yan Qing is my person, I sent her to your side and be your girlfriend——!"

"Uh, yes?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang looked at the Female Emperor of Chiyue again, a little surprised.

He hadn't thought before that the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki would be with his mother.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor naturally nodded.

Ye Ziqian couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qing, this smelly girl, is still quite familiar at a critical moment, and knows that it is good to cooperate with the old lady.

Thinking of this, she said to Ye Liang excitedly:

"How about it, son, don't be surprised, surprised, but my mother can even arrange such a beautiful woman to be your girlfriend?!!

Yan Qing met you, all arranged by the old lady. "

"It was quite unexpected, it was quite a surprise. "

Ye Liang said sincerely.

Before he was wondering, why Yan Qing would take the initiative to stick him...

It is clear that Yan Qing's conditions are so good, and at that time, his setting was just an ordinary and handsome teenager, right?

It turns out that Yan Qing was arranged by his mother?

[Hehe, look at your old man's pleasure, I really thought you could arrange Yan Qing. ]

She is the Emperor of the Red Moon, a powerful god.

Do you know what it means to be powerful?

You don't know——!!

If it weren't for my son, I would have died on her a long time ago, and you arranged for her ...


Seeing how proud you look, I still don't debunk you.

Just make you proud.

If I tell you the truth, I don't know what you will be shocked to. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: Uh... TMD, you smelly boy, you really don't want to make the old lady happy at all, do you?

You remembered it to the old lady——!!!

"Yet. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor also spoke at this time:

"Although Yan Qing was arranged by President Ye at that time, Yan Qing will not like you because of this, Ye Liang, I can guarantee that what I like is you as a person, and it has nothing to do with President Ye's arrangement.

You, take my word for it?"

Saying that, she stared at Ye Liang with an affectionate look.

Those pair of tender eyes seemed to swallow everyone.

"Of course I believe you, you are the Emperor of Akatsuki, you can fancy me, I can't think of any other explanation other than true love." "

Ye Liang looked at the Female Emperor of Chiyue and also smiled.

In any case, she was the Akatsuki Female Emperor before, and she was just a small congenital period.

In that case, she can see herself all, what else is there to say?

[See, Mom, don't say what you arranged for your son in the future.

Seriously, this pretense doesn't look like it.

Like my son, invisible pretense is the real pretense.

I didn't say I was awesome, I just said she was really in love with me.

Do you believe it?

You must not believe it, you will definitely think that it must be me who is powerful, she will like me.

Then, you invisibly think that I am better than you think.

This is invisible pretense.

In terms of pretending, you are tens of thousands of years worse than my son and me. 】


Ye Liang was unable to spit out.

Why did Xiu Immortal Voice Pack have to pretend to be with Ye Ziqian?

Ye Ziqian: ... This stinky boy, why do you have to pretend in front of the old lady?

If you don't pretend to be forced for a day, you are uncomfortable, right?!!

At this moment, she couldn't wait to give Ye Liang a bite hard.

But now she really cares about the problem.

Ye Liang was actually that man.

Ye Liang was actually Ye Qixuan——!!!

Although he raised his son, he did not particularly want to give it to other women for nothing.

But it can't be too outrageous, right?!!

How could he be Ye Qixuan?

This is not Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo...

One is a master and the other is an apprentice.

They are even more exaggerated——!!

Didn't you see that Ye Liang was so shocked by her words just now that he couldn't speak?

Even Ye Liang, this guy, looks like this, where did he get his face and expose the truth?

This...... This is outrageous.

No, you have to find a way to let him take the initiative to tell the truth——!!!

Thinking of this, her gaze cast towards Ye Liang.

Hmph, smelly boy, don't think the old lady will make you feel better.

"Look, it's ——!!! here"

Just as the three of them were talking, a group of people suddenly squeezed in at the entrance of the rooftop.

These people are all people from Ye Ziqian's company.

Men and women all rushed to the rooftop, looking at the three people on the rooftop, they plopped down on their knees.

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I actually didn't believe that you are an immortal just now, please forgive me——!!!"

"Please forgive me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disbelieved you——!!!

"I, I didn't say anything bad about you, you have a lot of adults, please don't count the faults of villains. "



Looking at this person who suddenly rushed up and knelt on the ground, Ye Liang and the three looked at each other speechless.

How did these guys get up ?!


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