Jiang Chen saw that it was getting late at night, because these had brought many new students, and this was also the first time they came out to practice killing monsters. At present, their strength was not high. If they went in at night, they might encounter some high-level monsters.

Jiang Chen considered many of the new students' problems and finally decided to set off tomorrow morning and camp here to rest.

So Jiang Chen said to them:"Everyone, it's getting late at night. Let's camp here and rest tonight. When it gets light tomorrow morning, we will set off again."

When Jiang Chen started talking, the freshmen were still very excited. , thinking Jiang Chen was going to take them in tonight. As a result... after hearing what Jiang Chen said, the faces of the new students suddenly dropped. All of them were like withered flowers, lifeless.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he started to set up the tent. He saw that the freshmen were still standing there and frowned:"What's wrong? Do you have any objections? Why don't you take action?" The freshmen looked displeased when they heard this. He acted willingly, and within a short while, the tent was set up.

But the freshmen were very irritated because they had to wait until tomorrow morning to go into the mountains after such a long journey, which the young boys couldn't wait for.

At this time, the old students had already set up tents and were resting.

But the freshmen are eager to give it a try and want to go into the mountains to kill monsters at this time.

Because they have been training for a long time, they can finally come out to practice, which makes them very excited. After being trapped in training for so long, they can finally come out to kill monsters for real.

At this time, a leader among the freshmen called all the freshmen over, and they sat in a circle to discuss things.

The leader among them said plausibly:"Everyone, good evening, I just asked, do you want to go into the mountains to kill monsters now?" After he said this, a group of people said:"Yes! Of course we do!" But of course we do!

Someone else said:"But Jiang Chen won't let us go in at night!" Another person echoed:"Yes, yes, he won't let us go in now!" The leader heard what they said:"What's the matter? Yes, let's go talk to him, so we can go in?"

Another person suddenly appeared and said:"Then who will go, I don't dare!" Another person also echoed:"Yes, then Who is going to tell Jiang Chen? How about we make the decision?"

The leader's eyes lit up when he heard this idea:"This is a good idea, but is anyone willing to go directly?"

When the others heard this from the leader, He immediately lowered his head or chatted with the person next to him after saying a few words. The wind was so carefree today!

Seeing them like this, the leader shook his head helplessly and said:"Let's just shake the stick."

The leader took out the swing he carried with him from his bag. When he was about to shake it, he said to the leader:"You are not allowed to cheat until you shake it." Ah! I choose six!"

The leader threw the ball up, and everyone was thinking, it's not me, it's not me!

When the swing fell, the leader's face shook unconsciously, and when he saw it, it was six!

The people on the side gloated and said to the leader:"Hahahaha, it's up to you to choose the leader first! Remember, don't choose first next time (he deliberately dragged out the long sound)" The leader walked towards Jiang Chen's tent with a little fear. Go. Just when he was about to call out, Jiang Chen walked out.

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes and said to the leader:"If you don't sleep at night, why do you want to come to my tent?"

The leader immediately made a decision to speak out:"What, Jiang Chen, they said they wanted to kill him at night. Demon, can you walk now?"

Jiang Chen said to him in surprise:"Are you sure? There are more demons at night than during the day."

The leader immediately said when he saw something going on:"It's okay, we are not in a greenhouse. The flowers must be fine!"

Jiang Chen looked at such a determined leader, sighed and said:"Okay, just pack up and set off immediately."

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