
At this moment, Ye Liang was suspecting a problem.

That is, Ye Ziqian, does she know anything about him——!!!

If Ye Ziqian knew about him, then why didn't she recognize herself?

So, she doesn't know about herself?

In her opinion, Ye Qixuan and herself should be two people, right?!

It's a pity that this answer is not good for him to ask Ye Ziqian directly.

If he asked, wouldn't he directly admit that he was Ye Qixuan?

Until he knows what happened in the past, he can't have a showdown with Ye Ziqian.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang's gaze looked towards the employees of Ye Ziqian's company.

Seeing the person kneeling in front of him, Ye Liang was a little speechless.

"What are you doing on my knees?"

He asked the men.


Hearing this, everyone kneeling on the ground couldn't help but cast their gazes towards Ye Liang with a surprised look at this time.

What do you say, immortals?

You said we kneel what you do, of course, to ask for cover——!!!

I have to say that the people in Ye Ziqian's company are really lucky.

Because Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian were both in the company, they knew that Ye Ziqian was a god up close, and they didn't even dare to be rude to Ye Liang.

Therefore, the sword intent that Ye Liang sent out just now, they really did not perceive it.

However, after seeing the great war in the universe with their own eyes, where can they be as calm as before?!!

Ye Ziqian is a god, very powerful, very sacred, very beautiful, very outstanding, right?

However, Ye Ziqian did not show any destructive power before.

She just changed her outfit like magic, which gave people a great feeling.

As for what kind of fantasy realm and the like, it is only a momentary feeling.

In fact, nothing happened at that time, although Ye Ziqian's immortal special effects and Ye Liang's immortal special effects are the same style, one is just a momentary illusion, and the other is a direct reality...

The feeling is naturally different.

Before they looked at Ye Ziqian like a fairy, that feeling was not much different from seeing a very accurate half-immortal on the roadside stall.

One is really changed, one is pretending.

But now Ye Liang has truly demonstrated the true destructive power that belongs to immortal cultivators.

Mortals finally realized the fact that they were ants in front of immortal cultivators.

As a matter of course, they came to kneel Ye Liang.

Kneeling in front of Ye Liang, looking at Ye Liang's appearance, everyone couldn't help but secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva.

I can't believe that the person in front of me is just fighting a big battle with alien immortals in the universe, and he can transform into a giant body of hundreds of millions of zhang, holding stars in his hands, and breaking the starry sky with a sword.

This is the real immortal——!!!

Of course, now they naturally dare not underestimate Ye Ziqian.

After all, Ye Ziqian is Ye Liang's mother, and she is also an immortal cultivator.

In case Ye Ziqian's strength was stronger than Ye Liang, it was not impossible.

After all, how could mortals see the things of the immortals?

And, speaking of which...

Everyone's eyes looked towards the Red Moon Female Emperor standing beside Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian.

Isn't this Manager Yan Qing?

Manager Yan Qing is the alliance master who made the Heavenly Wolf Emperor salute before.

She is also an immortal cultivator?

Lying groove, are there really so many immortal cultivators in this world?!

It stands to reason that at this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor is the most attractive.

Because her cultivation is the strongest, theoretically speaking, the sense of existence is also the strongest.

However, after everyone glanced at Yan Qing, their gazes immediately moved towards Ye Liang.

Because Ye Liang was the one who could make Yan Qing salute him.

In comparison, it is obvious that Ye Liang is the most important.

To please people, it is also necessary to be sequential.

At this moment, Ye Liang's scenery makes men envious and women yearn for.

"Ye Shao, it turns out that you are really an immortal, I really didn't know the real immortal before, please forgive Ye Shao. "

"Ye Shao, you saved the earth from danger——!

"Ye Shao, look at me, my root bone is wonderful. "

"Ye Shao, you must lack a maid who serves you tea and water, I think I am fully qualified for this job. "

“...... Ye Shao, my figure is very good, I am an anime waist ——!"

"Ye Shao, I'm an anime figure, look at me. "


"Who let you call Ye Shao? "

"Ye Xianzun, we really want to follow you——!

"Ask Immortal Venerable to take me as an apprentice——!!!"

