When Jiang Chen rushed down, he said to the old students:"Continue to move forward according to the route and meet at the entrance of the forest."

Jiang Chen, who caught the new student, could not continue to take her back to her original position because the freshman was afraid of moving. Forced to land, Jiang Chen held her with one hand and kept the sword balanced with the other, and then slowly descended to the flat ground.

The freshman who finally touched the ground said to Jiang Chen with some self-reproach:"Many... thank you, senior Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen let her go and asked,"Can I still continue to wield the sword?"

"I'm afraid...it doesn't work...I'm useless and delayed my trip."The new female disciple lowered her head in guilt.

"It’s okay, let’s rest where we are for a while and then continue moving forward later." Jiang Chen shook his head and said to her.

Jiang Chen walked to the side and observed the terrain and surrounding environment. The female freshman sat on the stone and worshiped Looking at Jiang Chen. I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so easy to talk to and not able to teach others even if he made a mistake. The key is that he is still talented, young and promising. He is simply the male god in the hearts of all girls! But this female freshman just wants to think about it. That's all. She knew how much she weighed. If she could stand next to Jiang Chen, the people who could compete with him would not be much worse.

Jiang Chen was planning the next route and had no time to pay attention to the sight of the person behind him. and thoughts.

After a while, the female freshman walked to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen turned around and looked at her:"Let's go.""

""Yeah." The female freshman nodded and headed towards the forest with Jiang Chen.

Walking like this is indeed not as good as flying with a sword. The old students took the freshmen to the entrance of the forest early.

"Rest where you are and wait for Grandmaster Jiang Chen."Master Hua ordered everyone to

"Will Xiaodie be okay?"Several girls gathered together to talk

"Senior Patriarch Jiang Chen will be fine if he is with her."

It turned out that the disciple who lost his footing was called Xiaodie. He lost his concentration while wielding the sword.

After a while, the figures of Jiang Chen and another disciple appeared at the entrance.

"Look, look, they are coming." Everyone found the two of them.

Everyone who knew Xiaodie ran up and asked,"Xiaodie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks to Senior Jiang Chen for saving me."Xiaodie said gratefully

"Everyone is here, right?" Jiang Chen ignored the group of freshmen and asked the old students.

The old students all stood up and nodded,"Go in, the forest is no better than outside, there are all kinds of monsters and beasts in there, everyone You have to be very careful when you go in. After you go in, don't touch any flowers or grass inside. Do you understand?"Jiang Chen then turned around and said to the freshmen.

"Understood!"The freshmen all knew this and kept it in mind.

A group of people entered the forest. At first, everyone was very cautious, and nothing happened while walking. Some people relaxed their vigilance and looked at everything around them casually, not taking it seriously..

Soon the night got late, and a bright white full moon slowly rose in the sky. A male disciple looked at the quiet atmosphere and felt a little itchy. He ran to the side and picked a bouquet of flowers. Others Saw:"What are you doing? Don't touch things randomly." Everyone was very careful, but that person didn't take it seriously.

Jiang Chen also saw the flowers that person was holding, but he didn't say anything. He wanted them to cry a little so that they would remember it.

Immediately, the person's hand It swelled up and was extremely itchy, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Jiang Chen threw him a bottle of medicine, but didn't say anything, just looked at the man deeply.

The man knew he was in the wrong and didn't dare to say anything. , took the medicine and ran away to apply it.

At this time, some strange sounds came from the depths of the forest, 5 of which were from ordinary animals. After what happened just now, everyone began to treat the surrounding environment carefully..

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