Raising swords.

Leon sat quietly in a sea of thunder and lightning.

There is no concept of time for a long time!

A thunder and lightning bolt tempered his flesh.

Leon at the moment.

Above the body, there is a blue and gold light one after another.

Thousands of thunderbolts flashed above his flesh.

Just like a thor!

And the thunder sea in the midst of the sword. It is also rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like heaven and earth.

It’s all gathered on Li Ang alone!

‘My celestial body… It’s almost become…’

Leon sat quietly.

He could clearly feel his own flesh. Under the hardening of thousands of thunderbolts.

It’s getting stronger!!

‘Collect! ’

Just at a certain moment.

With the thunder sea in the middle of the sword cultivation, after being absorbed by Li Ang!

Leon’s eyes.

Finally slowly opened!


Just a blink of an eye.

In his eyes. Lapis lazuli light, radiating out!

‘It’s time to leave…’


In the secret realm.

His Majesty Shenghui, and the two ancestors of Qingyang.

Sit quietly.

It’s been a week since Li Ang entered the Sword Raising Leaf!

“It’s been a week. This kid won’t die, will he? Old Ancestor Qingyang frowned, and said in an extremely low tone.

His Majesty Shenghui, his expression is embarrassed!

Right at this time!

In the entire secret realm, countless people!

It’s discovery!

Two pillars of light that run through hundreds of miles run out from the sword cultivation gourd!

Even the clouds above the void were instantly exploded.

“This… What’s going on?? ”

His Majesty Shenghui and the two ancestors of Qingyang. His expression frowned, and he hadn’t fully reacted.


Next moment!

A figure instantly came from the sword cultivation in that thunder pool. Flew out!

Turn into a cyan light!

Fly straight into the void!

Exactly Leon!


Above the void, Li Ang sat in a green shirt.

The expression was indifferent.

Just a wave of his hand: “Come here.” ”


Then I saw the sword raising gourd on the thunder pond. It turned out to be like an obedient child, shooting out. Flew towards Leon above the void.


That sword gourd turned into a palm-sized golden gourd.


Li Ang looked at the sword raising gourd in his hand and smiled. Hang it around your waist!

“This kid is out!”

As Li Ang flew out of that sword gourd.

In the entire secret realm, countless people are also looking at the void!

Leon at the moment.

With a light and cloudy posture, standing above the void, his hands behind him.

And that Holy Radiance Your Majesty. And after Qingyang Old Ancestor saw Li Ang, he also smiled. Get up slowly.

After waiting for so long, Li Ang finally came out!

“Hehe, you’re finally out…”

“I thought you were going to hide in that gourd for the rest of your life.”

“That being the case. You should die too. ”

His Majesty Shenghui sneered.

Looking at Li Ang in the sky, his voice was angry. Already getting a little husky!

Leon killed his beloved daughter and cut him off!

Such a great feud will definitely make Li Ang, his family, and even his dynasty pay a great price!!

“Who’s making noise?”

At this time.

Li Angcai lowered his head and saw His Majesty Shenghui and the ancestor of Qingyang below.

Gaze, like an ant!

“Then, you die first!”

Leon finished speaking.


Step by step, step by foot in the void. Stepping towards His Majesty the Holy Hui below.




Every step forward with Leon. At his feet, there was a cyan lightning that exploded, resounding throughout the heavens and the earth!!


Li Ang is standing on the void and stepping down!


One foot down!!

An incomparably huge thunderbolt exploded directly above the void. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a thousand-zhang thunderbolt and slammed into His Majesty the Holy Hui’s body.


That Holy Hui, His Majesty’s original expression was still full of pride!

Because, Leon is going to die!!

The imperial soldiers on Li Ang will also be his!


Just in the next second.

His Majesty Shenghui was stepped down by Li Ang and instantly disappeared. It turned into a puff of blue smoke, and even a scream was not emitted!

One kick, step on and kill a Tianyang Mirror Grand Master!!


In the secret realm.

All the warriors, their faces are blue.

A coldness swept through their bodies, too shocking. So much so that the corners of many people’s mouths can’t help but twitch!!

“This… Your Majesty the Holy Hui… Trampled to death by a kick?? ”

Li Ang was expressionless.

Step on the thunder and lightning, step by step towards the ancestor of Qingyang!

“It’s your turn.”

Qingyang Old Ancestor is also stupid!!

Especially when he saw His Majesty Shenghui, a living person in front of him. Directly turned into a puff of blue smoke.

Not even the ashes were left!!

“He… How is it so strong?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”

Let him roam the East for many years, at this moment!

That Qingyang ancestor’s legs were a little trembling!!

The next moment.

It turned out to be kneeling directly!!

“This… Immortals! ”

“I’m just an elder of the Shenghui Dynasty!!”

“It’s me who doesn’t have long eyes and offends the immortals!! I hope the immortals forgive their sins!! ”

Leon just shook his head.

Again, one foot down.

“No !!!”

“My cultivation!!”


That Qingyang ancestor was ready to use means to resist. It’s just that under the power of Leon’s thunder. There is not the slightest effect.

Directly by a monstrous thunderbolt, it was blasted into slag. Turn into bursts of blue smoke and dissipate invisibly!

‘Is this the power of the Nine Thunder Celestial Body? ’

‘If I break through to the Holy Body and the Emperor Body in the future… Wouldn’t it be even more invincible? ’

‘Time to leave. ’

Leon smiled.

Then he put his hands behind his back and stepped on lightning. Step by step, disappeared into the secret realm.

Only left, countless people in the secret realm.

Frightened, shocked to the extreme!

428 years of the Tianxuan calendar.

Li Ang and the secret realm of the underworld, killing the three major dynasties Tianjiao with a snap of his fingers. Stepping on thunder and lightning, he killed the two great grandmasters of His Majesty the Shenghui Dynasty and the ancestor of Qingyang.


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