"Immortal Venerable, I would like to accompany you for a long time. "

At this moment, a bunch of men and women knelt in front of Ye Liang.

It's noisy.

They originally wanted to say something similar to worshiping God in order to please Ye Liang.

But in modern society, where else will worship God?

Therefore, what they said to Ye Liang became the most vulgar flattery.

And there is no one in this world who does not want to listen to flattering words.

It's just that, at most, the person who says it is annoying.

So many people, twittering non-stop, when chasing stars?!!

Looking at the men and women in front of him, Ye Liang didn't have time to pay attention to them for the time being.

Therefore, he directly said:

"Shut up. "


At this moment, the entire rooftop suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was too scared to squeak anymore.

Although they all want to please Ye Liang and want to be covered by immortals.

However, they did not dare to offend Ye Liang.

Ye Liang made them shut up, how dare they open their mouths again?

It's just that......

Their eyes looked at Ye Liang, and their eyes were still very hot.

Some people even fantasize that maybe he is unique, and his sincerity can move Ye Liang, let Ye Liang accept him as an apprentice, pass on his immortal law, accept her as a maid or something...

For people who have this kind of thought, it can only be said that they are thinking about farting and eating.

Whether it is a man or a woman, they are thinking about fart.

Where does Ye Liang have time to take care of them now?

He just glanced at these guys faintly, and the extraordinary fairy aura in his eyes caused the girls present to be crazy, and fainted several at once.

Then, he said to Ye Ziqian:

"Mom, this time, I didn't just bring Akatsuki. "


Hearing Ye Liang call Ye Ziqian's mother, no one felt that there was anything wrong before.

But now...

Everyone present looked at the mother and son in front of them, who also had long silver-white hair, but felt a huge sense of discord.

Are they really mother and son?

How does it give people such a strong sense of CP?!

Whether it is the style of clothes or that aura, it doesn't feel like a mother and son.

"More than brought Akatsuki back? What do you mean?"

Ye Ziqian asked:

"Are you... Bring Jiang Yurou's child too, let her come out and show me." "

Hmph, Yan Qing, this guy really betrayed the old lady.

Since you are ruthless, then don't blame the old lady for being unrighteous.

The old lady will not spoil you in the future, so she will spoil Jiang Yurou alone.

At that time, you will know that the woman who can get the favor of her mother-in-law is the real happiness.


"Huh. "

Ye Liang smiled and did not explain, he swiped his hand back, and a spatial passage opened behind him.

Next, it's surprise time...

It's a pity that this surprise time may have been greatly discounted.

After all, the biggest surprises have already appeared.

Even if he brought women from all over the earth here, he would not be as surprised by his performance just now.

"Yurou, come out to see your mother-in-law. "


Seeing Ye Liang casually cut a spatial passage, everyone on the rooftop couldn't help but widen their eyes.

What is it?

Immortal means are really not what mortals can imagine.

Could it be that this is the legendary spatial passage?!!

In the surprised gaze of everyone, a figure slowly walked out from the spatial passage.

I saw that her figure was tall, wearing a pink off-the-shoulder long skirt, and her green face, but she had already brought a bit of flowery and moonish appearance.

Even if there were already two daughters, Ye Ziqian and the Akatsuki Female Emperor, her appearance here was still eye-catching.

And Ye Ziqian's gaze was naturally looking at that figure.

"Yurou... You are Yurou, oh, you look so beautiful, you look much more beautiful than the inside of the phone. "

After confirming Jiang Yurou's identity, she quickly showed a look of excitement on her face, greeted Jiang Yurou, and took her hand.

"Aunt Ye. "

At this moment, Jiang Yurou had just come out of the spatial passage, and looking at Ye Ziqian's appearance at this moment so closely, she couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Originally, Ye Ziqian was already young enough and beautiful enough, but she didn't expect that she would become like this again.

This skin like a snow carved ice sculpture, this beautiful face, really made the woman standing in front of her ashamed.

There are really too many beautiful women around Ye Liang, even this future mother-in-law is so oppressive.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou didn't know whether she should cry or laugh...

