East County. Yejia City Lord’s Mansion.



Li Ang and the others, after leaving the secret realm. Pass through East County, trimmed here.

In the Ye family hall.

A huge banquet is set up!

“Division… Masters! ”

Chen Xueyao looked at Hei Mi on the side. His face was a little red, and he finally called Senior Sister.

After all, Hei Mi was the first to worship under Leon’s door.

It can be regarded as Li Ang’s big disciple!

And Kuromi was in retreat before. It is also a successful breakthrough to the condensation realm. Now she has activated the Dark Blood Demon Pupil, and Chen Xueyan is clear about the cold ice grievance.

These two.

A future Darkblood Queen. One is the Ice Female Emperor!

With such talent, I’m afraid it won’t take long. The entire East Wilderness will respect these two people!

Wine over three rounds.

Li Ang suddenly sneered, and then said, “Hei Mi.” Tomorrow, you will follow Xueyao and go to the Great Yan Royal Family. ”

Seeing this, Chen Xueyao also hurriedly asked, “Master… Where are you going? ”

Li Ang said coldly: “Some things. It should be dealt with. ”

“See you in a few days, Heavenly Sword Sect!”

Leon finished speaking.

It was to leave the Ye family directly.

There was only a group of people left, with some doubtful eyes.

Hei Mi said at this time: “Master has always come and gone without a trace…”

“We want to follow him… It’s time to work hard…”

Hear Kuromi’s words.

Chen Xueyao also shook his palm. It seems to have made up my mind!

Leave the Ye family.

At this moment, it is almost early in the morning.

In the sky, there is already a faint light.

Leon walks on a quiet road in Julin City. Walking somewhere, he suddenly said coldly.

“A few old friends. I’ve been following me for a few days. ”

“Not seen in half a year. Just miss me like that? ”

Li Ang’s voice fell!

Brush brush brush!!

From the surrounding alleys. In the forest.

Even from the hotel loft in the distance!

It turned out to be a few black-clothed figures. Sneered and jumped out.




It turned out to be… There are fifty or sixty people!

These people, Li Ang knows all.

Heavenly Sword Sect!

Four Protectors!

Eight Lords!

Top 10 Blood Warriors!

The rest, all of them are Heavenly Sword Sect. Extremely elite disciples and members of the Guard!

Such a battle.

It can be regarded as the core strength of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Especially the four protectors.

The four Tongxuan Realm are complete!

Even when Li Ang was still in the Heavenly Sword Sect. I rarely see them, and I can’t see them!

And the top ten blood warriors are within the Heavenly Sword Sect. Kill the people on a grand scale!

Born for the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Die for the Heavenly Sword Sect!

It is a dead soldier cultivated by the Great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Just obey the orders of the Great Elder and his daughter Ye Sirou!

As for the eight commanders.

It’s Leon’s acquaintance!

“Hey, hey. Leon, you’re out of luck. Just returned to the Great Yan Dynasty, and was targeted by our people. Li Miao, one of the eight leaders, also smiled.

Once Li Miao. He is also one of Leon’s close friends.

However, later with Li Ang became a waste. Although Li Miao did not abuse Li Ang like Zhao Hu, it was just that. But it was not less embarrassing for Leon.

“You don’t know yet, do you? The Heavenly Sword Sect has already issued a blood killing order, our eyeliner. Spread throughout the Great Yan Dynasty, as long as you appear, we will find you. You think, you are disguised as a caravan. Can’t we find you? ”

Li Miao spat droplets, as if he had found Li Ang. For him, it was something that made him extremely excited.

Leon’s expression.

It’s getting colder.

Now even the eight bloodmen have come out to intercept him.

Seemingly… It was Ye Sirou, who gave the order!

Leon sighed.

“It seems that the death of the old sect master. That’s what you’ve done…”

Leon remembers. It was the old sect master who took him in. Arranged for him to become a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

At that time.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is thriving. Capable of many people!

Only, three years ago. The old sect master suddenly disappeared!

Heavenly Sword Sect, there is no atmosphere of the past!

