If he wants this space key, then I will snatch it away. It is absolutely impossible for me to let him get what he wants."

At this time, Panlong also secretly made up his mind. No matter what, he would not let Jiang Chen auction this space key.

Then Huo Qilin, who was on the side, seemed to have noticed the situation on Panlong's side. Immediately afterwards, Huo Qilin quietly reached Jiang Chen's ears and said some words to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen naturally knew what Huo Qilin said. I'm afraid he might come here this time. Panlong's real purpose is to come here for himself. He didn't expect that he would be so famous. But now that Panlong is here and wants to bid with it for the item he likes, it's just like hitting an egg with a rock. Maybe, after all, Jiang Chen came here this time.

But he came here with the mentality that he must get it, and he brought a lot of his own money here. For this space, if he has the confidence to compete with At the same time, Panlong didn't know that Jiang Chen was very well prepared. Now Jiang Chen had already raised a very high price. Panlong only stepped onto the stage at this time.

Immediately afterwards He greeted the founder of the auction affectionately, then returned to his seat and shouted out a very high amount. This amount was higher than Jiang Chen's last bid. Ten times more came out.

Seeing this situation, serious expressions appeared on everyone's faces, but one after another no one dared to bid.

Because they knew that if they continued, it would be equivalent to fighting Panlong. On the contrary, no one is willing to argue with Panlong in a place like this, so when Panlong sets out the price, they know that this item will definitely belong to Panlong in the end, and all instructions are ignored by everyone. What I know is that now, Jiang Chen is raising the price together with Panlong.

Everyone dare not breathe, but when he was a doctor, Jiang Chen directly raised the price. At this time, the price has been rising. , after noticing this, Panlong felt very angry in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Chen also turned his gaze to the faces of the people present, and saw that all the faces were shocked. Obviously, there was no Thinking that Jiang Chen would actually do such a thing, isn't he deliberately looking for trouble? Therefore, everyone in the audience began to talk.

"Okay, I really didn’t expect that someone would dare to worry about Panlong. I don’t know what this man’s background is. I guess Panlong will definitely not let him go easily this time. I want to see what this man can do. What kind of ability do you have?"

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't pay any attention to what these people present said, and he directly started shouting for a fixed price. He shouted to the limit. In the end, the price was really too high, so of course this one was given by Jiang Chen. The price was taken.

After the price was taken, everyone was shocked. They did not expect that Jiang Chen would be such a person, and that he would have such a powerful ability. Seeing this situation, Jiang Chen was stunned. He didn't say any more words. After all, this was the situation he was facing now, and Jiang Chen wouldn't say anything else.

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