"Hehe, good boy, Auntie likes you very much when she sees you, come on, Auntie has a gift for you." "

Saying that, Ye Ziqian raised an eyebrow at the Chiyue Female Emperor next to her, as if he was deliberately provoking her.

Then, she raised her hand, and a jade bracelet appeared out of thin air from her hand.

"Come, take it. "

Ye Ziqian's suddenly revealed hand made Ye Liang next to him and the Akatsuki Female Emperor secretly surprised.

Space means.

Does Ye Ziqian have spatial means?

It seems that she is not as simple as she seems, not just to become a fairy.

"Ah, this... It's too expensive for me to ask for. "

This had just met, and Ye Ziqian was about to give her a jade bracelet, which made Jiang Yurou a little flattered.

So, she pretended to be polite.

However, the next moment, Ye Ziqian said:

Do you know that this bracelet was given to me by Ye Liang's father, specially prepared for Ye Liang to marry his wife, just such a piece, if you don't want it, then I can give it to others." "

"Thank you, Aunt Ye. "

Without waiting for Ye Ziqian's words to fall, Jiang Yurou had already taken Ye Ziqian's bracelet.

Just such a piece?!

Hahaha, with this thing, wouldn't the position of his main palace have laid a solid foundation in the future?!!!


Seeing Ye Ziqian's appearance, the Akatsuki Female Emperor on the side couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Ye Ziqian, this old demon, shouldn't she think that I would be jealous because of this?

Are you kidding.

Will I be jealous?

I directly curry favor with Ye Liang, isn't the benefit he gave me more than the benefits I got from this old demon woman?

What kind of bracelet, I am not rare.

I, the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, don't believe that a strong person like Ye Liang would really take his fucking opinion to heart.

Let him like it, is really like it——!!!

Jiang Yurou, this little girl, how can it compare with me?!!!

What can I do, can she do?!!!

"Purple Heart, you can come out. "

At this moment, Ye Liang said again.

I saw a figure shaking in the spatial passage, and a woman dressed in a purple emperor robe slowly walked out of the spatial passage.


"Groove ?!!!"

Everyone on the rooftop was shocked again at this moment.

Everyone looked at the Purple Heart Female Emperor who came out of the spatial passage in a daze.

Another superb beauty beyond mortal recognition.

Jiang Yurou is already very beautiful in herself, but she is a mortal after all.

Where is it comparable to the Chiyue Female Emperor, Ye Ziqian, and the new Purple Heart Female Emperor Immortal Xiang?!!

The appearance of the Purple Heart Female Emperor made the sky seem to lose color for a moment.

At this moment, an invisible pressure seemed to infect the hearts of everyone present.

It was as if this appeared not a superb beauty, but a unique emperor.

That imperial domineering is something that ordinary people can feel.

However, this female emperor called Purple Heart, after walking out of the spatial passage, obediently came to Ye Liang's side and saluted Ye Ziqian:

"Purple Heart, I've seen Aunt Ye——!"

Obviously, she is also the woman next to Ye Liang.


Everyone present couldn't help but secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva when they saw this scene.

Is this the daily life of the gods?

There are countless fairies around, and they are too enviable, right?

And those women who were still thinking about whether they might be favored by Ye Liang felt that they probably had no hope at all at this moment.

Good guy, none of the women who appeared next to Ye Liang made them feel that they could be compared with each other.

One is more beautiful than the other, and this is more than a yarn.

Are they all fairies?!!!


Looking at the Purple Heart Female Emperor who appeared in front of her, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but froze for a moment.

This, this woman, is also too domineering.

This kind of woman who doesn't need to say anything, doesn't have to do anything, just needs to stand there quietly, and there is a gratuitous imperial domineering woman.

It's rare to see in the world...

Of course, even among immortal cultivators, it is rare to see.

Although, around Ye Liang, it seems that all women have their own characteristics.

Then, Ye Ziqian's gaze cast towards Ye Liang.

Good fellow, where did you find the woman again?!!


Before, I thought that only Jiang Yurou and Yan Qing, the fox spirit——!!!

At this moment, her eyes clearly brought a little resentment.


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