“Hahahaha. That old thing, there is more than enough to die. Li Miao sneered, as if laughing at Li Ang’s ignorance: “The Great Elder and the Sect Master were with our cooperation back then. Intercepted the old sect master! ”

“You don’t know yet, do you? Leon, actually this time. There are many elders in the sect, and they don’t intend to let you die. Merely… Miss Sirou, but she secretly issued a blood killing order to you! ”

“As long as I kill you, there will be a reward!”

Another commander is also an acquaintance of Leon. The name is Chen Yan, and he also sneered: “So old friend.” This time you… You still have to die!! Die in our hands, and we can still get a reward. Hahaha… What a beautiful thing! ”

Li Ang’s expression did not change: “Oh? That doesn’t know… My head, how much is it worth? ”

“Miss Sirou said.”

“Cut off your head. Reward a million spirit stones and become an inner seat elder! ”

“Pluck your heart and reward you with a million spirit stones. Become an Elder of Nesina! ”

“Cut off limbs and reward 500,000 spirit stones. Become an Outer Elder! ”

“You… Really worth the money!! ”

Another disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect sneered, “You don’t know yet, do you? The day after tomorrow, it is Miss Sirou. I got married to the young master of the Qingmen Sect…”

“A few of us, we’re going to lift your head back. Count it as the biggest gift to Miss Sirou!! ”

Hear the words of this group.

Li Ang finally shook his head slowly.

“I thought. You will also have some humanity…”

“Now it seems. I was wrong… I was completely wrong. ”


Li Ang’s hands were a little trembling.

“Hahaha, scared?” Li Miao sneered.



He thought that Leon knew he was going to die and was afraid.

Li Ang shook his head.

“I just thought of killing you… I just trembled with excitement…”

“You don’t know yet… When my hands are shaking… Just kill! ”

There was a dead silence!

Countless people looked at Li Ang with a fool-like expression!!

“Hahahaha!! Homicide?? ”

Li Miao laughed maniacally!!

“Leon, you won’t be scared stupid…”



Just when the voice had not yet fallen.

His voice stopped.

His smile stopped.

Li Miao’s body remained motionless.

It’s like it’s stiff!

It’s not just him.

Chen Yan beside him.

And several other commanders, all froze.

“Commander Li Miao?”

A disciple in the back asked.

The moment his voice fell!

Damn it!!

Li Miao’s head fell off instantly!


It was Chen Yan’s head.

Subsequently, several other commanders followed.



One head after another, like dominoes!

Landed one after another!

Blood flying!




Especially above that fierce, headless corpse. Blood flying!

Like a fountain!


“The Eight Commanders… He’s dead?? ”

The people in the audience were instantly confused!!

In an instant, a complete chill spread throughout their bodies!!



“You guys, why are you killing me?” Li Ang asked coldly.

Finish talking!

Grab it in the air and grab a spatular of knife gas. Throw it forward!


The heads of the four protectors flew out by the way!!

“I have no grudge against you… You guys… But they want to kill me!! ”


The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect present were completely dumbfounded.


Countless disciples, guards. Seeing that even the four protectors were beheaded by Li Ang’s blow!

Frightened screams and wails!!

Out of one’s wits!!

It’s like seeing a ghost!!

Their nerves were completely detonated at this moment!

Close to crashing!!

It’s just that they haven’t waited for them to react.

On their necks, a bloody mark was made.



One by one, the heads fell off in less than a moment.

The whole alley, finally quiet.

And the faces of those who died were condensed with deep fear.


And, unbelievable!!

Before they died, they couldn’t believe it. What a horror I have experienced!!


Leon sighed.

Gaze, look into the distance.

Slowly said.

“It seems.”

“It’s time to return to the Heavenly Sword Sect.”

“Some things. To liquidate. ”

“Some people. To kill! ”

(Nearly 3,000 words.) Continue tomorrow, ask for flowers, review votes).

(The later plot will not disappoint everyone.) Kneel for flower data, the more you cast flowers, the more passionate the author is, and write a good plot!! Please!! )

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