After this item was auctioned, Jiang Chen did not continue to argue about it, but prepared to find the auctioneer. After taking the item here, he wanted to leave. After all, Jiang Chen did not want to continue to talk too much to Panlong here. If so, he didn't want to deal with Panlong, but Panlong already felt very angry in his heart.

Jiang Chen directly took away what he wanted in front of everyone. Wasn't this an obvious way to make Panlong look embarrassed? Thinking of this, Panlong smashed the table with an angry punch. However, seeing his angry look, Panlong quietly put his mouth to his ear, and then lowered his voice to talk to him. He opened his mouth and told some strategies.

After hearing such a plan from his subordinates, Panlong naturally felt very happy. Then he decisively snapped his fingers and immediately asked his subordinates to get started on the matter.

"You're right, go get it now."

After the people below heard the news that Panlong had made such an announcement, they did not wait any longer. Instead, they decisively turned away and took action quickly. No one knew what he wanted to do now. At this time, The person under his command did not wait any longer. Instead, he came to the back of the auction house and quietly stole the thing containing the key to this space. Now Jiang Chen has paid the money and received the auction. After coming down, he only needed to get his own things, and then he went with the staff to get the key.

When he came to the room with the key, the staff searched all over the place but couldn't find anything. After finding the key, where was it? At this time, the staff member was so anxious that he was sweating on his forehead, but he still clearly remembered that the key was clearly placed in this place.

It was taken out and displayed just now, and later Why did the staff put it here suddenly disappear? Seeing this situation, the staff couldn't help but feel a little confused, but after searching around, nothing was found. Jiang Chen was a little anxious waiting outside the door.

He had already spent money, so what on earth were they doing inside? Then Jiang Chenjiao stretched out his hand and knocked on the door, asking the staff inside to hurry up. I am still waiting to get this key.

"Can you hurry up? I have already handed over the money. It is not too much for me to get the key now. There is nothing to miss you about this key. Let us pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. The money or two guns, Don't you understand yet?"

I also felt a little irritable in my heart, but after hearing Jiang Chen's words, this staff member also walked out, and then spoke to Jiang Chen in a somewhat embarrassed manner, telling him about the embarrassing situation he was facing now. The key was taken away, and after hearing him say such words, Jiang Chen suddenly felt very angry. After all, it made him feel like he had been deceived.

"What's going on? I came to you just to get the key, but now you tell me that this key has been stolen. Then you might as well tell me how your security work is done. This thing It is very important to me, and now you tell me that it is no longer there, so do you want to hold me responsible for this matter? Let me tell you that I am not such a dumb person. This is because you have to give me an explanation. You must be responsible for yourselves. Don't put the blame on me. I won't bear a scapegoat."

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