Zhongzhou border barrenness, above.

One after another, clusters of light, at a speed that is imperceptible to the naked eye, shuttled through the clouds and mist.

It was Li Ang and the holy sons of the Xuantian Holy Land.

It has been a week since leaving the Xuantian Holy Land.

It’s just that even Li Ang and the others are all Yuan God Realm and Void God Realm cultivators.

It took a week, but I just left the East Wilderness.

This time, there were a hundred people traveling in the Xuantian Holy Land.

In addition to Li Ang and other holy sons, there were also a number of profound elders in the Xuantian Holy Land. All of everyone’s cultivation is not lower than the Void God Realm.

Such a lineup, if it is placed in the East Wilderness.

It is enough to start a sect and become a top sect of a generation!



When Li Ang first entered the Zhongzhou territory, he couldn’t help but exhale deeply.

Just stepped into Zhongzhou for a moment.

It was as if you had stepped into a brand new world, and the spiritual aura of heaven and earth was extremely rich. That degree, more than dozens of times beyond the Eastern Wilderness!

“No wonder there hasn’t been a top powerhouse in the East Wilderness all these years. There are too many such heavens and earth. ”

Li Ang couldn’t help but shake his head.

As far as he knew, the Eastern Wilderness lacked spiritual energy. Creation is scarce, and luck is rare.

The fundamental reason is that the Eastern Wilderness has not had an emperor realm powerhouse for too long.

Later, people could not enjoy the creation of heaven and earth brought by the strong people of the emperor realm, which made the Eastern Wilderness continue to fall. Finally, it will become the last existence of several wastelands!

‘It’s been some time since I broke through the Xiaoyuan God Realm. ’

‘The assembly of the gods, I don’t think it will be calm. I still need some opportunities to help me break through to the Great Yuan God Realm.”


Li Ang thought the same in his heart.

It’s just that heaven and earth are so easy to get. Ever since he set out, he’s been scanning his surroundings.

‘Still not. ’

Leon and the crowd. Just flew over a small island sea.

Li Ang also shook his head helplessly.

Be prepared to speed up and reach your destination first.

Right at this moment!!

A prompt sounds!

‘Hidden information? ’

【Desert Island】

[Hidden information: Abandoned for 10,000 years, the ‘essence of the earth’ is buried deep inside the island, left for the time when the generation of great emperors and strong people are in retreat and retreat, and given to those who are destined! ] After devouring, the cultivation is greatly improved! 】

[Hidden message 2: If you don’t take it, after three months.] There will be an ordinary sect disciple passing by here to rest, get the essence of the earth by chance, cultivate with the Divine Sea Realm, directly break through to the Void God Realm, and become a child of luck! 】


See this scene.

Li Ang’s expression was also a little excited.

“Son of luck? Sorry for your luck. I want it! ”

The essence of the earth, Li Ang has also heard of it!

It is said that it contains an extremely strong earth aura, which is a great wonder of heaven and earth.

If Li Ang is going to get it, it is enough to break through to the Great Yuan God Realm!

‘Come and go whatever you want. ’

At this time!!

Li Ang also stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Li Chanxuan on the side hurriedly asked.

Li Ang said, “I will meditate here for a few days, and I will go to you before the Celestial God Assembly begins.” ”

“Rhubarb, go.”

As soon as Li Ang slapped the sword gourd and a golden undead bird, he appeared directly in front of Li Ang.

Leon stepped on the undead bird and flew directly towards an island below.


Li Ang said to go, Li Chanxuan looked at Li Ang’s back, and finally shook his head helplessly.

“Li Ang Shenzi has such a personality, he comes and goes without a trace.”

“Let’s go to the main city of Zhongzhou first.”

After speaking, a group of people from the Xuantian Holy Land. It’s about moving on into the distance.

But said Leon.

After leaving the army of the Xuantian Holy Land, he directly stepped on the undead bird and descended on the desert island below.

This is the moment.

The entire desert island area, monsters are rampant!

Not close yet. It is possible to feel an extremely violent aura gathered here.

“Sure enough, it is a treasure land, no wonder such demon beasts have gathered here.”

“It’s a pity that this group of animals has limited vision. The true secrets of this deserted island cannot be discovered. ”

Leon said.

It is to jump directly and turn into a golden light.

Directly to this deserted island!


With the arrival of Leon’s foot on the golden crow.

On the entire desert island, countless demon beasts also roared in a low voice.

Subsequently, countless demon beasts. It seems to be extremely jealous and far away.

“Rhubarb. I’m going to go on retreat for a week. ”

“During this time, don’t let the monsters disturb me.”

Li Ang said lightly.

“Hey! Rest assured, master! ”

At this moment, rhubarb is also flapping its wings!

On this small island, there are countless demon beasts.

And now Big Yellow’s cultivation has reached the peak of the Void God Realm. These monsters are for it!

Simply the best food!

After the explanation.

Leon just doesn’t talk nonsense.

Stand directly on top of a boulder.

Grab a knife qi in your hand. Transformed into a brilliant golden light. Towards the island below, slash down!



A sword is cut out, as if the gods had descended.

The monstrous golden air, even the sunshine, is covered!

With Leon’s sword falling!

The whole island is trembling violently!!



Subsequently, in front of Leon,

An incomparably huge crack, full of thousands of feet. It is to crack quickly and extend towards the end!

In a blink of an eye!!

The entire desert island was actually split in two by Li Ang!

Above the sea with a radius of thousands of miles, there are waves one after another!

Even the clouds above the sky. It’s all exploded instantly.

So that countless families and sects in Zhongzhou around it.

When I noticed this scene, I was extremely shocked!

“Such a strong knife qi, it is thousands of miles apart. You can detect it! ”

“This… Who is the high-ranking person who came to the border of my Zhongzhou? ”

“What a big momentum!”

“I heard that the conference of the gods is about to open. Could it be the demons of several other wastelands? ”

Right at this moment.

The desert island cracked, a cloud of golden gas. Shine incomparably.

Just inside that small island, there was a huge golden mass. It shimmers with golden energy and a rich aura.

Look far away. Like a giant golden egg!

“This is the essence of the earth, right?”

Leon saw this.

Immediately, he stopped talking and sat directly cross-legged on a boulder.

And the earth spirit energy on the essence of the earth turned into wisps of golden mist. Constantly gathering towards Leon!

‘It’s one step away from the Great Yuan God Realm. ’

‘If I break through to the Great Yuan God Realm. With the immortal body, you can push all the way, so that the gods of several other wastelands can see Li’s means! ’

‘If there are other gods of the wasteland. Dare to stop me, you can kill with a snap of your fingers! ’

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