Outside the secret realm of the Underworld.

After more than a month of searching, there are now treasures in the entire secret realm. Basically swept clean!

Countless people are also preparing to leave one after another.

“Did you hear that? A man named Li Ang in the depths of the secret realm. Kill the Tianjiao of the three super dynasties! ”

“Not only that, but even His Majesty of the Dark Saint Hui Dynasty. As well as the Qingyang Old Ancestor, who was famous for shaking the east, they were all killed by him! ”

“From birth to now… I’ve never seen anything like this…”

“It’s fake…”

Secret outside the box.

Li Ang’s deeds came out!

It was an instant detonation of the audience!

Countless people, talking a lot!

Absolutely impressive!



Chen Xueyao, the empress of the Great Yan Dynasty, and others. Hearing these news, I am also a little confused!

Chen Xueyao and the others entered the secret realm with Li Ang before. After they left the secret realm, they set up camp temporarily at the entrance of the secret realm and waited for Li Ang.

“They say Leon… Is it the one we know? ”

Great Yan royal family in the ranks. A guard also said.

Even Chen Xueyao is full of doubts in her beautiful eyes!

“Huh. It won’t. “At this time, the accompanying Great Yan Royal Family Elder Kun Yuan. He also smiled lightly: “Li Ang Xiaoyou’s strength is amazing. It’s just that Xiuwei is still in the Xuan Realm after all. ”

“That His Majesty Shenghui, and Old Ancestor Qingyang. They are all Tianyang Mirror Grand Masters, not to mention these two. It is the Tianjiao of the three super dynasties, and Li Ang will not be their opponent. ”

“That rumored Li Immortal. It should be Li Ang, who we know, has the same name. ”

Hearing Elder Kunyuan’s words, Chen Xueyao also nodded!

It seems that there is no mind to care about other things.

Smiled wryly and shook his head!

This time she came to this secret realm, just to look for an opportunity!

See if you can get rid of your own cold grievances.

It’s just that it seems.

Or is she too young.

In the secret realm, there are countless strong people.

Their Great Yan Dynasty’s men. Just at the edge of the secret realm, I got some gains.

“Serendipity? Hehe… I’m so naïve…”

Chen Xueyao bit her thin lip lightly. He smiled self-deprecatingly.

She is not yet twenty years old.

In the mood for love, the years have not yet arrived.

Originally, she was so talented that she even dreamed of one day. Be able to worship somewhere holy!

Now it seems.

Everything was just her dream.

“I have less than a month to live… This time. I want to spend time with my family, that’s enough…”

Chen Xueyao shook her head, in her heart. A decision has already been made.

At this time, it was late at night.

Countless people stayed on the plain in front of the secret realm, camping and resting. Get ready to leave at dawn.

And right now.

In the crowd!

There was an uproar!


One sound after another, it actually broke out!

“Seen… Li Xianren! ”

“I’ve seen Li Xianren!”

Countless Tianjiao present, expression adoration!

But more than that, it is a kind of respect for the strong!

“I’ve seen Li Xianren!”

In the camp of the Great Yan Dynasty. Many people are also extremely curious.

That Li Xianren who killed the three super dynasties Tianjiao in seconds and slashed the two Tianyang Mirror Grandmasters by stepping on thunder.

Who the hell?


When their eyes converged into the distance.

It’s just completely stupid.

Especially Chen Xueyao, she covered her small mouth incredulously, looking at the figure walking step by step in the distance.

The figure was a green shirt.

A golden gourd hangs from his waist.




Elder Kun Yuan beside Chen Xueyao was also covered in cold sweat.


Unexpectedly, that legendary Li Immortal!

It turned out that it was really their Great Yan Dynasty that arrived at Li Ang!

Li Ang walked out of the secret realm and turned his gaze.

In the end, the centaurs of the Great Yan Dynasty were discovered.

A few steps away.

“Elder. What do you think? Chen Xueyao hurriedly asked.

Elder Kun Yuan shook his head and sighed, “Now his strength… Far beyond me!! ”

“It seems… The greatest luck in this secret realm. He got it…”

“What a blessing for my Great Yan Dynasty… I am the Great Yan Dynasty. He actually coveted such a heavenly arrogance!! ”


Chen Xueyao also smiled when she saw Li Ang. He said, “Congratulations, Leon. ”

Li Ang nodded and looked at Chen Xueyao.


As soon as his finger stretched out, he lightly tapped on Chen Xueyao’s forehead.


Li Ang’s sudden somewhat intimate action made Chen Xueyao’s face blush slightly, and she just wanted to speak.

It’s just that I think that I have very little life left. Chen Xueyan suddenly became extremely lost!

Right at this moment.

Chen Xueyao suddenly felt that it was in her mind. It turned out to be an extra secret of the mental method of exercises!

She tried to cultivate a bit.

Just a loop!!

In the depths of her Dantian, there was a touch of cold and ice. It turned out to be… Some loose.

Although, just a little!

But it was clearly perceived by Chen Xueyao!!


Li Ang said slowly: “This time I will come with you to the secret realm of the Abyss. I owe a favor and give you a law. It can relieve your cold grievances! ”

Chen Xueyao’s beautiful eyes were full of shock!


She had thought. I am bound to die!

She was already desperate!

Didn’t expect it!!

What Li Ang gave her was the opportunity she had been looking for for many years!!

This… It’s like a dream, I can’t imagine it!

This moment!!

Chen Xueyao knelt down excitedly!

In the melting mood!

“Disciple Xueyao!”

“Meet Master!!”

“Thank you Master for giving me rebirth! From now on. Xue Yao is Master’s apprentice, who is to serve Master Zun for a lifetime! ”

“Also willingly!”

Meet a future Ice Emperor. He who is willing to serve himself for the rest of his life.

Leon’s pressure… A bit big!

(Ask for flowers, review votes).

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